Review of past events of the Planning Commission staff report and announcements again departments that. I have no report for you at this hearing could that places under commissioner matus. Item 3 president s report and announcements ive no reported item 4, consideration of adoption for the store Preservation Commission Interview Committee meeting of july 15, 2015. Any comments or considerations . Does any member of the couple public wish to comment on the draft Meeting Minutes of july 15 . Seeing none, we will close Public Comment. Another motion to approve . I moved to approve the minutes second thank you commissioners on a motion to adopt the minutes for july 15, commissioner hasz metadata, pearlman, ionin, and commissioner pres. Wolfram yes that motion passes unanimously 70 and places us on item 5. Commission comments and questions. Any disclosures . Commissioner johnson i have a question about the place making newsletter. Thats an interesting we got an email about it. I was curious, for instance, ivan interesting speech on getting to a conference in savanna georgia in october, which is a concept im developing, linkage between Maritime Archaeology in terrestrial Historic Preservation in other words together. Is that the kind of thing . Is that considered a news item or you want to just keep itactivities of the commissioners . Show. We would welcome any information you have on the presentation and ill forward it to our communications manager, who will followup with you right commissioner pearlman i just want to say i time to read the significant amount of it the newsletter, and its very well done and its a very impressive newsletter. So thank you to the department. Great. Seeing no other comments will move on. Commissioners, that will place us under you were continuous calendar, item 6 case number 2014. 1386. The Civic Center Cultural landscape inventory is proposed for continuance to september 16. 2015 ive no speaker cards so, this item mr. Fry commissioners, i want to give you a quick update on our most recent continuance of this item. I am happy to report we received the final draft of the cultural netscape survey. With all of the commissioners comments and mr. Hasz comments address and were currently reviewing again we think its good to go. In addition to that we found there was a, the necessity to include a Little Information about the social and Cultural Heritage of the civic center plaza. Most importantly, its recent history. So, we just recently entered a contract with arg to provide Additional Research during that her back of significance. So, its really from the 1960s to about the late 1980s, early 1990s. With that, we hope will be finished in a relatively short period of time. But, we are prepared to bring the cultural netscape survey complete, as you most recently reviewed it to the september 16 hearing if you wish to review it at that time. If you would like to wait for the Additional Research for civic center plaza, we could always bring most items to you together at a future hearing. But i want to let you know at least the first component is complete. Questions . Does any member of the public wish to speak on the matter of the continuance of this item . Seeing none, will bring it back to the commission. Do i have a motion to continue . Almost into continue to september 16 this item. Second thank you commissioners on a motion to continue item 6 to september 16, 2015 commissioner hasz johnck Johns Masuda Pearlman hibblen and commissioner pres. Wolfram that motion passes unanimously, 70 voices you under regular calendar. Per item 7, case number 20150041 case number 2015004168. Des at 350 university st. This is a landmark designation. Good afternoon, commissioned my name is Shannon Ferguson Planning Department staff gave him here to present the dependence recommendation regarding landmark designation of the university mold old ladies home located at 350 regarding landmark designation of the university mold old ladies home located at 350 university st. The building was added to the landmark Designation Program on october 8, 2014. Landmark designation was initiated on may 20, 2015. The current building that you see here is constructed in 1931, 32 and colonial revival style. Replace in Brazil Building constructed in 1875. The home was originally called the old ladies home. Named after james lick left 100,000 and is filled to start a retirement home for elderly women of modest means. It was in business at this Current Location for 130 years and in 2014 was purchased by genesis and they continue to operate a convalescent nursing home in the building today. The home is architecturally significant as embodiment of the characteristics of the colonial revival style and represents the work of master architect martin j risk and offered i copied. The. Of significance was 19312014 representing the construction date of the current building to the time period it was owned by the universityits been suggested that period of significantly change from 1931, two 1980. So that incompatible alterations are not captured in that significant state. The building does retain a high degree of integrity. Its undergone very few alterations during that time period. Theres character defining features on page 24 of the landmark designation report. Character defining features such as the