After fluctuating between gains and losses on Friday, the Indian benchmark indices were trading in red at noon. At 12;50 pm, the S&P BSE Sensex was trading 38.11 points or 0.08% lower at 49,708.10 and Nifty 50 was trading with a decline of 14.95 points or 0.1% at 14,858.85. Meanwhile, certain stocks were in action in either direction based on reports linked to them.
Here is a list of few such stocks:
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SREI Infrastructure Finance Limited: Zooms 19.66%. Shares of Srei Infrastructure Finance Limited, on Friday, was trading around 20% higher at Rs 7 on the NSE after its subsidiary Srei Equipment Finance Limited (SEFL) said it has received an expression of interest for up to $250 million capital infusion in the company from international private equity (PE) funds, US-based Arena Investors LP and Singapore's Makara Capital Partners.