The news is midhour short. Vladimir putin visited the headquarters of the armed forces in rostov. The president spoke with representatives of the Senior Leadership of the ministry of defense, including chief of the general staff valery gerasimov. The supreme commanderinchief was told about the progress of the special operation. An airstrike on the church of st. Porphyry in gazia killed at least 40 people. Dozens of civilians may be found under the rubble. Jerusalem. Called the attack a war crime. The us president will send an urgent request to congress for military assistance to ukraine. Joe biden announced this in a televised address to the nation. At the same time, he called the supply of weapons to ukraine a successful investment in the american future. Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov held a meeting with kemchenyn. Diplomats and the head of the dprk discussed the response of north korea and russia to the difficult global situation. Sergei lavrov completed his working trip. The soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed forces do not want to fight, they surrender in entire units and say the ukrainian command will not waste the soldiers, they are sent to the hottest spots, often without preparations, even the disabled and wounded are mobilized, margarita semenyuk listened to the stories of the prisoners. Can i get some food . For, of course, of course, of course, smoke. The prisoner was even offered russian cigarettes. The ukrainian approached and did not show a drop of aggression, the guy is alive and well, yaroslav petrik is 20 years old, he spent only a day in positions, when ours approached, the russians surrendered, there was an offensive, he surrendered to the russians, the youth have no desire to fight at all, everything is forced by circumstances , its better not to mobilize at all, not to go to war, because bad for everyone. Russian attack aircraft are coming close to the enemys defensive positions. The enemy has no choice but to surrender in order to save his life. The kiev regime does not need its own people; the units are already turning to the powers that be. I would like to appeal to the liar budanov, who allegedly personally captured 19 russian soldiers via radio, who were frightened when they heard his voice you are tired of promoting yourself on our blood. The russians hit constantly. Since the morning we have already lost three tanks and 11 of our soldiers from the company, thanks to you, mr. Budanov, everyone thinks that everything is fine with us here, but this is not the case at all, i wish you to personally come here to us to show how cool you are, but so far the telegram channels are only being replenished with personnel, as in the svo zone the ukrainians in their branches refuse to fight with russians. Stop, take off the paint, the destruction, everything, and throw it here. Vsushnikov on the line of contact left their stronghold , all trains came to ours, laying down their arms, the ukrainians, who are considered expendable in the independence, refuse to die on front for the interests of nato and the United States. The Russian Troops really treat you well, they warm you up, and they treat you like human beings. I have a negative attitude towards my commanders, because we are always missing something , not only do we not know where we are going, they dont tell us, so the result is the same, panic , dead wounded, disorganized evacuation of militants. Sorry, friend, come on, close your legs. Ukrainian commanders criticize the training methods and combat tactics of american, british polish instructors who train the Ukrainian Armed forces, about this western publications write, anonymously quoting ukrainian soldiers if i had only done what the western military taught me, i would be dead, i told them, guys, because of this they will kill us, for such there is a frequency of 149200 or the volga wave , so you can directly contact russian fighters to surrender, the militants are called upon to surrender. The prisoners are provided with food and the necessary medical care. Margarita semenyuk, olga prokanova, lead. Immediately after the advertisement, we will tell you about the meeting of foreign minister lavrov with the head of dprk kim chneung. Vtb team, with the vtbbon application, transfer money quickly and conveniently. Cool idea, but by whom . The topic for translation is the opportunity to take care of those who are far away, they always remember us, we came up with a vtb debit card and the best application, as for yourself, to make your life more convenient, switch to otb right now, i wont miss this chance, not for the sake of yourself, for its sake, you know it, you drive it, and you are a winner, and winners choose highquality fuel for their car, it effectively cleans the engine, your car wins, you win too, refuel pulsar, take part in the draw, dont miss the chance to get a car, pulsar Rosneft Energy of victory. Routine distracts the department, open a vtb current account, get a document designer, digital accounting, Legal Support and other services, do business, not routine. Vtb we help businesses on avito. Tires from 3,200 rub. Both new and inexpensive. Working with qualified investors, we at bcs realized that professionals value unique solutions and firstclass service. 