Environmental review this is a bar that project has to be reviewed. Deputy City Attorney mirena burns so i think you framed it this way youre asking two separate questions what the standard for performing Environmental Review on a project when you have approved that are much later than the eir was done thats one question and the authority the commission has in reviewing this project given the approval happened almost 14 years ago im happy to speak to both questions i dont know the specifics of this questions or is Environmental Impact report but it is required later a determination by sarah jones as the Environmental Review officer as changes in circumstances or changes to the project or potentially mitigation measures alternative to the project depending on the initial eir eir ladies leads to new impacts my trigger an Environmental Review as far as the commissions authority until they receive their final Building Permit the project sponsors does not have a right to a permit they expire on august 15th so certainly in the commission wanted to take a look at the project it could calendar u calendar not today this is only an informational hearing it could schedule a future hearing. Thank you youve answered my questions are there any additional comments from the Zoning Administrator i think ms. Jones hinted by law not to any application they have to review what is applicable in today is situation in one sentence so i think this project will go through the process and detail will be and it is up to the commission to bring it back for further refugee appreciate that the Historic Preservation commission arrested, however, it takes persistence over that. Commissioner antonini. Yeah. That also City Attorney has answered my questions in addition Environmental Review i feel is needed in this thats what staffs position is i think in regards to the design it is a big improvement over what we had before particularly the rail levels is a much more attractive building in terms of how the building addresses its context in the neighborhood i think that is good, i would probably if theres a possibility to increase the unanimous amount stone and bring the windows smaller relative to the stones surface or whatever the surface between the windows are it might help it to fit in better with the Flood Building and the other buildings that set the context well ask project sponsor to continue work with staff on design but i think this is pretty close to be a nice looking building. Commissioner richards. I guess a question for the City Attorney do the entitlements expire will be come back cot commission. Deputy City Attorney mirena burns youll need to have a due process hearing to revoke the permit so if you want to do so you could schedule that for a future day. So to clarify when you had extended this in 2013, the language or language and condition that canned of extended it didnt does not automatic come back but as certainly the deputy City Attorney said to consider indication youll have to schedule that. Okay. Commissioner moore. I think everyone is interested in seeing something happen this is where the design is represented we need to ask the question whether or not all of the parts and pieces that normally come together after a time are in place and this is basically, the responsibility and authority of that commission to make sure they are and were not just sitting here talking about the studies. Commissioner richards. I guess my thought to wait and hear what ms. Jones comes up with and come back and say everything holds or not what we need to be before the 15th of august. Staff has reviewed this and the dr o has said this can move forward but i believe ms. Jones my understanding not found any commissioners, on that motion that warrant additional Environmental Review. Dispatching in speaking with the e go r o in addition to the architecture review today before that determination can be made note to file excuse me. Note to file an amounted to the ceqa determination or possible a new dea filed. Commissioners if i may she has to look at the actual drawings to see if it is consistent with the Environmental Review and see if the conditions have changed for a additional Environmental Review so youll ask her to update you and her determination. Thank you. Did you have sure with reuben, junius rose so clarification decision points on this in 2004 and 2010 and 2013 in terms of the extension they were they were additional environmental staff looked at what occurred and a couple of mitigation measures that were added and they still apply theres been when it comes to discuss so thank you. Thank you. If nothing further. Commissioners, the first item on your agenda for downtown monitoring reportreport monitoring report thank you. Good afternoon, commissioners my name is powell with the departments information and Analysis Group im going to briefly summarize the 14 downtown monitoring report we published last week thanks. So im sure youre aware of the downtown plan was passed in 2004 and in particular the c3 Zoning District in red as part of the plan were statutorily required to present reports for indicators and tops we put together every 5 years for this years report is 2008 through 2014 one of the indicators of economic vital we track is commercial vacancy rates as you can see for the region for the city and for different areas of downtown over the past seven years the rates start to rise in 2008 and 2010 before falling in San Francisco and downtown youll see a similar pattern in the other graphs in today is presentation this is 11 percent in 2009 and back down to 15 percent similar story for hotel vacancys as though average occupancy and average rate have religion 34 percent and now at 254. Prop m that was passed on the downtown plan in 1986 limits it to 550000 u thousand secret and to prevent downtown vacancy rate this show us the amount of strategy and the red line is the space allocated every year from 2008 to 20146. 