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Return to homes by late afternoon. According to one version, natets was detonated by coal dust. Powerful explosions occurred in ukraine this night reports local media have already come from five regions of the country. So in odessa , several series of strikes have occurred in recent hours. The roar of detonation was also heard in the sums. Similar messages come from the khmelnitsky, kharkov and kiev regions. Residents of thirteen regions heard air raid sirens overnight. Ukraine, as well as parts of the kherson region controlled by the kiev regime. In the kupinsky direction , russian artillerymen thwarted the plans of the Ukrainian Armed forces to occupy a strategic height, having received coordinates from Drone Operators, combat crews and stabilization guns fired precise volleys, destroying enemy military equipment. Our military correspondent igor pikhanov will tell you what is the secret of such successful shooting at distances of tens of kilometers. Sight 355, inclinometer 53 14, the combat crew directs the artillery gun at the targets, the station on the kupinsky direction of the front, the scouts discovered the positions and observation post of the ukrainian militants, for its High Accuracy and firing range of almost 30 km, the ministry of defense specialists call the howitzer a sniper weapon, one projectile fires at. Help reconnaissance to the artillerymen there are drones in the air, Drone Operators are adjusting fire, militants are trying to camouflage their observation points and military equipment in forest belts, but our fighters are destroying the positions of ukrainian nationalists with accurate fire. Artillery uses different types of shells, primarily longrange highprecision krasnopul shells, and the fortifications of the area and places of concentration of militants are hidden with the help of highexplosive fragmentation shells. Shells fired by combat crews using a stab gun one at a time. Attack the enemy with one, an attempt by militants occupying a Strategic Point ends in failure, military equipment and a mortar are destroyed, our soldiers are hunting for artillery and tanks in the ssu around the clock, and they have a large number of damaged equipment to their credit. We destroyed a lot of targets, we also destroyed howitzers, threeseven howitzers, of american origin, we destroyed about three or four of them, armored cars, equipment, utrs, tanks, and so on. Also we mostly accept now. A huge number of my colleagues spoke to you this week, the most the best people of our country, the smartest, the most successful, and, probably, they have already told you everything and answered all your questions, and i, frankly, i dont know what i can add to this, uh, and do it like this , so that you dont get bored, so i wont. Be ready to listen to others, and other peers, and other people from other countries, people from others. However, unfortunately, this is not the case in the world. Here, among you there are probably guys who came from our friendly countries, and there are also from countries that we, unfortunately, we call, calling things straight, by their proper names, unfriendly. There are countries that consider themselves to have the right to dictate to others how to live. There are countries that consider themselves entitled to rob other countries, calling it cooperation, but in essence this is not cooperation, this is new colonialism, in its new guise, there are countries that want to impose their way of life on other countries, while condemning the way the lives of other countries and other. Peoples, calling it wrong and contrary to the ideals of democracy. Its not for us we like it, we dont like it, and we said , this is enough many years ago, unfortunately, there are few countries on earth that can say, this is enough, there are few countries that can really say about themselves, we are a sovereign state, and this is not connected. With wealth or with the power or strength of the country is not at all necessary, it is connected with the historical code of this country, with the spirit of the people, there are few of them, but this is a whole, a whole series of states, a whole number of countries, small, large, mediumsized, who also want to live like this as they want, who want to respect others and want to be sure that they are also heard and respected, we said, this is a situation when there is some club of countries, this very golden billion, and which wants to tell us what to do, we said enough, we we will no longer tolerate, we will no longer tolerate interference in our lives, in our internal affairs, in our politics, we will no longer tolerate various resolutions of parliaments, other countries that say that our elections are not what they like, we we will hold elections that our people need, we let us no longer tolerate criticism of our democracy and the assertion that it is not what it should be, our democracy is the best, and we will continue to build it. But we will always remain open to all countries that are ready for equal, humane, mutually beneficial relations. This does not mean that we are going to be, or that we are a closed country, what you here now says is precisely that what we want is possible when you grow up, when you, many have already grown up, but when you take. Every possible area, with the vast majority of the countries of this world, and we will wait for a minority of the countries of this world to come to their senses. When they join the majority that wants normal relations, we will have enough patience for this, we are open to everyone, we love people from all countries of the world, we may have problems with some regimes, we may have problems with politicians from some countries of the world, with the decisions they make, we will cope with it, but we are open to relations on. People