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Apply for a debit card for life at vtb. Ru or at a bank office. Back to the news russia and kaindyr will systematically expand bilateral ties to fully implement the agreements reached at the russiankorean summit, this became known after kimchens meeting with Sergei Lavrov. Elizaveta kharamtsova will tell you what else was discussed. Khinyant wakes up early, already at 7 00 there are people rushing to work on the streets of the city. In the country , the haze characteristic of the Morning Hours has not yet disappeared from the spring freshness; the russian delegation is already starting. Day of visit to the dprk. One of the most important places for any resident of the dprk is mansu hill. Two rise here majestic twentymeter sculptures. Kimersen shows the people the way, next to him is the figure of kimchenyr, and on the sides are two hundred sculptures that symbolize the peoples struggle against imperialism. Tribute to the korean people. The russian delegation led by Sergei Lavrov lays a basket of flowers at the monuments, followed by negotiations with the current leader of the republic, kimchinin. its very nice to meet in pyongyang for a memorable year, notes the leader of the Peoples Democratic republic of moscow. Exactly a week ago, they celebrated the seventyfifth anniversary of diplomatic relations. After our meeting with Vladimir Putin in russia in september , the friendship between our countries is growing, a good atmosphere reigns, our peoples pay great attention to the relationship between the two countries, it is very pleasant that at such a moment a meeting is taking place with you, comrade. Thank you for this opportunity to communicate with you, president putin asked me to convey to you his best wishes and confirmation of my readiness to fulfill. Another meeting with the head of the ministry of foreign affairs, tsoisonghi, the first woman in the history of the dprk as minister of foreign affairs. Moscowbhenyang agreed on a plan for exchanges between the diplomatic departments for the next 2 years are in the spotlight, including the aggressive behavior of the United States, japan and south korea in the region, which are trying to create military blocs here. Washingtons line of transferring its elements here, including nuclear aspects, and this unconstructive line is a dangerous line ; we contrast the course to ensure deescalation here and the inadmissibility of escalating tensions; we are pursuing this line jointly with the dprk, with the peoples republic of china, and supports russias actions to implement it. Special military operation and cares about the common history. During world war ii, the soviet army liberated the peninsula from japanese invaders and liberated soviet cemeteries in the dprk in an exemplary manner. The orthodox cross and hundreds of graves are the largest burial sites of soviet soldiers and officers in the republic. There are 11 cemeteries and more than 300 individual graves of soviet citizens in the dprk. To the southern neighbors of the dprk, who note the highest level of tension. Cold war, moscow recommends returning to the negotiating table, a mechanism for dialogue on peace and security in northeast asia has long been created, but not used by the us. They continued to put forward unacceptable conditions during these negotiations, demanding unilateral concessions from the dprk, which was clearly unrealistic, and now we have a situation that, of course, is becoming more and more alarming. Simple relations between neighbors in the far east, Sergei Lavrov also assessed the chances of stopping the bloodshed in the near east. Clavamit recalled that the United States blocked the resolution proposed by moscow on the gas sector in the un security council, thereby showing that washington did not ready to call for a ceasefire. And if this is so, then, probably, they will proceed from the fact that the conflict may grow. Its hard for me to judge what goals are being pursued. Blame everything on iran again, we are watching, we consider them quite provocative. At the end of the visit to the dprk, a mandatory visit to the Russian Embassy and a minute in memory of the deceased ambassador andrei karlov, the diplomat served for many years in the Diplomatic Mission in pyongyang. And Sergei Lavrovs visit to the republic ended on the same note that was set at the start of the trip. Russian at the airport the delegation was seen off by hundreds of People Holding the flags of the two countries. Khramtsova, vadim prusov, news from pyongyang, north korea. And now economics news, artyom, data on the volume of Cargo Transportation along the northern sea route has been released. Yes, roman. Since the beginning of the year, the volume has been 28 million tons and there is every chance of reaching the target level for this year of 36 million. The russian government has obliged the subsidiaries of exporters to sell foreign currency earnings; the corresponding decree was published on the official portal of legal acts. Earlier, Vladimir Putin signed a decree on mandatory sale. Foreign Exchange Earnings for 43 groups of companies. The initiative is aimed at stabilizing the Ruble Exchange Rate and reducing currency speculation. Exporters must credit at least 80 of funds received from abroad to russian accounts and sell 90 of the proceeds within 2 weeks. The measures apply from october 16. The Main Enterprises are obliged to ensure that their subsidiaries also comply with these requirements. The dynamics of russias balance of payments improved in the third quarter, the Central Bank Reports this in its new information and analytical report. Comment. The current account surplus