Will not be able to interfere with you, at the behest of the pike. And lets return again to the meeting on the development of the space industry, which took place the day before and then my colleague natalya litovka talked with the head of roscosmos, yuri borisov. Yuri ivanovich, hello, first of all, thank you for taking the time to this conversation of ours. The day before , a meeting was held with the president on the development of the space industry. Tell us, what are the key points of this meeting that you would Pay Attention to, what was discussed . Weve really been waiting for this for a long time. Meeting, because there are a lot of problems in the industry, and it was necessary to discuss and resolve key points that could change the entire course of events, further, well, the issues discussed first of all, this is the continuation of our manned program, this is the main issue that bothered us all, how will it be to develop the manned program, because the main, main goal of the task is. To include breaks in this program , because if there are any breaks, then we will lose those developed competencies in this area, this is unacceptable, so this question has been around for a long time , you know that the International Space station is already approaching the finish line of its existence, we extended the operation of this station of the russian segment, by government decision, until the twentyeighth year, but unfortunately, it has already exceeded everything acceptable lifespans, 80 of russian equipment is beyond the Warranty Period of existence, and as Vladimir Alekseevich solovyov said yesterday, we are more involved in repairing stations than conducting scientific experiments, however, we, together with our american colleagues, are making all the necessary efforts to to extend the operation of this station as long as possible, because of course, it has enriched almost the entire world cosmonautics with new knowledge, and this is invaluable experience and invaluable competencies, which of course will be used in the future , so it was important for us to resolve the issue of starting work on the creation of a russian orbital station, and it is very important that this work begins on a full scale from next year, otherwise, if we delay this issue, then we will simply if we dont have time to create the future station, we will have a break, so of course, all the Industry Experts were very worried, they hoped, these questions were asked to the president , at a meeting with young scientists, and the cosmonauts for. This question, this question is relevant, thank god, that the president supported us, and there will be a russian orbital station, i can only outline some milestones in its creation , which means that we are now almost at full speed developing a scientific and experimental module, which was originally planned to be launched on the iss, but it was decided that this there will be the first module of the future. Russian station, in the twentyseventh year we hope to launch the first module, then the basic composition of the station will be formed, somewhere in the thirtieth year, and by the thirtysecond year, the full configuration of the station will already be formed, it has features in relation to the International Space station, first of all, it is a different orbit, a polar orbit, 90 6. 8 why this particular orbit . The fact is that the existing iss station flies in an orbit of 51 and practically has an overview of russian territory. About 1015 is possible. And the polar orbit will provide one hundred percent visibility of russian territory. It is very important for us to monitor and look after the fundtarget situation on the territory of the russian federation, this is especially important with development of todays arctic borders. 16 times a day, the new station will see the state of the northern sea route, this is just an example. Well, of course, the accumulated experience, and we have perhaps the richest experience in operating manned stations, but we need to preserve and increase it, its no secret that we have been subjected to serious criticism from our financial and economic bloc, we are incorrectly raising the issue of increasing efficiency research, we worked a lot in this. Direction, expanded the cooperation of the academy of sciences, university science, in order to to think through new experiments and turn the work of the future station into a Permanent Laboratory for testing new technologies, new materials, new drugs, i think that this configuration, the future configuration of the station, will be the basis for the development of further developments. There are a lot of important topics, lets talk about everything first order iss, you mentioned that there are many units inside the iss that have already expired their Warranty Period under these conditions, isnt it dangerous to continue to operate the station . Yes indeed, well, in november we will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the International Space station, the first module was launched back in 9, of course , nothing lasts forever, the station is aging, and nevertheless, the issue of crew safety is a paramount issue, and we are in close contact with colleagues from nats, we are constantly working on, first of all, the safety of the crew, the continuation of work, the station, well , various things are used for this , there is a lot of zip at the station, which, if necessary, replace higherlevel units, and we supply everything with our trucks necessary equipment, which is gradually changing, and nevertheless, the station was created 25 years ago, it was designed on the agenda, the issue of changing approaches, a new scientific apparatus is on the agenda this is precisely the need to create a future russian orbital station, and nevertheless it must be recognized that the experiment is international , has extremely enriched the entire world cosmonautics, and we will continue it as long as this is possible, taking into account, of course, the Flight Safety of our cosmonauts and american astronauts. One of the key tasks is to build up the constellation of russian satellites, the key project here is. This is the sphere, as the president said yesterday, before there was broadcasting, now there is a sphere, however, how many satellites do we have now, how many do we want, what will it look like . Well, lets look at some numbers, today the world space constellation has over 8,900 satellites, the russian orbital constellation has about 220 satellites, that is, today this is about 2. 