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Think, in my opinion, at the beginning svo himself, i said what i said, its not that im like that, so to speak, well, its just that it was, just such thoughts arose in me, and as they say, probably not only me, that this is actually svo this is a revolution, we dont like this word naturally, so to speak, and no one, and i, in general, revolutions are always is associated with chaos with all sorts of cataclysms, but in my opinion, this is happening, we have a change in camprador capitalism, it is happening, we see it, by the way, what you were talking about, oleg said there, they banned it, this one is like exporting it, what is it . This is a blow to camprador capitalism, the most direct , the most direct hatred, then they think that, thank god, they want to introduce high duties on the export of timber, is there such a thing . Yes, the right thought, but again its in the same direction, its changing, this system is being transformed, this is a revolution, but it happens, thank god, not by, so to speak, taking the winter and, so to speak, some other of these, and we can once again be amazed at the divine providence, which always chooses forms. Which are completely unusual for us, we have always gotten used to it, since the revolution, its the sailors, they climbed on this, no, as you can see, this is happening, but accordingly, during the revolution, there is also that part that suffers from this, she is trying in every possible way to slow down this process, but in my opinion this is the reason moreover, i see some kind of split in our country, what i mean is that we have some part , first of all, it certainly wants some kind of, well, what general gurulev calls it, our, as they say, respected khasavyurtto , here are the people, what we call, that part of society that we call ordinary people , well, simple, conditionally, because there are no ordinary people, but nevertheless, you understand, it is categorically against, one of the reasons is that she, most of the people feel that these changes will be canceled right away will return, oleg, everything is the same, so to speak, europe, this, all that means, those, those of our companies, those that appeared, that occupied niches, that began to work, which , i see, so to speak, have already it appears, really, all this will be canceled again, everything will go away again, like in the nineties, again it will all be like this, here it is for me. Here is this very important moment of the internal feeling of the people, who, in principle , welcome these changes, why does he welcome them, because in general, of course, he is internally dissatisfied with this for thirty years, what he promised, he did not receive, that is, only part of society received what was promised, so to speak, you know, we will live like switzerland and so on, so on, but you, we remember that the majority did not receive what they promised, there and they live, those who promised, live there, but the majority of our people did not receive this and they are not internally, not, not satisfied with this thirty years, on the one hand, they are, of course, taught by the bitter experience of our history, revolutions, the seventeenth, civil , and the ninetyfirst year was not easy, ninety third year, she also doesnt want cataclysms, but she wants change, she definitely wants them, here they are, step by step its happening, in my opinion they are inevitable and maybe this is generally for. It will turn out to be the main result of the sbo, maybe this is generally for us will be the main thing in the svo, because what is happening, little by little, may not be so obvious, but it is happening, this movement, this is, i would say, the nationalization of the country, the country begins to nationalize, it becomes, returns to us, because the country, in principle, was, of course, like this semicolonial state, in my opinion, this. It seems to me that it largely evokes the support of the bulk of the people , well, naturally, this contradicts some part of society, which, as they say, has grown over the years, thats about this is what i wanted to say, but can you confirm the part when you talked about ukraine , its interesting, yes genko says, so i was hoping to quietly pass away in the circle of. My family, now i will have to go to my friends in latin america, canada suddenly began asking questions about how we even got there to the point that it turns out that it wasnt hunko, but that the nazis, they ask questions about labor, they ask questions about their history, but how did this entire world supporting ukraine not notice this statement, one of the rather striking ones, now i have to remain silent so as not to alarm our western allies, however, Ukrainian Society must provide as much moral and Material Support as possible to pan yaroslav, who is a hero without a doubt, it is the Ukrainian Community of canada, ukrainians from ukraine, and from all over the world, who must support him honor this. Then no problems would have arisen, we know this for sure, on the contrary, it would have satisfied everyone that canada, at the time when pan yaroslav fought against stalin, supported this moonshine along with other members of the mitler group. He didnt want this and they cant forgive him for this, this is a vile position, we must understand this, this is their business, our