increased to 17 billion due to rising exports while imports remained unchanged in value. In addition, Dividend Payments accrued by nonresident Russian Companies have decreased. Export volumes increased compared to the previous quarter due to higher oil prices, which were also supported by a good Grain Harvest and Geographic Diversification of supplies. Experts note that an improvement in the balance of payments means stabilization of the increased demand for currency, which led to weakening of the ruble, which means that a further increase in the key rate of the central bank may not be necessary. It is quite likely that now the measures that were taken by the government, the ministry of finance, the central bank, through these indicators and further optimistic indicators of gdp growth rates this year should create favorable conditions for the strengthening of the ruble, at least its stabilization and the absence of the need to tighten monetary policy. Domestic Oil Companies are increasing reserves of earthly fuel for the domestic market. This was stated by the head of the Russian Ministry of energy nikolai shulginov, and he noted that the ministry controls the deputy prime ministers order to oil workers to Pay Attention to increasing the volume of production of winter fuels, this is also necessary for northern delivery. Regarding possible weakening. On the export of petroleum products, the minister said that further actions depend on whether restrictive measures will cause any changes at oil refineries. Cargo transportation along the northern sea route in this year exceeded 28 million tons. The target of 36 million for the whole of 2023 must be met, rosatom believes. The company is an infrastructure operator on this. The volume of transit traffic along the snp has come close to a record 2 million tons. Well, 2 million tons was the maximum achieved in 2021. In the twentysecond, rosatom noted that the transit cargo flow had decreased by as much as 90 . Well, in the current one, i can say that i have fully recovered. The Exchange Rate is traditional, dollar 97. 30 and euro 10262. Roman. Artyom, thank you, we we continue, the volgograd region received the First Electric buses, each is designed for 80 passengers, the cabin has cctv cameras, usb chargers, monitors, validators, at stops the buses tilt towards the door, so you can comfortably not only enter the cabin, but bring a stroller or suitcase , this is part of the federal program for the modernization of urban electric transport, which has been in effect for the second year. Our project is being implemented. One of the leaders in the implementation of the project, today we see that 21 electric buses volgograd has already been delivered, today or tomorrow, electric buses are already on the route, launching modern electric buses, launching modern trams, we are generally completely changing the urban environment and the perception of the city as such for participation in the competition, this is a Family Affair for us, more than 34,000 people have registered, this approximately 60. This is the new most popular project of the russian president ial platform, the country of opportunities, it was discussed by participants in a round table at the Expert Institute for social research, in support of families, especially for those with many children, now literally every region of the country is investing , over the past year the total amount allocated for these purposes was 60 billion rubles, but support measures are different everywhere, but, according to experts, should be the same for the whole country. There is a decree dating back to the 90s, literally there of the last century, which defined what large families are, each region has its own, so we are now collecting a unified, uh, this is a unified understanding of a large family with a description of how many children, by which child we count whether we put this concept inside, we need everything that the governor told us at the level of his region, we need to put it at the level of the whole. Russia, young ecologists from 18 regions of the country gathered in chelyabinsk , the first allrussian childrens ecoforum is taking place there. More than 2,500 schoolchildren will present their projects to protect the environment, evaluate the work of the jury, which includes scientists, politicians, representatives of public organizations, and then bring the best projects to life. The Forum Program includes master classes, conference, concert, he will conclude the awards ceremony. Any environmental problems in russia. Be it air, water, forests, can only be solved if young people actively take up this matter and force adults, uncles and aunts, to make the right decisions and protect themselves. It will snow in moscow today, and this is far from the most dangerous weather phenomenon that awaits central russia in the coming days. Well tell you after the commercial when the freezing rains arrive. 