living room dining room, and located areas historically publicly accessible. Staff has updated the designation report to include an appendix with a brief history of retirement and evolution in the Architectural Design of retirement homes. Also of note, Department Staff and commissioners from island wicks and johnck met with them at the site and were given a tour of the property. Given the residence or support the designation and supervisor campos has also expressed support. The department believes the building meets the established eligibility requirements and landmark status is wanted. The diamond recommends designation to the board of supervisors. Thank you. Any questions . Questions . Seeing no questions, when we take Public Comment on this item. Any member of the public wish to comment on the designation of the University Mound old ladies on . Seeing none, will and bring it back to the commissioners. I would like to report about our visit today. As ms. Ferguson said, commissioners johns myself this right in this ferguson all visited the site. We met with madeirafounder of a song with the executive director i think of the particular site, that particular building. As well as david ross fromwho is their architect for some proposed rehabilitation. They stress some concern about the flexibility of them to make changes in the future to accommodate accessibility issues were coding issues. We walked them through the designation reports. They seem to be amenable to designation. They did not express, i guess, i would say theyre fairly neutral. I drove the other commissioners had a sense of i think there were more comfortable they were comfortable. We also met talk to a few of the residence there as well and a tour of the facility which ms. Ms. Ferguson said has great integrity. They are planning to make some changes to improve accessibility at certain locations. We also discussed the potential of changing the front landscaped terrace so that was more accessible. I know theres a set of steps from the building to the driveway. They said they were exploring different ways to that of larger outdoor patio for residents that might change the landscaping in the front setting. Then, the potential batting elevators in the reader, changes they were alsoi was a the one area that they were discussed the most were the ceilings, the painted stenciled ceilings and whether those could be readily retrofitted to include sprinklers and lighting and other features and whether they might consider putting a drop ceiling instead. That was one area that was discussed. Then, we finally discussed the role of the farc. Should this designation be approved. They would have the resources of va rc to come forward to discuss the potential design changes. Does that actually are flat as far as im concerned. Except there was one thing that. There was initially, i thought, some ambivalence on their part and some real questioning, but would we be able to operate this home if its a landmark . What would this really do . How flexible are you . It seemed to me that was a pretty insightful as to what goes on in the minds of wellmeaning people who have never encountered a stork Preservation Commission before come and probably hurt too many stories about the hbc destroying every ounce of economic value and other peoples property. As we talked, they seem to warm to the idea and they are really interested in exploring with us what could be done to preserve the parts of the building that are really worth preserving, but would allow the building to operate in the way that it could be economically sustainable. So, i think that what i got the feeling that they really want to work with us and it might there could be some real benefits to having them on board with this landmark. I wonder ms. Ferguson as he could walk us through. There was some changes that need to be made based on what we saw today and also mentioned the corrections that i talk to you about earlier. Based on our site visit today, there have been some features that have been removed already that were called out in the character planning features in the reports. Those include some light fixtures in the living room. I believe the dining room and in the chapel that have already been removed and replaced with contemporary light fixtures. We do believe thosethey were original fixtures that been removed. So, that would need to be room changed and the character defining features. Was there any indication the ones that were taken away still exist . Undergone . Unfortunately, they are gone. The ones in the chapel may still be around and could potentially be rewired and reinstalled if they are still available. Commissioner johns i was curious with the concerns of the owner and maybe ask you if you foresee any particular difficulty. In my expense this is been on the commission, we have been flexible according to the purpose of the facility allows for changes to support the facility and its functions. So i wouldnt necessarily be worried about that. However, if the owner, i guess, were to be prudent to us watch the owner if there are some plans, or ideas that they have for changes, would be prudent to have a meeting with them to further bring them on board. Would that be wise . That would be my question. Which would mean maybe a continuance, if there was support for that