Our special correspondent with details in the middle east, stanislav bernwalt. In the gas sector, one might say, everything is so stable, everything is very, very bad, the frequency of shelling is not decreasing, but the number of casualties is increasing hour by hour, still aggravated by the fact that there is no light, no water, no fuel to keep the generators running. Hospitals were working, so many hospitals are forced to close, the latest news that comes is also very. Very difficult, during the next israeli air raid , one of the markets was damaged, a large number of people are now under with the rubble, with bare hands, with the help of the remaining parts of the rescue units, local residents are pulling people out from under the rubble , all the morgues in canyunes are overcrowded, peoples bodies are stored right on the street, in special bags, there is simply no space, people continue to walk towards the hospital, because that this is essentially one thing to reveal, my sister came from gas to her relatives, their house was attacked at the moment when they thought they were safe, there was nothing left of them, we could barely identify the bodies by their clothes, let allah will take revenge for this atrocity, relatives moved to live with us, because our district was considered the most, but it turned out that this was not so , there were no safe places left in the gas sector , they were bombing everywhere, there were more than 100 people in our building, it was destroyed, thats why because israel does not allow humanitarian convoys to pass from its territory, and prevents the passage of humanitarian convoys from egyptian territory, a truly catastrophic humanitarian situation arises, hospitals are overcrowded, many are closed due to the lack of fuel, generators are working, and for the operation of at least some more. Less adequate work of the hospital, the necessary electricity is the most important thing, these are the terrible news that are coming during today, they are simply amazing, people are dying right on ventilators , which cannot be powered due to lack of electricity, the same thing happens with people who need dialysis, this is kidney sufficiency, kidney help, help for kidney function, so these. Machines dont work either, people they are dying and here the doctors are simply powerless , they physically cannot do anything, but against the backdrop of this whole catastrophic situation , qatar reacts and reacts quite harshly, turning to israel with the demand to immediately stop this real form of genocide. We say enough, we say enough, israel should not have an unlimited right to kill, we cannot ignore the occupation, the blessing of the gases. In this day and age, we cannot allow restrictions on the supply of water, food, medicine, to be used as a weapon against a whole people. The alshifa hospital, which i talked about, bodies are taken there, people go there, not just the wounded, but just everyone , because, as they think, this is a place where they can hide, but as you understand, there are no safe places in the gas sector no, so this hospital, the largest hospital, cannot cope with the flow of all the people who are looking there and they are all dead, terrible images that are simply impossible to comment on, we continue to monitor the situation in the middle east, all the latest news is on the russia tv channel 24. Stanislav bernwalt, andrey potap, news beirut, lebanon. Tonight, the Palestinian Hamas Movement Released two more hostages, and they have been giving interviews to the local Foreign Press all day. News about this liberation is now the most discussed on the israeli news agenda. In second place is news about the visit of french president emmanul macron. He held negotiations with the countrys leadership. What statements will be made . We find out from our special correspondent in israel alexey konopko. He comes into direct contact with the facts. Alexey, hello. So what do you know what news about this visit . So , colleagues, youre absolutely right, after all, in the first place today on israels news agenda, its the freed hostages , lets start with them , everyone is writing about these women, 7985 years old, today, they feel good, they were examined by doctors and transfer, already. Now, one of them managed to give one for some time, they held a rather extensive press conference somewhere on the territory, where, in particular, they said that they had taken her, captured her and her husband in kebutsi niros and israel was only then transported across the border in gaza, a lot of people, a whole crowd climbed over the fence , 2. 5 billion shekels were spent on its construction, and it didnt help one bit, a little. They were carried on the back seat of a motorcycle, thrown over the seat , we drove straight through the plowed fields, and they beat me with sticks while we were driving, then we reached the tunnel and there we already walked for several kilometers on damp ground, there is a huge network of underground tunnels, more like a spiders web. Already together with the conclusions, the woman told about this several times, they were treated normally, fed approximately the same thing that the jailers themselves ate, a doctor came to see them, and everyone was kept in cells, in guarded cells of five people, together with the husbands of these two women , more than 200 prisoners and negotiations for the release of another 50 people, people with dual citizenship, as reported by the owl street journal, have now either failed or at least been suspended, after