5 . And back in 1975, we had approximately 27 of the world market for all Space Services, for over the last 10 years, the world group has grown multiple , that is, it has increased approximately 10 times, this is due to the demand for Space Services, today it is impossible to imagine Economic Development without Space Services , this is communications, this is Broadband Internet access, this is navigation, this is the forecast weather, of course, this is Scientific Research and much more. The industry for the production of space satellites has changed dramatically over the past few years, whereas previously we created heavy , expensive satellites and took care of increasing the period of their active existence in orbit, using various Technical Solutions and special element base. The socalled redactionresistant element base, today with the creation of multisatellite constellations, the reliability of the provision of services is no longer determined by the reliability of an individual device, but the constellation itself, therefore the requirements for the element base have changed radically, it is sometimes easier to manufacture satellites on a cheaper element base, element base, to replenish grouping when something fails satellite, as is actually happening in practice in the starling space constellation, elon musk, today it already numbers over 3,000 devices, approaching 4. What difference does it make if several devices fail, uh, the service is still provided, ill be honest, we were not ready for this, today all satellite Manufacturing Companies in the industry are able to produce about theoretically 40 satellites per year, that is, this is a Stock Assembly , about 1820 months the spacecraft is being assembled on the territory. Enterprises, and of course, at this rate, it is simply impossible to create multisatellite constellations, so we need to radically change the model of the industry for the production of these satellites, move to conveyor production, and conveyor production differs from onetime production, this is approximately, i always give an example, its one thing to do a car, in a workshop, and another thing is putting it on a conveyor belt, these are fundamentally different things. The converter must work rhythmically; all Technical Solutions must be standardized and unified; it is necessary to reduce the range of the element base as much as possible, it is necessary to develop a standard set of space instrumentation in order to rhythmically supply these devices throughout the entire cooperation chain for final assembly and assemble them. And the leading powers took care of this ahead of time and created mass production conveyor belts in the United States. According to our estimates, the Production Capacity allows us to create about 3,000 devices per year, six production facilities have been created in china, which today are able to produce about 1,200, 1,500 devices per year, and we are only 40, compare noncompetitive, noncompetitive. Therefore, we are simply faced with a grandiose task today, to turn the situation around and move to a new industrial model that allows us to massproduce the required number of satellites, which, in fact, need to be removed to provide those services that i said that we are doing for this, today on behalf of deputy prime minister, we have developed a systematic project for the transition to this industry model at two leading industry sites in krasnoyarsk in the ussr, which means that areas are being prepared for serial assembly of about 125 satellites per year, and we must prepare this site by about 25, at the second lavachkin site, where Remote Sensing satellites will be produced. Earth, a roughly similar site is also being prepared, but this is not enough, the finale, we need to build the entire cooperation chain so that all the cooperation that supplies space instrumentation, individual units, solar panels, Power Sources and all other things rhythmically supply everything necessary for the final assembly, practically we will have to rebuild the model of the entire cooperation, set up its serial assembly, this is a very serious challenge for us, but if we dont do this, it means that we can seriously lag behind the development of the entire space industry and we will be overtaken by the thirtieth year not only by china and the United States, but also great britain, and india, and there may be other countries, so we must under no circumstances allow this to happen. Our task is to create Production Capacity somewhere by the turn of 2526 of at least 200 devices 250 devices per year, and by the thirtieth year, expand these capabilities to somewhere around 400 devices, if we talk about the quantitative composition of the group necessary for russia, so that we can provide our consumers with everything necessary, then in our opinion, by the thirtieth year, space, the Russian Space constellation