Israeli cities because of rocket attacks , entire regions are without electricity. Attempt tel aviva failed to clear the camps of palestinian fighters in the center of the gaza strip, as reported in the media. Hamas said they are ready to release the prisoners, but there are conditions. Maria skorodilka with details. Sirens sound in tel aviv this night, especially alarmingly, hamas is shelling the infrastructure of israel, power lines are damaged, there is no color in many areas, in the city of petah tekva a rocket hit a highrise building, firefighters and sappers are working on the scene. A lot of apartments were damaged by the strike, everything is now under control, its lucky that the rocket didnt exploded, all residents were evacuated, there were no casualties, as i was told. In response, sahal attacks the gas sector, presumably firing towards egypt. In this footage, a rocket fell in one of the cities, causing at least one injury. The israeli army announced the destruction of the deputy head of hamas intelligence responsible for planning the attack. On october 7, local authorities are preparing a ground offensive. We must defeat hamas, then people will have confidence that they can return to this territory, and then we will make sure that this area becomes safe and prosperous. However, they hinted at expanding the war to several more fronts; israel is not ready. We are fighting a war on the Southern Front against hamas and are ready for any events in the north. There are many losses, but we are not ready to open another front. Englishlanguage newspapers referred sources to the pentago, they write that the army, under the leadership of the us military, plans to pump gases and nerve gas into the tunnels. The goal is to immobilize hamas fighters for 6 12 hours. In tel aviv, any information on this matter was called secret. Sahal publishes new footage, in which the israeli navy uses antitank missiles of the spike complex to destroy the position of the missilemen of the pristina movement. In just 20 days of israeli strikes in the gaza strip, almost 3,000 children were killed. And this boy came under fire, but lost his parents, while in york , the Iranian Foreign minister said hamas is ready to release the hostages in exchange for the release of palestinian prisoners from israeli prisons, the leaders of the Palestinian Movement accuse the israeli authorities of violence. They spent 30 years in negotiations, violence is called resistance, but during this time it was they who occupied many lands, their territory became larger. Tel aviv responds in kind, the israeli representative to the un said this is not a war with the palestinians, this is a war against hamas. Our goal is the complete destruction of hamas, and we will use every means at our disposal to achieve this goal, not for revenge, no, not for the sake of retribution, no. The leaders of western countries play the role of peacekeepers, but there is no real action; the day before, the usa and Great Britain voted against the russian ceasefire resolution, someone believes. That these countries are in favor of peace, people comment on social networks, and meanwhile, the United States is maximizing its presence in the middle east, deploying batteries of Missile Defense systems in the region, as well as they are sending about 900 military personnel there, the pentagon confirmed, and everyone who disagrees with the states policies is advised to slow down. Earlier, Antony Blinken persistently asked the qatari authorities to influence the Aljazeera Television channel so that it would soften the rhetoric regarding the palestinianisraeli conflict, the publications write, well, in germany, the politician who proposed that israel talk with palestine was completely hunted down under political pressure. Opponents, the exchairman of the Munich Security Conference krestov khoigin had to apologize and admit that he proposed stupidity. Maria srodilka to lead. The day before, Vladimir Putin discussed the development of the space industry with young scientists and specialists from the energia corporation. Anastasia efimova will talk about what promising programs were discussed. A promising sphere without which life humanity will very soon become completely impossible. Space, the exploration of which is about problems. Faced by its conquerors, the president spoke with Young Professionals working in the industry. The head of state came to korolev near moscow, where the energia rocket and Space Corporation is located, and answered highly specialized, social and general national questions, for example, about the construction of a domestic orbital station, the topic was raised by test cosmonaut oleg platonov, he passed a serious selection for the detachment, but not really understands where he can fly when the iss program ends. The president emphasized that without manned astronautics there will be no full development, which means that all steps must be taken in a timely manner. If not done in a timely manner. Financial backlogs, and therefore technological, technical, then this gap may arise in manned astronautics , the goal is that there are no gaps, that the work proceeds rhythmically, as the iss resource is exhausted, so that it appears gradually in the end appeared at the right moment, not just one segment, but the entire station on. We already looked at one of these segments today, when can it be launched . Yes, in the twentyseventh year the first segment should be brought to armit. By the way, the young team also worked on the construction of the luna25 spacecraft. Let me remind you that it