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That the ukrainians do not play here. He was once greatly humiliated by yulia tymoshenko, this is the price of stupidity, once upon a time this fool managed to make an enemy for ukraine, thank you, thank you, they are tired of obeying my policy, especially when the idiot barel says orban doesnt like it, like no one is holding you , from the european union, and who are you to decide, that is, who is barel, so that in this way, that is, the person does not understand at all, barel does not boss orban, their positions cannot be compared at all, barel is, by and large, a Service Staff who. All these people are for solving common problems and he cannot tell one of the coowners, if you like, how to behave and what to do, well, at the fronts, bad weather, movement somewhere is a very important trend, hysteria on the other side, by the way, i was struck by these disgusting videos with the goal of now throwing women on the front line. That is, there are few men who died, they also want to bury all ukrainian women, they would rather have their own instead a deceitful video that a woman should be a wonderful mother and warrior in bed, to show this sobbing fortyyearold fool who in one day lost more of her brothers than in the previous 4 months, thats what war is, war is not commercials of block 95. For starters, by the way, let these cretins from block 95 gather a company of propagandists and send them to the front, at least they saw with their own eyes what it is, although on the other hand, gordon cannot, he has not yet interviewed the cat, he and not in block 95, but this is perhaps the most amazing person, the most amazing, because as he breathed, as he breathed, he was about to pull out his adams apple, he showed secret wrestling techniques to a wrestler. Destroying a rubber dummy in front of klyuchko, it turned out that the dummy won in the battle of two rubber products. Igor, well, you remembered, i wanted to start with something else, but you remembered about ukrainian women , when i was getting ready, i was looking through ukrainian public pages, i got caught, you know, my heart is bleeding, here is a young, beautiful girl, very beautiful in ukraine girl, so she was brainwashed, and it was probably there in the fourteenth year, i dont know, there about 13, 12 years old, so they just. So they formed her on this on this insanity, shes on this prosthesis, shes already without a leg, and how many of them are showing there, someone without an arm, they crippled a huge number of these young people, at the beginning they were infected with this virus, and then, so to speak, out of her stupidity she went, well, its clear that so to speak, she ruined her life, its clear that, so to speak, she will be like this for the rest of her life to say, well, shes disabled, shes already a young , beautiful girl, young, well, this is a disaster , im calling them these scum for this, i dont know them , ill crush them as much as i have the strength. You see, its just a generation, these are young people, i dont blame them, i blame myself , you know, we allowed this, so i allowed it, i dont know, so to speak, i dont know that i could have done this scum at that stage of yanukovych, the cowardly one who ran away with all her mosquitoes, all her family, you know, i blame them for the fact that this is happening, well excuse me, because, you know, its simply impossible to really look at this, its really hard to look at all of this, as for igors statement, you know, you raised such a topic, if only he had shown the will to maidania, of course, yes, of course, well ill say a terrible thing, but 5,000 people would have died there. It doesnt matter, 10,000 people, half a million ukrainians would be alive, half a million ukrainians would be alive, we were waiting for him , yes, i remember, vladimir, i wanted to tell you more, this creature is sitting today and telling his entourage that he will soon return to ukraine he will be in charge, i swear to you, they distribute the topics and distribute them among each other, to their friends who are sitting in europe, they already have the topic, they distribute positions, we all know about this, do you understand what the horror is . That this creature has not yet been punished, that this creature is still free, that this creature is sitting, fattening on stolen money, from everything, my mouth is drowning in blood, here are young, young girls, guys, wants, i ill say this, he wants to come back, he took a machine gun, he needs to hang it on a pole, the first one, you know, i have the approach is simple, he took a machine gun, took 50,000 people with his own money and went to storm kiev. Which kyiv will they storm . They had all the power in their hands, vladimir, they had all the power in their hands, you know, one command was enough, the blood of the Golden Eagles was on him, on his hands, the first guys who died, those who were burned in the house of the common people, yes the nazis burned him, but because of his cowardice, because of his flight, because of his betrayal, youre right, there would have been an antiterrorist operation, but in western ukraine, and we fucking separated them, yes, its all over, and wed live normally, hes a coward. Blood, and this creature sits and lives and gets high here, this is it, this is injustice, you know , ill tell you this, i dont know how if god forbid this happens, the guys who died, they ll turn over in their graves, i i dont know, everything here, everything can be, its nothing, i dont believe in it either, you know, well, so to speak, i know , i just have one hundred percent information, i ll tell you this, remember the classic joke, well, you also tell, im not telling never, you