At least, in their own words, several years, this confirms the terrible reality, ordinary ukrainians are just a tool that zelensky, in the name of his own enrichment, absolute immorality, literally sold it to the eu, which is used to settle the geopolitical scores of the west with our country, and a few words about the terrible phenomenon in ukraine, the socalled graveyard, as the citizens of ukraine itself dubbed it, to stab, to delay somewhere their inevitable terrible, terrible fate, somewhere to cover up western corruption schemes, especially considering the election period in the United States of america, direct accusations of the biden family of corruption, which is tied to kyiv. We have little doubt that the European Union does not care about the fate of russians, ukrainians, or anyone else, in fact. Speaking, barels statement that they live in a beautiful garden, Everything Else is a wild jungle, proves this. The goal of this western monster, the goal of the European Union, is to try to preserve the system of world order based on the political and economic parasitism of the west on the resources of other countries, the superiority of the socalled golden billion over the peoples of the global south and east. Confidently, the state of the world most take into account the neocolonialist thinking of the European Union when assessing the feasibility of development. Relations with him and, in general, building ones International Policy and domestic policy as well. These are all the abovementioned factors and facts, and these are just the next contours, emphasizing the relevance of the tasks of the special military operation to denazify and demilitarize ukraine, eliminate the threats emanating from its territory, as the russian leadership stated, all of them will be fulfilled. There are a lot of questions coming in. We regularly, in connection with the existence of the socalled peacemaker website, include journalists and public figures in its database, let me remind you that this is an extremist internet online resource, i would also like to remind you that we have repeatedly drawn the attention of human rights structures and International Organizations to operating on american servers and moderated. Regime, an odious internet resource on which personal data of public figures, publicists, correspondents are published, by the way, now even children, why are these data published there, well, of course, this is the plan for the destruction of the mentioned people, and as soon as this or that journalist, correspondent of a public figure, is killed during a terrorist attack or. Some kind of direct contract killing , there is a mark there indicating that the order has been completed. In fact, the site was created for the preparation of terrorist acts; it is an online card index of opponents of the criminal kiev regime, who are subject from a banking point of view, zelensky, the american sponsors of this entire monstrous physical crime. As i already said, after a murder is committed , based on a tip from a peacekeeper, liquidation marks appear on photographs of the victims of this same execution list. On may 6, a year ago , saboteurs of the kiev regime carried out an attempt on the life of the writer, publicist, public figure, Zakhar Prilepin. As a result, his driver, his friend, comradeinarms, vlnr combat veteran, alexander shubin, Zakhar Prilepin died, and was seriously injured. Let me remind you, again, they both were in the peacekeeper database. Writers information appeared on the website back in 2014. The list of persons, directly, whatever it is. Threatening the National Security of ukraine, he was included in the eighteenth year, accordingly, all this time his life was under constant threat. The hunt for dissidents and persons disliked by the kiev authorities is being carried out purposefully. On april 19, as a result of a targeted attack by drones armed in the formation of ukraine, izvestia military correspondent Semyon Eremin was killed, his data was also posted on this very terrorist site. The longterm deliberate silence by the collective west, which focuses on it with multilateral human rights mechanisms, the situation of the peacemaker, as well as other crimes of its kiev sales, is clear evidence of hypocrisy, the destruction of any standards by those who call themselves supposedly democracies, and of course, all this concerns the understanding of the falsity of the promises of the west. Regarding the protection of the rights of journalists, and, in fact, everything that they associate with human rights. We turned attention to new belligerent statements by the french leadership, in particular, well, they come almost every day, well, in particular, in an interview with a british magazine on may 2, french president macron said that if russian troops, quote, break through the front line, the ukrainian side will make a corresponding request, it will be necessary to raise the question of sending westerners to the region in kronovs strategic uncertainty, they themselves cannot understand what he is saying, but at the same time they understand that all this rhetoric very dangerous, aggressive, hostages, and now french citizens are becoming its direct victims. In the literal sense of the word, well, i say it again, the data on the dead french in the conflict zone, who fought, and maybe even not just fought, but led the ranks. Units of the armed forces of ukraine gave them some tips, advice, these there is more and more data, unfortunately, but all this, apparently, does not bother