14 million square feet was allocated and leaving square feet vacant at the end of the 2015 it is roughly one. 7 square feet. From 2008 to 2014 developers constructed one. 6 millions secret in the district over half was office space and other was hotel and retail and a small amount of commercial sorry cultural and educational made up the remaining 21 percent hotel and sales tax collection is Hotel Collection show the sharp rise in 2014 and gop good up to 2 hundred plus percent in 2008 annual business Tax Collections have increased 5 percent from 387 million to 600 million plus in 2014 part of that increase is due to a new business tax that took effect in 2013 but the city has grown the still level and downtown jobs have grown faster at 13 percent at the end of 2014 there were approximately, six hundred and thirty thousand in San Francisco thats at a high point the city added over 85 thousand jobs 40 percent to 2 hundred and 40 plus jobs are in the downtown compared to the city downtown has a higher proportion or proportion of jobs and the pdr for educational jobs this downtown plan sets a goal of a hundred thousand housing and as you can see the Housing Production dropped during the recession but since rebounded to post recession levels overless 2008 to 201414 thousand plus thousand units of housing produced citywide in our downtown residential districts it is a significant share of the new housing in and around downtown one potential impact of housing cult downtown as you can see downtown residents walk to work at higher rates than City Residents overall and workers that commute downtown are more likely to take transit transit ridership attracts employment and were seeing record riderships and bart and caltrain are seeing 12 percent higher respectfully. Luke the future we have about 3. 6 million square feet in the pipeline for the c2 district representing the pipeline of 12 million square feet two other major locations of office space is candle stick point and mission bay almost 44 units of housing are in the pipeline for downtown that is 10 percent of the total residential pipeline at 50 thousand plus unit the overall pipeline is the master plans on Treasure Island and lake merced and candle stick point and Hunters Point in the new section of the report covers some of the work our department does in and around downtown new commercial and Residential Development continues to shift to south and west of the financial district this section summarizes the key area plan and associated development in 6 as the report and data is available on the departments website and sfgovtv. Org with that ill be happy to answer any questions after Public Comment period thank you. Thank you. Okay opening it up for Public Comment ms. Hester. Busy day and sue hester the attorney for san franciscans reasonable growth who force the city to do the downtown plan were a thorn in the bush about 3 weeks ago the City Attorneys office i think it was Susan Cleveland knowles raised the question or made an observation that currently youre looking the whole formula of how many workers equals square feet equals one worker the Planning Department uses based on the downtown plan 2 hundred and 75 secret equals one worker that is how all the transactions are pegged housing fees transit fees childcare fees and other fees and the reality today is that we have paperless offices and office my consist of a person Walking Around with their laptop and sitting at a table instead of traditionally offices downtown that has a lot of paper in that so our formula is off by a hundred percent and my question is will you go think the record the Planning Commission and Planning Department staff on how soon youre going to have a hearing to change the formula you cant be operating with a formula that pushes all kinds of market rate workers into the workforce and no housing weve had a slump of housing fees clustering in salesforce they own two buildings and didnt pay the fees because of the housing crisis were still going through deferrals ive been on the board for a nonprofit Housing Organization for people that do the nonprofit housing theyve been starving for money theyve been starving foresight and as long as the Planning Department drags their heels about changing the formula people will pay half of what they should be paying at least half maybe worse marathon for childcare and housing it is your responsibility Susan Cleveland knowles i think it was susan about a month ago what are you going to do about it are you going to continue the mist myth that people are operating in a changed between that formula and a whole a lot of conversion are happening and not paying fees or tax drives me crazy thank you. I should not hint but thats the way it goes thank you. Any other Public Comment . Okay Public Comment is closed. Commissioner antonini thank you for an excellent report and theres a lot more under there than the summary i think everyone should try to read over the entire report it is very impressive what is different about this downtown report then what we saw in previous years theres been a report is that we have a fairly High Percentage of housing built in the c3 and downtown area one figure you quoted thirty percent of one particular reporting period and also that didnt take into account the large number of commercial buildings converted into residential i dont have the slide in front of me it is quite a large amount of Square Footage so has implications for prop m and the mrmsz for the amount of housing this is a city of Chicago Point