Of ours. But we ourselves now perceived many things, what they said, the assessment of our revolution, there and so on and so forth, and these were professionals who were generally interested in collaborating with us, because they worked in our archives and so on, now they are not there, now sovietological, as we call it, is not very suitable, russian studies in the west, it is in some decline, gives preference, excuse me, to journalists, political scientists, people who form the current idea of ​​​​our country, but i must tell you, i remain convinced, i have contacts, academic science, academic science in western countries, it is not enough perceives these ugly assessments that are going on, one example, in america this idea appeared that they won the Second World War, they conduct surveys of youth, refer to this, but the youth know nothing, so for them the Second World War is the same as for us napoleons war, well, that was all a long time ago. That means i talked, we had a congress of teachers 2 years ago, a world congress, for the first time in history, a lot of people came, and there were americans, they absolutely confirmed their. That is, the second point of view, its ridiculous to deny the role of the soviet union in the Second World War , in victory, we published several joint books with the americans and the british on this topic, i remember very well, their main concern was that we should not forget their role. In the new history textbook, as we know, there is very this is a lot of material, uh, modern, yes, that is, there are qr codes, there are links, children can watch some films, listen to lectures. Even seeing documents is, of course, very cool, but our children can read anything on the internet , they read, they watch, they ask teachers questions, that is, these are new challenges for teachers, and much more is required from the teacher, more knowledge, breadth of views, and in order to answer these questions, that s what to do now , teach teachers somehow in a new way, some courses, thats what you they said, links, this is on the internet, i really liked that in the textbooks, even in the publishing house, they specifically made links to films that a person can watch based on this plot and so on, so the role of teachers is growing very much, i said in history, it seems to me we need to significantly change the work of pedagogical universities, we have several universities, very good , in their practice, this one in st. Petersburg, i think, is the best, there is one in moscow, there is one in nizhny novgorod, very stylish teachers, in yaroslavl, a very good pedagogical university, but in general, i mean history, something that interests me, but in general, i think that teacher training should be significantly expanded in this sense, we need. Advanced training courses for permanent teachers, thats it, but its necessary and raise the status of the teacher in general, you see, still, despite the fact that we do and say so much, im not sure that our teachers status is still so high, such a thing continues to persist, i remember when we graduated from university, if Classical University went to school unsuccessfully, unsuccessfully settled down, you know, and i always give an example, i give an example of uh, tsarist russia in a small or whatever city there are three main people, a teacher, a doctor, a priest. One taught, another treated, the third healed souls, which is why i think that raising the status of the teacher and the Material Support of the teacher is an important issue, but specifically in history, it seems to me that it is necessary to strengthen what you said, that the teacher understood the connection , firstly, history and literature, you know, fine arts, so that they can see better, for example, in total to understand the war of 812 than. Lev nikolaev is difficult, you know, so it is desirable that it be in some kind of connection with each other, and thats right, what you said is fine art, in this sense, here we are, i i attach great importance to textbooks on the ancient and middle ages, after all , the revival, antiquity, i am now a big supporter in general of expanding the sections of culture in textbooks, our culture is not lucky in textbooks. Old, you know, culture is basically a list of names, it doesnt give anything, well, of course, its important to name names, but to show more the role of culture, in general the role of culture, education, it seems to me that this is important , as far as i understand, in the new textbooks for schoolchildren, world history, the date of the Second World War is no longer september 1, 1939, it is earlier, it begins precisely with events in the east, whether this is true or not, is not a new idea. This is the idea of ​​our chinese colleagues, who date the Second World War from the midthirties, 1937, we had great discussions, in my opinion, we found it in this sense and now we have it, such a formula is enough for me seems appropriate, that is, it says the japanese attack on china was the beginning of everything, and there is such a phrase in the textbook that in fact it. Was the beginning of the Second World War, although formally and now we date the beginning of the second war to september 1, 1939, but maybe this is even important, not only that it is pleasant for some historians in the east, but that it shows the broader context of the Second World War, which nevertheless also prevailed here, mainly european, it. It was we still have me i repeat that this is not because its a tribute to something, but we just need to expand it, we just had a big conference, very important for me, on the history of International Political systems that existed in the world, there were four of them the festphalian, the vienna , versailles, yaltapoddam, and i wanted to include historians in the discussion of the plot, how they are born and how International Systems function, in order to move on to the fact, and this was the topic of the conference, what is the multipolar world today, and what is the new world order, this topic, by the way, was a very interesting valdai, the last speech of our president , the six points that he expressed were very interesting, so we held this discussion , we had scientists from Different Countries come, and, what was of course important, the topic china and the world order were expounded by a chinese, indias world order was expounded by a professor from delhi , africa in the world order system there were two people, one from the South African Union and the other from zimbabwe, there was even a topic on the global south, a professor from tunisia, not to mention the islamic world was presented and and i saw that now there are big discussions around this and in general the community is involved in understanding after all what is, what was and what we want, history still has some laws, these are repetitions, we can say so, they are in different combinations, variants, but look, after all, what happened in history, how was it solved . These wars, conflicts, how it all turned out, it turned out