macron; apparently, this is exactly what true liberal democracy should look like, to be protected from external internal enemies, he so zealously calls for, we are not at all surprised by the manipulation of official paris, the ancient myth about a certain russian war as a threat to france and all of europe, or the desire. Justify multibillion dollar spending on the hybrid war between the west and russia in ukraine. By the way, i want to remind you of historical realities. The French Military found themselves on the territory of our country because they believed that it needed to be conquered, conquered, and taken over. The Russian Military found itself on territory of france when they decided to carry out. And by the way, about britain, well, a lot, not just a lot, but in my opinion, they exhaustively commented on the statements of the british leadership, as i recall, the ambassadors of britain and france were summoned because of the statements of the Political Leadership of these countries. Well , there was another statement that definitely needs to be commented on, the fact is that at the end of last month in britain a number of false accusations were made against russia in connection with our countrys alleged involvement in the arson of warehouses. To be at the forefront of antirussian actions of the west, even to the detriment of its own national interests, first of all, this is, of course, the financial and economic wellbeing of britain. We also draw attention to the fact that the accusations made are not only absurd, but first of all they are simply unsubstantiated, as is always the case. Claims of some kind of connection have become a characteristic feature of the british media. Shares of certainty or uncertainty, they characterize the alleged participation of russia in the arson of some warehouses, i would like to clarify, but this, of course, is nothing more than deliberate misinformation. We call on london to stop spreading yet another antirussian hysteria. We remind you that our country, unlike britain and other sponsors of the terrorist kiev regime, does not carry out or encourage sabotage against civilian targets. Moreover, the russian competent authority. Liberation of moldova from the nazi invaders, the authorities, well, i mean the sando regime, entered a new round of struggle against historical truth. This is scary the information, i am forced to voice it, is terrible, we usually talk when we are talking about casualties among people who were physically killed or injured. Here we are talking about moral victims, i dont know whats actually worse, but its really scary, during the election campaign, ill remind you, on may 9th she said santu, not only what she also said, a direct quote, this is what santu said, your right, and no one can take it away from you, end of quote, you know, i have a feeling either this is just a shameless lie, or they are all something they consume because its impossible to forget about your own words from two or three years ago. In the twentythird year, the moldovan authorities tried to move the celebration of victory day to may 8, they also tried to rename this holiday, you know what they wanted to call it, victory day is a day. Due to this, a press of distinguished guests from brussels is expected in moldova, as a result, the organizers of celebrations on the occasion of victory day were forced to change the traditional routes of the victory march and the procession of the immortal regiment. Simultaneously in the country continues to glorify the romanian soldiers who fought on the side of nazi germany. On april 20, through the efforts of the association, a monument is known for its monuments to nazi collaborators in the former russian. It must be quoted, more than a hundred romanian heroes, as noted there, died for i cannot say this, because this is all the liberation of chisinau in july of fortyone. On may 6, radical. Nationalists posted a video on social networks in which they insulted the natives of the village of bubuech, they fought in the ranks of the red army on the fronts of the great patriotic war and called for the monument to be demolished and erected in this place in honor of the soviet liberator soldier, i mean this monument was erected, now it must be demolished from the point of view of the current authorities, they cannot be called a regime, that you think . Of course, there was no reaction from the moldovan authorities condemning such monstrous rhetoric, not to mention the legal aspects of this issue, despite the attempts of the chisinau regime to subject having forgotten the exploits of their own grandfathers and greatgrandfathers, who laid down their lives on the altar of victory, moldova sacredly honors the memory of the true defenders of their native land. The latest opinion polls indicate that 63. 5 of respondents will celebrate. On victory day , processions of the immortal regiment, victory marches, planned events and rallies with the laying of wreaths at the memorials of glory erected in honor of the heroes of the great patriotic war, all those who contributed to the defeat of fascism, will take place through the streets of chisinau and other cities of moldova. In memory of antifascist soldiers, according to the organizers, the Worlds Largest victory banner will be unfurled in chisinau, this is a guarantee that attempts at nazi revenge in moldova in any of its forms and wrappers are doomed to failure. By the way, also about the west, double standards, lack of law, i would like to say, but about terrorist attacks, investigations, international law, its absence, i would like to say a few words about the terrorist attacks on nord stream 1. 