Feels secure, is a radical, is a radical and of israeli origin, and the palestinians, the palestinians, who are for. The most necessary element of support, maybe their own people, no, the presence of a radical in the enemys camp is decisive, these are the radicals, they have some kind of, i dont know, or collusion, or mutual understanding, or or its just that they actually support each other, the people are suffering, the potential for hostility is accumulating, because blood is already shed, but this only gives them the opportunity to count even more on the authorities, on the fact that they will be more and more harsh with such slogans, to show off, he says, that i will put the squeeze on, and so on, they need each other, we looked closely at them, probably didnt see them fully, thats what s happening there, despite a huge number of all kinds of consultations, it seems to me that the International Community is a little it clapped here is the development of events, and the coming close to the levers of power and here and there of such very vile, i would say, radical elements , from which people are now suffering, tens, hundreds, thousands, thousands of people, unfortunately, if you ask the question , so what, well, weve done an analysis, heres what can be done, well, the israelis. Have traditionally criticized the United Nations organizations, well, probably, its really bad that the Current Situation is loosening, this collapse between the east and the west, theres no its obvious that the United Nations organization could have done something, the security council, there is a mechanism of four international mediators, to be honest, i never liked it, because in addition to the road map, which. At one time the institute of the middle east criticized quite tortiously it turned out to be right , besides this document, for the period since 2002, they really havent issued anything, they havent issued anything, well , quote another document, there is not a single document that could be used now from the little that could be counted on still try something, it seems to me that something very modest, but still something could do, is to mobilize the use of the potential of people who, on both sides, still have certain authority, some honored people, maybe, you know, some welldeserved politicians, experts, who may no longer be working, in order to still try to somehow calm down these people, it is of course difficult, because there are still some hidden financial springs here, for sure we we turn to the east, to the middle east, if all this is happening there, well then how can we turn there, these are trade, economic ties, there are immediately insurance rates and Everything Else one after another, and its much more difficult in such a region is for us to penetrate there, the americans are good, they have 52. Arms supplies, they always need some kind of booze, belly, that means one conflict, then another conflict, so they are inciting, now i also do not rule out that in some at least, this is such a shameful situation that created there, maybe they also need it, because sooner or later they will have to turn to them for help somehow, they will then say that of course, this is only for us, and at the same time this is a relaxation of our attempts in this region, weapons will help, the americans have already stated, yes, this is this, this is how they balance our attempts to penetrate here , to enter more like this. Tightly, large trade and so on, this is in these in this situation, it will be difficult, thats what this, this is dangerous, i think that of course, another one of the lessons is that we should trust more those specialists who express in advance some assumptions about what may lead to, usually they dont like alarmists, they try to get rid of them, because they like it when they report something so good that its nice, its nice to read, uh, the assistant of one of our former boss once told me, good papers are coming your way, the most important thing is missing, the paper doesnt make the boss happy, you see, thats it, thats it, thats it, but you just didnt know how emoticons you know, you had to draw right away, but everything will be bad, everyone will die, emoticon, then it didnt exist yet, the culture of emoticons. It seems to me that we need to detect negative trends in time and try to at least do something to prevent them from blossoming as they should, before this there were crises and articles, indyk wrote an article of such a warning that there is a very serious mess brewing there, and that someone reacted, no , they read it, they said indik smart, everything, well, well, how is this, this is not enough, you know, this, this, this needs to be done somehow these things. React, so i think that there is a lot of instructiveness in what happened, a lot of instructiveness regarding the fact that we shouldnt give the radicals the opportunity to strengthen themselves so tightly, we need to strengthen horizontal ties with sensible people, if this works out, because according to the situation, this is already a missed moment, its quite difficult , and pay more attention to the Warning Signals of those who know how to predict in advance not only something good, but also something alarming, alarming, and not a Good Development of events, so i think we should learn some, not only the middle eastern countries, but we should also learn certain lessons from ourselves, but the main lesson that we should learn from ourselves is that no money should be spared for exploration, because i cant imagine how its possible that weve seen so many series about the actions of the israelis in those. In similar territories, where they completely sorted it out, controlled everything, and then it turns out that its all a fiction, its like a joke about a squirrel and a rat , you know how they differ, squirrels have marketing better, and not a squirrel has a rat, but a rat and a hamster, or a hamster, yes, a rat and a hamster, yes, then we were told that the israeli army there is the best army in the world, well, at least in the region and as proof it is permanent tiktok of beautiful girls in the israeli uniform of the israeli army, who dance, and what . Oh, now what we see, but it feels like they are not observing svos experience at all, thats for sure, well, thats what