was launched on august 11 of this year from the vostochny cosmodrome, but after 8 days the connection was lost and it was unable to complete the task. The emergency situation upset us, one of the scientists said at the meeting, and so did i. The president responded. Quote it was so disappointing, which however does not mean that research in this area will be interrupted. The next device is planned when in what year, twentyseventh . Well try to maybe even move it to the left, there are plans for the twentysixth, but for now its 27, well, i wasnt mistaken, the twentyseventh year, the next one, its secured funding, well continue. Mistakes are mistakes, such a complex, complex field of activity. Its offensive, its offensive to everyone, everyone, i assure you, but its okay, this is astronautics, this is space exploration, complex tasks that are already clear, what happened, why it happened, but negative , still also experience that will be used in the future, so that there are no mistakes, everything is very promising, interesting, we will definitely work, the Lunar Program will be continue, the president dedicated a separate meeting to the development of the industry as a whole, he held it immediately after, he talked with scientists, and this is already a tradition, the head of state first of all talks with those who work, as they say, on earth, but in the context of space, this expression it is worth taking it rather figuratively, so that later we can discuss Strategic Issues in a very substantive manner. I ask the government, before july 1, 2024, to develop and approve an appropriate National Project, aiming it at the formation of a powerful sovereign domestic industry of Space Services, technologies and products. When developing such a project, it is important to specify the goals as much as possible, to clearly define the tasks solved with the help of space, the parameters of Space Services provided to consumers, build clear rules that meet the challenges of the time, a modern regulatory framework, reduce regulatory barriers. The head of state set very specific tasks for the industry, the key one being to multiply. The composition of the russian orbital group, and in a short time. The president named personnel as a key component of the National Project announced today training of scientists, designers, engineers, and workers. This requires competitive solutions. The president returned to the issues raised at the meeting that preceded the meeting salaries, mortgage benefits, Living Conditions in general. Vladimir putin asked the government to prepare additional measures to support the new generation of industry employees who have inherited the best. The quality of their predecessors, the ability to achieve great goals, the desire to serve the fatherland, and of course, passion for their work, and as the head of state emphasized, such people should be treasured, in the kupinsky direction of the special military operation, a unit of the Russian Group west repelled the attacks of six assault groups of the Ukrainian Armed forces, losses enemy up to 200 fighters, plus a pickup truck, a selfpropelled howitzer and two mortar crews, in the southern donetsk direction, where the fighters of the group of troops vostok operate, our aviation and artillery hit the places of temporary deployment of three enemy brigades. A unit of the Southern Group intercepted another 10 enemy drones in the donetsk direction during the day. In total , two pickup trucks, mortars, a howitzer, and a usmade m3 seven gun were destroyed in this area. And in the krasnolimansk direction there are bmp3 units of the Central Military districts, they deliver infantry to places to perform a combat mission, take them back, and also evacuate the wounded. The vehicles are strong, fast and maneuverable, and fighters feel safe in them. From the line of combat contact, report. Our war correspondent, alexei baranov. Now the crew has received a combat mission and is moving towards the contact line. The bmp3 of the Central Military district is on roundtheclock combat duty. Todays task requires not only special skills, but also equipping those who will work in the immediate vicinity of the line with combat contact should be the most advanced. This group of Armored Vehicles consists entirely of the latest bmp3. They are the ones who deliver assault groups to the front line. Bmp3s are sent to the hottest areas here, in serebryansky forestry, to deliver infantry to the firing line, withdraw those units that completed the combat mission, and evacuate the wounded. The crew commander with the call sign pero compares his vehicle with previous modifications more firepower, more horsepower, the vehicle is maneuverable, nimble, very fast, stronger armor, new guidance system, thermal imager, rangefinder, the work is not difficult, you mainly think about how to cover your guys, the bmp3 of the Central Military district copes with this task quite well. In moments of calm we move towards lesechansk. The belogorovsky sector of the krasnoliman direction is still one of the most alarming. The mortar men of the volunteer battles of the Southern Group of forces respond here to shelling from the enemy. Wonderful people, all highly motivated, all deeply immersed in this topic with the desire they want to help the army, to fight the enemy that faces us , because you understand, the children are mobilized, they are fighting, alexey baranov, andrey yurchuk, khaled tankiev, to maintain the line of combat contact in the lugansk peoples republic, the krasnolimansk direction. The heads of the European Union