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In england. During the interrogation, well, there were also a lot of interesting things, of course, there was a conversation with him to find out, and this is confirmation that , uh, lets just say, a simple conversation with him, i say what they taught, he has Fire Training, medical training, Tactical Training , so i say, well, here you go tell me about the Fire Training that you went through, like what, well, because we need. To understand how to act against them, and you know, i was amazed, besides the fact that the study there, lets say, well, yes, the rules shooting, but basically these are stances, you know, like in beautiful hollywood films , that is, you have to stand like this, stand like this, there, and how we now train the guys, contract soldiers, if they come to you, in what their degree of readiness and whether you finish training them or not, this is unambiguous, well, the first training takes place there in points permanent deployment at training grounds and when we come here, how many guys do we train there . In different ways, different programs, where two weeks, where a month, where two months, that is, in terms of the level of preparedness, theirs was the first, when, despite the fact that the tankers had the august battalion, the guys there, and the mobilized peasants, who have now finally begun mobilized to fight a year ago, i ask he says i was taught this way, i say, first of all , i looked at the whole country, because for some reason they took me to siberia, i was in belarus, i say, i can do it on any soil, in any time days, i know the car, that is, he was prepared there for about nine months, why am i saying that preparations are underway, but lets just say that upon arriving here in the zone, you already have to complete your training, this definitely needs to be taken to the training ground. Why, because its a section of terrain, and were immediately preparing them for upcoming actions on this one, on ours, to teach crosscutting, all that, what is the age of the guys now, here are the fighters, the average age, what, well, the average is 30, 40, they re mobilized now, good guys, good guys, even sometimes you know, this. I once saw a boy standing, im right i was worried, you know, hes wearing glasses, thin, such a childish face, childish, i think, wait, i dont understand something, i say, how old are you, well, 24, i say, well, you look good, i say, years at 16, i say, well done, well, it turned out in such a way that he has already been here since the beginning of the war , that is, he has gone through a lot, so he took part in shelling in assault operations, but when you look at him, you wont even understand this right away, this means that these are our guys, everyone has their own call sign, so they work with us together with the stages. That is, this one the Armored Group is not what we are looking at, the commander and so on, these operators are three operators, they lead each tank, the first thing is that they look ahead for mines, there are mines, they warn, in case the enemy, yes, the enemy uses, for example, smoke, the mechanics are not visible, beyond the smoke zone, here he is directing from a drone, they are all in my awards. Orders of courage, i dont have them, they will be, well, they will be, so you print them on a 3d printer, this is all absolutely production, everything is completely your own, here it is a 3d printer, that is , we rivet it, there are no problems, there are grenades, that is we are provided with, but the combat unit is just very small, no, we are learning something in the process , we dont have big ones, here it is, he and wogs and. We have dumps, we make plastic bottles filled with something, yes exactly with what the beginning of the surface with damaging elements, the striking elements can be different, all nails and balls are enough to drop 500 g for one copter, also on an instant gun, when there was a heavy stronghold , we used it there, mixed it with gasoline, heres one and a half rubles, here we have everything, here it is liquid flammable capsule the igniter from the impact also ignites and splashing occurs with the brake bar , best of all it is in the room, of course, the brake bar is a terrible thing, but if its inside, then its where they all come from from the Rostov Region and from there. Osakhan region, the village of komyshevo, well, that is, no one is komyzyaki, well, very close, his company, contract soldiers or mobilized, i am a contract soldier, yes, mobilized, a contract soldier, well , there is no difference, soon probably in the future all contract soldiers, that is, stretched out, specifically, moreover, we are already working, but when the family found out, that the order. I think, yes , they were, mom, she was proud, pleased, happy for me, for me it was like another task, everything was as usual, already, this is our work, this is work, we come as if to work , not like going to war anymore, its probably a feature of the russian soldier that we begin to live through war, yes. Their losses are huge, we see it, we feel it, i say it again, they are already on their last legs, it is clear that they are changing personnel, now their mobilized and unprepared ones are simply being driven into positions under us, as far as equipped, because at the beginning, when it was, well, the west did not spare them, here i can immediately say when the prisoners were taken, there was a big difference, there were two of them, one who had been fighting here for a year, here is the second, who here he arrived from training in england , yes, he was