The beshik baby cradle for korochaev cherkessia is not just a household item, certainly not furniture. This concept is much deeper and largescale, despite the size of the cradle. Accessories are made separately mattress, pirina, blanket, diapers, tape. All this is called the babys dowry. It is given to celebrate the first placement of a child in a cradle. Bella gachchiyaeva is an interior designer, a professional seamstress, but she did not start making bishik kirek for that very dowry for the sake of earning money at the behest of her soul. This is not an easy matter. Mattresses must be filled with cotton wool, since synthetics are not suitable, and allergies can occur to wool. Bella uses parterre fabric in the baroque style, velvet, satin, and she decorates plain fabric with embroidery herself. Each such piece of work , made, as a rule, to order, from the village of uchiken, elegant sets are distributed throughout the republic, and even to neighboring regions, to kabardi, balkaria, and stavropol territory. I think no one can say at the moment how old this cradle and accessories are, by the way, they are unchanged, they are as they were many, many years ago, and remain the same to this day, every representative of our people, very reverently refers to the national cradle, in every house, if you dont go in, dont ask, everyone has a national cradle, as much as its in demand, when children are born, so is this, they overwhelm you with orders, yes, yes, of course, of course, it happens , a few months ahead, aigufchaev made his first cradle at the age of 17 for his niece, it didnt become a profession, but. It was kept as a kind of mission there are a lot of large families in the republic, including among the masters relatives, so he never faced i had problems finding a hobby. Beshyk is not only a tribute to tradition, but also practicality. The cradle is much more utilitarian than it seems at first glance; it can be rocked with your foot, which frees up the mothers hands. It is compact in combination with traditional swaddling and provides the baby with correct posture. All this timetested applies precisely, although already the 2nd century, modern mothers naturally somehow solve it differently, but they dont go far from the cradle, well, according to your observation that children somehow react to this, they grow up calmer, calm, yes, they are used to it, after a year there is naturally no need, they should already be running, but they have always loved, they immediately run to their crib, lie down on these cradles, the little ones sleep peacefully, beautifully, the topic. Childhood and adolescence, education , development, one of the most important for karachay in circassia. Last year , the countrys Largest Center for youth innovative creativity opened here. A modern twostory building with an area of ​​800 km2 with an open terrace is located in the heart of cherkessk. Practical training is carried out here classes, master classes and seminars on modeling, graphic design, robotics, Digital Production technology, 3d prototyping, programming, which allows young people to prepare projects to attract grandees. This is a chance for those who intend to change the world for the better through the development of new services and technologies, and this is an opportunity to change themselves. We have children, literally, when a child of 1315 years old makes a small part from wood or iron or plastic, then they understand their value, these are, well, children literally in the first month they change, they come here, they dont sit like this, they raise their hand, they come, they negotiate with the mentors, they say can we do this, or can you suggest this . Almost all of our children come to us without parents, on their own in their free time, they can even come there, supposedly with a snack, and say, you know, now ill eat and lets get to work, that is, we have absolutely, heres a community of children, its something, well, unusual that knows its worth, thats what sells a lot. That we are not talking about theory, but pure practice and career guidance. Karachayev cherkessia needs qualified specialists for hightech industries, such as, for example, hydroelectric power stations, 419 rivers flowing through the territory of the republic, as well as the large Stavropol Canal that feed the azovblack sea and caspian sea basins. By saturating not only circassia with water, but also neighboring regions and creating conditions for the development of hydropower. Zelenchukskaya gas gas one of the largest hydroelectric power stations north caucasus. This is a complex complex of hydraulic structures more than 30 km long. In april 2023, two krasnogorsk small power plants on the kuban river began operating, with a total capacity of 50 mw. The project was implemented by rusgidi as part of the state program for the development of smallscale renewable energy. The potential that today, even in our native republic, is very high, why not use it, and the opportunity that there is solar, wind energy, we will not choose the places that are suitable everywhere, but hydropower this is what is available, all those rivers that are in the republic, for us this is also a source of income, because the company, there is about half a billion rubles a year in tax revenues, well, plus, of course , jobs, hightech, efficient jobs, i believe that the hydropotential of our republic and in general everything related to water, of course, must be used and used effectively, which is what we are doing in principle. According to rosstat data for the first half of 2023, korochaeva circassia has become the absolute leader of russia in in the production of mineral water, which is not surprising, the republic finished last year in second place, in general it is consistently among the top five in this indicator, improving the result every year; more than twenty enterprises are engaged in the production of bottled water here, we will now visit one of them. Aqualine company, one of the leading mineral producers. Water in the russian federation. For a quarter of a century, these workshops have been bottling Crystal Clear water obtained in the mountains at an altitude of 1,100 m above sea level, which provides not only worldclass product quality, which has been awarded