hamas, in exchange for the release of these fifty , demanded fuel supplies to the gas sector by apparently, the conditions are unacceptable ; moreover, representatives of the idf said today that hamas has another half a million of this same fuel in reserve and attached an aerial photograph of tstern on the border with egypt. We ask the population of gaza to leave the city and move to safe areas in the south of the enclave, where humanitarian aid is being delivered. Hamas sets up checkpoints. Armed men are preventing palestinians from leaving the combat zone. Hamas is responsible for this, for the deaths of citizens. But this war may will drag on for a long time, when this is over, the israelis will rebuild their homes, the people of ghaza will no longer live under the rule of hamas, it should start with the fact that the Hamas Movement must be destroyed, yahoo with the relatives of those who are now in captivity, emman macron, who is in israel , probably has the most extensive visit program among all the guests , the highest level, and he is already at least the seventh, over the past few days he has spoken with the families of prisoners also because among them are citizens, international the coalition currently deployed in iraq and syria to fight isis can also fight hamas, i propose to create a regional. Coalition to counter the terrorist groups that threaten us all, i think it is in the interests of israel, its security and in the interests most of his neighbors. The fight against terrorism must be carried out without pity, but we must not forget about the rules, we are democracies that fight terrorism and respect the laws of war and remember the interests of the civilian population, including about the civilian population gases. Its interesting that in israel, at least in the Israeli Press. Macron was expected here last week, when biden, sunok, and scholz were in tel aviv, but still, as sources wrote in the same Israeli Press , the french president said that he would not come to israel until some specific measures were taken to solve this problem, perhaps what macron was talking about to emman was just those very steps, and also french this morning the president met with his colleague, the president of israel, and at this meeting, mr. Herzag spoke about the fact that hamas is holding 30 children, and separately he dwelled on the situation near the northern border. We are not looking for confrontation on our northern border or with anyone else, we are focused on destroying hamas infrastructure and returning our citizens, but if ezbollaw drags us into war, it must be clear to everyone that lebanon will pay the price for it. Lebanon. Calls itself a responsible member of the international community, people who we are being attacked, they have lebanese passports, but lebanon declares that it has nothing to do with it, right near the northern border we. Are working now, this is the city of keryat shimon, an almost evacuated city, at least recommended for evacuation, all the people after all, no one is planning to leave, but you probably see that during the time we switched on, hardly at least one person passed by, individual cars are passing by, mostly special services cars, if there are buses, then they are completely empty, almost all the people have left here, since there are. There is a state border on three sides, to the left of me and directly to the lebanese border, probably 270 degrees, so missiles fly almost every day , this very border is so close that the air defense does not always work, so missiles fly not only into the sky, but unfortunately , from here to residential areas, just the day before there were victims here, colleagues, and alexey , just while we were talking, a message came with the note lightning to shake off that the air raid sirens were sounding again in the central one. Israel, this message is with reference to the israeli army, alexey konopko was with details from israel. King top lunch at burger king. Remember what they told you when you decided to open a business. Yes, this is not a business at all, but you didnt listen, because you do everything wrong, continue, all commissions for transfers for business have been canceled, free of charge, open an account for business in alfabank, alfabank is the best bank for business, this night our friend is already i have to get up several times to admire the stars. My friend, if you get up more than twice at night, afalase. At the first symptoms of the prostate, afalase. Afalase, a modern drug for the early treatment of prostate adenoma. I ordered a package of kefir, looked around, hop, apartment, place your orders on the scooter and participate. Of the apartmenttek drawing , the winners choose highquality fuel for their car. Pulsar effectively cleans the engine. 