Yak130. Anastasia efimova has all the details. On the eve of march 8, an unusual format. Thus, the head of state described the nature of the meeting, which he held at the krasnodar higher military aviation school. At the table graduates of the Educational Institution are people of responsible attitude to work and devotion to their country. On the eve of march 8, i would like to congratulate you all on the upcoming holiday. I wish you success in your career and family happiness, i am sure that everything will work out for you, because you are people with character, you act purposefully, you go towards your goal, sergei kuzhgelovich told me how the first recruitment was carried out, it didnt work out for one of the future cadets to enroll, so she pitched a tent here somewhere, in front of the gate, and so, so attitude to life to. Because i sometimes compare it, you know, like standing with a waterfall, it pours endlessly, even when im with my loved ones next to me, i try not to show it and pretend on the contrary that everything is fine, we re relaxing, but i know that in 5 minutes soandso should call me, in 10 minutes i should. Some of the most striking events are, of course, meetings with our guys or with our women and girls who serve in the zone with their family members. Frankly speaking, i try not to get emotional show, but still these events, these meetings are the most. Bright emotional color. By the way, Vladimir Putin himself took the helm today, this time of a flight simulator, having tried himself as a pilot of the yak130 combat training aircraft. Let me remind you that just a couple of weeks ago. State made a halfhour flight on the modernized Strategic Missile carrier tu160, and there was also an attack aircraft with a u125, a su27 fighter, a b200 amphibian, the sky is a serious matter the president summed up his impressions. The hardest service, i feel so it seems that i dont want to offend anyone, but this is for attack aircraft, they descend sharply, and then also rise sharply, the overload is so great that. Only the hands and fingers move effectively, i dont understand how they control the machine, thats the only control element , one might say, i was on a su27 when the commander suggested that i make a barrel , i did it myself, on a tu160, we flew for 5 hours, i think it was in 2005, well, it was a delight. This is the last flight, it was not planned, because the minister says you cant fly, because we havent accepted this machine yet, and the industry says we havent delivered it yet, so, but when we came to the enterprise and inspected it, the ships commander told me vladimir vladimirovich, we are ready, in 2 hours, we can to be in the air , i suggest you try it, it was interesting to compare what happened to the machine since the time i flew on it in 2005, and indeed, a lot has changed, its practically a new machine. The crew commander is the most responsible job, and what if they were on board number one there was a woman, asked lieutenant zakalyukina, to be guided not by gender principles, but by the business rules of the president , which means anything is possible. I do not select the crew of the planes i fly on. Be guided not by gender principles , but by business principles, therefore, if there is some choice, and a woman will show herself properly when determining for any place, for a position, for moving up the career ladder, of course, of course, there will be no restrictions here cannot, professions where they could not work and achieve success there are no women, the president emphasized, but there are. Channels, remove them from there , why endanger women, so this led to what, they took a vacation and went there themselves, moreover, the head of the channels told me that television, that they are ready resign, but they will still go there, however, receiving flowers in honor of the spring holiday is still a purely female privilege; each participant in todays meeting received a bouquet from the hands of the head of state. And of course, wishes for success in service and family happiness, the complexity of the militarypolitical situation, the historical period, all participants in this meeting are clearly aware, we will not let you down. Said lieutenant kuzina, and responding to this remark, the president emphasized i have no doubt that the highest devotion to the fatherland and duty to the fatherland has distinguished the officer corps at all times. and quoting the head of state russia emerged victorious from all difficult trials precisely thanks to these qualities of its worthy citizens. In one day, our troops occupied more than advantageous positions in several directions of the special operation at once, yuzhnodonetsk, kherson and kupinsky. This was reported by the ministry of defense. More than ten counterattacks were repelled, and the enemy lost over 200 militants. The most active fighting took place in the avdeevsky direction. There, Russian Military personnel repelled four attacks and seven counterattacks of the Ukrainian Armed forces. In the avdievsky direction, units of the center group of troops occupied more advantageous positions and inflicted fire damage on the manpower and equipment of the twentyfourth and 78,110 mechanized brigades of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of the settlements of mayorsk, novgorodskaya and orlovka of the donetsk peoples republic. Four attacks by Ukrainian Armed forces assault groups were repelled in the areas of the settlements leninskaya, novgorodskaya and rozovka, as well as seven counterattacks in the areas of the settlements petrovskaya. Berdychi, orlovka, tonenko and pervomaiskaya of the donetsk people s republic. The enemy lost up to 390 military personnel, two armored combat vehicles, 14 vehicles and a selfpropelled artillery unit gvozdika, a field Ammunition Depot of the Ukrainian Armed forces was destroyed. Well here are impressive footage of the destruction of the polish selfpropelled howitzer crab in the southern