international awards, but also more than 600 jobs for residents of the republic. Here they deliberately avoid images of eagles on labels and sad inscriptions about liver disease, preferring a cheerful youth image. It seems like a simple algorithm get water, spill water, but in reality its complicated. A compositional process that requires knowledge and serious investment. The most important thing is that we must carefully package it and reach the buyer unchanged. It is extracted from underground sources and accordingly, it is protected from all anthropogenic influences, that is, the water is very clean, very environmentally friendly, we see our mission as taking care of the health of our citizens. We have very hightech equipment, that is, we dont just pack and bottle bottles, we have such. Lines where a persons hand does not touch the water right from the well, but its one thing to have water in bottles, its quite another thing to have it inside fruits. Here it is, the heritage of this fertile land a tenth of all russian pears, native in circassia, only the neighboring stavropol region can compare with it in this indicator. In 2017, the republic adopted a resolution on the revival of industrial gardening on a fundamentally new basis of intensive and superintensive technologies. And the result was almost instantaneous, these antihail nets to the horizon, all these are pear and Apple Orchards. Already in september 2022, at the annual International Exhibition in moscow, the karachay Gardens Company in circassia won a gold medal in the product of the Year Category for the quality of the ksenia pear variety. No less the successes in the production of apples turned out to be significant; for them, the climate of the foothills of elbrus, with its special differences in day and night temperatures, turned out to be ideal. The uniqueness of the garden is also that it was one of the first in the country to be founded under the import Substitution Program with 100 highquality virusfree planting material that meets international standards, but grown in a domestic nursery, we see the results that this is gaining momentum, not only in this region, in all regions, throughout, well, we we see in the country the supermarket is changing, if before i came and the shelf was 100 imported apples, today i come, the shelf is already 50x50, somewhere. 60 to 40 in favor of the russian product, and i think that our task in the near future, rather, lets say this share is increased and increased, we have everything for this, there are regions, there is a climate and there is sun, water, short circassia this is 2 3 of the water tiles of the russian federation, this is actually in water tiles, this is baikal, this property, we should receive it, she doesnt it should just flow, it should come to us through fruits and vegetables to our consumers. The development of horticulture and the construction of two large fruit Storage Facilities with powerful refrigeration units are included as breakthrough projects in the Economic Development model of krachaev cherkessia. On the territory of the agroindustrial complex. A Logistics Hub with sorting and Packaging Equipment for 5,000 tons is already operational. Here is another example of a wellknown product, from which korochaevocherkessia managed to create their own purely regional brand. At the end of 2018 the group damate Company Began implementing a project for the production of lamb in the north caucasus federal district. For the first time in russia, sheep farming was offered to operate on a contract farming model, as is the practice in large Agricultural Holdings in europe, the usa and australia. The Company Enters into longterm contracts with farms, providing consulting, resource support, and providing access to the most modern technologies for insemination, feeding and veterinary medicine. The farm becomes the raw material base of the project and undertakes to supply products of specified standards. As a result , the interests of both parties were respected. When this plant was launched, it made it possible to employ a large number of residents, because from ancient times in korochevocherkessia they were engaged in livestock farming, people had an additional guaranteed sale of their products, and at a decent price, after this product comes here directly from the farmer to us, here we are already putting it in proper shape, the more meat we get here, the more the farmer will earn. Meanwhile, we are moving to the urbantype settlement of new karachay, which received the status of a Regional Sports center. Here is the largest belt wrestling school in karachay and cherkessi, one of the oldest types of martial arts that arose in the east even before our era. Today this sport is also popular in tatarstan. The head coach of the Russian National belt wrestling team for 12 years in a row, who has taken the first overall place in international competitions, an amazing example of how a once local sport has received worldwide recognition; today about 50 countries practice wrestling in the pssr, he recently held the World Championships in astana, we came from ufa, there to the meeting the category was within the framework of the World Championship among, the russian team took first place, the main composition was a representative of koracev cherkessi, that is, four medals were won by representatives of karachev the russian team in cherkessia became the first in the Team Competition thanks to these, 2023 was named in Karachay Cherkessia as the year of industrial development. In the first 6 months, the republic took third place among. Regions in terms of Industrial Production growth, meanwhile, its Industrial Production index grew by 117 over the past year. One of the convincing examples is the khabez gypsum plant, which has a range of more than 50 products. The plant accounts for a tenth of the russian market of dry construction mixtures supplied from the caucasus to siberia and the far east. Over the past 6 years , more than 2 billion rubles have been invested in the development of the enterprise. During this time, revenue increased sevenfold, Tax Deductions increased eightfold. In january of this year a separate plant for the production of plasterboard sheets, an important importsubstituting