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About the reasons for the possible consequences of this step. Anna voronina. There was intrigue and anxiety like in a turkish tv series, but in the end ankara gave the goahead. The president of the republic, recep tayyip erdogan, signed the swedish application. Submitted a document to join nato for consideration by parliament. Did they hint at what theyre waiting for . Yes, sleep, it is gratifying that erdogan handed over the ratification protocol to the turkish parliament. Now its Parliament Must approve our application. Of course, we respect turkeys own processes, but we have been informed that such a decision will be made. I am not giving any dates, but i believe that the entry will happen quickly. The turkish media immediately circulated the statement of the secretary general of the alliance. Stoltenberg is not only counting. On a quick vote by parliament, but on the fact that its decision will be positive. Through his channels, the head of nato a week ago sent out a newsletter to members of the alliance with a statement that sweden should become a Member Organization no later than the end of november, but inside turkey, not everything is so clear, especially against the backdrop of the worsening palestinianisraeli conflict. Nato says, in a situation where nato has sent aircraft carriers against palestine, saying yes to sweden joining nato means, we appeal to our government to all our members of parliament, lets start by saying no to sweden joining nato, this is the greatest support. However, according to experts, turkeys position on the issue of the palestinianisraeli conflict, including became the subject of bargaining for swedens entry into nado, along with freedom to resolve the kurdish issue by american fighters. F16, so to speak, combat aircraft that turkey asked from the United States, most likely it will receive them. Freedom of hands in the middle east, significantly more than, so to speak, a younger ally is entitled to, that turkey has received this freedom of hands, this is the desire to obtain not just some material economic benefits for turkey, but to raise the status of turkey in the community, the world community, as country from which a lot depends. Sweden, in all this bargaining , seems destined for the role of a scapegoat; it has had enough attacks from the turkish public before, at least for disrespect for the holy book, which was burned more than once in the territory of the scandinavian country; in the kingdom itself, many are worried about the loss of neutrality , of which sweden was especially proud. However, the neutral status that stockholm declared during the second world war, against the backdrop of modern conflicts, is just a beautiful screen. That sweden was not a member nato, this does not mean that it has been neutral in recent years, because sweden participated in all nato maneuver exercises, its warships participated in all training operations. Therefore, if sweden became a member of nato, if it remained neutral, little would change. In any case, in the event of a conflict, sweden would definitely take natos side. However, what is under attack against the backdrop of accession is not swedens neutral status or even its nordic image, but the safety of its citizens, as has already been demonstrated by the attack on the swedes in brussels. After this, the subjects of the kingdom were advised not to demonstrate their nationality with the help of flags and athletes. International competitions have been asked to wear regular clothes rather than the National Team uniform as a precaution. Anna voronina, olga albukhina, lead. Ukrainian officials are calling on the west to speed up the production of ammunition and are sounding the alarm; weapons warehouses are almost empty. For example, Prime Minister Denis Shmyhal announced the deficit. This is how they react in kyiv, including including the decision of the states to send tens of thousands of artillery rounds to israel, which. Were actually promised to ukraine. Our correspondent Denis Alekseev has the details; he is live with the facts. Denis, greetings, what statements are coming from kiev on this matter . Yes, greetings, indeed, they said something, there is something to quote, but when the issue of military assistance to ukraine abruptly fades into the background, and the overseas curator has a new object of interest, kiev has no choice but to look for ways to outweigh blanket yourself, otherwise such money passes by. Look, military aid to ukraine in dollar terms from the United States alone has already amounted to more than 100 billion , the money is good, considering that a decent part of it ends up in certain pockets, and here there is more and more evidence that the trough is beginning to close, from the latter, literally yesterday military watch magazin wrote 155mm shells intended for ukraine are being redirected to israel, a little earlier, elpais, nato arsenals at the limit and the United States are going to provide assistance israel, and then the media people with the Banking Industry decide to pick up the topic of shell hunger, and what else is left to try to make extra money on it, besides, the example of the independent shmygal in an interview with Financial Times gives this. We have a huge shortage of ammunition not only in ukraine, but throughout the world, we understand that we must produce it here in ukraine, because all over the world they have run out, stocks are depleted, all warehouses are empty. We decided to put pressure on the patient in no other way, about the limited potential of the west to produce sufficient the number of shells has already been repeatedly discussed in moscow, the topic is rumored, but the problem cannot be solved instantly with a click, the kremlin believes. In general, of course, the potential of the collective west for the production of ammunition is limited, it takes a lot of time to mobilize resources in order to. Increase it, so of course, certain points of tension arise there. And it is not surprising that ukraine has become such a point of tension. There may be fewer shells now, but he had a hand in it kyiv itself. In addition to the fact that they were wasted for many months to implement a counteroffensive, which never happened, they were also redirected