Sarah Connell Sanders
“It’s like we’re on that reality show, 'Love is Blind,'” I shouted through the wall.
“You mean the one with the woman who lets her dog drink out of a wine glass?” he yelled back.
“Yes. That’s the one.”
I heard his muffled sigh through the door.
“It could be worse,” I said, “I could be Kathy Bates in 'Misery.'”
“Not funny,” he replied.
“I’ll leave you to your puzzles,” I told him and walked down the big lonely stairs to wander the rooms of our big lonely house.
My husband tested positive for COVID-19 nine days ago, but we had learned of his exposure to the virus five days before that. All this is to say, I haven’t smooched his handsome mug in two weeks. Don’t get me wrong, I am grateful his symptoms are moderate. I don’t even mind leaving cute little love notes and trays of soup outside his door. But, I sure do miss him.