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You will die, im like us, he says, who will protect you if not me, many donetsk residents went to the front almost immediately after graduating from school, he left in a roundabout way. Serve volunteers, i learned what its like to actually be in a war, on the front line, my younger brother, 17 years old, seryosha, also wants to go in the same way, i realized that i cant sit anymore, theres something to learn from young guys. Everyone has encountered this problem at least once we open the tap with water, but there is none, and if usually in this case they call the dispatch center or management company, then residents of krasnodar will soon be able to log into. Applications on their phone and report the problem. The application will get to the center in seconds processing information directly to the dispatcher, and the applicant will be able not only to track on his phone how his application is being fulfilled, but also to confirm that water has appeared in the tap. Now this can be done online through the website. Previously, the dispatcher had to not only write down all complaints by hand, and then call back. Address uralskaya 172, krasnodar city. This house is served by our heating point number 129 tstp. Deputy chief. We select ryan kornilovich, high priority, set Digital Resource supply on the platform the priority of the task is determined, indicates he can immediately appoint a performer, he can look at the map, see the nearest team, that is, from the Energy District and make a decision, that is, which one is closest, if it does not have a task created for it at the moment, that is, he can appoint as executor for this application. An employee of the repair team does not need to go to the central office, he receives the task from a Company Mobile phone, only this already allows increasing Labor Productivity by 40 , reducing the time required to identify a fix accidents by a third. The digital heat supply program, which is used in krasnodar, is part of the ecosystem of Digital Solutions of rosatom, a smart city. The system itself. The topic started to develop in sorov back in 2018; it was created primarily as a platform for feedback from the population and began to introduce the presence of state Corporation Facilities in cities. The main task was to create comfortable Living Conditions with maximum and efficient use of the resources of service organizations. An Initiative Group was born that wanted try Digital Services to make it convenient for residents, so that the administration. Could provide its services as quickly as possible, and life in the city became qualitatively different, already from a Small Nuclear city, we grew long ago beyond the nuclear industry. Municipalities from different regions began to show interest in smart city solutions, including krasnodar. Here, in addition to online requests and transmission of applications electronically, for greater efficiency , we have developed a special application installed on thanks to special sensors installed at heat and water supply facilities, the dispatcher monitors their operating parameters in real time. In case of deviation , the system itself will notify the dispatcher and district commanders, and also analyzes deviations from the norm and issues recommendations for each of 120 parameters. This is the temperature of the coolant, hot water, this is also the pressure of the coolant, this is the gas parameter, this. Manage Engineering Equipment and networks from one home to an entire plant, information about in the facility itself, its digital model correlates in real time with data received from reading devices on site, allowing you to configure operating processes more efficiently, thanks to this it is possible not only to quickly resolve emergency situations, but also to prevent their occurrence, minimizing inconvenience for consumers. Predictive analytics, used by rosatom to monitor the operation of Nuclear Power plants, is already used in housing and public utilities. The Program Works proactively by processing a large amount of collected data. With with its help, you can, for example, calculate where repairs need to be carried out by investing 100,000 rubles today, so that tomorrow you dont have to spend 200, but only restoration on repairs. This program was already used in preparation for the last heating season. After studying the data and examining the pipes from the inside with the help of robots, the repair and replacement was carried out. Where it was necessary, thanks to which the heating season passed in krasnodar without a single accident on the main heating networks, they are now carrying out the same principle pressure testing and preparation for the new heating season. Sensors are installed on thermal energy sources, sensors are installed on central heating stations, we see the directions in which we have high recharge, High Consumption of network water, we understand where we are losing, where our end consumers are suffering. Where we had leaks, we used this to identify the places where we would carry out repair work. Transfer the work of the housing and Communal Services sector into a digital format and connect artificial data to data processing. In krasnodar began in may last year, for during this time, over 700 applications were processed. The task is not only to strengthen control over existing networks, but also to increase operational efficiency. The main thing is to improve the quality of life of citizens. The networks that we currently have in the city and which are designed to provide highquality and, most importantly , Uninterrupted Service to our people, our residents, our citizens, Uninterrupted Service. This is exactly what we are striving for, but today we are no longer talking only about the digitalization of housing and Communal Services, the innovative approach of the smart city has moved to transport systems, municipal security system, landscaping and other areas of city life. You and i are accustomed to comfort, our need for comfort is growing, this is an endless process, in fact, we want to make life