profitably to third countries, such as these nato style grenades. There was no doubt left in anyones mind. That this batch was originally intended for the armed forces, now there is a new option to make money, the meaning is simple, there are no shells, give money, well, at least for production, but most likely. Most likely new Defense Enterprises will remain only on paper . These are scammers, just people who are trying to get money for nothing, today they have no engineers, technicians, or specialists left who can revive this ukrainian industry, the socalled military one, well then we must not forget that during a special military operation, the russian the army will strike with its missiles at any enterprise that will work for the army of ukraine, we destroy all militaryindustrial facilities in ukraine. Well, that is , an obviously unpromising project, but it emphasizes the importance of investing in the Ukrainian Defense industry ukrainian minister of strategic industries, its bad that quote all the worlds weapons Production Capacity is not enough to cover the needs of kiev, and called on the west to increase the production of ammunition, armor, air defense systems, quote the free world must produce enough to protect itself, for itself, keeping in mind exclusively itself, well, that is, ukraine, and what is most interesting, with a high degree of probability, the United States, if it does not merge ukraine in the coming months, of course, may still consider the opportunity to give. On military industry, but only to drive it into debt and then get even more , in ual sibi we know that there are prospects where they feel, where they wait, where they love, there are prospects, from muralsi bank. They become reality. Ural city, prospects where you are. 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Deputy Prime Minister marat khusnulin participated in the Opening Ceremony via video link today. The president has set the task, within the framework of a fiveyear plan , to bring 85 roads of the core network to standard condition. The implementation of the fiveyear road activity plan allows us to set priorities within the framework of the support network and synchronize the implementation of federal and regional facilities; for these purposes , the federal Highway Agency has concluded memorandums with the region. The bridge in volgodonsk is one of largest Infrastructure Projects in the region, a section of the road was also built along with it. In general, largescale Road Construction work is currently underway throughout the country; such large facilities are becoming a driver for Infrastructure Development in the regions. It matters because people need it. Volganon residents. During construction, they constantly expressed the position that they do not remember such a large facility for many years here in olgodonsk, but this will entail the construction of new housing, we expect that we will not stop at what we have planned construction and creation of an embankment here, two more sections of the federal highway a215 were opened today in karelia, the road provides transport accessibility to many Populated Areas of the karelia district , along which public transport routes run. And in the vologda region they expanded another 19 km. The busiest highway is a14. Tikhvin, the site now has four lanes with separation of traffic flows, thanks to this it was possible to increase the throughput. This is not just a major overhaul, this is an expansion to four lanes with cutting a safety strip to ensure the safe operation of this road, to reduce injuries, accidents, and deaths on our roads. The road is almost completely illuminated with all safety signs, road markings, and fences. Patriarch of moscow of all tiers kiril, who today was awarded the title of honorary professor of moscow state university, met with students, spoke about his impressions of cases when young people express a desire to leave russia and shared what the concept, love for to the fatherland. Our guys, now, who are dying for their homeland, for you and me, where blood is shed, they dont know us. And they dont even know many of their loved ones, they give their lives, and the lord accepts this sacrifice as a great manifestation of love for the fatherland, and the fatherland is not an abstract concept, it is, first of all, its people. The state duma postponed consideration of the bill on the recognition of the National Drivers license of armenia for work in russia, as the republic of armenia explained, the leadership, the government, did not take any steps to in order to consolidate the status of the russian language, it is on this basis that we make the decision to allow the use of the national language. Armenia in belarus the russian language is constitutionally enshrined, in kyrgyzstan it is constitutionally enshrined. As for armenia, you and i see subsequent decisions that are not at all aimed at developing relations in this area. Investment rating, economy, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, it works in russia clear and clear signal at what point will you say, thats it, i did everything i could in this project, i will never say whether russian industry is capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me the recipe, in general, how can this be achieved . What you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off, is russia ready to change, evolution occurs in any structure. The Automotive Industry in russia has recovered and is demonstrating

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