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Well, maybe a gas carrier. Codena and terminal, platform, Nuclear Power plant, as it turns out, can be fired upon, therefore, here this is not related to the reliability of this or that a different type of natural gas transportation, with marginalization in general, attitudes towards Energy Security, those people who authorized, carried out, organized sabotage on the nord streams, opened a pandoras box. Energy minister Alexander Novak spoke about the situation on the gas market today; this is what he said in an interview with our tv channel as part of the Russian Energy week. The situation on the gas market is radically different from what it was 2 years ago. As a result, europe lost a cheap, reliable supplier there. Currently with side of the russian federation. There is a gas shortage in europe and this is reflected in the fact that. A very large decrease in consumption occurred based on the results of last year, so enterprises are overpaying for gas from lng suppliers, as a result, the rate of Economic Growth is slowing down. Meanwhile , European Countries continue to replace pipeline gas volumes with liquefied gas. As it became known today, catter energy and the french total have agreed to supply lng to france for 27 years. Deliveries will begin in 3 years, volumes are estimated at 3. 5 ive been working towards this all my life, we expect to do it in 10 days, it will be a record, cut , on the verge of possibilities, we are all with him, because he is the only one, at the maximum height, higher, dont rise, youll just fall like a stone , with speed. Wind, this is a super cyclone, a killer cyclone , its like its chasing you, what do you need, master of the wind , we watch to explore the world, Educational Programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch, in the application or on the website, what awaits not. The industry what market share renewable sources can take over; these and other topics are discussed at Russian Energy week. Guests from saudi arabia and iraq arrived in moscow. Dmitry morocco, more details. The main priority for Russian Energy is the domestic market. Fuel supplies to domestic consumers should come first, the president said at the Plenary Session of the Russian Energy week. It is necessary to prevent shortages against the backdrop of growing consumption. I would like to note that last year in russia there was a record volume of Energy Consumption. And there is reason to believe that this year it will be updated , but there is no need to tell specialists that if the volume of goods and Energy Consumption grows , then the economy is growing, well, in fact, this is confirmed by all other data, i emphasize that this is a qualitative integral indicator that reflects a positive dynamics of the russian economy and social sphere, the number of consumers is growing, new production facilities and infrastructure facilities, jobs are opening, which means the demand for electricity is increasing, despite the restrictions, the russian fuel and Energy Complex operates stably, oil supplies continue without interruption. Fleet, pumping gas through rural siberia exceeds contractual obligations, and lng production will triple in the next 10 years. According to the president ial decree, by 1930 we must reach 64 million tons in the arctic zone, plus the gazprom project, which is developing into services, is exactly what we are reaching the numbers that the president has now set as goals. Everything is going according to schedule. Made the necessary technical decisions in connections with sanctions, and have not gone behind schedule, the project is on schedule. Among the main topics of the forum is Nuclear Energy ; russia is a recognized world leader in this area; rosatom is the only company that provides its partners with a full range of services from uranium mining to nuclear fuel reprocessing. In a sense, we continue to play this role now, being one of the factors in the development of the russian economy and one of the most important directions in the International Integration of russia, somewhere more than a third of a trillion rubles, we receive through green financing, it is more comfortable, it is cheaper and longer, it is about 25 loans, and in general, we will develop this practice, thanks to the banks, consumers of our green electricity. Such Solutions Make it possible to ensure Energy Security even in difficult external conditions. All Forum Sessions are united by a common theme. New reality of world energy. The discussion is devoted to how the market is changing and what factors influence it, from sanctions wars to the renewed conflict in the middle east. The main guarantee of stability is international cooperation. Russia is successfully building a dialogue with its partners within the framework of opec plus. The importance of such interaction was noted during the Plenary Session by the Prime Minister of iraq. Regarding energy markets, we need close coordination because competition is negative. Decisions taken within the framework of opec plus should work to maintain a balance between supply and demand to cope with political challenges. This mechanism helps stabilize prices for everything Global Market in the interests of consumers, investors and producers equally. Partnership relations with saudi arabia are actively developing. At the forum in moscow , a delegation led by Energy Minister abdalaziz bensalman alsaud held talks with deputy Prime Minister novak. I would like to note the effective interaction. Russia and saudi arabia within the framework of the opec plus declaration of cooperation. The decisions taken in the opec format indicate the increased demand, sustainability and independence of this unique coordination mechanism to stabilize the world oil market. We welcome saudi arabias joining the brix. Russia is ready to increase supplies of Petroleum Products to saudi arabia. Its a twoway relationship. Has high potential; successful interaction can be expanded in the Energy Sector through cooperation in the field of peaceful atov. As a result of the negotiations, the parties signed a number of documents, in particular an agreement on cooperation in the media sphere, competent coverage of Energy Issues in the press, the entire the day was the center of attention. The finalists of the energy of the pen media con were honored at the forum. More than 260 applications from russia and twenty Foreign Countries took part in the selection, including representatives of our tv channel among the winners. Dmitry moroko, alexandra suvorova, alexander dvornikov, sergey zabarov, lead. The new conflict between hamas and israel has changed the balance of power in the middle east; now the states, as well as the European Union , are reviewing their policies in the region. How