equipped, a new uniform, everything was there, he was fitted, of course, full labeling, but the second one, of course, was no longer the same, everything was already worn out, worn out. How are you doing with bc . There are absolutely no problems, there are, of course, for some nomenclatures, but there is a constant supply of ammunition, constantly, constantly, constantly, an irreducible reserve, it is, an irreducible reserve, im not even worried here , that is, even in the event of an enemy counteroffensive, more actively, its still there, yes, well even talk about it, lets just say, commander. No one thinks, that is, it is not even taken into account, what about drones . I have tenth arvaans, diurnal, nocturnal, torn, do you work with plantets . Yes, and accordingly, lets say , as i call it, auxiliary, these are mayviks, matrices, also both day and night, so, well, lets say, i. I think that i im lucky, i have volgograd, a permanent deployment point, the city of peroya, i do everything, right . Yes, i have a governor, his deputies, with whom i work directly, and practically, well, not every other day, but once a week, here they are, well, leonidovich, how are you doing, and lets say, things that, for example, i need now, how different is natos concept from ours . After all, they tried to train ukrainians according to nato standards and force them to fight, they do not have the experience that we have, if we take by and large where they fought and with whom they fought, they fought mainly with scattered gangs, where they had some great battles, well, there was something, maybe. There was an operation in the iraqi desert, well, lets just say, you yourself know, there was basically betrayal, betrayal, yes, well, tell me, what do you have . The main task is counterbattery combat, the range is enough for you, well, yes, in principle, that is, they began to crawl up or you. If the task comes for this, we can drive closer, well, that is, we have to, 19 we are mobile in principle, i came urgently to pee with urgently, six months or completely, that is, it turns out, the first contract is for 2 years, its over, its over, well done, what year did you have it, well, it came in the seventeenth year, and production, we know everything that they are up to the ninetyfirst , but the car is amazing, in fact, in fact, after all, when you look at the soviet Engineering School , you are amazed, they were geniuses, there is no better technology, no, reliable, confident, maintainable, they have a system of three strong points, each strong point covers each other, if you enter one strong point, then two strong points will they are covering, that is, you cant raise your head with dagger fire, so, accordingly, now they will destroy one strong point, so that we can fully gain a foothold in the current composition that we have worked out, so lets try the artillery of the thirtythird regiment, that is, its artillery has already worked on one strong point, now they will destroy the second strong point, well, lets say, suppress , as a feeling, for a long time, everything, i think not for long, because their counter is suffocating, we see it right away, we feel that its over, you can say, lets just say, soon well just go and everything will fall into place, but victory will be, it will be ours , thats clear, everyone, lets say, has a goal, i talked here once with the guys, also in position. I once asked, i said, what is your goal . I have to sign on the endorsement, i fully support her, and we have no other way. Now advertising, after that we will continue. When i knew the klitschko brothers, well , it was a long time ago, they were nice guys, how quickly did they turn into such stupid people . After all, he definitely says that ukrainian nationalism is first and foremost a disease of the brain, no, thats a different story, these are just guys, very, well, just stupid, especially when i came back, i was with the men, yes, i i saw what we fight with, how we fight. I saw the guys who are fighting, well, you saw it for yourself, once again i want to congratulate you on army day, everyone involved, the twentieth division, well, well, guys, smart guys, well , they have these ideas, they are constantly developing, that is, systems, that is, talk to guys, and that this is a whole international, you liked jackson, yes, the father is from ur, the boy served in the military, now he was mobilized there, well, well, we saw everything, yes, and he fights with intelligence, with talent, that is, he perfectly mastered all the equipment, you see at other guys, but their eyes are burning, clean, dressed, armed, here im listening to klyuchko, im surprised, well. Show him, i personally heard that a huge number of russian soldiers go to the front with weapons or even without weapons, they are killed, and then they send in similar waves of new and new soldiers. Understand how these slaves felt, how they were treated, how they were mobilized and then thrown to the front, this is interesting, others, we are free people, these are the people who are at the front, they are not mobilized, most of ours are people who decided to voluntarily go to the front, thats the difference. There, can you imagine, now they show this in ukraine, when the childrens game has become the game of the military commissars, who break people there , send them to the front, volodya, well, well, youre a normal guy, why are you lying, how normal he is, well listen, well, he is, well works out the number, well, why are you lying, and most importantly, vovka, and why are you sitting there, that you are not at the front, and vovka explained, the main