were unable to agree on an increase in assistance to kiev, the political publication reports. Hungary and slovakia opposed the initiative. Newspapers, the reasons for the disagreement between the countries were the corruption of the kiev regime, and also ineffective use of weapons in the ssu. Now european leaders will have to continue discussions until the terms of possible supplies suit all eu members. The head of midchina one arrived on a visit to the United States. Secretary of state Antony Blinken invited him. They are going to discuss issues of chineseamerican relations, as well as the situation in the middle east. Our own correspondent in china, alexander balitsky, is in direct contact with us about the situation. Alexander, greetings, tell us how the first meeting of politicians went . Well, it seems, indeed, that some kind of warming of relations is planned between beijing and washington, and at least we see that Chinese Foreign minister wang has already arrived in the United States for a threeday visit, and has already met with his american visa holder, secretary of state anthony blinken. Judging by the release published by the state department, blinken first of all expressed words of condolences to the chinese people, that night in shanghai, as we know , the previous chairman of the state council of the peoples republic of china, li keqiang, died of a heart attack, and well then we talked about strengthening bilateral ties. For a long time, of course, this visit was agreed upon against the backdrop of constant aggravation of relations due to trade disputes, american technological pressure on china, and especially their constantly ambiguous policy towards taiwan. Military activity near the chinese borders , but the chief of chinese diplomacy still flew to the United States, and most importantly, the tone of the conversation, at least preliminary, sounds very conciliatory, without dialogue. We have differences, at the same time we also have important common interests, and we face challenges that we need to solve together, so china and the United States need to dialogue, we must not only resume dialogue, dialogue must. Be deep and comprehensive, so that through dialogue we can improve understanding, reduce misunderstandings and misjudgments, constantly strive to expand common ground, and develop cooperation that will benefit both sides, so that we can stabilize chinaus relations and bring them back back to normal. Negotiations are scheduled today from the assistant to the american president for National Security with alivan and one of the most important topics for discussion, as reported. The Chinese Media will become the palestinianisraeli conflict, but it is clear that not only this, the americans will probably again try to put pressure on beijing in matters of ukraine, and of course, the situation in the asiapacific. A region where the United States is increasing its military activity, which understandably causes an extremely harsh reaction in beijing. It will be an opportunity for mr. Sullivan to obviously address areas of concern that we continue to have with some of the pnrcs activities, particularly in the south china sea. But it will also be an opportunity to explore ways in which we can continue to keep these channels open and try. Give the military access to Communication Channels that are still closed. Well, it is possible that the Chinese Foreign minister will also meet with biden today, perhaps it will be a short one the meeting, maybe even completely informal, but as several sources in the United States reported at once, this meeting is still planned, which of course immediately caused such a heated discussion, is it not for the purpose of one now in the usa to work out the details of the visit already shizen pin and his meeting with biden, in november, as you know, the apec summit is taking place in San Francisco, and beijing still has not confirmed the participation of the head of the peoples republic of china in it, and now, of course, we are seeing more and more signals that the United States, and in the United States is still going, firstly in San Francisco itself now the chinese embassy, ​​the chinese consulate, have launched an entire campaign to promote china, and secondly , the governor of california, gavin newson, has already been in china for a whole week on a visit, whose trip the Chinese Media are covering, well, literally step by step, newson rode in chinese electric cars, and praised them, well, on driverless buses. It was also accepted by the first. Countries from the same wang yiyi and the deputy chairman of the peoples republic of china to xidzenping himself, and the chinese leader directly told newsam china and the usa need in each other, and what is also curious, newson later noted, the development and wealth of china is beneficial to everyone without exception, so what is this, if this is not the american nod and is it possible that the trade and technological war is being cancelled, in general there are a lot of interesting details, of course, this new chinese american track , and even considering that it is gavin newson in the Us Democratic party who is now considered the one who. May replace biden in the party, well, in china, of course, they have already joked, not excluding that , what soon the American Press will tell that the chinese also recruited his newsam. Alexander, thank you, our special correspondent, alexander bolitsky, was on direct line from the chinese for information on relations between the usa and china. And now economic news, maria, this year