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Look at him, funny, charming, naive, terrible, charming, in all seriousness, in all seriousness, he says that he has even figured out where to spend the money, only for this you need to break the law, but how, how to be detained, how to make money 10. 000 . The euro is very simple hit a policeman , throw a molotov cocktail at a police car, take rebar, cut the face of a Law Enforcement officer, do something that will get you detained, then you will receive 10,000 euros, and who got this money . No, has anyone broken theirs . Corruption, they themselves are corrupt, begging for money from western partners to destroy their own country, this is not the opposition, these are traitors. The opposition is those people who see the mistakes of the authorities and want to help correct them. The opposition is those who comprehend and meaningfully approach certain decisions of the authorities and, creatively, try to correct them. Why did we devote an entire program to this story . With navalny, because today, more than ever, when there is practically a war going on, we need to understand who is who, who is fighting for what, who is responsible for what, who wants what in the country in which he lives, today, thank god, we have a leader. He is magnificent, yet he holds everything with an iron fist, a very cool person, because he rules america, staying in moscow, he is wonderful, i like the way he shuts everyone up, he is a real leader, but we will not give him up, but now lets not break our tradition, and as always, i suggest we raise a glass to victory. For our trouble. And again our crooked swordsman was late, i was late, but said, we are leaving one by one, if anything happens, we are geologists looking forward to seeing you at our god willing new meeting. 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Fire damage was caused to manpower and equipment of the twentyfourth and 110 mechanized, seventyfirst jaeger brigades, as well as the 103rd defense brigade in the areas of the settlements of mayorsk, novokalinovo, berdychye and rozovka of the donetsk peoples republic. Also repelled were two counterattacks by assault groups of the seventyeighth separate air assault regiment of the Ukrainian Armed forces in populated areas. Orlovka and tonenkaya , donetsk peoples republic. The enemy lost up to 310 troops, a tank, two infantry fighting vehicles and eight vehicles. In addition, during the counterbattery fight , selfpropelled artillery was hit. Ukrainian troops shelled donetsk and gorlovka, as dpr representatives stated, the Ukrainian Armed forces fired 27 155 mm caliber shells, in donetsk, the kirov, petrovsky and kuibyshevsky districts were under fire. Ukrainian militants carried out shelling of nikitovsky and the central city throughout the day. Gorlovka district, as well as kuibyshevsky, kirovsky and petrovsky districts of donetsk. Shelling of areas of the donetsk peoples republic was carried out using 155mm caliber artillery, including with a cluster warhead. In addition, in the village of krasny partizan, in the kalininsky and nikitovsky districts of gorlovka, as well as in the village of staromikhailovka the enemy dropped an explosive uav. As a result of a direct hit from an artillery shell , Ukrainian Armed forces suffered injuries of varying severity in the kirovsky district of donetsk. Girls born in 2009 and 2010, as well as men born in 1977 received. Earlier, the head of the dpr, denis pushiliin, said that last night, during the shelling of gorlovka , a local bakery came under fire, four employees received shrapnel wounds, and three people were sent to the hospital. From the head pain there is askafenp, at an affordable price. Ultra with enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. 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Lochka with sesame seeds, two cutlets with onions, special sauce, cheese, salads, cucumbers, legendary pita, this is bit, bit, only at a delicious point, alyon, shopping again, gifting, on marketplaces with a vtb debit card, 25 cashback, ill buy. At least 120 more people were injured. One of the blows, according to media reports, hit a refugee camp. The fact that benjamin netanyahu, with his actions in gas , harms israel more than helps, was also stated by president of the u. S. A. At the same time, joe biden noted that washington has no red lines for israel during the operation in the enclave. Speaking of this, the american leader perhaps. Traditionally misspoke. When i came to israel for the first time, in a conversation with members of the war cabinet, i said listen, dont make the mistake that america made. America made a mistake, we hunted benladan until we took him out, but at the same time we we shouldnt have gotten into ukraine, that is, we shouldnt have gotten into iraq and afghanistan, there was no need for this, it only created more new problems. For another confusion with. Biden did not confuse ukraine with afghanistan, but simply can no longer restrain himself from what everyone understands, namely, that the states have bloodily disgraced themselves with the ukrainian project. Another round of aggravation on the israelilebanese border. The idf attacked hezbollahs infrastructure. In turn, more than thirty missiles were launched from lebanon. With the onset of the muslim holy month of ramadan. Provoke riots on the temple mount in during this period, radical forces attempted to reach jerusalem on the west bank. Israeli Security Services believe that hamas is betting on this to avoid escalation, the Israeli Government will not restrict muslim access to the alyaksa mosque. In anticipation of ramadan, israel will allow unhindered access to the elexa mosque for arab citizens of israel, as well as access to a certain number. Residents of Judea Samaria and citizens of other countries, in accordance with the recommendations of the police and Security Services. Israel does not limit freedom of religious rites and is not at war with the muslim world and islam. No peace in sight in ramadan the efforts of american president biden, who sought to achieve a ceasefire in gaza by the beginning of ramadan, were unsuccessful. The israeli general staff , together with the intelligence services, announced the readiness of the plan. The holy month of ramadan, one of the five pillars of islam, a month of fasting and prayers, will take place here during the sixth month of the war. Sergey pashkov, alexander ivanyuk, anastasia demyanets, lead israel. Our country, our president , our choice. March 15, 16, 17, we vote for our president. Military engineers are clearing the most difficult areas in the kupinsky direction and performing tasks under enemy fire. About the work of sappers of the motorized Rifle Division of the baltic fleet in a special report by natalia pantaleva. The task came to scout out a path for the tank so that the tank could jump out to its own position