does Natalya Goncharova know . Hamas attack on israel upset american plans for middle east, the economist recalls the words of National Security advisor jake sullivan. Weeks ago, he assured reporters that the situation in this region is the calmest in recent years, now reporters call them a mockery, point out to the us leadership a fatal mistake, attempts. Dialogue between israel and its potentially desired partner eriyad failed. Now, much of the american president s middle east strategy has undergone radical changes. His mediation efforts aimed at concluding a peace agreements between israel and the most important arab state, saudi arabia, have been put aside. The prospect of a twostate solution is what biden advocated for. Fox news talks about the danger of the situation that is unfolding in the middle east. Channel host laura ingram said that the Current White House administration destroys everything it touches, and the situation in the middle east is proof of this. This is a terrible attack on israel that requires a reasonable response from them and i believe that so. And we have to support them 100 , but at the same time we have to be very careful not to give the Biden Defense Department a blank check to make a terrible situation even worse, because if anyone can make it worse, its them , they can drag us into a new almost twentyyear war in the middle east. A new round of the palestinianisraeli conflict is poised for america, political scientists in the chinese publication global times believe. The material notes. Escalation of the palestinianisraeli conflict could shift the us focus away from ukraine to israel. The american budget is limited. It will not work to send money in two directions; you need to prioritize. European countries are also most likely to switch to supporting israel. The predicament that the United States finds itself in is the result of americas instigation of crises and conflicts around the world; ultimately, it must bear the consequences. Recep erdogan believes that a way out of the crisis is possible only on the basis of a formula approved by the un security council. She provides for the creation of an independent palestinian state within the borders of the sixtyseventh year with its capital in east jerusalem. Erdogan blamed the worsening situation in the middle east on the americans. Horta de . The us shot down a turkish drone in syria when it suited them, we are an ally. Unfortunately, the us is currently training all terrorist groups, and turning syria and the middle east into a bloodbath. The headlines of western publications clearly reflect the position conveyed by the white house. All as one otorkpost to the wall street journal writes that israel is fighting pure evil. The same words in the headlines show that all these materials are made according to the same training manual, all according to the same scenario, as was the case with ukraine. Natalya goncharova, vesti. The Kyrgyz Parliament ratified an agreement on a joint air Defense System with russia. This was done on the eve of Vladimir Putins visit to bishkek, where the russian president will take part in a meeting of the council of cis heads of state. The russian country ratified the agreement back in may. According to the document, it is created a joint regional air Defense System of russia and kyrgyzstan near the Russian Air Base in the city of kant. For the period of validity of the agreement , a land plot of 5 hectares is provided for the new infrastructure of the air defense unit. The unified air Defense System of the cis countries was created on the basis of an agreement signed back in 1995. The duration of the agreement is not limited, but is open to accession by other countries. It includes russia, armenia, belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan and uzbekistan. Unified air Defense System of the cis includes a total of 19. They are developing it on a regional basis with belarus and kazakhstan. The formation of such unified , essentially bilateral pv systems has already been completed, and now tajikistan and kyrgyzstan are next in line. Here the mutual are undoubtedly present. This is an undoubted part of a single defense space, the protection of air borders, we have a unified natural air Defense System from belarus, for example, which greatly helps us keep track of everything. Now footage from the president ial press service. Mr. President , thank you very much for this opportunity to give this short interview to the tv channel. I start with the situation in the middle east. You called what is happening there now an example of the failure of us policy in the region. What do you think, after what happened and is still happening, according to the United States , all this will change policy, i dont know, you need to ask them, the fact that this is a failure is an obvious thing, why do i think this exactly so, because i just spoke at. Our session, the United States is practically moved away from the Previous International instruments for resolving this problem in which several countries were included in these instruments, including russia, they practically monopolized the settlement process, well, as you know, at some stage the Palestinian Authority should have make a number of significant statements to say that on the principles on which. It is proposed to regulate something, she is not ready to do this, and , first of all, it is connected, of course, with israels settlement policy, our position, it is always was clear, understandable, transparent, it is well known to our friends in palestine, and the israeli leadership, and i personally, we have always talked about the same thing, it is necessary to implement the decisions taken earlier. For the security of the un, right up to the creation an independent sovereign palestinian state, as this was originally envisaged during the creation of israel itself, the issue is complex, it is very sensitive, but at the moment, of course, we need to refrain from making harsh statements, and there is no need, no matter what, there is no need to offend peoples feelings , who are involved in this first second, it is necessary to avoid at all costs. Losses among the civilian population, all actions, if they cannot be avoided, must be selective, and it is necessary to minimize threats and losses among those who are not guilty of anything women, children, old people, this is known, i think that it is not a provocative position that does not raise doubts in anyone, and of course, expansion must be avoided at all costs. Conflict, because if this happens it will have an impact on the International Situation in general, and not just in the region, and you probably know now that the United States has brought its largest Aircraft Carrier closer to israel, but what do you think about this step, as you