Senator Nuquay Breaks Ground For The Construction Of Two Landmark Projects Worth $54K
Senator Nuquay Breaks Ground For The Construction Of Two Landmark Projects Worth $54K
Senator Nuquay breaking ground as many of his legislative colleagues watched
The newly elected senator of Margibi Atty. James Emmanuel Nuquay along with others colleagues of the national legislature on last Saturday January 30, 2021 broke ground for the construction of two landmark projects in Garmaymu and Dorma towns along the RIA highway, District one, Margibi county.
The landmarks projects include a USD 24,000 bridge and a USD 30, 000 modern youth center.
Others lawmakers that grace the occasion were Sen. Saah Joseph of Montserrado, Deputy Speaker J. Fonati Koffa, Rep. Edward Kafia of Bong County, Margibi County District #5 Representation, Clarence Garh, Rep. Ellen Attoh-Wreh (Dist. 3, Margibi) Rep. Ben A. Fofana (Dist. 4, Margibi) and Rep. Tibelrosa Tarpoweh (Dist. 1, Margibi Co.)