business supports those members of the canadian government who still have sense in their heads, to support our division heroes, these are the real heroes, our predecessors great. Makes me feel the indignation is not about what happened in canada, but about the fact that in kiev there is still no grandiose monument to the division soldiers, for example, but there should be one and there will definitely be one, i hope. And the fact that in other cities streets are not named after these people, that they are not respected at all. This is the best part of the ukrainian people at that time this korchinsky is not banned not wanted silent few germany began to seriously discuss the topic, but how can this be, after all, german the ambassador also applauded and asked, that is, we must then admit that the division sss wafen sss, galicia, that they are anti seminazis, but for some reason the German Government is in no hurry to say anything on this topic, why, in no hurry, so you understand, thats why they are at the front. With the men, when you talk, with whom are we fighting . With the germans, thats why dura shtrakh zimmerman doesnt understand , we dont even need any evidence, but today you will see, when the twentieth division, the men are asked what they want, what they want, where you left the painting on the walls of the reistag. I want to leave my signature there too, thats what i want, i i must say that the further the conflict develops, the more. Analytical materials appear , we talked about them today, by the way, returning to the articles by weeber and gates, there is another thought that was clearly before didnt sound like that, its that the United States will have to fight simultaneously with china and russia, and you need your potential to count on this, well, the truth is, iber has a more truly european angle there and he has such an interesting idea that you wont miss it, when if the United States is distracted by taiwan, then russia will definitely attack nato. I want to comment on two more very Interesting Articles from my point of view, which appeared, well, simultaneously last week, one analytical material, which is called the escalation of the war in ukraine, the second, material, appeared in the economist magazine, which is called time. For rethinking , so rent, specialists, analysts, are considering the next escalation ladder, and they admit that, of course, we miscalculated in general with this, with the special a military operation, well, of course they dont call it a special military operation, we miscalculated russias actions, we certainly werent able to miscalculate the president. Putin, his penchant for risk, cannot understand how Strategic Decisions are made in russia and in general, russia, rightly, cannot be understood intellectually. And then they, and another such thought, which runs, as our writers once said, like a red thread, through this report, when will russia escalate, and are considering several options, escalation, unintentional escalation, accidental escalation, so this is considered intentional, but they attribute the fact that russia, ukraine begins to strike deep into russian territory, russia responds by escalating, striking at ukrainian territory, at those targets, at which it has not yet struck, including even the use of nuclear or chemical weapons, which is in general , new chemical weapons have not yet been mentioned in the analysis of our western or former partners, especially since we have chemical weapons, in general, we destroyed them all, but nevertheless they write about it, secondly, they write about the resumption of Nuclear Tests, which is also, from their point of view , a deliberate escalation, i must say, digressing a little, i understand the logic people who are in favor of resuming nuclear testing. At this important point , i propose that such an intrigue begins, now there is a short pause, and then we will continue. I interrupted you in the most interesting place, yes, so i was prompted by this idea, here is andrei anatolvichs mention of the fifties, the sixties, when the United States had this antisoviet hysteria, there was no need to be afraid of war, and they knew that we already had. Thermonuclear weapons, but nevertheless there was no need to be afraid, in this period, in the sixtyfirst year, well, in april he flew into space, the first cosmonaut on an intercontinental ballistic missile, which was also announced that the vostok rocket is an icbm, in october of the sixtyfirst year a decision was made to conduct Nuclear Tests, the king of the bomb, bombs of unprecedented power, 58. 