see, no, igor, this is a joke, it was an anecdote about an eightyyearold man, yes, and you tell it too, you also tell it, you see, ill tell you honestly, everyone from ukraine will deploy their shafts and go to kill them first, unless they will think of doing this, who, who, i dont know, the guys will confirm everything, im sure of this , thats it, its just that even these conversations need to be stopped, they have a demoralizing effect on everyone when it comes, this i say, can you imagine, but i dont even know them, well, you dont you know, because, so to speak, they are busy with another problem, if i dont know them, thats already in place, i, i ll show you everything in the commercial break, documentary evidence, okay, to hell with this yanukovych, i think that so to speak, he must get his, he must begin with him after the completion of the operation in ukraine, the trial of those who must begin with him is that he is the root cause of everything that is happening, he is the dessert, at the time of the coup, he turns from the president into the Supreme Commander in chief, he escaped , he abandoned the troops, he betrayed, he surrendered everyone, and this the creature must answer first, and then zelensky, these same poroshenkos and everyone else, he is the root cause of all the troubles in ukraine, as for the report, yes, a possible report, what the americans are saying about it. Money spent, you understand that if the report is provided and moreover, and objectively examined, but this is lifelong for biden and for most of the top of the democratic party, well, of course, thats all, so it wont happen, nulan, salivahn, yes of course, theyre all, theyre, theyre all, theyre, you know, the same the calculation was that victory would write off everything, victory, they were sure, i dont know why they believed in it, why they, so to speak, were 100 convinced of it, victory would write off everything, and not. And there were no victories there will be, but there will be no victory, and sooner or later, i say again, no , of course, kiev today will not give any reports, when we get there, we will provide it to the american republican party, anyway, all traces will not be destroyed, so that they didnt do it, no matter what happens, something will still remain, and im sure that even so to speak, in america there will be the enormous consequences of everything that is happening in ukraine, there will be enormous consequences, i think, starting from organ trafficking, so to speak, theft and smuggling and weapons, which means that all this is covered, somewhere by the americans, somewhere by the europeans, Drug Trafficking is starting, which a huge amount is coming to europe, we understand how it all happens, ukraine has turned completely black, begins trafficking in young children, pedophiles, all these, i once again when, when we count how much a girl, a boy is worth, this ukrainian, these are our children, these are ours, look what these creatures have transformed, transformed our country, just think about it. This is a disaster, this is horror, i already said once, prices for donor organs on the black market in europe have fallen three to four times since the beginning of the war in ukraine, three to four times, and you know, yes, so to speak , that a White American there , or so to speak, he will never transplant a negros liver into himself , is considered very genetic, i was just struggling with this in ukraine, its been a long time since this whole situation has been developing, that is, it began, when ukraine is long ago, incompatibility, they have, you know, those who have money, they are racists, in any case, they will never say so, they will tell you anything , they will never transplant their hearts or kidneys, neither is this the same thing from black and white there, slavic genetics, it is very good, it is very like that. They raise children from childhood, you think how he has seven hearts, he was waiting for a car accident, they were waiting for a car accident, they transplant hearts, take little children, the parameters are suitable, they grow, grow in the right moment bang thats it, well, yes, this is it, this is scary, yes, this is scary, this is what my country has turned into this, what i wanted to say about something else, so to speak, you tell me, well, tell me about something else, yes, by the way, about, yes, yes, about this yanukovych, you know, as i remember, i dont know, but why suddenly about yanukovych . Im just talking about tymoshenko, well, when its a girl, i have a girl, it s before my eyes, you understand on these prosthetics , these fools are young, these guys are young , blind, without arms, and the story is all because it all started with him, you know, it all started with him , yes, vladimirovich took off in ukraine little by little, you know, people have long understood everything, so to speak, intuitively , not everyone there understands this geopolitics , but they seem to have hated the authorities for a long time. They cant extract anything due to the most powerful repressive apparatus built, so this apparatus consists of scoundrels, but not fools, they are already starting, they see, yes, we all understand perfectly well that the interests of america will never have to be ignored, it was, there will remain a great country, but the time of unquestioning submission of the americans is over, they are, and relying only on this , ukraine could only exist in conditions. The dominance of us hegemony in the world , under no other options in the form in which it is organized today, it cannot exist, they are beginning to realize this, believe me, not all of them can fly, but before their eyes, so to speak, video , how the americans take their accomplices from