Singapore —
Transportation fuels -- including gasoline, diesel and jet fuel -- saw their refining margins improve sharply from 2020 levels amid a pick up in mobility, but South Korea's top refiner SK Energy plans to maintain a conservative approach in middle distillate production as the outlook for Asia's fuel demand remains fragile.
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The FOB Singapore 92 RON gasoline crack against front-month ICE Brent crude futures averaged $5.25/b to date in 2021, a sharp improvement from 2020 average of crack spread of $1.75/b, S&P Global Platts data showed. Meanwhile, the FOB Singapore jet fuel/kerosene cash differential was assessed at a premium of 25 cents/b to Mean of Platts Singapore jet fuel/kerosene assessments May 17, marking the highest cash differential since Feb. 25, 2020 at MOPS plus 27 cents/b.