the experts said, thats just nothing, were talking about what kind of specialists, were talking about the israelis, who had a tragedy, who always had an idea about their army , but the army cannot participate in the gay parade, either the army or the gay parade, its true, there is no army without an army , and there is no army without discipline, yes, which can fight, but this then turns into a tragedy, how could it be held near the border, this fun festival, this is without any, and there the rental price was probably small, what is it, the site is large, where were they, thats how you could take, capture the base, how you can grab tanking. Inside the tank, that is, these are armed people, there are a million questions, like this, the same ones were moving, no matter how close it was, but where was the warning system, yes, i understand that shabbat is religious jews, but excuse me, there is an army and army, call at least for saturday then, shabez goi, well, you know, during the yunkipur war there was also a capacious pro, absolutely right, that is, this is, well, a terrible tragedy. That is, these shot cars, this means there was no warning system, that is, they did not understand where the threat was coming from, they did not understand where to go, i understand that the special forces that were supposed to sit down didnt show up, which means people flew to these, it was said correctly, vitalich said it correctly, they should have trained somewhere, they should have trained somewhere, they should have purchased, the length of the video is about 2 minutes, how it flies, it is more than two minutes, this is a video, that is, it flew for about five minutes, it flew around, you chose where. But this is the goal, that is, that is, no one looked into the air at all, that is, this, this is just a million questions, a million questions, now we we understand, yes, when we were in the belgorod province, we were dissatisfied with ours, when sabotage groups came there , excuse me, ours, like gods, it turns out, they worked, because there were not all in comparison, of course, not the guys in sandals, and there were foreign mercenaries, trained saboteurs, they worked, they worked well, when your merkava is burning with one grenade , the merkava, which is considered the most studied tank in the world, is burning with one grenade, not protected by anything, everyone laughs, ha ha ha , what did you do, so this is what you worked out, this is the same for. The hamas have not yet fully used all the systems, drones and so on, that is, god forbid, because when i watched how a column of people was going to clear them, these are just targets, and these tanks are lined up along, these tanks are lined up along , this is artillery that is working, this is just everything, the lebanese border, this is all a real problem , that is, the feeling that no one there will stop it, that is, until this fire burns out everyone will be mean because the arabs, too, the arab countries say, what about us for the rights of the Palestinian People are determined their fate is not well, its wild luck that the egyptians and all the gulf states, except kator hamas is a sharp knife, this is the enemy, bye , bye, because when will all these videos come out now, when religious figures are not on the arab street there will now be a lot of volunteers there, of course, thats not enough, excuse me, the arab street will now start to work in full force in europe, it has already begun, in america clashes have now begun, well, there are demonstrators, some for palestine, others for israel, this is a conflict that will not happen regional, not enough now. This is used to stir up emotions. And therefore, what we and china are showing is absolute wisdom, when we say, Everyone Needs to breathe out and disperse. Well, we talk, but we cant, but what can we do now . We dont supply weapons to either side, we dont help either side with money, our country has never been so loyal to jews and israeli authorities, as they are now, yes, well, really, we have never had such positive relations, it helped, but this is a fact, so when now someone thinks something, well, okay, for the ukrainian nazis, you forgot the history of the jewish people, but russia did not forget. Well, thats why, but the tragedy is that these are a million, million questions, who will answer them, but it turns out that they must be answered by unfortunate people who are now looking for their children, recording an appeal, yes, when, well, you you see this unfortunate israeli there who says take me, his wife was captured there and. And he says take me hostage and let them go, well, try to imagine, what to do with them now, i was pleased to watch you in valdai, yes, i also wanted to say about this, today we are discussing a topic that, unfortunately, i have not systematically studied, but i am studying diplomacy, negotiations, polynomy, thats what is happening now is happening in the middle east this is a huge source of information in order to understand where the world is heading, this years volday reports and the president s speeches began statements that a new world order is now being formed, this is the law of this world order, well, maybe perhaps, in such dynamic situations, it will be a little easier to understand, it was believed that over the course of a century, especially after the terega could not appear without huge production, and that thousands of tons of cargo had to cross, apparently, the egyptian border, because everyone else including the sea, well, so to speak, under certain control, which is why now, when we look at events in the gas sector, we are actually trying to understand how the new world order will be structured, in a situation where, in general , many great powers, as they said, our colleagues from mgemo, took a vacation from Strategic Thinking, they havent thought about the most beautiful thing for decades. Im on vacation, whats wrong with you, mr. Biden, im on a vacation from Strategic Thinking. Obvious hegemons, a nonhierarchical world, a world where instead of rigid, international organizations, such as the un, there will be such flexible negotiation formats, it is no coincidence that instead of international organizations, forums, the g7, brix and so on, are increasingly appearing in this world , the situation