project, was launched here. Although 20 years ago Foreign Companies served as a guide for the enterprise. And i constantly tried to find the formula by which they work, but the more we went into and the more we studied building materials, we came to the conclusion that every stone, every plaster, has its own formula, and we must look for this formula in ourselves, and we it was found, and when this formula was found, of course our materials began to be in demand. Another Growth Indicator is agricultural complex. The yuzhny plant is a cityforming enterprise created more than 40 years ago for the moscow olympics 80, but it has not been lost in recent history, one of the largest greenhouse production facilities in russia and europe, with an area of ​​more than. 144 hectares of land, which allows the annual shipment of more than 45,000 tons of cucumbers and tomatoes , plus a separate complex in which 4 million seedlings are grown, special natural and climatic conditions. Conditions kuban water, high taste, the growing process is continuous, offseason, part products are supplied abroad, more than 2,000 people work at this enterprise, today i see from the management that they are socially responsible, this is the level of salaries, the level of social support, not only for their employees, but also for the village that was created thanks to this enterprise. The natural wealth of karachaycherkessia has fully manifested itself in the tourism industry, or as it is customary to formulate today in the hospitality industry. Last year , 2 million tourists visited the republic. Annually quantity guests in the region increases by 20 . In 2013 , the arkhys vtrc project was launched, supported by the government of the russian federation. Fashionable, comfortable. This is one of the most popular ski resorts in the country and one of the most soughtafter investment sites. However, the definition of Alpine Skiing has been avoided here for some time now, preferring to say allseason. Still, the level of service is growing, more worthy objects and hospitality are appearing, more interesting activities, including in the summer season, the summer occupancy is really reaching its peak. The same level as in the winter season, we have no less number of guests than in winter, routes, ascents, we open new ecological trails. As a result , the romantic resort village, built from scratch, is not empty all year round. The volume of investments for the next 7 years is 40 billion rubles, which will double the tourist flow. In total , the ski infrastructure of the republics resorts is 17 cable cars and 30 ski slopes, the symbol of which has been dambai for more than half a century, now receiving a young, ambitious competitor. But the mountains korachae. Caseys are so diverse that the resorts do not copy each other, each of them has its own trump cards. For me, as a resident who was born and raised here, not even as the head of the region, just as a local resident, there is no competition as to what i love more, arkhys, tiberda or dombay. Arkhys, its new, packaged, but i believe that dombay is loved by so many people in our big country. We are now developing a comprehensive program for the development of both dombay and tiberda. Scientific life is also in full swing on the mountain tops. Special astrophysical observatory of the Russian Academy of sciences was founded in 1966. Today it is the countrys Largest Center for groundbased observations of objects in the universe. The main instruments of the observatory are the rotan600 Radio Telescope and the bta optical telescope with a main mirror diameter of 6 m. Thus, korochaeva cherkessia is connected with the depths of space with the world astronomical community, since the telescopes have the status of open collective use, an optical telescope located at an altitude of more than 2,000 m, the largest in eurasia. The bearing on which it is mounted is unique. Any person can turn this colossus weighing 850 tons by hand, applying a small force of 5 kg. But the most important thing is that this one is flawless. Centuries , hume is still in demand, the atmosphere of the film 9 days of one year has not disappeared around him, all modernity is determined mainly not by telescopes and the equipment that is there that analyzes the data . Yes, yes, this is changing a lot, and it is changing quickly with a characteristic time of 2. 3 maximum 5 years, after 5 years already everything is changing very much, no, well, its clear that devices that are 10 and 15. 20 years old remain, but new technologies are being born all the time, so i can say, not without pride, that we are, in general, in this trend, we make new devices, new tools that allow us to expand the scope of our Scientific Research and so on and so forth. The eternal dispute between the southern resorts, which has the greatest number of sunny days a year, can be resolved quite easily, precisely according to this indicator, 60 years ago, for the construction of a special astrophysical observatory. Korochaev cherkessia was chosen. A clear sky means not only a tan and vitamin d, but also an opportunity to study space. In addition, these places received their scientific status among stargazers back in the middle ages, and this must be shown separately. A massive circle with a diameter of 88 m made of processed stones, inscribed in a regular octahedron. According to one hypothesis , this is an astronomical object, a version of a medieval observatory, the most ancient eastern one. Europe located on the territory of the allan settlement. Nizhnearkhyssky the historical, architectural and archaeological complex was opened in 1977 on the basis of three Holland Christian churches 1012. Centuries, here was the spiritual and Political Center of the allandic state; there are no more monuments similar to this one in terms of age and diversity of cultural layers in the russian federation. No written sources have yet been found that would explain why this was done, but there are many such skulls in the places where these people lived. Nina khubieva, an experienced researcher at the observatory and a guide by vocation. Having also moved to soviet years from the urals to korochaevocherkessia. She found a second home and an ideal world outside of time. Stop somewhere near