should consist of at least 1,200 satellites, while the global space constellation by this period is projected to be about 6070,000, these are the numbers, these are the challenges we face, this is very serious task. Another important topic within this topic is the creation of satellites in low orbits up to 200 km, what are the prospects here, is it generally expensive . You know, i will return to. Back to the previous question, the point is that in order to solve the global task that i spoke about, to move to a new industrial model and create a space constellation of the required volume, serious Financial Resources are needed, and of course, budget funds alone will not allow this to be done, so the task is to attract budget funds, so we we plan to carry out work with our private companies, the number of which begins to grow from year to year, but for this it is necessary to create a certain kind of conditions, first create attractiveness in this market, that is, move to paid services, otherwise the business will not invest its own funds in development of this direction, practically this model exists all over the world, all Space Services are. Paid and by paying for these services a resource appears and funds are raised for further development, this is a serious task, we will have to i still have to Work Together with my colleagues on changing regulatory documentation and a number of laws in order to create these conditions , and of course, i will already say for private traders, they need a certain kind of preferences in order to. Ensure the attractiveness of work in this market , well, approximately in the same order as preferences have been created for our it companies today, this was also the subject of yesterdays conversation, this is a very serious conversation, this is a very serious systemic problem that will certainly need to be solved, so you see, this is a complex problems, well, after all, low orbits, low orbits, well, theoretically, low orbit allows. The earth, the lower the orbit, the better the resolution, which can be obtained when photographing a particular territory, but on the other hand, low orbit, this means that it has its own difficulties, firstly, there are remnants of the atmosphere, the satellites are slowed down and you need to constantly take care to keep them in a given orbit; for this, various plasmas are used. Or small, by the way, we have very good competencies in this area, our torch production is in kaliningrad is one of the leading in the world, and its products are in great demand, well, ill just say that until recently the vanveb group was happy to purchase these small engines in order to keep their devices in given orbits, we are conducting very serious Scientific Research, with leading universities, with mine, with festeh, with others, including private companies, in developing technologies, ensuring work in these orbits, and i will say that we have very serious achievements in this area, we really have president vladimir vladimovich putins order means to report by the end of this year all possible ways of developing this area, it promises great benefits, here is a low orbit, it will allow it to take place to some extent, and we will work in this direction. Russian orbital station, you named the time frame for creating the station , how realistic are they . The day before you said that funding has already been allocated, can you share here what this amount of funding is, how it will be distributed . That means we have finished working on the sketch project, where we examined in detail the stages of creating a russian orbital station, conducted a feasibility study, tried to fill the Scientific Program as much as possible, in close contact with colleagues from the academy of sciences, from the federal medicalbiological agency and other colleagues, well, a few numbers, up to thirty. In 2018, we estimated this work at approximately 609 billion rubles. The first 3 years of work, meaning the 24th year, will require order. Up to 50 billion rubles, but this amount, in fact, although it is very large, is for the creation of the group itself will be spent, which means approximately a little less than half of this designated amount, and huge amounts of money will be required for the development of ground based space infrastructure, the preparation of the vostochny cosmodrome, the preparation of launch vehicles for the formation of this station, so this is a complex work, because the future russian orbital station, it also means a new launch vehicle, this station will be launched and formed with the help of angara launch vehicles, and before that we launched all our uh, segments with the help of a proton, who are already leaving the path of life, this is a new transport ship, a fundamentally new transport ship. This is a new cosmodrome, almost everything is new, thats why there are such costs, and of course, colleagues, its not for nothing that we are faced with the question that we must constantly think about the efficiency and impact of the work of this station, how do you see further scientific work and the project for the exploration of the moon , what conclusions were drawn from the emergency situation that happened this year, what is next for the moon project, you know, there is interest in the moon for a reason, it is a platform for Development Deep space, especially since this interest is fueled by the fact that there is a possibility of water being found on the polar caps of the moon, so if there is water, there is life, there is development, therefore all the leading space powers, the United States, european colleagues, china, have their own lunar programs and of course we will continue this program, despite the emergency