call it . Well, i dont see any sense from a Military Point of view, i already said, now at the session, why, what are they collecting. With the help of full aviation, where, by whom . I just dont see the point from a Military Point of view, first , second, second, this could be as an element of such militarypolitical support, well, yes, but in my opinion, what needs to be done now is not, not the military side of the matter, but diplomacy, we must look for. A way to end hostilities, and the sooner the better, first and second , return to the negotiation process, which the process itself must be acceptable to all parties, including the palestinians, and there is now an opportunity for diplomacy, russia was a member of the quartet, the International Quartet , i talked about it, there is an opportunity to work on this form, why not, we have very good relations with israel, we have friendly relations with palestine throughout decades, our friends know about this, and russia, in my opinion, could also make its own mite, its contribution to this settlement process, but this urgency is such that we , in my opinion, do not see anything like this anywhere, there is a call for inside israel, so that the palestinians are transferred to sinai. In egypt, how do you evaluate these calls . Its difficult for me to give any assessments, this is the land on which the palestinians live, this is their land, historically their land, moreover, it was supposed to create an independent palestinian state here, in my opinion, this is not something that can lead to peace, thank you very much, thank you, at the end of the Plenary Session, Vladimir Putin gave an interview to the moderator of the Russian Energy week meeting. In japan , a deputy who traveled to russia 2 weeks ago was expelled from the Opposition Party of which he was a member. We will learn the details of this story from our own correspondent, sergei mingazhev. Punishment of a member of the Japanese Parliament who dared to go to russia in spite of tokyos antirussian policy and advocate for continuation interstate contacts took place a week after his return from moscow. Muneu suzuki, representing the opposition Rightwing Party of the society for the renewal of japan, met with deputy chairman of the Federation Council konstantin koisachev and was received at the Russian Foreign ministry. In an interview with a journalist, he stated that the kishida governments current course towards russia is erroneous, and also allowed himself to express confidence that ukraine has no chance of winning an Armed Conflict with russia. Special operation continues, russia fights wins ukraine. I am 100 confident in russias victory. Without waiting for his return in japan, they started persecuting moneu suzzuki. To begin with, he was criticized for the fact that he, in principle, went to moscow, although in relation to our country, tokyo introduced the third level of danger, which. Involves a recommendation to citizens not to travel to russia, but the main thing is, of course, the phrase about the impossibility of defeating the russian army. The leadership of the party, although it calls itself the opposition, immediately announced that the deputy will be punished by expulsion from the party lists, they say, he did not notify his colleagues about the trip, and this is a gross violation of party discipline, but sudzuki himself went further and today announced his resignation from the party, he formulated the decision extremely clearly and concisely. Until recently i was a friend of russia and from now on i will also remain a friend of russia, this is in the interests of japan. Muneo suzuki is a prominent representative of the old guard of japanese politicians. Throughout his fortyyear career , he consistently advocated for the Development Dialogue with russia, and proposed to seek a solution to the problem of a peace treaty on the basis of a compromise of Mutual Respect for interests. He visited the Kuril Islands several times, where in the nineties he opened a house of friendship, which was called muneos house. During the premiership of shinzu, it was he who was the main adviser on issues since leaving the party, mr. Suzuki remains a member of the upper house of parliament and although his calls now are the eye of a drinker in the desert, which will not change the policy of the current kishida government, the very fact that there are brave politicians in japan, ready to defend their views, gives us hope that all is not lost in the relations between our countries. Sergey mengazhev, alexey pichko, vesti east asian bureau, tokyo, japan. Awaken the vitality of your hair, shampoo, mask spray 21 in one from the legendary brand horsepower, buy soskimies, find out your Credit Rating for free on the website sravni. Ru, we will help you choose a loan taking into account your current payments of your credit history, and check what you have there are no arrears and no one took out a loan in your name, if a loan, then on the website sravni. Ru. Find out. Your Credit Rating for free on the website sravni. 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Visit. Will show works from six private and thirty public collections. This and many other works collected at the exhibition, the author is unknown, touch on the main thing, allow you to tell such interesting stories, attributions, and some things have not yet revealed all their mysteries, they are presented under the signature of the author unknown, and perhaps future researchers , will determine the authorship of this or that artist, but look, the face is painted, this is such an absolute divisionist story with these green splashes on the models nose, or this is how the chin is written, and all together creates an amazingly effective such a decorative bright sound, yes our goal was to explain what different types of art are, how different they can be, and therefore we supplemented the paintings with various interactive installations that you can interact with, or installations that help until. This is a big information evening, thats what well tell you about in the next hour, the terrible story about 40 beheaded israeli babies makes. The whole world believe. The war in the middle east gives rise to new myths about the cruelty of some and the holiness of others, who invents all these adults . Thousands of rockets, hundreds of drones and ammunition, where did hamas get them . Was all this imported from outside or made in the gas sector . The main question now is how much fuel will be enough in the generators. After the shutdown of the only gaspowered power plant, local hospitals risk turning into mass graves, how to avoid a medical catastrophe, lose their careers for their beliefs, in the west those who supported palestine are fired,

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