the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union have eliminated eight out of eleven trade barriers, tell us how trade turnover has changed . Tatyana, in 8 months it increased by 10 . Ill continue the topic a little later, well, ill start with this Vladimir Putin instructed to more actively develop export of Space Services, in particular to the fastgrowing markets of asia, africa and latin america. At a meeting on the rocket and space industry, he instructed the government to prepare specific proposals, therefore. Question. The president noted the need to retain young specialists in this area. This will require benefits and a preferential mortgage can be a good incentive. The cabinet of ministers should prepare additional measures in this regard. Well, besides, at a meeting with young scientists and specialists. Vladimir putin emphasized that it is important to develop social infrastructure around Space Objects and attract private companies to work together. Opportunities for increasing wages will also need to be explored. In this industry, well, today the central bank can raise the key rate; according to most experts of market participants, it will add one percentage point, but a sharper increase is possible. Let me remind you that the figure is now at 13 . I think that several options will be considered, including maintaining the rate at current level of 13 increase by 100 and possible. By 200, there are also such forecasts , but i believe that it is more likely that the rate will be increased by 100 basis points, to 14, while maintaining the signal that the central bank will continue to assess the feasibility of further raising the rate at the next meetings. I also think that the key rate forecast for next year may be raised. We will find out what the rate will be after 13 00 moscow time, well, at 15 00 there will be a press conference on the results of this meeting. This year countries of the Eurasian Economic Union have eliminated eight of the 11 remaining barriers to mutual trade. This was stated by the Prime Minister of belarus roman golovchenko. These were longstanding issues that were not easy to resolve, but they were resolved, this is also probably an indicator of the effectiveness of the work. Well, in general, the fact is that we have high rates of growth in mutual trade every year. Agree to increase the budget for the next 4 years. The European Commission insists on additional contributions to continue supporting ukraine, well and to combat the migration crisis. Kiev needs 50 billion euros for financial assistance, and another 20 billion for military assistance. Members of the union greeted this proposal without enthusiasm, since they themselves suffer from economic problems that are associated with antirussian sanctions. Nevertheless, brussels intends to continue negotiations and hopes to reach. By the end of this year. And at the end of the issue, i will remind you that the Exchange Rate for today is the dollar 93 rubles 56 kopecks. Euro 98. 73. And thats all i have for now. All ossetia collects various kinds donations and sent to the front. Here you feel the price of life. We have enough of everything, but what attention brings us is also very pleasant. Faith is difficult, the fate is mortal, i see on every stitch i say, please stay alive, this is already becoming a talisman, i knit socks from yarn, first we started with balyklavs, then stretchers followed, so we have been continuing to help for a year now, machine this one belonged to my grandmother, everything is for the front, everything is for victory, so heres to work. On it the northern military district united nation, everyone worries about those who are here and helps in any way they can, time spent with family is priceless, you can play sports or creativity together, or you can all take part in a competition together, this is a family thing for us and win great prizes, details on this. Rf, and now lets talk about sports, alexander in the continental. League , spartaks record winning streak was interrupted, tell us more. Tatyana, spartaks winning streak was interrupted at nine matches. Lets go back to hockey, lets start with football. The european cup week closed the day before with matches of the third round in the european leagues and conference leagues. The main favorite to win the europa league, liverpool won their third victory in three matches, with a score of 5 1. The reds beat french toulouse on their home field. Despite the fact that eorgin klops team did not play with the main squad. All five goals for liverpool were scored by different players. In its group e, liverpool is in first place, after just three rounds it is already five points ahead of its rivals. In other matches yesterday day, bayar beat karabakh with a score of 5 1. As part of the azerbaijani team, russian goalkeeper andrey lunev missed five goals from his former club. Cypriot arres, without alexander kokorino, lost at home to betis. Sturm atalanta 2 2. Alexey miranchuk did not appear on the field. And olympis westham 2 1. Ajax continues to fall, losing to brighton. Ajax has a record streak without a win in the clubs history, already nine matches. In the domestic championship of the netherlands, ajax is generally in the relegation zone. And roma, jose maurenho calmly beat slavia prague. In Continental Hockey League siberia on its ice interrupted the winning streak of spartak, the record streak of the red and white stopped at nine victories in a row. The day before in novosibirsk , alexey zhamnovs team could well have counted on their tenth victory; the redwhites took the lead twice during the match, but in the third period spartak conceded three goals and lost for the First Time Since october 2. 