We made it a winner in the end, and we made it a winner. it seems to me that the intellectual level of this statement by mr. Macron, which was actively discussed here, was somewhat overestimated here, so to speak , that there were some intentions, one, two, three, something else, so it seems to me that this there was, firstly, improvisation, secondly, improvisation is not from a very great mind, well. Obviously, as the further course of events showed, it was completely not agreed upon either with washington or with frances closest allies. Obviously, after this macron has no friends well, yes, it is obvious that, so to speak, this is a reflection of the difficult, to put it mildly, situation in which the United States and its allies find themselves in connection with the conflict in ukraine, a conflict that they are clearly losing, judging by the results. What this should be in the first place believes that all this is completely wrong, to say, the security of america, its citizens, and not some kind of ukraine. He said again, they found it, it turns out 4 billion, we found it, they say, we read it wrong, they say, its wrong for the seventyfourth time, the pentagon is considering the possibility of using the remaining 4 billion, we are in the bottom of the barrel, hop, 4 billion, we can directly supply military aid to ukraine of their arsenals, he says, we say, our books are just accounting books, here he failed 4 billion, well, apparently thats it for the fourth time there are 4 billion instead of 60, so. Here again the russians will remember about the dragoons with ponytails, so to speak, will get scared and capitulate, so to speak, well, the fact is that after this, so to speak, despite the presentation from the france press agency, the americans about that the americans allegedly supported this statement was followed by a categorical denial from outsiders. Europe is completely unprepared now for a big war against russia or china. In fact , throughout the previous quarter of a century, america and its allies fought against all sorts of nonstate actors, as. Called in the theory of International Relations with all kinds of mujahideen, terrorists, so to speak, rebels, houthis, hamas and so on and so on, naturally, this is a completely different war, this is a war with some kind of guerrillas, semipartisans , so to speak, this is not at all like a war with a regular army, well armed with modern military equipment, with this modern military equipment, as very Serious Problems are now becoming clear, its already very. There was a holiday the day before yesterday, they opened champagne and they sang songs there abram will burn, they are not the only ones, uh, well, its true, of course, in the usa and europe they invest a lot of money in the development of the defense industry, but this is not done by scratching the fingers, it takes many years, so to speak, to produce the necessary reserves of military equipment, this is the retraining of the American Military from the war with. The fact that the german frigate hesen shot down a kusitov drone, today, although this all has changed a little, it turns out that he didnt shoot it down, he only shot in its direction. And it was not a houthi drone, an american one, they didnt hit at all, and in general didnt even understand what happened there, and scholz even had to apologize for this, that is, this is at the level of an anecdote, just at the level of an anecdote, that is, we shot, we shot down, then it turns out we didnt shoot down, but now and one last thing , that it was not just an american drone, an american drone that was in this zone on another mission, unrelated to the fight against the houthis, that is, if someone can decipher this, then this. Here it is there he said that we need to work with various nonprofit organizations, this also has something to do with what is happening today, taking place in germany, because really, first of all, this information war is going on, and even this information from scholz, this is what you just quoted, this is exactly the scholz compact, thats what im talking about i said, this is a piece from his speech, it goes in completely different directions, one of the directions is the complete destruction of information, which. The population could understand in real, not in real time, in the understanding that this is really real happens because that information, well, i get all the information in german, that is, i read it, i have subscriptions, i communicate with people, im everything, i live there, im involved in it, i understand it all perfectly, if you imagine, that i am not sosnovsky, who comes here, who speaks other languages, receives other information, then i will have a completely opposite opinion about what. They are working very hard in this direction, so the first thing they started doing long before the special began military operation , nonprofit organizations began to be strangled, they began to be strangled so much, well, if we talk about those that are related to russia, there were the societies of tolstoy, there dostoevsky, pushkin, and where is all this now, it exists, but it exists on Something Like that, not even on breathing, but maybe somewhere a little bit there. They give oxygen so that they dont die completely, but in general this is impossible, im now talking about those that, for example, are being created and are coordinated by former russians or russian citizens, and if we talk about german organizations, well, heres an example from today, heres a completely fresh one, in 2 weeks i was supposed to give a lecture at one austrian hunters union, well, youll laugh, but they often gather in groups that actually resolve political issues in society. I wouldnt give a lecture to a society of austrian hunters, and neither would an artist, i also wanted to say this, but i wont say anything, no, there really is a society of hunters, and good weapons, very good hunters, but among them, of course, among these hunters, most of them are former, of course, military, former officers who want time free from shooting. Listen to a lecture about what is happening and where, the problem is not that i cannot go there, i can go there , i have already bought tickets, but i will not go there, because this is a society, or this union of hunters, he is considered, not even in germany, in austria, so, well, rightwing radical, with such nationalistic various deviations, so they cannot rent a room for the unfortunate 100150 people there, because they are being refused everywhere, this means that behind them. It was as if they were gathering in the villa adlon in the basement, where it means some kind of philanthropist paid them crazy money so that people from this party from. The adg party would gather , an alternative for germany, they were discussing the question of what to do with migrants, and a question was asked there, the word reimmigration was heard there, that is, they said there, supposedly, according to the corrective group, which we know very well, this is a group that is on a par with bellinket , with everyone else, works according to in all directions that they allegedly discussed the issues of reimmigration of migrants, and this issue caused such a wave or such a terrible surge that, in principle, it ends , firstly, in criminal cases, there are none either, it backs up, because it backs up, although in reverse gear , he understands