donetsk direction. They write on the internet that this is the work of a su34 fighterbomber, one precise strike and from. About thirty meters away, once a gap, a second gap, a third gap, well, they already shot at us, well, they worked it out, of course, under no circumstances should you throw, that is , unless the commander gives the command, no one throws anything, so we stand up to the top, with mutual understanding, the crew must have everything at their best, the car is a tasty treat for the enemy target, it happened in alterations, so they are marked on the bumper, the more we move the enemy away, the closer we get to him, so we always, in principle, remain at. The same distance from the enemy and carry out tasks near the front line, very powerful shells, they hit the enemy very beautifully and mercilessly, this technique folds buildings, destroys fortified areas, and very strongly affects the enemys manpower. Its clear that the car is from a rather interesting history, the letter z on the door is painted on top of the emblem of the armed forces of ukraine, once there was. A Ukrainian Naval infantry. The svo symbol may have been applied a little hastily and sweepingly, but the sign of the Ukrainian Military confidently covers it. In general, this machine is a very clear illustration of that legendary soviet dual redundancy. It has two engines, two gearboxes, and two cardan shafts. That is, if something happens to one engine on one side, for example, on the battlefield, then the vehicle can leave it with help. 4834 4834 yes, the faster we do all this, the better it will be, we are carrying out counterbattery struggle, so it all depends on speed, it is very important, well, on average, how much do you need . 712 minutes, 5 minutes before the goal, every minute counts, we wait for the command, as soon as it arrives, there is no time for an interview. All the movements of each of the crew are so fast and clear, the strike is now being delivered at a distance of about 40 km from this point, the missiles are sent to orlovka this is a strong trap for avdeevka, the missiles are deafening and muffled, going into the heights one after another exactly according to the calculations made, on collapsing the huge mechanism and bringing it into the stowed position after the salvo takes more time. Time than to prepare for shooting, the car leaves for reloading and parking, awaiting new commands and new targets. Grigory vdovin, oleg makarov, gennady korneev and andrey rudenko, news from the donetsk peoples republic. Former commanderinchief of the armed forces of ukraine Valery Zaluzhny is sent as ambassador to the uk, a month after the forced resignation of the commander. Reportedly, kiev has already agreed on his candidacy with london. So thus, a general disliked by the ukrainian leader will take his place. A diplomat disliked by the kiev regime, exambassador to Great Britain vadim prystaika was fired even earlier than Valery Zaluzhny in the summer of 2023, after pstaika criticized zelensky. Experts call zaluzhnys new appointment as ambassador to london a reference to a political competitor, given that according to polls, the former commanderinchief would have won the president ial elections in ukraine, if they were held, of course. In ukraine, meanwhile, for the third month now they have not been able to finalize the resonant the draft mobilization bill in the rada has not even studied the amendments to it, which, by the way, are more. Participation of foreign lovers of war for profit in hostilities on the side of ukraine, within the framework of an operational meeting in donetsk, the head of the Investigative Committee was reported on the investigation of crimes of the kiev regime, the work of investigative units in new regions of criminal cases against mercenaries. By a Court Verdict for participating in hostilities as a mercenary and encroaching on the lives of Russian Military personnel, gatsereliya was sentenced to life imprisonment imprisonment. It is very correct that you continue to work as a mercenary. Identify everyone, kill them on the wanted list, great, well done, continue the action, the participation of foreigners in the ranks of the armed forces of Ukraine Ukraine probably considers it a reason for special pride and even celebrates the day of the creation of the International Legion of gur. Today , march 7, is the anniversary of the creation of the international gur legion of the ministry of defense of ukraine. The legion united volunteers from more than 50 countries. The ranks of the gur unit include experienced fighters, veterans of forces, special operations and other military divisions from the usa, Great Britain, australia, denmark, other countries of europe, asia, africa, south america. And probably, at this rate, the Ukrainian Army will need even more foreign legionnaires, because its defenders are in no hurry to go to the front. There are more and more images of beatings of men trying to resist the sudden mobilization on the ukrainian internet every day. Regardless of the statement. And these womens cries about forced mobilization by the trade centers, that is, territorial recruitment centers, analogues of the former military registration and enlistment offices are not a figure of speech, a peoples meeting, a reaction to the death of a man detained a few days ago, after being beaten by tcc employees, the conscript died, as it turned out later, from epilepsy, but residents raise at least two fair questions, why are they trying to draft a person with such a disease to the front, what happened there would be an influx of amendments, and to be precise, 4,195 amendments, which are still being worked on in the committee ; as soon as this work is completed, the bill will be transferred to the legal department, where it will be proofread, and after that it will be ready for entry into the hall. Despite the assurances of the head of the rada that the most important component of the bill is the issue