Within two days, Lipetsk State Pedagogical University named after P.P. Semenova Tyan-Shanskogo conducts the All-Russian scientific conference of young scientists “Creativity of FM Dostoevsky in the unpassed time of Russia.” The organizers paid special attention to the problems of understanding F.M. Dostoevsky in the works of V.N. Zakharov and representatives of the Petrozavodsk scientific school.
On April 6, at the I and II Plenary Sessions, the employees of Petrozavodsk State University – I.S. Andrianova, L.V. Alekseeva, T.V. Panyukova, O.A. Sosnovskaya.
Irina Svyatoslavovna Andrianova, Ph.D., Head of the Web-laboratory of the Institute of Philology, editorial office of the scientific journals “Unknown Dostoevsky” and “Problems of Historical Poetics”, devoted her report to the mission of the unique publication “Unknown Dostoevsky”, which consists in the need to expand not only the source study base of research on the biography and work of Dostoevsky, but also the publication of archival materials, new facts about Dostoevsky and his entourage, as well as the attraction and support of such research.