6 megatons, just in case, there, two, 2,550 times more powerful than the bomb that was dropped on hiroshima, there the shock wave circled the globe three or four times, that is, it was a signal, so to speak, to the United States, they accepted it, after that, so to speak, there was already talk about what was needed, well, there was really the cuban crisis, but nevertheless, then the process of controlling the impact began, so if. The americans write there that work is underway at the test site in nevada, on new land, tunnels they are swarming, the chinese are swarming, well , i think that this is. Sending Nuclear Tests a signal to the west, then this should not be an ordinary test, so to speak, i like this approach, you know, that is, it is necessary, necessary, necessary to demonstrate something such that it will be truly perceived, that is, show such a mom and kuzma as nikita , at one time, by the way, an option was considered , and the test was airborne. Since 1995, this is much more demonstrative than an underground Nuclear Explosion somewhere in a mine. The option of testing a 100 megaton bomb was considered, but they did not dare, because they still decided that 50 it will be enough, so to speak , thank god, well, it will go away, so, well, we could move it, its like vladiminovsky said at one time, we bend the earths axis a little, america is flooding. Well, yes, well, returning to this article about escalation , well, the option is also being considered that the Russian Federation strikes at some facility on the territory of a nato country, well, meaning first of all, of course, rzeszow, this Logistics Center on territory of poland, and then, whats most interesting, they consider unintentional escalation, and they consider cases that we in this studio and in others consider as completely like this. But necessary things , in particular the first option, that the Russian Federation strikes the territory of ukraine and some statesman falls under the distribution, who is visiting kiev, they believe that this is not intentional, i believe that if this happened, then this is so to speak, that is , they say it is possible, yes, they are considering this option, the second option. That is, they they said that barel was in odessa, that is, they hinted, ours didnt understand, yes, yes, they said that barel in odessa hinted at this, another, another option, they are also considering striking at some, well, we good, we dont want to screw up, we will judge him in a nato, nato, nato country, that is, we are talking about what they are waiting for, they are waiting for. The Russian Federation, the russian command, so to speak, is about to go, go to escalate, and so to speak, will raise, raise the stakes in this conflict to, to heaven, well, i dont know whether this will happen or not, but now, moving on to the article in the economist magazine, they approach it from a slightly different angle, they are in the first part of this article, they write absolutely correctly, the ukrainian offensive failed, to ensure the bet on western weapons failed, i did not show up in any way, it was not possible to secure a more advantageous position in the negotiations, that is, everything is bad, but this does not mean that the conflict needs to be stopped and sat down at the negotiating table, it is necessary to transfer the conflict to a longterm plane, this conflict is a war exhaustion, despite the fact that huge losses still exist, ukraine still has potential, but they did not fail to mention that, of course , the Russian Armed forces are weak, all this advantage is fragile and, if you try harder, you can crush the Russian Armed forces, but for this you need supply ukraine with more and more weapons, strengthen their air defense, that is. Read these plans for the long term, well, that is , the meaning of the message in the magazines is completely clear, since it was not possible to defeat the Russian Federation, it is necessary to defeat it, so to speak, exhausting, the question is, yes, why did they decide that our armed forces are weak, this surprises me, you understand, this is the tenacity with which they are all the time in everyone, especially. This is different, they write all the time, that the Russian Federations showed their armed forces, the Russian Federation showed their inconsistency, they were unable to achieve their goals when it was, well, it was easy to do, well , it was absolutely possible to calmly in the first month of the war, but nevertheless, either about the calculations of the command , either i didnt have enough strength, but nothing they couldnt achieve it, they shamefully left kiev, shamefully. Left from near kharkov, shamefully left the right bank of the dnieper, uh, near kherson, and uh, everything, everything is bad for the Russian Federation, thats why its in last place. I cant understand this, i talked to my acquaintances, so to speak, american generals, reasonable ones, so to speak, they say, well , this is, so to speak, for our public, for this is more of a propaganda thing, so to speak, well , look, lets just switch to language figures, from february 24, 2022 to december 31 2022, and during these months the azov sea. Has become inland, yes, yes, and we have grown in territories equal to four territories of crimea, yes, yes, the population has increased, well, give or take from 7 to 10 million people, not a single one the army, while if we take the nato armies, did not fight, with an army that can be compared with the ukrainian one, yes, with such a level of support over the past 40 years, right . At the same time, the American Army fought in afghanistan for 20 years, fled shamefully, afghanistan fought for 30 years in iraq, achieved nothing, fought in syria, achieved only that their ambassador was horribly killed in syria, they demanded a change in the current ruling class, nothing happened, not only was vasad returned to the arab league, but china was also accepted at a high level. The ambassador in libya was killed, that is, we achieved something, and yes, we then take the report from january 1, 2023 to today, as a result of everything that happened, we increased the territory