idea. Or, if we do prove if we do approve it now i think would be prudent to meet with them if they have some changes they want to make it or maybe they dont have a plan out . I dont think it really drawn out yet. The Planning Department,when was this originally provided to the owner . This is been in their hands for a lot while . Yes. Bulimic designation was provided to them well before the initiation hearing on may 20 so, the Planning Department has done quite a bit about reach and i think today perhaps was the first meeting were we had all the parties involved. So, weve if we were to continue the item, im not sure what, whether there would be a real benefit or not. I dont know. Gemini thoughts about that . Commissioners, jim frey Department Staff. My thoughts earlier after discussing some of these conceptual plans with property owners, that they could really benefit from some design advice from Architectural Review Committee no landmark designation i think would go a long way in facilitating that. So, by the time they come to us with a permit or project or requested we can bring them directly to your Design Committee to give them the type of feedback. And guidance that i think they could benefit from. I have noim ready to move commissioner hyland looks i dont think we need to continue this. I was impressed with a cared about the building as well as the function in the building. It was under threat about a year ago and this age song brought in some investors to purchase the building and to keep it in its current use and they even said, at one point, all the character defining features that we were explaining to them that were important, they also felt were important and intuitively would Pay Attention to those things. That being said, i think we do have some challenges, and so would be definitely beneficial for them to bring not only before the a rc, potentially have a preservation consultant work with them on some alternatives to the strict building codes. Great. Yes, im ready to move the designation. That motion after motion . That the motion. Im ready. I move. Okay. Second commissioners move the motion to adopt the recommendation for approval on a motion commissioner hasz, johnck johns matsuda, Pearlman Hyland looks, wolframyes that motion passes unanimously 70. Can i go back to number six or something about the calendar . Number five we can reopen commission matters i just wanted to look at august 19 and theres one item in that september 2 theres nowhere comes. Im wondering from the staff at things coming up . We talked about having these 20 min. Meetings that if we could combine some items to other mediums, that would be quite helpful. Commissioners, there are number of items especially informational presentations on your august 19 calendar. But i dont know any advanced calendar. To my knowledge, it might be an opportunity to cancel the first hearing in september. I think sec. Ionin was discussing discussing that with commissioner wolfram when we wait till august 19. Thank you, then. Hearing adjourned. [gavel] hello and welcome to me your District Supervisor. Were here with supervisors got scott wiener. He started his first term this january. We are going to get to know him and talk about the issues facing the city. Welcome. Thank you for joining us today. Tell us about your background, where you grew up, went to school, and what kind of jobs to have had. I grew up in the philadelphia area, in new jersey. I went to school up and down the east coast. I went to undergrad at duke university. I went to law school at harvard. After clerking for a judge, i came out here in 1997. I have been here for the last 14 years. I have always lived in the castro. I am an attorney. I started out in private practice. I settle private law firm during complex commercial litigation. In 2002, and moved over to the sentences the City Attorneys Office where i worked on the trial team doing trials for the city, handling my own cases, and supervising a team of attorneys as well. Why did you choose to live in San Francisco . I always assumed i would go back to the philadelphia area since that is where my family is. I was always interested in San Francisco in terms of what it is as a city, its culture, its amazing Lgbt Community. I came out here for a summer, fell in love with it. I have been interested in politics since i was a kid. I worked on campaigns as a teenager. I was involved campaign against senator jesse helms when i was in college. When i cannot hear, and was not initially involved politically. When i came out here, i was not initially involved politically. I helped to build the Lgbt Community center. I started doing campaigns. I gradually got involved in Democratic Party politics. I got involved in the alice b. Toklas democratic club. I ran for the Democratic Central Committee in 2004. I ended up sharing the committee. It was a gradual process for me. By the time i started thinking about running for supervisor, it made sense because of my involvement in the community and in politics. What did you learn from campaigning for supervisor . I learned a lot. I knocked on about 15,000. I knocked about 15,000 doors. I met a huge number of people. That is the best way to learn about the neighborhood, the city, and what people want and what their concerns are. I feel i can do so much more