afghanistan, not everyone knows how to fly and not everyone, and many are beginning to understand that, so to speak, you know, the inevitability of answering for, that is, the inevitability of punishment. Having joined, it will be, it will be, im literally just two words about the church, you know, uh , a law was adopted, yes, on the ban on the Russian Orthodox church, according to the procedure, this is in the first reading, then a second reading should take place for the signature, i cant even pronounce the phrase of president zelsky, this is the scum of the scoundrel zelsky, so uh, there s no point in appealing to the voice of reason, there s no point in appealing to some kind of humanity, to be honest, only animal fear, you know, all these scumbags can be stopped only by animal fear, happiness, if they had the awareness that having gathered in the Verkhovna Rada to vote in the second reading, these satanists will not come out of there alive without this Verkhovna Rada , this would be them, im sure many of them would think about how much we can talk about, well, you know , well, lets at least somehow support, help our people there, our church, they just need to be warned, so to speak, im appealing about us, to our management, just present ultimatum, gather for the second reading, fuck it, there will be neither the Verkhovna Rada nor you, everyone will remain there, and its theirs, believe me, it s theirs, this will stop them, only this can stop them, there are no other options here , they will vote remotely or in another room, they have the right, now this was funny, im serious about you, about the rights in ukraine, it was really funny, thats right, thats where theres no role, theyre right, unfortunately, which means well individually liquidate everyone who votes, they should know. Your excellency about this, thank you very much, igor, i want the title of ambassador, i want to remind you, its just that there was a vote in february 2014, and not about the impeachment of yanukovych, yes, who was dismissed, no one knows who, its not known how everyone agreed to this , the whole world agreed with this, it was negative, it was the order of the Verkhovna Rada, it was the order of the Verkhovna Rada, but illegitimate, this is the second, but the way, the way to resign someone like that because he ran away, simply did not exist in ukraine. And i understand you, i i assure you, he will tell you, if, if we talk about this trend that igor was so interested in, its about people who are now really losing their legs, who are losing their arms, dying, there are thousands, tens of thousands, today ukraine, the ukrainian people, not ukraine, the ukrainian people, has never stood so close to destruction , never, and the trend is too great, it is also intensified by the fact that today military registration and enlistment offices have been given limits, and these limits are calculated in tens of thousands. Each territory of ukraine received the task of forming, gathering. These people who are there in any way, everything is allowed, everything that can be done, everything can be launched, firstly, this is the option when zelensky talked about that they are getting rid of corruption in the military registration and enlistment offices, they Just Launched a new new round, they launched it again and are collecting, that is, those who have already gone through this crucible, they are launching them again in the same place, they are launching those who have already went to study at institutes, the second time, as if they were returning them, they let them go, they have expanded the norm for the admission of women, they are now discussing in quite detail the option. Essentially teenagers, yes, that is, who will not have the right to leave, because they are already obliged to serve in the military, they must wait for their time, choose a military specialty , that is, ukraine is completely refocused on the destruction of its population, that is , i say again, ukraine has never been closer to the destruction of its population, this is all welcomed in every possible way by everyone, even even such countries as lithuania. When lithuanian the minister of Foreign Affairs declares that this is the cheapest way of waging war, then its probably worth drawing conclusions for everyone, those who live in ukraine, who are at least somehow capable of influencing this story. As for the emerging track that you mentioned, uh, the hegemon who built the Current System until recently used ukraine as an arena. In this arena, it means that we all, everyone here were indignant, we talked a lot about the fact that president s were going there, there. Leaders were going there opinions, potential leaders of countries are going there, that is, they are going to check in, thats it, the story is over, israel appeared, now israel is going, who has already been there, scholz has already been there, sunak has been, that means macron has already arrived, that is, the whole cohort will go there , they will go to check in, they will go to do, put marks that they are fulfilling the task of the hegemon, they are concentrating their efforts, now in the middle east, ukraine thereby begins, begins to move away from the platform, that is, it is losing, the role of the platform, zelsky is losing opportunity political influence, because he ceases to be the figure who listens to words. Ukraine has nothing else but the role of a political leader, speaker, interface of the ukrainian government, who could criticize, that is, he could tell scholz how to live, he could, that means, besiege the leaders of a number of other countries there, now he has this function the americans are losing today, again by changing the speaker, here too radically. The situation