They appeared under heavy security provided by the AGU.
AGU head Major-General Andre Lincoln sat in the public gallery to observe at the end of a dramatic week packed with appearances by Modack, regarded by some as a "gang kingpin".
Accused Jacques Cronje leaving court on Friday.
Gallo Images Brenton Greach/Gallo
Zane Kilian appears at Cape Town Magistrate's Court on Friday.
Gallo Images Brenton Greach/Gallo
Nafiz Modack appears at Cape Town Magistrate.
Gallo Images Brenton Greach/Gallo
One of Lincoln's officers, Ashley Tabisher, is a co-accused in a corruption case with Modack and Elsie's River mom Amaal Jantjies involving an alleged R10 000 and a cellphone in exchange for telling Modack when the police were going to raid his house.