that they are approximately similar, i have been heading the association of directors of institutes of the cis countries since 1990, we meet every year without a break, this its not an easy matter, these countries have their own view of history, its quite obvious, and now sometimes it differs from our point of view , the last meeting was the day before yesterday in moscow, all the directors participated, so in general, i also wanted to attract them to this idea of ​​​​world order , here. We have different assessments with them, the main assessment of the general history is different , their place and roles as part of the russian empire, then as part of the soviet union, so we are discussing this topic, and in general we are also looking for some points convergence, im already in in conclusion, i will say that the most difficult thing for the future world system is to find. Common provisions that suit everyone, you see, i would say that the main meaning of the future system is unity, there will be diversity, thank you very much for answering all our questions all the best to you, thank you, its just plastic, but this is alpha, the freedom to pay as its convenient for you. Smartphone, sticker or online, decide for yourself, get 10 cashback on everything with alpha paay, pay as conveniently as possible, with any smartphone, not just profitable, but alpha profitable, i wont miss this chance, not for my own sake, for her sake, you know her, and the winners choose highquality fuel for their car. Pulsar effectively cleans the engine, your car wins, so do you. Fill up with pulsar fuel, take part in the drawing, and dont miss the chance to get a car. Pulsar Rosneft Energy of victory. We keep prices low. Yogurt curd 34. 99. You need confidence on the winter road. Rest assured. The perfect balance when buying tires on avito. 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Which means that all these young people have extraordinary technical and engineering knowledge, well, in general, i would like to connect my life with programming, this is what i am doing now, it kind of grew out of a hobby, that is, i also did this as a child, perhaps the only thing these guys dont know is that potential employers are actually in the real race for them; they are extremely interested in such personnel who will soon graduate from school will receive industrial education. Of course, through these practical skills we can clearly say that the guys undergo a certain Career Guidance in choosing professions, but first of all, all the skills that they receive will be useful to them in any profession. It is the preparation and search for qualified personnel that is one of the key problems that faces, for example, industry, for working specialties and engineering staff, or blue collar workers. The general consensus is that fundamental science. Has become detached from the realities of production, which means that it is more difficult for an employer to find a graduate who has the Necessary Knowledge to solve such a personnel problem, a Moscow Technical School was created in the capital. More than 70 of industrialists say that the key problem for them is the problem of personnel training. The Moscow Technical School project is a project that was launched in the twenty first year, and was launched precisely in order to combine the interests of industrial. V the Moscow Technical School trains specialists in applied specialties that may seem specific to the classical education system, unmanned vehicles, industrial design, microelectronics and photonics, and areas related to the Chemical Industry are being developed. The Moscow Technical School is a unique cycloenterprise, leaders of Technological Industries that are located in moscow, in the moscow region, and we are now on one of the innovative platforms this is the center of adiative technologies rustekha, graduates of the Moscow Technical School confirm the importance of additional professional education, which they received in parallel while studying at the university. At one time, i completed a masters degree in Additive Technologies at the Moscow Institute and received a masters degree. In Additive Technologies, specializing in metallurgy, and then underwent advanced training at the Moscow Technical School, and there and there i received competencies, that is, in one i gained student experience, that is, student experience, in on the other hand, more developed skills in the field of Additive Technologies, and worked with metal printers , well, i learned a lot about materials, in principle , about what technological principles the installations work on, processed parts, in general, we were given the opportunity to get acquainted with all technological cycles. From making the model to sending it to the customer or installing it on a direct unit. More than 1,200 engineers have graduated and are already working at Industrial Enterprises in the city. We are now living in a period of new industrial revolution, when we move to working with new materials, when we move to different speeds of work. Therefore, of course, specialists are trained on highquality equipment in conditions. Close to combat, as they say, to the conditions of an industrial enterprise, are extremely important and relevant. By the end of the twentyfourth year , we plan to graduate more than 4,000 engineering personnel, launch new directions to those that already exist, and the market is not only ready to accept new specialists, but is eagerly awaiting them. The moscow labor market is the most its big, its a sevenmillionstrong labor market. And now one of the areas that is developing very quickly is emerging. A huge number of new projects is industry, this is where a large number of specialists, the socalled blue collar workers, are required, these must be very qualified specialists who can satisfy the large personnel shortage of companies, Large Industrial companies and new investment projects in moscow, which is why it is so important that the system colleges in moscow produced personnel with appropriate qualifications, in colleges they understand perfectly well, for example, in this educational complex they teach children how to work with radio electronics, they train chemists and Environmental Protection specialists. If we talk about priorities, our Educational Institution trains those specialists that the city needs, this is mainly the real sector of the economy, so we have guys in metalworking, we train guys in automotive engineering, we train guys in mechanical assembly. Works, well, that is, everything that production needs today, the most important thing is our help, what is it, we need or give the guys a great education, but when he becomes a very high level specialist, then there will be problems with labor. It wont be a device, that is, this is the main task, this is the first thing. There are a total of 36 specialties and professions, and they will also help you find a job. Of course, the guys must be proficient in technology and employment , so we have special courses for the