thing in german is that everyone, especially men, is obliged to go to the front or wait for it from a certain moment, even with weapons, are you ready for this . I have already received this question, you are not the first one to ask me this. Next question, and it is more important. Im not just ready, ive already been to the front and made an impression. In kiev, at the beginning of the war, where there was a front in the southeast of ukraine, the question that is asked again again, this is the difference between russian ukrainians, are you ready to die for your country, i was also asked this question. So, if you already have an ak or any other weapon in your hands and you have been called to the front. This is the difference between russian and. No, im not ready to die for my homeland, im ready to live for the sake of the country, in any case its more difficult than dying, in germany, vovka, you forgot to zegan and glue the mustache, so dont shake your head, although i understand, the chin is broken, so the head weak, what a brute, just what a brute, well, if you want, well, come, ill show you the front, ill show you our boys, who are the vast majority of volunteers , we mobilized a year ago, ill show you so that you understand in general what kind of meat assaults we have, we dont abandon our own, ill show you the rotting ones the bodies of ukrainian soldiers, who are our guys. They are trying there, they collect them, bury them, they are trying to say that well, lets have a sanitary truce there, take your corpses , they dont take yours, voluy, you probably dont know, this is already a commonplace, 350,000, the west says, 350,000 dead ukrainian men, 50,000 amputees, its you who tell fairy tales in germany, and your naked ones. Are rotting, by the way, they have problems with weapons, they are thrown into meat assaults there, near work, near artyomovsky, and what they say, dont worry, of you a good harvest will grow, you dont need to be buried, so udobrinets, well, since you started with these characters, i know the whole story in great detail, in 1995 i organized and held a meeting of the us Olympic Boxing teams of ukraine, it took place in odessa, and just this. A long time, ill tell you later if youre interested, i can explain how they became champions in the first place, why they became and became world champions in boxing, and what specifically concerns this criminal protection of the boys . No, no, the thing is that they approached me then and the american managers , well, they were emigrants there, odessa jews, they say, all this is good, all this is nonsense, he says, but we are looking, he says, in very, serious circles in america , tired of the fact that for 20 years in a row the world champions in boxing were blacks, he says, if you think that there is no racism in america, you are deeply youre wrong, they took me aside, they said, listen, if you help find a white guy, a slav, yes, whom we can, we immediately pay 100,000 dollars in 95, you can imagine, but in odessa they didnt. Looked, no one told them didnt come up, uh, they went to kiev and there was another person there, whom they later shot , by the way, who made them, who later, who was killed, well, everyone knows who im talking about, and who has them from whom, yes, vitya rybka, yes, from whom they started, who later showed me contract and says, i still give him one, you can already tell him, i say, dont even think about it, they are champions, he says, lets look , they completely threw away the contracts with king, i say, youll end up badly, well, in the end, he says, thats it anyway, ill try to figure it out, so to speak, well, i figured it out so that he was shot, so these guys are great , they have a very serious history, a bloody, serious history, in relation to these intellectual potential, well, almost people were beaten every day for 20 years for half a day by the head, you understand what you want from them, he has the little one got cold feet a long time ago, and the youngest one is also a homosexual, this vovka, and about it, so, so to speak, they are completely europeans and will defend to the end everything that no matter what front he goes to, he will sit nowhere to deal with this verbiage in germany, these guys made them, they immediately got to where they were, they were like textured, handsome men 2 meters tall, they were generally kickboxers, they had nothing to do with boxing, they were just brought out, they were brought out by the americans, then the americans were tired of the blacks, they needed guys, their remember, who followed the history of boxing, remembers very well what kind of weak opponents they took on, remember how he. Got hit, he knocked his head off, in the third round, this klitschko couldnt, he walked past, he barely made it home, so that their boxing is over, well, they seem to be in america, and they told me about this personally, they say, we are tired of blacks, we need whites, therefore in relation to american tolerance, but it was true in 95, but i wish start with something else, with a visit, so to speak, to odessa, yes, i how today its drizzling in kiev, you know, it was of course not pleasant to watch this event, but in this case the only thing that calmed me down was that for the first and last time, i am deeply convinced of this, this is globalist evil spirits they will desecrate my hometown with their presence, they have no other options, you see, they and he and stoltenberg, they will all be there, and they , you know, what is the cynicism and meanness of the west, they all understand perfectly well that ukraine does not have a single chance, not