BBC News
image captionLord Coe's throat condition was eventually diagnosed thanks to a Radio 4 listener
Sebastian Coe is receiving treatment for a problem with his vocal cords after a Radio 4 listener contacted the station to express concern over his "gravelly" voice.
Lord Coe, the president of World Athletics, had been speaking to the Today programme's Garry Richardson about the delayed Tokyo Olympics.
The interview prompted an email from a retired GP, which led to Lord Coe seeing an ear, nose and throat doctor.
He said it was an "act of kindness".
On hearing the interview in December, the retired doctor emailed the programme immediately, and said: "If he or especially family and friends feel his voice has altered over any time, more than three to four weeks, he should see his GP for an ENT referral so that a specialist can look at his vocal cords, to make sure there are no significant or alarming changes."