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Ourselves, so that your life becomes more comfortable, switch to vtb, right now, pay less, oil sloboda 1090 pyaterochka helps out, this is the ecology of the city, this is a contribution to the health of our children, this clean air, they talk about switching transport to methane, about protecting nature, but its not just that, methane is cheaper, savings on every kilometer, the throwing engine works great, installation equipment within the framework of the project, folk fuel, i converted my car to methane without investment , being practical is beneficial for nature and for you, choose ecogas, refuel at gazprom stations, ordered a package of kefir, looked around, hop, apartment, place orders on a scooter, take part in the apartment draw, do not delay immediately buy, divide, divide, divide, share from alfabank, pick up your purchase immediately for a quarter of the price , pay without overpayments in equal installments, choose stores on podelit. Ru. Many people ask how i manage to be in such good. Form, its simple, you need to replace bad habits with healthy ones. Dear friends, i invite you to the next episode of our Authors Program besagon tv, it will be called if there is no god, everything is permitted. I hope you will understand why we named the program this way. Im looking forward to seeing you. Central russia is greeting the prewinter, in the european part of the country an arctic invasion has been developing all week, and today it will reach moscow, when it snows in the capital, frosts will hit which regions of the country, at the same time the summer heat will return. This is the weather, a joint project of the russia24 tv channel and ksenia levitskaya, hello, the Central Region of the country is preparing for snowfall and the first freezing rain of the season. All week the russian plain remained in the grip of a powerful arctic invasion. It was snowing in the north of the region; for example, karelia was covered in snow; precipitation in the solid phase was observed in the skov and leningrad regions, as well as in st. Petersburg itself. White flies attacked us. In addition to snowfalls, others were also recorded. Phenomena accompanying the russian offseason, in particular fogs. In wednesday, visibility deteriorated over a large area from Eastern European russia and the samara region to the west, donbass and st. Petersburg. But in the Central Region the weather was less extreme and extremely stable. In moscow, for example, during the day the temperature stayed within 46 and light rain fell all day, but here too it will soon turn into snow. European territory. Russia is now under the influence of the atlantic cyclone, or more precisely, its cold front. The vortex itself circles over emal, in its rear part icy air from the arctic enters the russian plain. Because of this, snowfalls are making their way further south every day and will cover the Central Regions over the next 24 hours. In moscow, for example, at noon the thermometer will still show 5, but then the temperature will begin to drop, late in the evening, when the temperature drops to 2, snowflakes will appear in the sky again for the second time at the beginning of autumn. It wont reach the point of freezing in the capital yet, but thats it for now. The fact is that over the weekend it will begin to form in the north of the russian plain. Anticyclone, in its area arctic air masses will continue to flow. As a result, both day and night temperatures will drop sharply. This applies to almost the entire european territory, except for the southern regions. On the contrary, heat will begin to flow here from the mediterranean east, so in the crimea in the kuban in the coming summer days it will be 2227. With the beginning of the new week , another atlantic cyclone will make its way into the anticyclone area, and the sky over the northwestern and Central Regions. Clouds will cover again, only this time you will have to fear neither snow nor rain, but precipitation in the transition phase, that is freezing rains will be hit hardest by the bad weather in tver, here freezing precipitation is expected on the night from sunday to monday, when the temperature drops to zero, one can only hope that by that time local motorists will have already changed their tires to winter ones. We dont expect freezing rain in moscow, so it wont be icy, but it will be icy, because tomorrow night in the capital it will be 0, on sunday 4. Everything that pours into the megapolis over the next two days will turn into ice, from sunday, however, power in the atmosphere will again pass to cyclone, so it will get a little warmer, plus 4 5 during the day and plus 2 30 at night. Now our joint column with roscosmos is a photo from orbit. And today we will move to the irkutsk region to the former site. At Chemical Industry salt. As you can see, it was practically cleared of the structure. Recently, dismantling of the last dangerous workshop in which trichlorselane and silicon tetrachloride was produced began. Thus, work to eliminate environmental damage caused to enterprises has reached its final stage. Let me remind you that after the plant was closed in 2010, its there is a lot of waste from abandoned industrial sites left in the area. The soil and groundwater were saturated. Substances, now the former chemical giant no longer poses a threat to the environment and people, an ecotechnopark will appear in place of salt khimprom. Thats all for me, goodbye. The operation is going according to plan. Vladimir putin visited the headquarters of the armed forces in rostovon donna. What did they report to the president . Attack on a church in the gaza strip. The temple was destroyed, dozens of dead. The jerusalem patriarchate called attack is a war crime. Fast communication on the front line and the key to successful military operations. Signalmen celebrate their professional holiday. President biden called arms supplies to ukraine a Good American investment

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