is similar to what is now is happening in gaza or generally around palestine, they will of course happen more often, so we need to better prepare for them and really not prevent a situation where great powers collide in one place with incomprehensible unpredictable consequences, and the russian minister of affairs is calling for it now. Advocated for strategic patience, so that this period of turbulence, when the old bipolar or unipolar world is over, and the new one has not yet formed, we are really strong, ready to endure blows and accordingly, if you need to defend yourself, but in the future, i think that unfortunately, this is where we started the program today, this is the correct comment, we. Are facing a rather long war, behind the gaza sector, the west bank , there are other armed units that can join, then there are at least a hundred million inhabitants in neighboring states , one and a half, i have muslims, one and a half billion muslims in the world, and therefore this clash, of course, is very dangerous for israel, but for all over the world, precisely because we see how chaos is returning in those places where the World Security system is the weakest, we must, of course, have sad periods of history, but notice how the state formation of the project is disappearing before our eyes, what was said, that is, it is clear that the coming there are 1015 years of political maps of the world. Will look completely different, for sure, but china will remain, there wont be two chinas left, the questions are what the borders will be, that is, yes, china will remain, and taiwan, which is part of china, officially, yes, there are a million questions here, that is, what will happen, how it will happen, but it is clear that the ridiculous term of the inviolability of borders, thats all, this must be amused, this is, in principle, the most ahistorical term that is possible, because the entire history of mankind proves that there is indestructibility of borders, but there is no inviolability of borders, especially borders drawn according to a ruler , as in africa, as in the arab world, yes, when state formations were formed at the will of powers that decided that they had the white mans burden, they will now teach the whole world how to live, but we will not abolish kipling, but please, yes, i will try to present a slightly different perspective on this issue, so to speak, here, well, but i still start with the fact that really this conflict, really an act, one of the many of this third world hybrid war, these are the kind of conflicts all over the world, so in general, i would not exaggerate the degree of chaos in this situation, thats what this war is born chaos, by the way, i think that there is a lot here to understand that this is. Like a tragic bloody chaos, but in general, as if quite logical steps were taken towards this matter, they led. Another thing is that in this situation, it became completely clear that there is simply no un anymore, because if anyone created the situation that is now somehow unraveling in the middle east, including in a tragic way, he created this situation, first the un , and then, when one could no longer give a damn about the un, even so to speak, deterrence, mutual intimidation, there the saks did it, they did it all, this. Did, as if they had no one else to blame, as when we began to help, they themselves like to say this whole thing, thats who killed, so you killed yourself, so you killed yourself, theres no one else, its like if the full quote, but the gardener, everyone, yes, so to speak, now look, so to speak, he is gone, yes, but there is also no hegemon, who seemed to have everything in his hands, all the cards were dealt. Why is there no hegemon . Well , firstly, because they are not very good at managing the process, what actually happened . I understand everything considerations about who gave what money, to whom when, we now have such a world that everyone gives everyone a day. Its like the sponsors of Political Parties in the usa gave it to trump, so to speak, its understandable, by the way, its interesting that as soon as the civil war is raging, they wont buy themselves an indulgence in this way, this is the logic of world processes, but in reality the following happened, saudi arabia reconciles with iran, without america, formal mediator china, most likely the second tandem russia, the next move is to try with part of the Israeli Elite in exchange to. Measure something without america, why . Because lets look at the middle east, at its map. Israel is the last proamerican state in the middle east. Tell me another one that didnt come out under the umbrella. Im not saying that it has stopped trading with the United States, even we probably trade something somewhere, and at the same time there is import there. Oman, well , this oman, so to speak, that it is not in this style, they will tell him, it is being built right there. Saudi arabia had a tough quarrel in this sense with the United States and it didnt matter to him. There was nothing for this, nothing, the americans could not intimidate him either for his actions or for restoring relations with iran, before such an action had to be sanctioned by the opcom, that is, in washington, they say, no, we now have china, and not even opkom, but a partner, you know, im not a freeloader, im a partner, and of course you can get a slap in the face when syria is not returned to the arab league, and then this happens, absolutely right, and this, so to speak, is not only our ally , but also iran, next move, there is no way out, sensible people in israel, in my opinion, there has been a problem with gas for a very long time, but to remain the only state that works for an aging, decrepit, suffering, as it is called a pause in the Strategic Thinking of the hegemon, well, this is suicide of the israeli people, but if only someone like would not want to die together, so to speak, with this state there at some point , because it is clear that instead it went seriously, what the americans are doing in response to these plans, most likely. On this, by the way , qingngan got burned, because this young woman, which he had, told British Intelligence about these plans, so he was removed , apparently, because there were such plans , based on this, salivaan is flying, which means