is already changing, so now we are talking about that the americans, who promised to budget about 50 billion dollars, should have allocated 18 billion for this year, now we are talking about only nine, and that may be why now ukraine, a state that is 70something percent depends on external subsidies, because only officially in the budget there are 42 billion, which they should receive, they said from external subsidies, and another half of what they consider their taxes are taxes on need. Credit, so ukraine is now financially , she is categorically incapable of further, well, not just self reproduction, but its own maintenance, so a significant part will be assigned to europe, so they will try to somehow compensate for these funds from european budgets, orbans position in this case becomes already have quite a Strong Influence on financial sources, so this is the situation that already exists today, it is not at all favorable to ukraine. But again, lets go back in the other direction, because that unfortunately this will not happen tomorrow. And tomorrow, on the front, this will also not have any influence, because what we have now, what we see now along the entire line of combat contact, ukraine still has enough weapons, ukraine has enough equipment, although it is being very actively destroyed , the faster it is destroyed, the less replenishment there is, accordingly, the more effective the results of our. Advancement at the front will be, i wanted to return to one document, which is now on many sites the issue is being discussed, as far as it continues, it has been discussed all this time, but aggression, russian aggression, russian aggression, russia took a generally unprecedented, unmotivated, unexpected step, which means that in starting a special military operation on the territory of ukraine, there was one document , in 2002, developed it with the participation of they asked the question if , therefore, the americans had not intervened in yugoslavia, how many losses would there have been . Was this intervention legitimate, and if they had intervened when srebrenica happened, then how much people would not have died, and if they had intervened, if rwanda had been there, that is, no matter how many people would have died, they make an unambiguous conclusion, if all procedures are followed, if there is a proposal at the General Assembly at the un security council, if a resolution is adopted, if there are attempts to reach an agreement, if negotiation processes are initiated, if. This set of tools that International Law provides today, then , in principle, actions to enforce peace become legitimate, the question arises that russia did not do what russia did not do in this case, russia warned, warned both sides in order to avoid bloodshed within the framework, within the framework of the civil war, russia initiated the geneva, normandy, minsk format, russia initiated. A meeting of the security council, in which resolution 2202 was adopted and the minsk agreements were initiated and legitimized. Russia has been negotiating for 7 years , what russia has not yet done, here are what other methods it has not used in order to consider russias actions to be coercive ukrainian regime to stop the bloodshed, that is, to consider them illegitimate , how, what should have happened when a 105strong group stood on the threshold of donbass and began its invasion, russia had every reason to intervene in this massacre, for in order to legitimize its relations, to recognize the republic of donbass, which is populated by at least 90 by russians or russianspeaking people, thats almost 100 , probably, of the residents of donbass, it had all the legal grounds, including under International Law, in order to bring to consciousness the regime that had exploded and that decided, decided to kill people in the donbass, which was prevented in this case by the intervention of the americans, together with a number of western countries that began actively finance the ukrainian regime, who began to support it, who began to pump it with money, weapons , everything else, and today we have a protracted war, and three times forbade ukrainians to sign peace agreements, peace agreements, plans are definitely not entered, they banned the ukrainians three times, interestingly, please, well, you know, we have been in this studio several times, now ask, the only thing, mr. Ambassador, i would like to add that there is also one more nuance, we recognized the lpr as subjects of International Law and dpr, concluded an agreement with them, received an official request for help, an official request for help, within a week the ukrainian troops increased the degrees of escalation so much that, in my opinion, even now they are flying less than they were flying, now its comparable to about a week , now the same number of people fly across the territory per week as before. Plus, there were several recorded cases of violations of the russian state border by sabotage and intelligence groups, so we had everything, just all the legitimate grounds for protecting our allies and us. For several days we have been talking about how the west is literally escalating the situation, and very seriously. The americans sent two Aircraft Carrier groups to britain in the middle east, respectively, in the mediterranean sea, and in such a way that they could work. Not only in the middle east, but if something happens in the crimea from the point of view of range and thats why we raised , but the point, but the point is not lying, well, i understand this from a purely Technical Specifications point of view, thats why daggers, and instant31, with were raised with daggers, not put on combat duty, and , accordingly, nato exercises and so on, and the question