Creates our Housing Investment for existing neighborhoods and builds on the rehab thirty thousand homes by 2020 2015 avenue bond is a crucial canyon of our one. 250 millin dollar billion dollars 5 year Response Fund that will deliver more than 10 thousand 7 hundreds permanently affordable low and middleincome Affordable Housing thats why we need the Housing Accelerated Fund to attract and secure private Sector Investment in Affordable Housing ladies and gentlemen i know we can do all of this together we must continue to build housing thats affordable to people across youll protect spectrums in order to generate the revenues to build every o even more Affordable Housing over the next 2 hundred and 50 millin dollar years new Market Rate Development is anticipated to generate more than hundred Million Dollars in Affordable Housing fees that can be put to work to insure sites and build housing throughout the city with the success of how city we have a special opportunity to insure the prosperity of our city extends to all the residents i believe this is a balanced and responsible budget that not only security guards Vital City Services and affordable a budget that keeps our city save and solvent and successful well continue to invest in the diverse neighborhood in the infrastructure and most importantly in the people of San Francisco to make sure that we retain the city for everyone i take this opportunity to thank the group of people that have been working hard on this budget that is my budget staff led by kate howard clapping i also like to extend a warm thank you, again to the entire controllers staff led by Ben Rosenfeld that has been working alongside clapping and i would like to in anticipation thank each and everyone of the board of supervisors and house of representatives harvey rose and ladies and gentlemen, thank you, very much lets get this Budget Approved and lets get to work thank you we will call to order, the meeting of the Treasure Island, mobility agency, and i am scott, the chair of the Transportation Authority and today we will be conducting the first meeting and adopting rules and also electing a chair and a vice chair. If i could, before we do roll call, and entertain a motion to elect a temporary chair to conduct the first portion of this meeting commissioner breed . I make a motion to elect scott weiner as the temporary chair. Is there a second to that motion and could we take a roll call on that. A roll call on that motion. Sorry . First and a second . Okay. Great, and so, we will proceed. And mr. Clerk could you call the roll, for the meeting . On item one, roll call, avalos. Here. Breed. Here. Campos. Absent. Christensen. Present. Cohen . Absent. Farrell in absent. Kim . Kim, present. Mar . Mar, absent. Commissioner tang. Present. Weiner . Present. And commissioner yee. Present. And we have a quorum. Call item number two. Item two, executive directors report this is an information item. Miss chang . We will provide a brief overview of our Treasure Island meeting agency, meeting today as chair mentioned we will be setting up the administrative code and other rules for the agency and electing our chair, and vice chair. And for the members of the public the Treasure Island redevelopment plan has been under way for many years and so this is a culmination of ten years of of effort of the city family including the staff here at the timma from the beginning, the citys plans is to add 8,000 units of housing and development on the islands and recognize to avoid the congestion that is on the San Francisco open bay bridge and so as a result, the Treasure Island called for a majority of trips to be taken by nonautomobile modes and for the creation of a new Regional Transit system from the island to the east bay and the ferry here in San Francisco. And that provides the backdrop and context and we have the slides to adopt the goals that were adopted by the early, Treasure Island Authority Board and the significant increase in Transit Service that is needed to support the islands Development Needs to be backed by a committed and permanent source of funds by tolling and pricing and for this reason, senator, passed and led ab, 981, with governor schwarzenegger support in 2008 in the Transportation Management act, that authorized the program and the Transportation Management options for supporting Island Services and the acts called for the agency to be designated to over see the toll operation and to manage, the provision of the new Transit Services and the transportation, authority has had a long time partnership, and with the organization and including the construction of the island ramps project that is happening sxhou in 2011, when you all adopted the Treasure Island development project, the plans were already in, and under way, to partner for the role here as timma and we were so designated in 2014, and the responsibilities of this agency is to insure that the program meets the transportation performance and the financial mandates of the original plan and for coordinating with the agencies that if necessary, to implement such a plan including the San Francisco municipal transportation agency, and the cal trans, and the area toll fee, and the water agency that manages the ferries and the transit, the timma will over see the design and the construction and design from the contracting for the ferry bus and Shuttle Services for overseeing tolling and Parking Management and most of our work will be a three, Person