situation that unfortunately happened with our luna 25 spacecraft, well , of course, we drew serious conclusions from this situation, and yesterday i was asked questions about whether have any organizational measures been taken to the team that created this did this work, the team of this young vnpo lavachkina, of course, he is seriously worried, and today, of course, to give them bail, it would be extremely wrong, we need to do it right conclusions from the whole situation, work on mistakes and certainly continue this work, yesterday the president supported his colleagues , said, well, failures happen, if you look at the entire history of the lunar program, there were many such failures, unfortunately, space does not guarantee one hundred percent positive results, we always walk on thin ice, and a break in such programs for 50 years is also unacceptable, competencies are lost, generations of people who once walked this path and had a certain experience leave, the loss of this experience, this is a very painful and terrible thing, well, how can there be a result and conclusions from this program, luna 25 took 16 years to create, this is an unacceptably long time, this is due primarily to irregular financing, this kind of experiments and work needs to begin finish, well, within the foreseeable timeframe, it should be no more than 57 years, but stretch out these experiments over such a period. This is simply unacceptable, even in the process of working on luna 25, several generations of developers have already changed. When is the next moon . We are planning the next moon, this is moon 26 , the twentyseventh year, then the twentyeighth year, this is a highprecision landing on the moon, where we actually should get the results that we were going to get after landing the moon twenty. Well, in the future we we will continue our exploration of the moon, in close contact with our chinese colleagues. Space is, of course, always a platform for competition, for rivalry between leading world powers, but it is also cooperation between states, how is International Cooperation developing in the current difficult, difficult conditions, how will it develop further . We have lost a lot of export contracts, we have practically stopped cooperating with european countries, with the americans, and today only the m project connects russia and the United States states, but to the credit of our colleagues, we are making every effort necessary to maintain this cooperation and continue working together on space exploration, and over the past year we have been forced to reorient ourselves on world markets, today we are actively working with our colleagues in the Southeast Asia in africa, we offer new packages of services for the development and creation of space constellations of various classes, communications satellites, Remote Sensing of the earth, we offer new, we have developed new proposals for the creation of rocket and space complexes, including the creation of ground infrastructure, especially for countries that are close to the equator, you know that we had the kura project, where we carried out launches, provided launch services for various countries, but after the imposition of sanctions this project practically ceased to exist, well, why not resume this kind of projects with other friendly countries, there are responses to these proposals, we have good prospects for the export of rocket engines, both heavy and small ones. Which im talking about spoke about the development of the enterprise, so we are quite enthusiastic about our prospects in the near future. Yuri ivanovich, thank you very much for spending your time with us, for your comments, there is a huge, incredible, large, largescale work ahead, i wish you success. Russia is a country of which we are proud, we are proud of what we bring light and warmth around the world, we look forward with pride, paving new paths in the oceans and overcoming gravity, we are proud of our successes, but we never stop there, discover the achievements of our country, come to the russia forum exhibition. This is news, we continue to monitor the developments of events, from the president ial press service , Vladimir Putin held an operational meeting with the permanent composition of the Russian Security council, this is what it was dedicated to. Today we have a question regarding the circulation of weapons on the territory of the russian federation, this issue is always important, now i will not go into details, but especially today, bearing in mind the conditions in which we. In which the country lives, you need to think about how weapons and ammunition end up on the territory of the russian federation, illegally, by the way, including from the territory of ukraine, not into our troops, well, on the territory of russia, after all, such weapons with falls into the territory of ukraine, you need to look at all these channels, look at how departmental measures are organized. Control, see what needs to be done additionally to strengthen the regulatory framework, in general there is a large range of issues here, in the fsb reported about a Major Special operation in the zaporozhye region, as a result of which three groups of ukrainian. Intelligence agents were detained, one resisted the arrest and was liquidated, according to the departments Public Relations center, these are citizens of ukraine and russia, they ran internet resources, website and telegram chat of the ukrainian media, which were used to collect data on the psychological impact on residents of the region, they were persuaded to transmit data about the locations and movements of the Russian Military during a search in

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