4 3 victory for siberia, despite this defeat, spartak still remains the best team of the season today and is in first place in the summary table of the entire continental league. Fifth racket of the world Andrey Rublev guaranteed himself participation in the final tournament of the year. And this happened after the victory. Rublev over italian matteu arnaldi in the 1 8 finals of the atp500 series tournament in vienna. Rublev beat the italian in less than an hour and a half in two sets 7563. Andrei rublev qualified for the final tournament of the year for the fourth year in a row. The russian tennis player is having another successful season. In particular, for the third year in a row, rublev has overcome the symbolic mark of 50 matches won in the season. Final tournament year with the participation of the eight best tennis players of the season will be held in. In midnovember , Daniil Medvedev , the third racket of the world, will perform in turin and also in turin. The day before , at the tournament in vienna, Daniil Medvedev also reached the quarterfinals. Medvedev beat bulgarian grigor dimitrov. It all started unsuccessfully. In the first game, medvedev gave up his serve three times and lost the set with a score of 3 6. Medvedev did not make such mistakes again. The second and third sets were won 6. 2 6 4. A difficult strongwilled victory. The opponents spent more than two hours on the court. Now. Quarter final tournament in the capital of austria there will be a russian confrontation. Today Daniil Medvedev will play against karen khachanov. President of the International Boxing association umar kremlev held. Meeting with president of tajikistan em alili rahmon. Iba implements many of its projects in tajikistan thanks to government support. First of all , they develop mass boxing. The meeting participants also discussed the creation of an International Boxing academy in central asia, where athletes not only from the asian region, but from all over the world will be able to come. One of stages of development of International Relations will be the participation of athletes from tajikistan in the World Friendship games. Tournament, which is in september. Year will be held in moscow and yekaterinburg. Midfielder and Italian National team player sandro tonali has already officially received a 10month ban. This punishment was approved by the italian football federation. Also, after these 10 months of suspension from football, the midfielder will receive 8 months of probation. In addition, the footballer will need to undergo treatment from ludamani and have a series of conversations about his experience. Artanali was disqualified for betting on a match of the italian championship, including a match of his former team milan. And also the striker of the nglavators club suffered for his love of betting. Shayin pinto received a 41game suspension, which is exactly half of the nhl regular season. The reason was betting on sports, but the league reported that twentytwoyearold pinto did not bet on the nhl at the match. An ottawa player was suspended for half the regular season for doing something nhl players are generally prohibited from doing. Rates, and literally, this constitutes dishonest behavior and is detrimental to the welfare of the nhl and hockey. That s all about sports for now, see you next hour. You know, its such a thrill when you start a tank engine for the first time, you just feel this power, when i decided to come to donbass, they thought i was completely crazy , seventeenth, please go down to the intensive care unit, they asked, called, well, ready, not ready, as if not ready, as if always ready. Just as women made a great contribution in the great patriotic war, so now women do a lot, here, where i am as a medic, for example, and as a driver , i can probably bring them more benefit than i will sit in the office at the computer, when she just comes up to you and even just hugs you, says the word that we are in we believe you, this gives a lot, but i wont sit at home without sharing. This is my land, i will protect it, i wont give it to anyone, and you used to fly, i havent done a lot of things before, but then i did, its a dream, but to fly with me, youll now promise and you wont take it, i wont take it, all life, im waiting for you and i to just talk, no one wants to hear. Except ourselves, we cant put it off, were preparing a flight, its hard to keep up with a man, dad, i want to come to you, who is trying to catch the wind, every day i write him a letter, and then, when he returns, i give him mine, and he gives me his, im going in a thunderstorm, why did you pester me, what do you want, let him go down, wherever, i worry every time when he leaves, but he returns, he promised me. Master of the wind. Come on, fyoda, hold on. Police found a note to relatives in the house suspect in yesterdays bloody tragedy in the United States, abc tv reported. The man never revealed his motives. There is a police squad near his house, therefore they are trying to discover possible evidence , according to their version, it was fortyyearold robert carte who shot about two dozen people in juilston, about sixty more were injured, the police do not rule out that the man could have committed suicide or is hiding in another city, residents are terrified, the authorities are calling on them to gather strength, but the hardest thing, of course, is the families of the victims

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