a fire, walk far, far away, there is solitude, see real aurochs, bison, eagles. I wanted to live in places like this, where you can wander, gather, relax, and at the same time , nearby you see, the Largest Observatory in russia. Since soviet times, one second, i m talking about the radio and the optical telescope, a completely different contingent, a wonderful library, here was the first internet, its own murat tabulov saw the first accordion in a dream, only after that he was able to continue the work of his father, whose instruments still sound throughout everything. Everywhere and even in the distant netherlands, germany, jordan, syria. Through an effort of will, already in adulthood, murat nevertheless became a professional craftsman, who is commissioned to make a national accordion, and, moreover, is trusted with sacred things, the repair of family heirlooms. Everyone is trying to leave this memory in the house, this is the memory that it was the father who gave this noisemaker, this man is already he has grown up, he is already at the age when he was given a gift as a child, but he needs it, so he just takes the accordion, he remembers his father. He will play the harmonicas, take his soul away and put them back, and there are a lot of such harmonicas , which are so old, that you just need to give a second life somehow by restoring them as little as possible so that it remains visually in the form in which the child originally received it. Magomed kumratov is a professional oil worker, he worked for many years in the far north, he is an active, active person, and was anxiously awaiting access to retirement, they say, what to do then . And then the Republican Program for planting intensive minigardens arrived; a team of specialists arrived with seedlings and arranged everything for free overnight, including drip irrigation. So magomed and his wife, having returned from distant yamal, joined the ranks of progressive gardeners. Thank you, this is what someone came up with, god bless him, no matter what, human labor is human work, so now i go out and stand for 4 hours. This is how we work, we grew up little by little , our children, grandfather, greatgrandfather were born here, our native element lived here, still pulls me here, my wife has arrived , she says they will kiss the earth, they have arrived, she really kissed the earth, its not just about material wealth, the quality of life is determined by other kinds of concepts. My fathers old accordion, a grapevine, an Apple Orchard and a beshik cradle, the cradle of not only one baby, but the whole people, my profession, for me, is simultaneous professions and hobbies, the credo of life, it all came together, i have no problem waiting for it to end my working day doesnt stop even on saturday. The answer is clear, why korochaya circassia, because , generally speaking, it is the only republic in which all the most successful, largest observatories of the country are concentrated. Its very difficult not to fall in love with these places, well, probably nature acts in such a way that you want to improve something , make something more beautiful than your neighbors, i live, i breathe, i like it and its good, first of all, the mountains, thats where i arrived, but the mountains are accessible, that is, its like a park here. Kind of, i feel good, what i have is enough for me, its really cozy here, the caucasus, arkhys has become for my second homeland, i have linked my destiny with arkhyz for at least 10 years, i really like the direction in which arkhyz is moving, the development it is receiving, the projects that are now beginning to be implemented at the resort, i want all my strength, everything my skills that i gain in life, everything that i see in my travels, when i travel around the country, i want to apply all this here at the resort to create. Something new and something more, i i was born here, i am from my republic, i am proud that this republic, today on this is the level of many athletes who won gold medals at the university. At the World Championships and glorify my russia. Our country is so great and powerful that if you ask me what the caucasus is, i will say one thing, come and see, dont believe what your ears hear, believe what your eyes see, yes, in one small village there are people who dont live only different nationalities, and also different religions, and there are mixed marriages, interethnic, interfaith, but they live, supporting each other in everything, joy in grief, while not forgetting your originality, your traditions, in my understanding, happiness is measured by love, for your family , for your homeland, for your big homeland, communicating with your friends, likeminded people, enjoying what you do, thats this is happiness. The most famous city, the most beautiful city is keytown, this is our support for russia, moscow is written here, a lot of tshirts have been printed. Africa is always business through relationships, business through the eyes. We have just sent a whole batch of products from the south africa to russia. We can understand each other on many issues. I had a dream. Im 34 years old and im opening a small oyster bar. Russia chose me, not i chose it. There are a lot of opportunities for africans in russia. I came from south. Russia is a very Strong International leader who can lead. We have large deposits of shaleless gas in our country. We need Russian Companies as partners. Hello, International Review is on air, in the studio fyodor lukyanov. Today at International Review program, events of the week, chronicle, facts, comments. High, very high relations, how to link the materials of our program with territorial integrity, the resumption of Nuclear Tests as an instrument of Global Politics is a convenient reason for accusations. The power of our countrys first atomic test explosion. Tests carried out by the united states, britain and france, this was achieved thanks to the joint work of our workers, engineers, technicians, scientists, soldiers, officers of the Peoples Liberation army and all other participants in the trials, those whose enthusiasm raised high the red flag of the great teaching of maut zsedun. The first test of a chinese atomic bomb in 1964

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