guys, we have a job placement center, we have people who are specifically involved in this matter, and of course, the most important thing, after that quality of education, probably this is interaction with the employers themselves, because when the guys. When they come to us, they see where they will go to work, where they can go to work, then this probably motivates them, including gaining knowledge. Obviously, the prestige of modern secondary Vocational Education is growing, as is the demand for such specialists. We see an increase in the volume of vacancies , reaching three to two times, especially in segments such as industry, and we all understand why agriculture, that explained by seasonal surges. And at the same time , a lack of applicants, a lack of applicants, both in absolute terms, and a lack of applicant activity. Today we will be preparing a dessert anna pavlova, which includes meringue, the real thing, classic meringue. From the simple ingredients of egg white, a pinch of salt, powdered sugar and lemon zest, a dessert is born that can be found in almost any restaurant where they understand something. Barbarian, while the mixer is running, please tell me if they are watching college to what is now fashionable, of course, we always build our program into teaching students, so that they learn not only the basics, but also what is now popular, what is now interesting, and so that they can produce your own dishes, products, how to cook, at the level that is now available outside of our college, the Training Program is flexible equipment for preparing food. In college these are certain postulates of education, without which these students will not achieve success, there is a huge pays attention to how master classes or Laboratory Classes are conducted. This means that classes should be held at a high professional level, but at the same time they should be interesting for students, they should be modern, creative, using such a modern form as involved. Students of this college can work at the level of restaurant cuisine, this is how the bar is set here and such specialists are valued in business, says yana ribina, for whom the college paved the way for great kitchen. In this college, when i was studying, i was given knowledge at full speed, which i now use in my work, if i had not studied and knew, and did not receive this knowledge, i would not be able to do something now somehow. The mother came with some basic norms of teaching, meanwhile our dessert anna pavlova is ready, we are told the secrets that confectioners use, we will take our basics and attach them to the plate with the help of our our filling, for so that they are transported when the same waiter brings dessert to the guest so that nothing goes wrong for us, so that they stand on our plate. Then we fill it with filling, we got such an autumn anna pavlovna, yes, yes , beautiful, light, airy, another question how to awaken interest, for example, in production, which, as a rule, are located in closed areas, this is answered open mosprom. So, my name is natalya, i am your guide, now you and i will go on our excursion right away. We have a lot of stairs, so consider this a fitness excursion, lets go, a whole series enterprises organize industrial excursions or open days where they centrally talk about their craft. This is a very hightech production , and i am very glad that, after all, on the basis of moscow , all this is organized within the borders of moscow. I would be happy to return here with my children, so that they, too, will be immersed in this atmosphere. For example, this is a moscow beernonalcoholic plant, yes, thats the name of the production, where they produce kvass, beer, mead, juices, lemonades and even wine. At each line has its own schedule for each drink, here we see only five lines out of fifteen, the excursion is gorgeous, it can actually be said to be a legendary enterprise, so i think the excursions will be useful at any age, especially the younger generation, im sure that when they see how. Many will be excited to come here to work. The audience is very different; both adults and children can visit the historical exhibition and learn what hops and malt look like. Digesters and how it all works together, like this moscow production, where they sew womens underwear, who knows, surely someone after such excursions will think about connecting their profession with this business, the cheryomishka enterprise has a very long history, this history has been improved, and of course, everyone is interested in how it is produced lowered lingerie, but no one has any idea how this is actually done, there are a lot of interesting questions that. There are specialties in this industry. In moscow , how much soul is invested, what a whole chain is built, from study to place work, but you need to understand how Different Companies are ready to fight for an employee today, and we are talking not only about salaries, but about a whole range of corporate measures, everything to interest a specialist with the necessary qualifications. There are few people who would do this professionally, and there are more and more business tasks, yes, that is, we are starting to grow infrastructure projects, the economy is developing, import substitution, all this influences the need for more professionals, yes, that is, it is clear that this is not ordinary welder, expert, fifth level no less, yes, then there are, and yet there are very few of them, piece goods, they are in hyperdemand, and companies will compete for them in any possible way, this is not just an increase in some salaries, money, but this is all possible. Moscow is working on initiatives from top to bottom, on the one hand creating conditions for business to operate, on the other, filling production with valuable personnel, increasing the effectiveness of all processes, a global cycle that makes the economy more efficient, and therefore happier people who take part in it participation. From the creators of the horse garbunka , well, we finally got it, such miracles are unheard of, my name is emelya, vaselissa, vaselissa, beautiful, terrible for you, dont forget the laurel, yeah, right, talking pike and vi. Unprecedented, i will fulfill any of your wishes, i want to marry the tsars daughter, you will have a task, if you dont fulfill the tsars will, the tsar will intrigue you, who wrote such a law, so you, bachka, i will go to the bride according to my ability and desire, i am sure that you if you suit her, well, thats okay, well bring her up to my level, but at the pikes command. I i want everything to be like with people in love, soon. About the main events up to this minute in our news release 16 russians died in israel, eight disappeared and another one is on the list of hostages captured by militants. The Russian Embassy reported this. Hamas again fired rockets at azhdod, ashkelon and zderot. Israel continues to strike the gas strip and lebanon. Prime minister netanyahu warned the military that a new

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