Committee in terms of the governance with the chair and today, and with that we just want to make the introduction and pleased to be working with a great team to start the work, ra khel hyiat serves as the project manage and her her counter part, is the bob beck project director for tida and sherry is the principal engineer and the deputy for finance and administration, cynthia will support activities and also we have the assistance of tamala and neal advising us with legal matters and that concludes my remarks and i am happy to answer any questions. Thank you, colleagues, any questions or comments on the executive directors report . Seeing none s there there any Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Call you call, 3 and 4 together. Adopt the administrative code and adopt the rules of order, fiscal policy and procurement policy and travel and conference and training and business expense reimbursement policy. Any questions or comments on three and four, did you have a presentation. Good morning, Deputy Director for finance and administration, just it is best to take any questions for any of the policies that we have before you. Great, any questions . Okay. Seeing none, we will open up ilt em three and four for Public Comment, is there any Public Comment on three and or four . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. And mr. Clerk could you please call the roll on items 3 and 4 together . Avalos some aye. Breed. Aye. Campos. Absent. Christensen. Aye. Cohen . Absent. Farrell. Aye. Kim. Aye. Mar. Absent. Tang. Aye. Weiner. Aye. Commissioner yee . Aye. The item is passed. Okay, thank you, could you call item number five. Item five, election of chair and vice chair. This is an action item. Okay, colleagues, this is our first meeting, and the authority will elect a chair and a vice chair of Treasure Island mobility agency, i will hand it over to him or her and i will begin preceding and after that the newly elected chair will preside over the election of the vice chair and for the remainder of aagain day and we will open up it for the nominations and as soon as one receives the vote that person will be declared the chair. Mr. Clerk nominations are in order for the office of chair, any nominations . Commissioner avalos. I nominate kim to serve as the chair for timma. Okay. And are there any, and i should say is there a second for that nomination . Seconded by yee. Commissioner breed. I would like to nominate Julie Christensen for vice chair. We are just entertaining nominations for chair and vice chair will be after. Okay, mr. Clerk am i doing that directly. Because both items were called. Right, but we will do one, in succession. Okay. Any additional nominations for the position of chair of the authority . Or of the agency not the authority . Seeing none, nominations are closed. Okay, is there any Public Comment on the election of the chair . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. And are there any comments colleagues . Anything else . Okay. Then we will proceed to a vote and i think that we can just take this same house same call . Same house came call, without objection, the motion is adopted and commissioner kim, is elected the chair. Good morning and, thank you colleagues, for your support, i look forward to chairing this body. And as Treasure Island is in the district that i represent, but i also think that this project poses really an exciting ground on which we can really experiment with a lot of different types of traffic and congestion management and other ways to encourage people to get out of their cars and use Public Transit and other modes and i think that this will certainly be an exciting project both for the Transportation Authority and the city at this time, our nominations are now in order for the office of the vice chair. Are there any nominations before us . Commissioner breed . Thank you, i would like to nominate supervisor Julie Christensen to serve as vice chair. Okay. Commissioner Julie Christensen is nominated is there a second to ta. Seconded by commissioner weiner, and are there any further nominations . If not, nominations are closed. At this time, he will take Public Comment on this item, please step up if you would like to speak on this item . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Mr. Clerk, could we take that same house, same call. Congratulations vice chair christensen i look forward to working with you and this is a part of our city that abuts both of our districts and i look forward to working with you on this object mr. Clerk could you call the next item. Adopt, the proposele fiscal year annual budget and work program, this is an action item. Good morning, commissioners, rachel, the prans pal transportation planner, the annual budget this year is 750,000. And 650,000 is provided by the Treasure Island development authority, and matched by our prop k, sales tax dollars and this supports our work in three main areas, program management, and the stake holder out reach, and it is including working with all of the many partner agencies, and planning work, and engineering. And happy to take any questions. Any questions . On the presentation. Seeing none, thank you very much. We will now take the Public Comment on item number 6. Seeing, no Public Comment, Public Comment is closed, mr. Clerk, could we please call the next item . My apologies. Before we go this item number 7, we need to pass item number 6. Okay . And can we do that same house same