hes flying to jeddah, mind you, not even to the royal city, hes flying, bensalmans favorite city, thereby making a special concession to him, insists that instead of this deal we will work on a deal to bring saudi arabia and israel closer together, in response to war, in july he visited there, in august they began to pull together. Strength, everyone knew that, moreover, why did he oversleep, did sahal take it, let me make an assumption, what i said before is more or less based simply on facts that are in the public domain, let me make an assumption, part of the Israeli Elite agreed with the first plan, but not with the american one, so this is not so to say, she gave this old Israeli Elite a slap in the face in this way, they could have arranged it for themselves, i understand that this is kind of my hypothesis, but it could very well be so, because yes, im absolutely right that in the second lebanese war, so socalled, there really were problems with the movement of troops there and so on and so forth, but this time its just some kind of indicative, and the most important thing is that the newspapers wrote about it, that this kind of war is being prepared, moreover, they were writing the outlines of a new war, this is really a new type of war, which our soldiers are studying there and have already learned, but for more than a year and a half of a special military operation, they didnt give a damn at all. In this matter, we just discussed this, by the way, new time, ours, the newest, is different from everything that we have seen before, just like there are more armies, everyone was preparing for the second world war, plus, this is the modernized whole of the second world war, tank clinics of maturation, divisions and so on, nothing like that, a crazy amount of artillery and small groups of professionally welltrained fighters, you gather a larger group and they just unwind the artillery, thats what we saw in the example of a special military operation, which is so to say, its clear, this hamas learned this lesson, and with the massive use of rocket artillery, an infiltration group well prepared and knowledgeable of the terrain, they, so to speak, simply put the whole of israel on the ears, well, of course, but this thing and by the way, new times factories of a new type, we saw factories, military factories of a new type, so vladimir spoke very vividly about the repair workshops of the workshops on a tape, that means, where with the help of a 3d printer, that means in these very, well, in the trenches and so on, well, they are doing Something Like that, some spare parts, redoing something, this is also like a new time, it turned out that modern weapons factories, which previously occupied square kilometers and kilometers, can now fit in the basement of a house, like this now industry, wake up, this is what actually happened there, once again , now what should russia and the world do in this situation in my opinion, well, if the whole world wanted to measure these people, then there is one very good way, always, like duels stopped in the United States, you know, sheriffs in the west began to hang those who survived the duel, the one who won is hanged, so here, do not supply anything, not only do not supply water to the gases, there is Everything Else, weapons, money, food, does not provide to both warring countries, this is if there was a un, as it was conceived in 1943, as it was made in 1945, but this is not what, by the way, is already needed, here again it is a centric order, but not he will help here in the United States now the gigemon will not help them either, there is no money. Based on religious principles it supported the arabs , only those countries can help, now everyone who participated in this needs to think, israel has been thinking for a long time that it is not just israel, lets do it anyway lets talk like this, from the other side its clear, guys, everything was said about them here, but israel felt like they were all just countries, and he. Behind whom stands all the power of his uncle, he can do anything, because hes like, well, its not worth it, but its not worth it, i hear it from people every time, who communicated a lot, so to speak, on the other hand, zelensky turns out that it means 3. 8 billion dollars every year, of which only 200 million are civilian, the rest military, are allocated from the us budget, these figures have now been announced in congress, since 2016, before this it was a little more, 4 1, should we cover this money now . They will fight there, this is quite a lot, no, i hear this all the time, because, because it is always known that batka will be brought from washington, not what the operation in ukraine showed, the whole idea is that you can fight for a long time, ends very quickly, someone who has been preparing to fight for a long time can fight for a long time, who, perhaps, even those who were preparing with the current consumption of shells, could never imagine that such a war would be like this, and here is the thing, which means washington is bigger will not help, this needs to be realized, i think that part of even the Israeli Elite already understands this whole matter, the arab elite must also understand that all the old twitching back and forth, who has the money and so on, is also no longer possible , we must end with cocentricity and pose the question bluntly, here russia, in my opinion, very successfully coincides with what should be in russias Foreign Policy in my opinion, namely russia, in addition to the fact that this should be the defense of its own national interests, we must act with high morality in foreign relations, we not the anglosaxons, but in this case it coincides, because the main evil in any eurasian region comes from the presence of the anglosaxons, what the british call them, what the americans call them, although the guys from oklahoma dont know what they are they are creating a mess in the middle east, the United States must be removed from all the processes of eurasia, this is the only way to stop the chaos, okay, stop pulling uncle samms coattails, stop looking overseas, come to responsible leaders. There are such people in china, in russia, even in iran there are such people, in india, in india and, by the

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