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Look first in the app or on the website. Welcome to asia. In the next half hour , we invite you on an exciting journey to the very heart of the continent. Today there is another powerful earthquake in asia on the program. Are these signs of detente or should we be wary of even more destructive shocks . Lets discuss it with seismologists. The volume of water at the main gest of kyrgyzstan is approaching dead level. What is this . Can mean for the entire region, we will also tell about the heroic women in central asia and, of course, we will discuss the most interesting events of the week. At the beginning of the week , asia was shaken violently by powerful earthquakes in three countries kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan and china. The epicenter is in kazakhstan, approximately 30 km south of the almaty metropolis, 30 km from chalpanata in kyrgyzstan and 190 km from beshka. Energy class of the earthquake is 13. 2, magnitude 6. 1, depth 10 km. The strongest tremors were felt in almaat. Social networks are full of footage of fallen furniture, cracked offices, formed in the walls. The earthquake was recorded at about 11 20 local time and shook for about 30 seconds, according to eyewitnesses. We sat calmly, and nothing so terrible happened, and then we started shaking. Everyone suddenly ran out, worried, ran, our staircase was still shaking a little, then we arrived, thats it, it didnt really shake us too much, it shook us a lot. Everything shook once, there was no panic , alarm systems went off, to the sound of sirens, people left their homes, classes in schools and universities were canceled, the city opened special collection points, all Emergency Services worked normally, there were also such examples of heroic composure in the National Surgery center, doctors during the earthquake continued to carry out a complex operation, these are nerves, it became alarming after the earthquake, fortunately there were no casualties and. Destruction , but the concern is that recently the number of earthquakes in this region has increased significantly. It is noteworthy that the source of strong tremors this week fell on the epicenter of the famous kemin earthquake of 1911 of the year. More than 100 years ago, but they remember him well even now. The strength of the tremors then amounted to 11 points. The kimin earthquake is considered the strongest in the known history of central asia. Then 500 people died. The kiminsky fault, where a devastating earthquake occurred more than 100 years ago, how do you feel about this theory and another popular opinion is that in this region truly destructive earthquakes occur once every 100 years, then in terms of timing , it seems that there is every reason for to start worrying again, well it is always necessary to prepare for something serious, it is necessary to train the population on how to handle themselves during an earthquake, over the last 1500 years in. This means in this section of the sevengeneration zone, five very strong earthquakes occurred and the last of them was the kiminsky earthquake of 1911, but 1500 before this cluster was a cluster completely without any earthquakes, and even earlier there was a cluster again with the release of Seismic Energy for 1500 years , also during which. There were five strong earthquakes, we have this one here is an interesting repeatability, it turns out that this is a cluster of Seismic Energy release from five strong earthquakes, in theory it should end with the kemin earthquake, now, generally speaking, this period of seismic calm should begin, which should last quite a long time, so when do they occur small earthquakes, then this is very good, this. Some local tensions are released, and there is nothing to be afraid of. And to other events of the week. The president of turkmenistan held a working meeting with osce secretary general. Serdar berdumukhomedov and helga schmit discussed further cooperation in the field of security, both at the regional and global levels. They also agreed to cooperate to bring Turkmen Energy resources to World Markets through new transport routes. The academy of sciences of turkmenistan is preparing to open the agusthan scientific and technological center, whose employees will be able to engage in innovative nano and biodevelopment, taking into account international experience. Scientists promise to provide everything necessary from supercomputers to Artificial Intelligence support. The ministry of energy of kazakhstan has calculated how much the republic will earn from the transit of russian oil to china. It is reported that the annual income from transporting 10 million tons will be 170 million. Now there is an incredible story about a great woman, tonys mother from kyrgyzstan, taktagon altybasarova during the great patriotic war at the age of 16 became the mother of 150 children from besieged leningrad. The village of kurmenty from the sikul region of kyrgyzstan, here in 1900, in the twenty fourth year, taktagan altybasaroo was born. At the start of the war, she herself was still a child, just over 16 years old, but literate, and the men at the front and the little girl were appointed chairman of the village council. And then one day taktagon finally matured, when trains with children who were rescued from besieged leningrad went to a distant kyrgyz village. These are stills from the film i want to live. It was removed on the thirtyfifth anniversary of the lifting of the siege of leningrad. Then mother tonya came to the city of nanive to visit her children. In the village of kurmenty, children aged 23 years were placed in a dormitory. Many children received new names and