with people, people with people, we will be their develop, this is what i wanted to tell you, now come on, lets start then the questions , lets start, mongolia, as far as i understand, our friends, a beautiful country, please, lets start right here, now, probably, they will give you a microphone, will they give you a microphone . There, and i apologize, it was i who broke the line, excuse me, now we will return to the line, please, hello, my name is sarantuya, i am from mongolia, so i am interested in the following question, what are the joint projects with russia, and between mongolia and russia, would you like to participate in them . Mongolia is our very important partner, a historical partner, our historical ally. A friend, a friend who has always helped us, and a friend whom we are always ready to help, you know, our partnership in the railways, you know, our partnership in the fuel sector, we are talking about such large interstate large corporate projects, but besides this , a whole number of students from mongolia study with us, i dont know if you study with us or you came, we studied in russia, you studied, do you know how long . Very developed, very developed in mongolia, and of course, our entrepreneurs are showing great interest in this, and just trade, its all open now, so there are a lot of niches, be entrepreneurial, i wish you success in this, thank you very much, let s come back here now, please. I hope you can hear me, hello, dmitry sergeevich, i greet you, first of all, of course, i would like to thank you for such a wonderful festival. My name is monav velman, i am the head of the Azerbaijan Youth Union under the Azerbaijan National cultural autonomy of the city of st. Petersburg , leningrad region, i would really like to thank you for organizing such an incredible festival on how beautifully our home of the Russian Federation is shown here, how wonderfully it welcomes foreigners. Guests, and i am even more pleased to see how the stereotypes of foreign participants are being destroyed before their eyes, i will move on to my question, i would like to ask the following question recently the speaker of Parliament Simonyan said that russian Border Guards should leave the airport zvortnots, please tell me how much moscow evaluates this statement by the speaker of parliament and how much they correspond to bilateral relations . Thank you very much, well, first of all, we are very happy. Always see our guests from azerbaijan here in russia. You know that right now , literally, in my opinion, today, or he has already left, our Prime Minister mishustin is in baku, wonderful, with a huge delegation, excellent contacts, and we are very happy with how our relations with azerbaijan are developing. Are you studying here or did you come from baku . Im in as part of the delegation of st. Petersburg, i myself am the chairman of the Azerbaijani Youth Union of the city of st. Petersburg, leningrad region. You are russian azerbaijanis, i was born in st. Petersburg, in the beautiful city of st. Petersburg, which i am very proud of. How many azerbaijanis live in russia . In russia, well, in fact, the numbers vary , they say that about 2 dash 3 million. 23 million, yes, a Central European country, live in russia and somewhere around the same number, probably a little more, in our country armenians live, approximately, yes, yes, and you know that there are more armenians living in russia. Than in armenia, yes, yes, yes, they are russians, yes, they are russians, and they feel good here. And we love them, they love us, and we have lived this way for centuries and will live for centuries, yes, of course, that is why we also highly value our special nature of relations with armenia, with yerevan, in the relations of countries, just as in the relations of people there are different periods, the closest neighbors may have a period. When relations may be strained, but political will is required here, with our on the other hand, there is constructivism and foresight, the political foresight of the leaders of each country, on our side there is also, so i am sure that all these difficulties will pass, cooperation between russia and armenia. As far as we understand, there were no decisions in this regard , no one brought these decisions to us through official channels, we are working in all directions, within the framework of both the cis structures and the Eurasian Economic Union structures, at the level of bilateral relations, we are implementing a number of important projects and we will implement them. Further, this is what i can tell you, thank you very much, thank you, hello, dmitry sergeevich, my name is darinka petrovich, i am a journalist from republika srpska, first of all i want to say thank you for saying at the very beginning about such countries that have there may be no sovereignty, but it still exists, because they are historical countries, they are historical peoples, we are the republika srpska. My question concerns the following we all know very well how it was in the past, how the mechanism functioned, for example, in the cold, since the cold war, everyone had fear, all blocs had fear of nuclear war, but what is happening now, these are new changes, in our western partners there, there is a lot of that. Sisters, serbs are a heroic people, heroic, thats who needs it applaud , especially the serbs who live in the republika srpska, they, they are called, indeed, they have no sovereignty, they are called an entity, but this does not mean that they are not a people, they are a people. Which everyone should respect, and most importantly that everyone must comply with those International Treaties that were from agreements that were concluded quite recently. Our president putin met with mr. Dodik, they had a very good conversation. Putin fully supported dodik in his very