than before and started campaigning. I feel like i know so much more than before i started campaigning. Were all part of the left on the national standard. I am a good liberal democrat. In the San Francisco spectrum, and probably considered more middle of the road. I am probably considered more middleoftheroad. I am very independently comes to the issues. I do not vote the party line. A judge each issue on its merits. That is how i am. What do you feel are some of the biggest issues facing San Francisco now . The budget is the most imminent issue. We do have a structural budget deficit in the city. We need to deal with the short term balancing of the budget in a way that does not decimate basic City Services that people rely on but also to address our long term structural budget deficit. That means implementing budget reforms that will smooth out the budget process so that it is not a boombust process. That means reforming our pension and retiree system so that they are stable and do not drain the general fund. That is a big aspect of it. Another huge issue is the deferred maintenance on our infrastructure. We have a lot of infrastructure that has been deteriorating because we have not maintained properly. That includes roads, sewer systems, muni. We need to be much more diligent about maintaining our infrastructure. Some of the big citywide issues that impact the district include transportation. We had more muni service and some other districts. It is not always reliable. Some of the major bus lines in the district are not reliable. We have Major Projects like the renovation of delores park. It is an opportunity to define what the park is and what changes we want to make to it. That is going to be and port project, the same thing with glen canyon that is going to undergo a lot of work. One of the most challenging parts of the new District Supervisor is that we elect the supervisors by district. It is very important to Pay Attention to the district, be engaged in the projects in the district. We also represent the whole city. Any District Supervisor that focuses on the district without addressing the citywide issues is not doing his or her job. Every day, i make sure i am working on the major citywide issues and the district issues. I try to be disciplined about that. How will you approach the tough choices . I think we have to start by looking at the most critical City Services that we cannot do without. What are the ones that if they deteriorated, we will pay the price on . Public safety falls into that category as a basic critical service. Transportation, making sure we have the functional muni is critical. Core Public Health Services Like dealing with mental on this on our streets with Mental Illness on our streets. If we do not provide services, we will pay the price. It works out from there in terms of budget priorities. With your plans on dealing with homelessness . It is homelessness in general and behavior on the streets. We need to make sure people have access to services. I was a supporter of putting the money we taking the money were putting into the system to provide housing. We need to make sure people have access to services. We need to make sure that we have standards of behavior on our streets. Most Homeless People did not cause any problems on our streets. They are a small group the causing problems. We need to make sure we have the standards of behavior. There are some kinds of behavior that are not ok and they need to report that. She mentioned Housing Needs. What are the Housing Needs . How should the board of supervisors address these . There are a few different areas we need to address. Housing affordability or lack there of is a major challenge for the city. It is harder to afford housing in the city if you are lower or middle income. We need to address that. I want to focus on work force housing. We do a good job of generating high in housing. We can always do better. We do a decent job providing lowincome housing. We do a terrible job providing housing for lower middle class and middleclass people, people who are working and paying taxes. We need to have them here for a functioning economy. I am looking for ways to fund more of that kind of housing, particularly for a central employees like teachers, nurses, first responders. We need to make sure that our development is a transit oriented. We do not want to encourage suburban sprawl. We want to do infill housing so that people can live near where they work and near Public Transportation. Lets talk about Public Transportation. Is there adequate muni service in your district . What is the parking and traffic situation like . Muni is not near where it needs to be. In the caster, we have the subway. In the castro, we have the subway. A can be terrific or frustrating. We are next to the bart line. In other parts of the district, is unreliable. The writeridership is lower bece of unreliability. Other lines are not as frequent and people not think of using them. We have a particular problem in diamond heights. The neighborhood is served primarily by the 52 line. It is incredibly unreliable. The buses miss runs. For awhile, muni was ending service at 9 00 or 10 00 at night. It is up on a hill. Without service, it is isolated. Another thing i am working on is trying to get more taxis onto the street. A