surnames. Toktogon, together with the doctors , determined the age by eye. The road from. Year, then her children came to see her off on her last journey, including from different parts of russia. And in sochi this week it was not only warm and sunny, but also fashionable, stylish, and youthful. More than 20,000 participants from 180 countries came to syria to participate in the global youth forum. Some of the most representative delegations were sent by Central Asian countries. The youth of central asia brought to sochi not only a piece of its national flavor, but also new Breakthrough Solutions in a variety of fields from media and education to sports science. I work on nanotechnology, on photocatalysts for the decomposition of water into yes, hydrogen and oxygen, we create catalysts using titanium dioxide, nanotubes, nanostitches. And so on. Volunteers from uzbekistan came to gain invaluable experience, because 2024 is the year of the volunteer movement in the cis, and tashkent, as the youth capital of the commonwealth, will host the final forum of volunteers at the end of the year. We young people, volunteers, we want to study with you in russia too, we want to see how it works here, and of course learn, if possible, to tell our own people about it too, next year, god grant that. All our students , volunteers, participated here and learned. And future diplomats received a unique opportunity to try on the role of cis delegates at the highest level, simulating a meeting of the council of heads of state of the friendship and even approved the final resolution. But youth is, of course, first of all about fun, bright new acquaintances are a charge of endless positivity. Another very important topic a delegation from kazakhstan led by Prime Minister olzhas biktenov visited moscow this week on an official visit. By the way, this is the first foreign trip for bektenov after his appointment as head of government, namely to russia. At a meeting with mikhail mishustin, we discussed the Business Card of a successful person. Bilateral interaction, as biktenov called industrial cooperation, which allows kazakh and russian businessmen to implement 135 joint projects worth 26 billion in industries such as mechanical engineering, metallurgy, and chemical production. In addition, almost 70 projects worth 14 billion are currently at the development stage. In general, the scale of cooperation is impressive, but thats not all. The parties agreed to significantly increase throughput. Capacity of our border until 2027, by which time 29 out of thirty checkpoints will be modernized, and special attention has been paid to the development of the International Northsouth Transport Corridor in particular opportunities to more effectively use the Transit Railway section of kazakhstan, turkmenistan, iran. We give priority to strengthening good neighborly and allied relations with kazakhstan. Despite the turbulence of the global economy, russiankazakh interaction. Is developing successfully, russia ranks first among kazakhstans Foreign Trade partners. Relations between our countries are developing fruitfully, you noted this. Across the entire spectrum, the governments of our countries will make every effort to to implement all the agreements reached by the leaders of our countries. Also this week, the speaker of the majelis, the legislative body of kazakhstan, held negotiations with the chairmen of both chambers of the Russian Federal assembly. First, irland kashanov met with valentina matvienko. She noted not only the friendly nature of bilateral relations, but also, more importantly, our common history. And also expressed gratitude to kasym zhamar tukaev, who took part in the Opening Ceremony of the games of the future. They are not politicized, they are very interesting young people, they are modern, hightech competitions, they were very successful, and i would especially like to note the proposal of the president of kazakhstan that such games would be held in kazakhstan next year. I also want to thank you for your kind words in your addresses. Therefore, with regard to the parliamentary dimension, here we need to do everything to meet this level. Today , a truly trusting political dialogue has been established between our countries, deep economic and cultural and humanitarian ties, our relations are only strengthening every year. And in other news an extreme situation. On a ski slope in kyrgyzstan , for some reason a passenger in a cable car fell out of his chair and seemed about to fall down, risking falling to death, but a certain daredevil managed to come to his aid; in the blink of an eye he reached the man along the pole, without using any or insurance, everything was settled. 22 University Students of turkmenistan competed for victory in the republican competition student beauty. The jury evaluated not only the appearance of the girls, but also other qualities, from the ability to recite the elements and. Create National Patterns to cooking the traditional unaj dish. The main prize went to a thirdyear student at the capitals magtymguly university. And a curiosity at the asian youth cup among women in tashkent. They decided to hold the match between the National Teams of south korea and australia in such weather conditions, without even removing the snow from the field. They only cleared the markings of the area of ​​the pretechnical area. So, to the indignation of social network users, the Football Players had to run around the real ones. Coffins alarming news the water at the main hydroelectric station in kyrgyzstan may drop to a dead level. We are talking about the taktagul gas station on the naryn river, near the city of karakul in the jalabad region. By the way, the taktagulka has a very interesting engineering solution. This is an epic structure in a mountain gorge, a concrete slab 292 long and 215 high. At the bottom. The dam blocks are curved and fan out at the top, this removes part of the load from the shore. The project was developed back in 1931 by an Outstanding Scientist and engineer ivan grigorievich alexandrov. Taktagul ges is one of the most important enterprises in the country. Its construction took a lot of time and effort, and not only kyrgyzstanis were built by all unions, russians, kazakhs, uzbeks, tatars, belarusians, other representatives of 43 nationalities, began in 1962. The object is an incredibly complex engineering structure, a large taktagul reservoir with an area of ​​almost 285 km. Today the volume of the reservoir is 7. 