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Pass Herald Reporter
This year’s Senior’s Supper put on by the graduating class of CCHS will look different than previous ones.
Previous dinners have been held at the CCHS gym with students serving the meal to the seniors in attendance.
This year, that interaction won’t be able to happen.
Christopher Collings, the 2021 Grad Class President, says this year’s dinner will require booking in advance.
“Seniors in the community interested in receiving the supper can place their order by calling the school, at (403) 563-5651, before Friday, March 26. The supper will then be delivered by the graduating students on the following Monday. There is no charge for the supper; however, donations to the Graduating class are appreciated. This year’s supper is organized by the students and parents who took on the role of finding a substitute fundraiser in place of the Senior Supper, which normally is held before Christmas.”