2021-02-06 02:35:40 GMT2021-02-06 10:35:40(Beijing Time) Xinhua English
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KIGALI, Feb. 5 (Xinhua) -- The lower and upper chambers of Rwandan Parliament on Friday started meeting virtually for the first time due to COVID-19 restrictions.
Under the Constitution, the two Parliament chambers are to hold their plenary sittings at designated premises in the capital city Kigali, except under unexpected circumstances confirmed by the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court ruled Thursday that both chambers can hold their plenary sessions virtually as requested by president of Senate and speaker of Chamber of Deputies.
The move helps the parliament perform its oversight role amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Speaker of Chamber of Deputies Donatille Mukabalisa said after the virtual opening of the second ordinary session of the 2020-2021 fiscal year.