Coming soon...
Bad Dude Tito vs. Calder McColl
Calvin Tankman vs. Nolan Edward
Kal Jak vs. Super Beast
Alex Coughlin vs. Royce Isaacs
Rocky Romero vs. Simon Grimm
Chris Dickinson vs. JR Kratos
Jeff Cobb vs. “Filthy” Tom Lawlor
Davey Boy Smith, Jr. vs. Jon Moxley
Now this is more like it! Bloodsport is back to follow up last weekend’s show, and friends, we got us an honest-to-god superfight in Mox vs. DBS Jr.! I’ve always liked Davey Boy better as a grappling man than a power wrestler, and what better environment to show that off than in the no ring wasteland against one of the premier brawlers of our age? (To be fair, Moxley is way underrated as a technical wrestler as well, but I gotta sell an angle!) Plus Romero vs. Grimm, Dickinson vs. Krato, and Cobb vs. Lawlor, and you’ve got a VERY nice show lined up, folks.