7 billion cubic meters. A year ago, its level was equal to 8 billion cubic meters, that is, a decrease of 282 million. The dead level is 5. 5 billion cubic meters. With such a volume , the countrys main hydroelectric power plant simply will not be able to generate electricity. The ministry of energy cited the growing consumption of electricity in the country as the reason, for objective reasons, these are recent severe colds, and repairs at the bishkek thermal power plant, so the demand for energy is understandable, but the authorities still urge citizens to save, especially during peak load hours in the morning and in the evening, but the lights still have to be turned off, the president of the country called on citizens to be patient, the outages are necessary to repair the hydroelectric power plant, the first in almost half a century. These works should be understood as preparation for the next autumnwinter season. For 30 years , not a single hydroelectric power station has been built in kyrgyzstan, the population has doubled. If we had built at least one hydroelectric power station per year with a capacity of 50 mw, such problems would not exist today. The problem may soon appear for a completely different reason. Kyrgyzstan has lost 16 of its glaciers over the past 70 years. Now glaciers cover an area of ​​more than 6,500 km. Reduction of ice cap in kyrgyzstan threatens drought for the entire region. Almost half of all Water Resources in central asia are formed on the territory of the republic. Moreover, almost 90 of the water here is used for irrigation. And, i must say, its not very effective; a third of the water is wasted. More than even in arid egypt and pakistan. Millions of dollars are pumped into the irrigation system every year, but so far this is just a drop in the bucket. Still, what is the main reason for such rapid melting of glaciers . Well, in fact, of course, the main reason for the shrinking of glaciers is Global Warming. But in Global Warming manifests itself differently in different regions. In fact, there are areas where glaciers are not shrinking. And there are glaciers. How this process can turn out for the whole of central asia, especially for agriculture. If we talk about central asia, then it can also be divided, to some extent, into two parts, in terms of the reduction of glaciers. In kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, uzbekistan and the northern part of tajikistan, glaciers are shrinking quite quickly. The peak river flow will shift from julyaugust. At an earlier time, he will shift towards june, well , in the foreseeable future it may go to june, so the second part of the agricultural season will be low in water, and the main thing that can be said here is that we just need to prepare for this, prepare now, in particular to develop hydropower. At 83 years old go to university. Zauza moldakova from oktabe considered that she was. A happy woman, she raised sons, daughters, is raising grandchildren and greatgrandchildren, but after hearing about the Silver University project , she decided to continue her education without hesitation, a person should to keep up with the times, you cannot stay in the country, mass media and Information Systems are very developed abroad, so we also need to transform correctly. Dear ladies, happy holiday, you are our truly inspiring example, inspiration to all, see you next week, as usual in the center of asia, take care of yourself quickly after such destruction, well, its simply impossible, and yet, severodonetsk lives, it was empty in the city, there was no one, the shells were still sticking out in the asphalt, they opened the salon as soon as water and light appeared, purchasing power has increased, people began to receive more pensions and somehow spend them more fun, we already have peace, everything will be restored, there will be a beautiful city, gradually everything. Russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24. It is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations , we can take russian Digital Solutions to new heights, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal. Will be more than it is the numbers that help, you are incomparably original in your questions, and what about production, raw materials, exports in general, what is our product, i present to you a new soldier, ribinin nikolai sergeevich, you love books, yes, i write books, the classics have arrived, take it, thank you, i would help, im not for it. Powerful explosions occurred in ukraine. Late at night, messages came from several regions of the country at once. According to local publications, there were at least two series of attacks in the odessa region. We heard the roar of detonation in odessa itself. Also explosions were heard in the kharkov region and the capital of this region. A little earlier, similar information came from under control

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