we have to look at not only what is built new but what is being built provided by conversion that is encouraging youve noted with our 29 percent of the People Living in the area are walking to work is a huge improvement that was 7 or 8 percentage i forgot there is a twentyfour hour presence downtown i see it when i walk through the c3 and lincoln areas and seeing the number of people with children and strollers and general presence of people that live in the area out on the streets so it is a very encouraging the other thing you pointed out in the larger report was the potential for central selma i think we saw there is without zoning the possibility of 14 thousand square feet of residential i believe and i may have my numbers wrong but a huge number of 14 million ramp square feet of residential and 9 million of commercial thats a good balance we have the potential to build more Square Footage for residential than commercial which should address the concerns of the not enough hours for what were creating in office space and give us a spls if that area if it is zoned appropriately those are some of the figures that i was impressed with and also the fact our revenues are way up youve mentioned the hotel taxed San Francisco should be the center in the bay area of weve had scruple we see a trend of businesses moving back to San Francisco it make sense much of the workforce is here we have to encourage that it both sides well for the city and emptying economy and give us funding to do some of the things to improve the city thank you. Commissioner richards we im new to this after 10 months a question for the staff or director question talk about you know looking at nexus studies were changing the avenue, i guess every 5 years whats the process for refusing changing conditions like ms. Hester said about the square feet and the ability to change the fees is there a process. Were looking at those numbers right now part of the whole broad ranges of analyze we using different numbers in the central selma so, yes those numbers are being looked at. Commissioner wu. Can we ask more about the process i know we did a citywide nexus not too along and a Affordable Housing housing but no one else the nexus but the Feasibility Study also i dont believe ive seen that i wanted to understand the steps. The nexus study is underway trying to think through the process here we havent were not doing a Feasibility Study right now only a nexus study to understand the impacts on Affordable Housing we are but were looking at this number with respect to the housing limitation fee paid for Affordable Housing. Okay. Thank you. I wanted to make a comment i think this downtown plan was written at a time of concept commercial districts were being built is that accurate when we look at citywide it is important to look at the do you only or downtown plan a focus of putting jobs downtown and having protections for the neighborhood those seemed linked to the history and the neighborhood commercial district now and ct planning has preserved this i want to make a note another this report. Commissioners, if theres nothing further well move to general Public Comment time, members of the public may address the commission on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission except agenda items. With respect to agenda items, opportunity to address the commission will be afforded when the item is reached in the meeting. Each member of the public may address the commission up to three minutes. I have one speaker card. Rose hill son please. Good afternoon, commissioners i want to thank you all for the july 2nd hearing on the rules and regulations hearing submittal guidelines and to have a future meeting on in that portion i want to read into the record hundred and 46 words please snefrt this into the minutes a submittal guidelines timeline for mailing the documents to the publicity i public the flailed 14 day didnt give advanced noticed for the executive summary mr. Sanchez rush to adapt this knowing the snail mail is Ferry Building detailed up to 4 days creates a detail to the pickup public with environmental case reports not due until the packets are due this causes the public to be blind of timeline Sensitive Information planning and commission who serves the public should do you want cf n 16 days prior to twelve may 28 letter to allow the fair process and i even have copies for everyone thank you very much. Additional general Public Comment commissioners. Larry bad in her i wanted to add to director rams comments i worked with beven he was here from the early 90s he left in 1997 a wonderful artist some of you may have received an urban sketches of watercolors he was a nice guy some of the things set the foundations for current longterm planning we worked on transbay plan he set this was in the 4 and 5 and 6 the first initial thoughts on transbay and the the urban design i think that the transbay plan grows out of that it is not identical but the conception similar he developed the physical form of the transbay sites and transbay its fulsome boulevard the 25 foot sidewalk that was evans idea he the the downtown streetscape plan the first streetscape plan that the Planning Department did out of that develops green streets a variety of Different Things out of that developed the idea lets have restaurant seating on the sidewalks every time you guys sit outside you can thank evan we couldnt do that before he got the dpw the Health Department and planning and the Mayors Office to be involved and this demonstrates evans success not only a designer thinking about how the city should put together in a large way he managed to change the codes and get the Health Department they were

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