Sales of Data Center Switches Down 3 Percent in 2020, According to Dell'Oro Group
Nearly 90 Percent of the Decline Driven by Small and Mid-size Enterprises
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REDWOOD CITY, Calif., March 11, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- According to a recent report by Dell'Oro Group, the trusted source for information about the telecommunications, networks, and data center IT industries, global Data Center Switch market revenue declined a low single-digit in 2020, in line with our expectations. Most of the decline was driven by small and mid-size enterprises.
"Since the onset of the pandemic, and based on our research as well as our end-user interviews, we have been predicting the data center switch market to be somewhat resilient to the pandemic and to decline only mid-to-low single-digit in 2020," said Sameh Boujelbene, Senior Research Director at Dell'Oro Group. "The good news is that the overall market performance was in line with our predictions. Nevertheless, we were surprised by a stronger than expected spending from Large Enterprises, partly offset by weaker than expected performance at some Cloud Service Providers," added Boujelbene.