a chance. Win in this war, but uh, they need to push, they need to somehow dangle this carrot in front of this donkey, you know, in order, so to speak, to somehow justify these crazy sacrifices that are being made today , ukraine carries, what this day in history is remembered for, well tell you right now, hello, on october 2, 1187 , jerusalem, the capital of the crusader kingdom, fell. Salahaddin, the sultan of egypt and syria, waged war against the european knights for many years and inflicted a crushing defeat on them in the battle of whim. In only a handful of defenders remained in the holy city. The saracens used ballistas and catapults, the walls exploded, and the leader of the crusaders, bolian ibelin , agreed to surrender. Salahaddin was known for his magnanimity in sparing the city, unlike the crusaders who sacked it 10 years earlier. He freed the townspeople for their skill. And he simply released many poor and old people without money. However, 15,000 residents of jerusalem, including 8,000 women and children, were still sold into slavery. When they learned about the defeat of the crusaders in europe, they began to prepare another crusade, but it was not possible to return jerusalem soon and not for long. On october 2, 1608, the dutch optician Hans Lippershey publicly demonstrated his invention, a telescope, a telescope prototype. Hans lived in middleburg, dutch. Glass blower in the city, the most advanced lenses for that time were produced there. According to legend, he saw children playing with two lenses, convex and concave folded together, and noticed the effect of magnification. On that memorable day, hans was invited to the hague to the court of the ruler of the county of holland, prince moritz aransky to show the device in action. The court diplomats who came to look at the display were impressed with the help of the telescopic pipe , tliperzgie could clearly check the time on the clock on the church tower. In the city of delft at a distance of 15 km. Galileo presented his telescope in venice in 1609, then he was the first to organize mass production of this device. On october 2, the inhabitants of rome voted almost unanimously in a plebiscite to join the italian state. This put the finishing touches on the resorgents process of country unification. For a long time it remained fragmented, there was a neapolitan kingdom, sardinian, the kingdom of the two sicilies, the duchy of parma, the grand duchy, tuscany and other entities. And rome was the center of the papal region. The struggle for unification broke out at the beginning of the 19th century. They became famous throughout the world. Who fought against the antipeople regimes of the conquering austrians. True, a united italy became a Constitutional Monarchy led by the piedmontese king victor immanuel, and rome was proclaimed the capital italy. On october 2, 1944, soviet Intelligence Officer ivan kolos escaped from warsaw and delivered to our command the most Important Information about the progress of the uprising in the polish capital to enemy forces. His story is amazing. Became a Legendary Special operation ace ; he was parachuted into warsaw. Kolos had to establish contact with the rebels; upon landing, he broke his arm, was shellshocked, and the relative who jumped with him died. But kolos found a replacement for him and transmitted coordinates to the pilots who dropped weapons and ammunition to the rebels. Here is the contact with the leadership of the polish army did not work out for the krajovoy. It did not want to let the russians into warsaw. The ear went through the sewer pipes and swam across the vistula. He was nominated for the title of hero of the soviet union. But the order was not signed; due to secrecy , almost no one knew about his exploits. Only half a century later, in 1994, he was awarded a gold star, now a hero of russia, and was also awarded the belarusian order of francis skarina. On october 2, 1984 , cosmonauts oleg otkov, leonid kizim and Vladimir Solovyov returned to earth. They spent almost 230. 7 days at the salyut 7 station and went into outer space six times, spending a total of almost 23 hours there. At that time, these were world records. At the same time, an extensive Scientific Program was carried out, Remote Sensing of the earth was carried out, the calcium content in Cell Membranes was analyzed, and a way was found to protect it in extreme conditions using antioxidants. We conducted a gene experiment, which made it possible to do what is impossible under terrestrial conditions to divide dna into separate fractions and study them. By using unique xray telescopes, domestic and french, were used to study various sources of cosmic radiation in the constellations cygnus, taurus and sagittarius. Scientific work did not prevent the crew from receiving guests, among them were the indian cosmonaut, rakesh sharma, and the soviet woman, cosmonaut svetlana sovetskaya. This is what this day in history was like. The most famous city is luard, the most beautiful city is kiptown, this is our support for russia, moscow is written here, there are a lot of such tshirts printed, africa is always business through relationships, business through eyes. We just sent. Africa to russia. We can understand each other on many issues. I had a dream, im 34 years old, im opening a small oyster bar. Russia chose me, not i chose it. There are a lot of opportunities for africans in russia. I came from south africa. Russia is a very Strong International leader who can lead. We have large deposits in our country. Gas, we need russian

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