that we control, and as a result of counterassaults they are still for this year they also have a negative balance, we received twice as much as they, we got it in the kharkov direction. For this for this for this from the beginning from june 4 to the end from the beginning of the counteroffensive from the beginning of this offensive not the beginning of the counteroffensive from january, because we were moving there in the direction of liberating artyomovsk, that is , from this all the time we were walking, if you take it, thats why i take it from january 1, 2023 , there are no generals in the conditions of the counteroffensive , the opposite happened, there you have to read it, there in the conditions of the counterattack the opposite did not happen, its still difficult to read there, there are gray areas. Here its just yascina, plus we have once a partial mobilization of 30,000 was announced, during the time, as dmitry antonevich medvedev said, we have more than 300,000 since january 1, signed 350,000, yes, yes, and dmitry antonevich gave 324, the army and 250 of them have already arrived at their deployment points, well, well ukraine is wave after wave, well, well, i saw it myself, i can just confirm, the state of our guys there, the level of losses yes. The level of casualties for losses in ukraine is simply terrible, they, they dont even count that, well, really you look when the trenches are filled with corpses, has already been approved, already in the west the figure is no longer disputed at all, but is taken as data of 350,000 killed, but i say according to the textbook 350, if you take the wounded, you need to multiply by three, that is, 350, another million, almost 400 million they have returnable losses and nonrefundable. This is a lot, i dont count the equipment there, what the ministry of defense gives tens of thousands there, yes, but one must always understand technology, the ministry of defense gives absolutely accurate figures, one must understand that a certain percentage of equipment is being restored, restored, that is, its just that this must be taken into account here, yes, well, but if they give 350,000 irretrievable losses, it doesnt stop there, they say that they already have over 50,000 amputees, well, yes, yes, yes, well, what does it have to do with these being so modest, according to to me. Yes, only those who were officially able to apply, and how many did not apply, so concluding this story , with this article in the economist, they repeat, as usual, that victory is needed, because yes, ukraine should be accepted into the eu when ukraine wins , it will be a country with a large, very a literate population, with a large potential industrial agricultural potential, the strongest experienced. Armies in europe and so on, and if he doesnt win, well then the evil russian president will definitely occupy all of western, eastern and Central Europe and establish his own authoritarian order, well, thats how it is , of course, the end of the article is perfect, i was even surprised that analytically, well, for now why, well, for now here we can say for sure that they simply made a mistake with the name of the country, because the territory of ukraine. Is deeply mined, its terribly destroyed, theres nothing to talk about, that is, restoration will take a decade. I go into the shower, a shell flies into the office, you and rudskoy made some mistakes like naturally, you made what you would have done differently, we could have won, those who went against a peaceful city and unleashed a bloodbath are criminals. Then this option was chosen not parliamentary, not popular, but tough. There was no need to shoot from the tanks, it was, the spectacle was, of course, bad, to put it mildly, it was from here that the very broadcast was conducted, which the whole world was watching. The fact is that each side believed that the instigator was the other side, in those days i myself fulfilled the oath, even after 30 years, russia is experiencing the most difficult political crisis in postsoviet history, which will end in bloodshed. We will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. Investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, at what point will you say everything i did in this project, everything i could, i will never say whether i can russian industry replace foreign suppliers, you need to mobilize all resources, give me the recipe, in general, this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, you got up, dusted yourself off and went, is russia ready to change, evolution occurs in any structure. So im 34 years old, im opening a small oyster bar, russia chose me, not me, there are a lot of opportunities for africans in russia, i came from south africa, russia is a very Strong International leader who can lead. We have the country has large shale gas deposits, we need Russian Companies as partners. But its interesting that. An entrepreneur published such a tweet, it became popular , if more than 35,000 dead, more than a million wounded, 6,23,600 fled, 8 million displaced people, zero plans for peace, zero plans for holding elections, zero chances for a military victory, more than 20 Million Dollars of personal wealth in a country where the average annual salary is 7,500 dollars, glory to the dictatorship, well, about 20 million

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