worldclass taxi system is a complement to any Public Transportation system. How do you think the Police Department is doing . Do you have any thoughts on how the city is dealing with crime . I was a big supporter of chief gaston. I think he will do a great job in the district attorneys office. Part of me was sad to see him go from the Police Department. He had come in and started modernizing the department. Its technology a lot of different changes that needed to happen but were not happening until he came in and start of the department on the right path. It is critical that whoever the next chief of police is continue that modernization of the department. It will have benefits citywide. In my district, we have Public Safety challenges. The district is often viewed as a safe district. We do have violence. We had a bunch of violence around delores park last year. There have been robberies in glen park and parts of the valley. There have been shootings in diamond heights. One of the challenges is making sure that the Police Department understands that even though we may not have the same crime levels as some neighborhoods, we still need attention from the Police Department. Lets talk about the citys economic development. Are we on the right track . What would you like to change about the approach to developing the economy . We are getting better. The city as got more proactive about attracting businesses and new industries and providing incentives for them to come and stay here. It is still a very expensive place to do business in terms of the cost of labor, land. We need to make sure that we are not taxing businesses to the point that it is not profitable and we are not attractive for them to be here. We need to reform our payroll tax. That is an incentive not to create jobs. I know the board president david chu is working on possibility this there possibilities there. I look forward to working with him. Weve targeted efforts to revitalize areas and bring industries here with the tax holiday and proposal introduced yesterday relating to parts of the tenderloin to provide some payroll tax relief to encourage businesses like twitter and others to go there. The governor has proposed eliminating funding for redevelopment agencies. What is your opinion of the plan . What are your thoughts on the value of redevelopment agencies . I think the plan is over broad. I do not support it as it relates to San Franciscos model of redevelopment. Our Redevelopment Agency does tremendous work in San Francisco. A lot of projects like Treasure Island and what is happening in hunters point, those kinds of projects would be difficult to achieve without redevelopment. A Redevelopment Agency is the largest source of Affordable Housing creation in the city. It has been a huge asset. I understand there are other parts of the state where redevelopment has a different model and is not as positive. There are types of unwise development. Redevelopment statewide is in need of reform. San francisco is a model for redevelopment and it needs to stay intact. Lets talk about the role of sports. Are you happy with the plans for the americas cup . Should the city spend money to keep the 49ers . I am thrilled about the americas cup. It will not just be an economic boom that creates jobs and long Term Economic development. It will help us shore up our aging and deterioration appears deteriorateing piers. It will help us clear of deferred maintenance. It will be a promotion for the city. People will see the panoramic views of San Francisco and want to come here. I would very much like to see fortyniners stay here. What that means, we will have to talk about it. I am not a big fan of Massive Public subsidies to sports teams. I think we should work hard to keep them here. Were almost out of time. Are there any other issues or concerns we have not discussed . Are there any other specific issues you plan to concentrate on throughout your turn . A couple that come to mind. I introduced in control legislation to make it easier for tenants displaced by fires or earthquakes or other disasters to find below market replacement meant rent while their apartments are being fixed. There are some aspects of our rent control laws that make it difficult to find those kinds of temporary accommodations at below market rent. I have been working with groups on legislation that introduced that will help there. I have also requested an Economic Impact study to be performed on the entertainment and nightlife industries. It is a very important economic and cultural sector in our city. We have never really taken a look at what it contributes to our economy. I think that is an important piece of information to have to guide policy making in the future. I have requested a hearing on the impact of Historic Preservation of other important policy goals in the city like creating Affordable Housing, having usable parks and libraries, etc. I want to look at how those different policies interact with each other. Those are a few things i am working on. We are out of time. We will have to wrap this up. Thank you so much for joining us. We have been talking to supervisor wiener from district 8. Watch for the next episode of need your supervisor. We will be back with one of our 11 city supervisors

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