to shoot back and leave. To the opornik, and it was 200 m before him, we were trying to break through the route, it was scary, they were shooting everywhere, they flew over us, they dropped everything, we understand with everyone during the day that things were getting worse and worse for them, there were even cases where we were walking, we saw a minefield, there was an antitank weapon, there was a leaf on it, we dont want war, that is, well, the mines were in transport position, they didnt even put them in combat position , if i saw this my daughter, she laughed very hard. The harder you squeeze, the stronger it will tear. The main thing is that you cross your back; if you dont, we fight about it, its like a ritual. Kupinsky direction, not a single military operation can be done without them, they neutralize mines are explosive objects, they pave roads and clear fields of mines, their motto is nobody without us. Well, thats it, the mine is destroyed, we can move on. Our troops, accordingly, cannot advance without engineers. Basically we have a group of two, maximum three people, there is no point in more. Since the more people there are, the greater the likelihood that the enemy will notice, we make a route for the infantry so that it is convenient for them to pass, so that there are fewer losses, we clear mines mainly of pomenki, antipersonnel mines, sometimes its worth tanks, my main task is reconnaissance the passage of tanks, and the terrain so that people can settle there, that is, reconnaissance for landings. The main task is to preserve the lives of ones personnel, preserve weapons, military equipment, skillfully lead, maintain a cool mind, react clearly and quickly to everything, and somewhere to direct subordinates in the right direction. The commander of the sapper squad with the call sign barsik, mobilized, was awarded a medal for military valor and the fourth st. George cross degrees. In peaceful life i was engaged in geodesy , surveyor, drawing up maps, my main hobby, this was my award, directly, in addition to work, i was engaged in searching for antiquities, coins, well, as if old, well, i loved, i liked it, i spent more than 5 years, thats irony of fate, how would the commander find out directly from my boss that i was doing it this way. I ended up in the sappers, the commander of a sapper platoon with the call sign tourist is 24 years old, originally from the sverdlovsk region, a career military man, walks a lot and quickly, hence the call sign, more at the front years, when i was already in school, i understood that i would go into the military, because my uncle was a military man, i wanted to follow in his footsteps, i firmly decided this from the eighth grade, after consulting with my friends, they told me, daimen higher military engineering command. Gives a very good base in principle, after finishing it, you know everything about engineering ammunition, after graduating from this school in the summer i came to the unit and. On november 9 we all flew away, another platoon was commanded by someone mobilized from the Nizhny Novgorod region, there was a rustling call, he was in civilian life an entrepreneur, i quickly adapted to a special operation zone, studying at a military university and serving in the army helped, well, im like a military man, although i left the army a long time ago back in 1910, so i sort of took it for granted, a summons came and i left, i i graduated from the zhagorod higher military Engineering Team at. School, my specialty is sapper, engineer, i was already ready for this, i knew, i knew that i would end up as an engineer in the troops, well, you say about it with a smile, although the profession is fraught with risk, i do not i feel discouraged in life, so i try to keep cheerfulness, this good spirit, i also support my guys, its just that in our work, attentiveness is a very important aspect, fear is also present. If there is no fear, then your head works somehow differently. Call sign castle, mobilized, at the age of 22, was awarded a medal for clearing mines for the infantry and the st. George cross , fourth degree. When the summons arrived, there was no doubt whether it was necessary to go to the front . I was determined from the very beginning, i knew that they would bring me a summons. You angel . You carry it with you all the time, and its always hanging there, i dont take it off anymore, the strength comes from the fact that its our own weaving, sisters, so that makes it even easier. Military engineers live in this camouflaged dugout, now we will see how their life works and how they prepare for a combat mission, you can build a snowman for now or my daughter saw this, she would laugh very hard, the harder you squeeze, the stronger it will explode, military engineers adopted a homemade mine clearance method. From the times of the second world war, you take an ordinary plastic water pipe, fill it with plastid, throw it forward and detonate, the mines located nearby detonate, i suggest making half the pipes at once, throw it in half, and when i return home, ill go bake bread, you will be a cook, yes a cook, no well, of course you have buckwheat. It turns out, look, but the cat likes plasticine, stick something on him too, it s called a pottery course, but there are these fragments, maybe these nails, we had them somewhere, dont cut your fingers, just look, youll grab it, and our swindler, this guy is lefthanded, all the doors are on the left side, i, as a righthanded person, always start swearing very. A lot, because i confuse where the handles are, where the awnings are, well, thats right, thats how we live , lefthanders are very creative people , by the way, here he creates, the length of this tube is 2 m, 2 m, it fits in the landing or where you need to make a passage , an incendiary tube is inserted here, or an electric detonator, in a controlled version, is detonated, you get a passage with depth approximately, well, depending on the ground, maybe 30 in width about a meter away, everything turns out to be a path, the infantry is running along it, that is, the mines that are nearby, they either throw them aside, or they detonate and nothing exploded, everything is intact, no, everything is fine, as you can see, the substance is stable, there is no need to be afraid of it, nothing will happen to them, well , we guys need a lot of these tubes, about 20 of them exactly. Commander rustle is respected by his colleagues, for many he is a friend and mentor, he knows how to find a way out of seemingly stalemate situations, because one group will leave, another will go, it turns out everything will be different there , hes kind, hell always help, he wont refuse anything, the work is quite dangerous, that is, god forbid, what happens, youre confident in these people that they will never leave you until the last moment they will be there for you

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