balanced, thoughtful, but firm position. This is the same example when a small nation retains its sovereignty and makes it so that, despite naked, monstrous pressure, it still stands on its feet. And we russians will always be together with you, second, i dont know if these people are afraid of nuclear war, if they are people, if they have a head, then they should be afraid of this at the level of the instinct of selfpreservation, a person must have an instinct of selfpreservation, he must have fear. The states, america, are a parting remedy, therefore, all discussions about nuclear war, and there are now a lot of them in the west, in european capitals, in the united states. Nuclear war this is a last resort, it is extremely irresponsible, and it is extremely dangerous because this topic is being routinized. This is very dangerous, i am very sorry that dr. Kissenger is no more, if people like kissenger would have influence now to power or were in power in north america, in european capitals, everything would be different, there would be more reason, there would be more, there would be more political will for dialogue, therefore. Well, as for us, everything related to Nuclear Weapons is set out in our corresponding doctrine, again, if we move away from legal language, it is interpreted there as a farewell weapon if something threatens ours. Existence of our country, then Nuclear Weapons, besides this, is in no way possible to talk about this is irresponsible, i am convinced of this, thank you very much, dmitry sergeevich, hello, and my name is kozhevnikov pavel dmitrievich, i am the commander of the special forces assault detachment immortal stalingrad, the city of volgograd. Thats the question, thank you, thats the question, imposed stereotypes are enjoyed, including many fakes, heres how to fight them, because fakes are often made very well and believably, thank you, well listen, fakes, fakes didnt appear now and not yesterday. Remember the biggest fake antiquity, a trojan horse , thats why they appeared a long time ago, they will always be there, the development of technology always brings great benefits, but is also fraught with a lot of dangers, the same thing as you said, new levels appear, new incarnations of fakes, which are increasingly more complex. Its more difficult to distinguish, its Neural Networks that create images for us, the sound of individual people, this can be abused and is already being abused, all this requires a lot of attention from us, how to distinguish a fake from a nonfake . Well, you know how it is in different services, there in mails and so on two twofactor. To a confirmed source of information, do not rush to perceive everything as the truth, this is the only thing that could previously be much more perceived as the truth from the first message. Now be careful, you need to be on the alert, thank you very much, thank you, thank you very much, dmitry sergeevich, hello, my name is alexander chabukov, i am a firstyear student at the Nizhny Novgorod state Linguistic University and the head of the internal external Department Connections of the youth platform for the Shanghai Cooperation Organization scolar network. And my question, of course, will be related to international activities, what actions will russia take. In response to transnistrias appeal for support. Thank you. The problem of transnistria is very, very relevant now. This is very relevant, because indeed the situation there is far from being predictably calm. People live there. Uh, who largely disagree with what the authorities in chisinau are doing. And, of course, we hope that the authorities in chisinau will take into account the opinions of these people, because the authorities are obliged to take into account the opinions of the people, and that the authorities in chisinau, uh, will not listen to anyones uh advice. Or she will not choose the path of confrontation and suppression of people, this is fraught with disaster, those people who live in transnistria live in very difficult conditions, and they, of course, need a lot, they need help, russia is open to this help, but we we prefer to solve any problems to the last minute. Who simply reject any dialogue and conversation with our country, this is a striking example, by the way, of what is happening, for some reason there are leaders in some countries who believe that they need to focus on europe, but in order to focus on europe, they must necessarily become enemies of ours countries. This, this is a monstrous mistake, we hope that in chisinau they will understand how monstrous it is. Thank you very much, dmitry sergeevich, hello, my name is victoria kazelskaya, i came from the kaliningrad region, i am a singer, i gave more than 50 concerts in the zone a special military operation for our soldiers, thank you, thank you very much, ive already traveled to all new territories, ive been to very hot spots, im staying with the guys in dugouts, well, there have been different situations. To convey news from our beautiful country, from this festival, i wanted to ask you about the opportunity to purchase mp3 players for our guys, because there is no connection, mp3 players, but there is no connection there, the guys have pushbutton phones, they like to listen to music, for example, thats how yes, they come for concerts, they are very happy happy about this, and it helps relieve them, it raises morale, in addition to mp3 players, it also helps to convey. Maybe some magazines with our news , both political and ordinary, just news from home, if you have such an opportunity, help me personally bring our soldiers such news from home, it will be great, look, first of all, us you are now heard by a huge number of volunteer organizations, your colleagues, yeah, who are engaged in constant work. To our guys

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