Dimapur, Aug. 5 (EMN): State Agricultural Management and Extension Training Institute (SAMETI), Medziphema, organised a two-day training programme on “Livestock management and disease control” for ATMA functionaries on August 4 and 5. An update from SAMETI state that the participants were taught on livestock management and disease control in piggery, management and disease control in rabbit rearing, and livestock management and disease control in mithun. Resource persons of the training were Dr. Yhuntinlo Kent, farm manager of VFATI, Medziphema; Dr. Ebibeni Ngullie, SMS (Animal Science) at ICAR Research Complex for NEH, Nagaland Centre, Medziphema; and Dr. Kobu Khate, chief technical officer at NRC on Mithun, Medziphema. During the visit to mithun farm, the resource person has briefed on the benefits and potential of rearing mithun. It mentioned that mithun rearing is not only for meat purpose but also for milk, which has got high nutrition as compared to other domestic animal. Some of the value additions from mithun milk included Kalakand, Rasgula, Lassi etc. It added that properly trained mithun could be used as a valuable draught animal by the farmers in the remote hilly slopes, where traditional draught animals are not available. The valedictory programme was chaired by Janet...