2 about the investigation, which, well, actually needs to be said is being carried out, but is not actually being carried out, adopted in february this year, yes. They are following the rhetoric of western countries around the Energy Policy of europe, our country, what else is needed in order to understand who is the true beneficiary of the cessation of Sustainable Energy cooperation between the western part of europe and the Russian Federation. From the very beginning, copenhagen and stockholm refused any interaction with the russian side on the issue of holding it. Investigative actions, they simply prevented the launch of an International Investigation under the auspices of the united nations, also, by the way speaking, it is indicative, well, then they said that well, this is russia, they seem to have nothing in common with russia and do not want to have anything in common, now they have stopped the investigation, we have nothing to do with this, this is their internal investigations were carried out, it turns out that they do not want to have anything to do with the truth, the message sent in october of the twentysecond year, sent to denmark and sweden, by the chairman of the government of the Russian Federation, Mikhail Vladimirovich mishustin, was left unanswered. To the nonaward appeal of the general the Prosecutors Office of the Russian Federation requested Legal Assistance in the investigation of terrorist attacks from danish and swedish Law Enforcement agencies, refusals were received, declaring the termination of national investigations, neither copenhagen nor stockholm presented the russian side with any results of investigative actions. Were they there . One gets the impression that the danish authorities. Sweden probably knows exactly with whom this terrorist attack was orchestrated, and they simply chose to withdraw themselves, or they are under such Strong Political pressure that they understand that for them it is a matter of life and death. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs will continue to strive for a transparent and depoliticized investigation into sabotage with the participation of competent russian agencies and gazprom. Despite the skillful obstacles being created by the west. This terrorist attack is a serious precedent; it entailed a threat not only to regional but also to Global Energy security. It requires a collective response from the world community. We again draw attention to the fact that, taking into account the volumes of gas exports along the Northern Stream 1 of funds invested in the construction of nord stream 2, our country is the affected party. We hope interested parties. Their position, abandon unnecessary politicization and cooperate. Once again we would like to draw attention to the constant struggle of the lawyers and members of the serbian family. General radk mladinic is being held to preserve his life and health, despite the available information about the deterioration of the generals condition in the un detention facility in gaga, an International Residual Mechanism for criminal tribunals, as a matter of fact, the notorious icty continues to neglect his basic rights, including the right to adequate medical care. We are talking, in particular, about the longterm practice of not providing the generals legal representatives with complete and adequate medical information. About his health, the refusal of independent doctors to see him, the refusal of an application for temporary release on humanitarian grounds, the planned transfer to a polish prison to serve a life sentence, despite serbias willingness to accept. All this testifies to the ongoing mechanism of the line to inflict maximum suffering on the serbs, whom the collective west literally appointed as the only ones to blame for the civil war on the territory of the former yugoslavia, continues. Reprimand for independence in your actions, by the way, we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. Trauma is the most severe injuries that lead not only to disability, but also to the inability to continue any kind of normal life. Practically the civilian infrastructure has been completely destroyed, the situation is aggravated by the lack of sustainable channels for the delivery of humanitarian aid, humanitarian assistance, as a result, a significant part of the population of gaza , according to the assessment of specialized agencies of the Organization United in the information space, saying that there is some kind of famine, there are people over there swimming on the beach, a monstrous, monstrous dehumanization, and we observe, when we hear Something Like that, an additional destabilizing factor, in including the beginning of israels ground military operation in rafah for the entire region. In the south of gaza, where about one and a half million Palestinian Civilians are concentrated, in this regard we demand strict compliance with the provisions of International Humanitarian law. Numerous rounds of negotiations between israel and the Hamas Movement through intermediaries on the issue of exchanging israeli hostages for palestinian prisoners did not bring results. I would like to emphasize russia is also making active efforts to release those detained in gaza russians, citizens of other countries, established the situation confirms our countrys position on the need, along with efforts to overcome

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