call. Same house same call. Mr. Clerk, item number 7. Item 7, introduction of new items this is an information item. Do any of our commissioners have any comments . Or introduction of new items . Seeing none, we will take Public Comment on this item. Seeing, no Public Comment, Public Comment is now closed. Mr. Clerk, could you please call the next item. Item 8, Public Comment. At this time we are open for general Public Comment. Seeing no general Public Comment, Public Comment is now closed. Mr. Clerk, next item, 9, adjournment. Before we return i would like to recognize sfgtv for recording this meeting and transcribing them to make them available for the public, seeing no further items, the meeting is now adjourned. Adjourned. Hello and welcome to this presentation. Im San Francisco purrs since that time weve helped people clean up their criminal records. We created this to help you understand how this worked. Well plan or explain all the steps. After watching this program youll know what to expect after completing the process. Hi there are im deputy and im part of the clean slate team. The first thing we will need to know whether your despicable to have our convictions dismissed cant be on parole or currently charged with a crime or serving a sentence and it must be from San Francisco. While your colleagues will get to know your circumstances there are 3 steps. Getting the clean slate process started it simple you can get them done in the same day. First fill out an application and they can be opinioned on sf defender. Org. Next youll obtain a copy of your rap sheet thats a rap sheet going 80 the hall of justice at 850 bryant street on the fourth floor. The bureau is open monday through friday from 8 to 5. Its located one block away from the Public Defenders Office youll need to bring our photo id. Finally, theres your our own your rap sheet to the front desk. Youll receive a letter from 2 to three weeks explaining the next steps. Lets review the 3 steps if that fillist the Police Stations and on your Police Station and 3 deliver our rap sheet and application 0. 40 to the defender. It can help with Financial Aid for colleagues. I want you to meet a client who did the Clean Slate Program he refunds a nonprofit literary series. Please meet joe. Peep at the Clean Slate Program worked with me today, i i am an author of 3 books a husband and a father would you recommend clean slight to another person i would definitely recommend that. So, now you have a better understanding of the gibt address benefits of the Clean Slate Program as well as highway to get started. Lets hear some common questions. Keep in mind those are general questions youll you may be seated with an attorney who be provide more information based on our circumstances just to be clear i dont have to tell my employers will my ejections. Yes. As well as convictions that have been dismissed. If someone runs a criminal background theyll see the charges but its dismissed. You will be able to legally tell your employers person never convicted i dont to tell anyone is there a way to rears them. Theres some cases you can. Maybe youre arrested because police thought you were someone else. Wound our arrest record is sealed you can say you were never if i wanted to clear my record if i was convicted of a felon. It is also known as a one letter officer the clean stating hit. May be able to get it raersz but if i went to prisoner you may quality for a correspondent certified document saying youre a lay abating citizen are. You had should be aware for some state jobs state agencies are allotted to consider our criminal history. Those jobs are private security jobs Health Care Workers and other careers involving the children the i can sick or elder. It will benefit you Human Resources heres some of the things clean slate cant do it doesnt prevent an old conviction to there the sense of a new criminal action. The court might connotes more sentences even if it been submit you cant own or polgs possess a firearm. If it bars you from carrying an firearm eclipsing our record wont change that. Submittal doesnt rove a sex ejection. If youre required to register as a sex offender that process will continue even if your record has been cleared, however, other forms of royalties maybe eligible. We look forward to helping you move forward with your life so, now you know a little bit more about the program we encourage you to apply go the sf purifying purifying. Org or stop by any place for our Clean Slate Program. Our team looks forward to serving. Good morning ill call to order this monthly of the San Francisco Transportation Authority commissioner avalos absent supervisor breed supervisor campos supervisor christensen supervisor cowen supervisor farrell supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor tang supervisor wiener supervisor yee we have quorum okay. Please call item 2. Item 2 chairs recorded an informational item. Colleagues earlier today we healed held our annual building of the new agency i want to congratulate supervisor jane kim that will chair and supervisor christensen will serve and vice chair the project is many innovative opportunities to model new ways of doing business for Sustainable Transportation i look forward to partnering with tide and mta the various ferry operators over the coming years to make sure that Treasure Island has a very very successful Transportation Future id like to express you

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