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On Samsung’s official website, the Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra now costs Rs 86,999. Similarly, the Samsung Galaxy S20+ is listed for Rs 54,999. For reasons best known to Samsung, the entry-level Galaxy S20 costs Rs 59,499. Lastly, the Samsung Galaxy S20 FE’s price has gone down to Rs 40,990. There is no word about when the smartphones will get restocked, but Samsung has a notifier on its website that will tell you. Samsung is likely looking to clear its stock, hence the hefty discounts.
It comes as no surprise that Samsung is pulling the plug of the Galaxy S20, Galaxy S20+, and Galaxy S20 Ultra early. All three phones received a lukewarm response in India due to the coronavirus pandemic and high-end price tag. It will be interesting to see how customers react to the Galaxy S21 series once the flagships go on sale on January 29th with prices starting from Rs 69,999.