more convenient, more comfortable, services more productive, and of course, the direction of reducing costs. It is also very much in demand today, the consumer says, our customer says that it is in demand, it is interesting, and already industry directions this is what is in demand in cities today, and naturally, every time we develop certain Digital Services, we focus on what is needed now. Already today in russia , smart city technologies developed by the state corporation are used in more than two hundred municipalities. And we are ready to expand the program not only to the level of an entire region. According to the developers, the possibility of its application is much wider. There are no turnstiles on buses; you can even get to the airport by metro. Mcd, mcc, bcl, korsharing, river transportation. In 13 years moscow transport has changed dramatically, and development continues. Plans are scheduled until 2030, special. Attention will be paid to rail transport; well tell you what will happen to the metro, electric trains and trams right now. Lets start with the metro by 2030, the capitals subway scheme will look like this three new lines will appear roidskaya, rublyovaya arkhangelskaya and beryulevskaya. 39 new stations, including potapova. It will be the final line on the red line. This is the first warm station of the moscow metro. Lighting. On our ceiling it will be in the form of a starry sky, in the middle of the station we have a sculptural column, work on finishing it with architectural concrete is now being completed and it is in it that the ventilation pipes are laid, through which warm air will flow into the station, specially made there perforated panels through which air flows directly into the station, a column that so successfully hides engineering systems these are. Works of art, the work of the world famous sculptor dasha nadakov, the object symbolizes Dynamic Development moscow, in addition , more than 100 heaters were installed at the station, but not for passengers, since our station is above ground, we have stainedglass windows installed, and specifically convectors are used to prevent stainedglass windows from fogging, so freezing in cold weather. From the outside, potapovo will look no less aesthetically pleasing. The station will be covered with a futuristic shell. Perforated aluminum sheets are laid on a metal frame. Our rods are hollow to make the structure lighter; they are galvanized so that they are not subject to additional corrosion. They turn out come to the supporting element, where through a special threaded hole they are screwed into this supporting element. The station is expected to be launched by the end of the year. 37 people live within easy reach of potapava; they will be able to save up to 40 minutes a day on the road, and the surrounding highways will be decongested by 11 . At the same time, a depot system is being developed in the capitals metro. Over 12 years , 12 such facilities were reconstructed. Five more are now being prepared for launch, including the yuzhnoye depot. It will serve the moskvoredskaya line. Far eastern Federal District is designed for night laying 25 trains and servicing thirty trains per day. More than a thousand new jobs will be created on the territory. Over 13 hectares there will be 46 buildings and structures for various industrial purposes, with an area of ​​more than 78. 00 km. Here trains will rest and undergo pretrip inspection, 34 repair ditches will be built, trains will even be able to take a shower, this is a washing room. The walls are completely finished with tiles, the floors will also be finished with tiles after certain measures have been taken to install the equipment. Yes, and, accordingly, all sewerage and water supply systems have been completed to date. And this is the electrical centralization building, from here dispatchers determine where the cars are parked and show them the way. The equipment has already been installed and prototype tests are underway. When the train leaves the ramp, the dispatcher sets the end point for the train to stop, and automatically. The route is being built, and accordingly the system itself moves the necessary arrows for the train to pass and turns on the necessary traffic lights. The yuzhnaya depot is being built next to the existing depot brateev, after commissioning, the first will completely take over the function of sludge, the second will concentrate on the repair of trains. Thus, the countrys largest complex for the repair and operation of metro trains will appear in moscow. Moscow is a leader in Rolling Stock renewal. For example, in the metro since 2010, the average age of trains has been halved from 24 to 12 years. Every year, the capitals subway receives about 300 cars, and they are produced here, in mytishchi, near moscow. Right now the latest model is on the Assembly Line the moscow train 2024. One train is assembled here in a week. All eight carriages. This one is already in the final position. Moscow 22. Has retained all the advantages of the previous series through passage, wide doors, for example, the seats and passage dimensions are different. New seat upholstery has been used, this is a special vinyl made of leather, which is easier to clean and easier to work with. The passage between the seats and the passage inside the car have expanded by 10 cm, which is very important for the accommodation of passengers. This means that the seats have become narrower than seats. Things were absolutely like that however, we achieved this by changing the side walls of the car, while the seats became more ergonomically shaped, a recess appeared at the bottom of the seat back, for convenience, console monitors were moved from the entrance area to the space between the seats, and the usb connectors are now not in the seats, but in the handrails , the total capacity of the car has increased by 17 people, at the enterprise. Electric trains from foreign suppliers, by 2030 the capitals metro will receive 2,300 new cars. Designers are already developing the next model moscow 2026. The compositions will be even quieter, more