of justice, ukrainians, just in case, continue to flee the country en masse so as not to experience its effects personally. Varvara nevskaya, news. I have already made my elections, i am staying with russia. Ballerina ilsa liepa, people s artist of our country, who has been the prima of the bolshoi theater for more than 30 years, reacted to the news about the deprivation of her lithuanian citizenship by saying that now she will only have a russian passport. In her opinion, such a decision by the authorities it was no coincidence that the baltic republics adopted right now, when we are in the midst of an election campaign, about what guided the lithuanian president and why in this situation the choice is so important, not political, but moral, in the material of zineida kurbatova. Ilzalieppa learned that lithuania had deprived her of her citizenship during classes with students at her Ballet School on maly gnezdnikovsky lane in moscow. In order to once again say that Vladimirovich Putin is my president , that russia is my country, and that i want and will together with her. Ilza iliepa, peoples artist of russia, exsoloist of the bolshoi theater, ballerina, dramatic actress, author, teacher, founder of a charitable foundation, she is from an artistic dynasty, daughter of the great mares liepa, peoples artist of the ussr and premier of the bolshoi theater. For the lithuanian authorities to deprive her of citizenship. Earlier in 2022, she expressed gratitude to the Russian Armed forces. I listened to the president s speech, it was very long, yes, in general it was completely clear that our life is now completely the other is that from now on we are entering another era, another era in our life, our state, and that in general now this is just a miracle, of course, and gratitude, first of all, to our president. Our army, for allowing us to still live and make plans. Ilza received honorary lithuanian citizenship in 2000, as an exception, because she performed in lithuania for many years and danced with lithuanian petros skerantas for many years. This remark about exclusion looks like a weakness of the state and its culture, as if it gratitude for the fact that a star with a famous surname chose a nonstar ballet dancer as a partner. In september 2023, the most successful figure skater in the history of lithuania, margarita drobyaska , was also deprived of her lithuanian passport for participating in tatiana navkas show in sochi. Zemit kurbatov to lead. The latest mobile nuclear installation, a research reactor, the most modern developments in the field of electric transport, Hydrogen Solar energy, the development of International Scientific cooperation were discussed today in minsk, about the most recent achievements were told at the Belarusian National academy of sciences; a delegation of the Global Energy association came to choose the best, which annually presents the prize of the same name, headed by our colleague, a journalist, most important for the entire planet. Countries, from japan to the United States of america, cooperation with china is very active, now we are developing cooperation with india, we have close contacts with vietnam, with mongolia, recently we had the president of the Mongolian Academy of sciences before cuba, recently in the association. The tasks are real, so i wanted to thank you for everything you do, for your worthy service. The premiere of the film roman kostamarov, twice born took place in moscow. At the International Exhibition forum russia, the film was presented by the creators of the project and the skaters family. Before the screening, the olympic champion performed igor kornelyuks song the city that doesnt exist, and also said that the film is, first of all, about life, love, that you need to fight and never give up. Let me remind you that Roman Kostomarov was admitted to intensive care with pneumonia early last year, due to necrosis, he underwent several amputations of his arms and legs. With byzantium, here, here in khersanes. In the 10th century, grand Duke Vladimir made a choice in which russia should move forward. Here the last thing that was missing appeared, a spiritual and moral core. Every step here is like moving in time, between eras. The work that was carried out here was large in scale. Is a completely unique event in the history of world archeology, richer in the history of the city on the territory of russia and russia, perhaps, there is no such thing, so it emits a special energy, cool. Flowers, money and fire. Deadly fire at the capitals flower warehouse. The fire lasted 2,500 km. A fire at a flower base in moscow occurred on november 20, 2022. Flames instantly engulfed the ancient hangar. I heard cries for help, thank god, the three of us managed to run out. There was a temperature. Very high, everything that was inside was destroyed by fire, seven people were trapped, burned alive, everything burned, well, even kostya, there was nothing to know there, another raid begins , and information has also appeared that the publication was stolen with 20 million rubles, i am the director, this is my company, this is my responsibility, now he has to live with this for the rest of his life, with the feeling that he killed people, what was the reason fire, a small thing led to big consequences, why . People died and how the flower business works in russia, we took on this case and conducted our own investigation. Dear friends, i invite you to our next episode of the besagon tv authors program, which will be called the anatomy of betrayal or funny vdava. I look forward to seeing you at our next meeting. Hello, im boris akimov, and im oleg stepanov. And we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters together with experts. We are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. See you in the future. Hello, the onair Legal Program is being hosted by the duty department, Tatyana Petrova is with you

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