that if he doesnt now do the things that society needs, they will be swept away. Now advertising, after which i will continue with a new composition. Message from the president of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin to the federal assembly. Live broadcast today at 12 00 moscow time time. The kiev regime is hysterically figuring out how to maintain power, the failure at the front has added a new misfortune to the growing discontent in society, the day of the president ial elections in ukraine is approaching , which obviously no one intends to hold, moreover, it was interesting, because it was said that what are you talking about, its very legitimate, the russians came up with it, it was moscow, and then suddenly. Its somehow awkward right away, there is a dragging that we are of course ready to contact, but you cant first say what the answer will be so that we didnt turn to any case, but we , in general, we are everything, we are everything, it turns out we are jeopardizing legitimacy, that is , we wrote the constitution, and we are disrupting mobilization, sowing confusion, half of the messages about how the military commissars are committing outrages, this turns out to be everything fakes and also russian, money is not enough. Why do we need these crooks, what should we do, by the way, the europeans are not far behind them, everywhere our spies put pressure on everything, they influence everything, they wash their heads, and how interesting, in no way are all our media banned, but we influence we are so right here, ah the truth is very simple, all the statements, promises of kiev. The men cant go anywhere, thats all, there is no freedom of speech, there is de facto no freedom of assembly, life is worth nothing, well. These are only the dead, we dont take into account wounded. Regarding the wounded, the figure is three times higher. We are talking about more than a million wounded. Zelensky lives in his lalaland, he is trying to create a good impression, but he cannot even deceive himself. You look into his eyes as he makes another statement and you realize that he knows, that we know, that this is all a lie. This just a pr game that he is playing in order to convince the west to continue doing stupid things. At their disposal, this is the logic, but we have no doubt that such an agreement will be signed with the United States of america, that is, this cretin really believes that the americans need this, hes just an amazing cretin, no less, well, how can i say, too a fool, but only his voice is an octave higher, someone arrested, thats what he says, although no, his sweat is probably lowered, who, come on, is the main goal of the Russian Federation on the material level they wont. It turns out that the party girls lace panties dont work out very well, yes, yes, im talking about this idea to submit to the Constitutional Court as a submission, well, in fact, more and more questions are arising, mind you, suddenly in ukrainian. Tv channels remembered what you were watching, but the constitution does not provide for the postponement of president ial elections in case of martial law, you will remember how many times we said this here, yes, they repeated it to us from ukrainian, western channels, nonono, it says there, there is somewhere, yes there is, yes, suddenly we looked, and what we have said here more than once is, indeed, article 83, the only clause that provides for the possibility of canceling or postponing elections, but only from the verkhovna rada, not a word. About the president ial elections , well, like this, its written in the constitution , its clearly written there, the term is 5 years, within such and such a period the president ial elections must be announced, and so on and so forth, this was done on purpose so that none of the president s would be tempted, i i dont know whether it was on purpose or not, he knows, he and this adoption were discussed before, but i think i took an active part in the discussions, i also took part back in the early midnineties, but you say you dont know, you know everything, no, no, what am i talking about. I dont know if i did it on purpose or not, because that this topic was not particularly discussed at all then, but what i mean is that now they have decided, well, they think, they havent decided yet, but they are thinking about submitting a proposal to the Constitutional Court about. The possibility of Holding President ial elections in time of war or declaration of martial law, well , firstly, they did not declare war, that is, what can we say about this, martial law, but if we were really talking about case law, then i want to remind you that president ial elections have already been held under martial law, during these elections Vladimir Zelensky was elected president , that is, in a number of regions, where martial law was declared. The elections took place 5 years ago, and zelensky, not only did not object to this, on the contrary, he demanded, he reproached poroshenko for trying to disrupt the elections there and so on and so forth, in general, nothing, yes, it turns out that it is possible, and now after 5 years he questions his legitimacy by saying, no, elections cannot be held in such conditions, amazing idiots, of course, cretins, but the most important thing, of course, is that we. Remembered, appeal to the Constitutional Court, a man who, in 1920 , not only tried to dissolve this Constitutional Court in general, but also issued a decree declaring the decision of the Constitutional Court void, thats just by his decree, thats all, and i dont care that youre there decided and no matter what the constitution says on this topic , but this is generally prohibitive, yes, now he is thinking about asking the Constitutional Court something, no, really on may 20, i dont know who he will eventually be called, but he ceases to be a legitimate president , but you cant go on air, no, call him in ukraine , we know for sure, but what he will be called midnight, at midnight on may 20 he will turn into a pumpkin, we can say that, no, he can be called the acting president , in the end after all, rut has been acting for how many months now premiere, right . Meet the popular moscow writer nikolai rebinin , your brother is in the donbass, you have to go there, you have to go there just for passengers to ride here, im not a fighter , i came for my brother, in a couple of days you will go there to the gray zone, beyond this line you will become different, and then what, my childhood was there. And now hes a cancer, thats it, were leaving, its scary, no , its hard to get used to, a back passenger, about 10 years ago i saw through the window how they were beating him, i didnt intervene, i betrayed him, now i have to find him, theres still hope. Nadezhda always is, soon. Welcome. To asia, where the heart of the continent beats. Its easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. The pursuit of views changes entire locations. Its easy to make a deepfake and change your voice. We will expose all fakes. Performs duties until the new president takes office, but there are also the powers of the speaker of the verkhovna rada, who , if he is unable to fulfill the powers of the president , takes office io, and if anyone doubts, again remember, today he will not be elected speaker , but he doesnt maybe hes not a deputy

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