comfortable and more spacious. It is planned to have wider doors, and even more convenient and quick boarding and disembarking of passengers; the glazing will be increased to provide passengers with space on the train. More comfortable and felt a greater, lets say, visual volume. The transformation will also affect moscow trams by 2030, they will become faster. The average speed at peak speed will be 18 km h, and this already takes into account stops. The number of passengers who prefer this type of transport will reach a Million People per day, instead of the current 7000. More than 10 kilos will be built in 6 years. New tram tracks, the city will receive 200 new trams, the development of Unmanned Technologies will continue, thanks to which the punctuality of this type of transport will increase by about a quarter. We are already testing our tram, we have taught it to run automatically inside the depot, it goes on its own to the car wash, for repairs, this will be the first serious step in such automatic control of tram movement, then we have plans this is the metro, accordingly, we have given electric buses, we little by little with these questions we will work on it, the methods of paying for travel are being improved, there are practically no queues in moscow, decree, 95 of tickets are paid by passengers either. Through mobile applications or in vending machines, now you dont even have to use a regular card to travel, you can issue a virtual troika. Before passing through, open the application, generate a qr, and it is generated before each passage and is valid for 1 minute and passes through the turnstile. The technology has already been tested by 400 volunteers; they have completed more than 50 thousand passes. Based on their feedback, the service has already been adjusted for. On land and river regular passenger transport. You can use the virtual troika to record all your subscriptions, as well as a ticketwallet, which can be used to pay for travel on all types of transport. The moscow central diameters have become an integral part of the capitals transport system. They connect the city with the moscow region. The first two were launched in 2019, two more in 2020. The third, the traffic interval during rush hour is 57 minutes, passengers began to use the mcd to travel within the city, it was impossible to assume that on commuter commuter train, muscovites will travel within moscow; there were no such trips at all, when the point of departure was moscow and the destination was moscow. It is planned to consider the integration of thirty nine stations of the yaroslavl and paveledsky directions into the mcd tariff zone, by 2030 4,800 new cars will be delivered to. In diameters and the mcc, more than 500 will be purchased this year. A month ago, new orioles 4. 0 entered the line. The trains were made as convenient as possible for passengers, so in intermediate a third door appeared in the carriages. The exits are 22 cm wider than in old trains. Passenger boarding and disembarkation is now a third faster. We took care of the owners of gadgets, except for the usb and typec connectors. Wireless charging and also charging for electric scooters, three levels of handrails, bicycle racks , climate control, the carriages have places for baby strollers and even pedicure tables, trains accelerate to 160 km h, it has become more convenient for drivers, everything is very informative here, and at any time moment, at any time we can watch part of the train, we also have cameras that dynamically monitor boarding and disembarking, they are already replacing mirrors for us. Rear view the next stage in the development of the Central Transport hub is to improve communication between the capital and the nearest regions. In fact, this is an extension of the moscow diameters. Trains to koluga, tula, yaroslavl, vladimir and other Regional Centers will run at intervals of 2030 minutes, while the speed of the trains will increase by a quarter, saving up to 35 minutes on the trip. That is, these are the effects such a ground metro, which we created when launching the moscow central diameters project, it will definitely give a High Economic effect not only for such longdistance transit trips from yaroslavl to moscow, but it will play a huge benefit both inside the yaroslavl region and inside the moscow region, so these effects huge, we clearly understand them, we can already count them. A noticeable economic effect is also expected from this large transport project; a highspeed highway will connect moscow and st. Petersburg. Time in. Around the city, which means there will be additional hours for family, hobbies or recreation. Holy shit, very cool, energizing, awesome, downright funny, i havent felt such emotions for a long time, actors, just gorgeous, mom, this is alice, i liked alice and her boyfriend, and sasha petrov actually really, really made this film, i see everything, im a fan. The indicators are normal, we can start, i liked kira the most, yuri borisov, the best actor, everything was just done very cool, it really worked, i dont know if it will actually be like this in 100 years, but i would like it to be like this it was, you are so sensory, lessons. Well meet in the future, 100 years from now, ive thought a lot over these 100 years. Im not a fighter, i came for my brother, here all my senses are heightened to the limit. Happiness resurrected me, she loves me, call sign passenger, behind you, you hear, its clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, russian Digital Solutions can be taken to new heights, there is even a prospect. More brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you are incomparably original in your questions, what in general with production, Raw Materials and export, what is our product. Ukrainian militants launched a series of attacks in the belgorod region, hitting civilians with multiple launch rocket systems. Our air Defense Systems destroyed 29 rockets from the czech vampire system and the neptune cruise missile, but still four people were killed and 13 more were injured

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