was always asked how we would respond, but yesterday turned out to be the day of the answer, accordingly, yes, the Supreme Commander. Conducted training exercises on our forces, respectively, on nuclear deterrence, which include, in addition to what was shown to us, these are, respectively, icbms, the yars intercontinental ballistic missile, the launch of the sineva missile, and a very interesting thing, because from kamchatka, if launched, this missile from the pier practically reaches any point in the United States of america, even boats it is imperative, as stanislavsky said, i dont believe it, to require fullscale tests. Well, maybe the time will come soon, but i wouldnt want to include launches of cruise missiles uh 195 of course peacefully why is there a posedon that is capable of carrying nuclear warheads, but the Nuclear Deterrent force, and lets not forget, also includes a missile attack warning system, because we are conducting this exercise according to the scenario when, in this case, the First Nuclear strike is allegedly delivered against us. And we are responding with counter nuclear strikes, this was discussed yesterday, in addition, we will definitely use Missile Defense systems, in addition to the Central Industrial region, we now have the s500 complex, which, strictly speaking, will be like an umbrella cover large areas of our country, but it still cant be covered, well, in any case, all of us for now, no, thats not the point, but any air defense is there, well, the probability of defeat, i agree there is never a single amount of work, 100 we can. In one case we can give, in another case we cannot give, no , well, the performance characteristics are never 100 , well, you know, i can say, just by shells and hymers, which means that a large number of cases are now 12 hamers. There are 12 missiles in the shell, 12 missiles have been fired and 12 hymers are all stowed, but this it doesnt happen often, but it happens, so i beg you, i beg you, even , well, because, well, i travel often, well, and i know people who were awarded for just such shooting, well, thats not what im talking about, well, the guys who died because something flew in, they will now look at us and say, we are not talking about an isolated case, the results of a specific combat. Also according to theory, therefore, there is a calculation that in the case today, rustem maksovichov, the hero of russia, was just making a report on there, talking about Nuclear Weapons on according to calculations, in the event of an attack, 11 will fly to moscow , we will fly to st. Petersburg. Everything is clear there, but in the first hour 100 Million People die on earth, on earth, on earth in general , at the end of the day 500 million, in general at the end of the year 5 billion, there is modeling of these modelers, so that it is clear, and this does not take into account the most modern systems plus, somewhere within a few weeks, a Nuclear Winter arises due to those fires and ashes that are covered by simpleton idiots who dont really understand america, you dont need to talk about it at all, america will not be there, that is, its not even there, besides, yesterday there was a speech by deputy chairman medvedev, who, yes , very competently and clearly, but that was yesterday, and we already discussed everything yesterday, of course, 385,000 all this even showed volunteers was recognized, thereby the question of mobilization, which we touched upon here, the question of mobilization in ukraine, the question. Colleagues and so on, we have 80,000 volunteers, 305,000 contract soldiers, this speaks of a completely different attitude towards military duty towards our own duties that our military personnel have, you know what it says, it speaks about the conditions of the modern army, it speaks because information is disseminated at the moment, that is, if things were bad in the army, of course, if there was no food. Information comes instantly, people would say no, no comrade writes, come, you wont deceive a person, because well, everyone knows each other if you look at where theyre coming from, how theyre going, its also very connected, one went, well, i m talking to the guys, he went there to fight there, they called neighbors so came on vacation recruited several more people also very well in 150 there was a legendary regiment there, which was headed by nillov, now headed by brest, he is kazakh by nationality, i ask why you have the call sign brez, he says he should be in in the army there is at least one kazakh, whose call sign is not kazakh, he has a brez, a heroic guy, all the grudges in verdun are deserved, he has a storm, the guys have already worked out the first contract, that is, thats it, almost everyone remained, signed, and ill take it. Because first of all the relationships are already developing differently in the team; the latter know the material conditions, which are like the Social Security of the family, and this is fundamental, if the family receives all the benefits that are promised, no questions arise. You know, its such a thrill when you start a tank engine for the first time, you just feel this power, when i decided to come to donbass, they thought i was completely crazy, please sit in the intensive care unit, they asked, called, well, ready, no ready, as if not ready, as if always ready, as in the great patriotic war, women have invested a lot. So now women do a lot, here , where i am as a doctor, for example, as a driver, i can probably bring them more benefit than i will sit in the office at the computer when she just comes up to you and even just will hug you and say the word that we believe in you, this gives a lot, but i wont sit at home,

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