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Of militarytechnical cooperation are constantly in the focus of attention of the council of defense ministers and bilateral contacts. In this regard, i would like to emphasize that the Russian Federation is always open to deepening cooperation in this area. In addition, today we will launch joint preparations for the celebration of the eightieth anniversary of the victory of our peoples in the great patriotic war, the lessons of which still. Remain relevant, and chief among them is the need to have well equipped, trained armed forces, ready to adequately respond to the challenges of the threat. The current militarypolitical situation in the world obliges us to do this. As noted today by the secretary general of the commonwealth of independent states states, sergey lebedev. Nato countries under the pretext of containment. Russia is increasing its offensive capabilities, and this entails an arms race, well, such an erosion of the role of international institutions, an increase in the crisis, all of this ultimately threatens the sovereignty of many states, which is why the activities of the council of defense ministers today are of particular importance, western hegemony in response to the destruction of the unipolar world continues to provoke local wars, fanning old conflicts. Creates to unfortunately new. It was precisely such actions of western countries that led to the severe ukrainian crisis, allocating billions of dollars for military support to ukraine, supplying it with weapons and ammunition, sending their mercenary military advisers, the United States and nato states are doing everything to further inflame the conflict and draw other states into it. In this regard, respected. The activities of the council of ministers of defense of the cis and its coordinating committees in the Current Conditions are of particular importance. Without a doubt, the council of defense ministers has powerful collective potential for the further development of military cooperation and increasing its effectiveness in order to ensure peace and stability in the cis space. Head of the delegation of defense departments of the cis countries. Today in tula we visited the Design Bureau named after academician shipunov, military equipment is presented there, which, in fact, has already confirmed its effectiveness during a special military operation, for example, the multipurpose Missile System karnet m on a wheeled chassis typhoon kmpp2 with a fighting compartment of beregs. As a matter of fact, the representatives of the delegation highly appreciated Russian Military products. We decided that we need pilots in us, we are putting a pilot in us under the seat, so a 9x19 cartridge appeared, and at the very beginning of this day, Russian Defense minister Sergei Shaigu and the governor of the tula region laid red carnations on eternal flame on victory square in tula. Minutes of silence were observed in memory of the soldiers who died during the great patriotic war. Lets see fragment of this ceremony. As a result of todays meeting , Important Documents were signed, for example, on the training of troops within the framework of the unified air Defense System of the cis states. Dmitriy. Yes, zhenya, thank you, our correspondent Evgenia Petrukhina was in direct contact with us. Pentalginel, it contains the highest dosage of a substance for pain and inflammation. Pentalgen. Against pain and inflammation in muscles and joints. Sber presents a loan with cashback. Allow yourself more. Every month return 2. 5 of the rate with sber bonuses thank you. 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Hello, indeed this city, a city on the border, in fact, of Nagorno Karabakh and armenia continues to accept refugees, as we know from the most recent data, approximately 80,000 have already left unaccompanied. Well, the republic is now in armenia and the main flow of people goes through the mountains, thats what you see behind me, this is one of the largest Registration Centers where refugees are now being helped, buses arrive there almost every hour, and you see hundreds of people, these people are now waiting for registration, but they are waiting for them to receive help, to be able to accommodate them, a lot of people, along with their things , alas, are on the street, there are ambulances on duty nearby, doctors are working inside, including doctors, volunteers , which, as we know, they sleep about 2 hours a day, and people arrive in very poor physical condition, they have been on the road for more than a day, from a day to three, and of course they need help here, help for children and help for pregnant women, who are all we were on the road this time. And today we managed to talk with people, lets listen to what they say, and i came like this , they say they give help there, a towel, and i was going to go buy it in the store, i took my wallet , so i went down like this, took two blankets, thats all i took two pillows, lets see what else is here, there is practically a small tent camp here, of course, people are not accommodated, here they are provided with all possible assistance, these are the tents that we just passed, there are hot drinks there, there are some snacks, and fruits for children, i will remind , that people were actually under blockade for 9 months, here they work with children, there are a lot of children, in armenian families, almost always, well, from five children, here, probably for sure. And here they gave out water, here, now, lets see, yes, they brought it here things that were collected as humanitarian aid, both childrens and warm ones, its quite cold, its already at night in goris, this is a city in the mountains, and today the head of the ministry of health gave her comments here, she just talked about how much the road now takes people, what condition are they in . Cases of death from stroke in elderly people, i will add that Many Organizations are now bringing emergency aid here, of course , the Russian House in yerevan did not stand aside, they also delivered warm clothes and the most necessary items today. And the items they asked for refugees, lets listen, basic necessities are diapers for children, and a fleece blanket , since its cold in the mountains at night, but you were in a hotel just now, you saw this inside, its just cold, it s invigorating, thats not the word, thats a towel, thats we also saw now that people were just taking it away, and all the women were absolutely talking about how the children needed sweets, chocolate spread, candies, and they really asked for electric kettles, well , this is roughly the situation now at the border, in the city where the main flow of refugees is taking place, natasha , thank you, Natalya Solovyova told us about the situation with refugees from nagornokarabakh, the results of the Digital Transformation of the oil industry were presented to experts from the ministry of energy and the ministry of Digital Development of russia at the conference, oils Largest Companies presented advanced developments, and startups were looking for investors to create it solutions that ensure the technological sovereignty of the country. All the details are in the material of my colleagues. Dozens of Digital Solutions to transform industries from Artificial Intelligence to detection oil fields, before processing and systematizing an impressive amount of data. It is precisely such innovations that ensure technological sovereignty. This conference is the first of its kind, it developers in the oil and gas industry will present their new products and solutions already tested on the market. According to experts, by 2030 the effect of their implementation as part of the Digital Transformation of the oil and gas industry could reach about a trillion rubles. Participants of the Industrial Competence Center will also present their products on the sidelines of the conference. Oil and gas, petrochemicals and subsoil use, year on 13 leaders of the oil, gas and Petrochemical Industries united to create domestic it solutions, the center is headed by the general director of gazprom neft, alexander dyukov. This is the idea of ​​creating this. Institute and Central Committee of Industrial Competence Centers, which was made by the government last year, is indeed a very correct decision, which allows companies to create such a common platform for coordinating their efforts, for software development, including for our industry. On the first day of the conference, the ic presented 19 particularly significant Digital Projects developed by startups from the countrys Largest Energy companies, whose task is. To allow the oil and gas industry to completely switch to Domestic Software by 2028, which is not inferior and even superior in quality to any foreign analogues. At the moment , the technological independence of the sector, according to the centers estimates, is already 76 . We set ourselves even more ambitious plans; we want to achieve 100 coverage of this landscape, according to exclusively domestic poe, while poo should be no worse, basically even better than all foreign deprivations, respectively, that exist. Thus, the company lab advance supplies technology that allows the creation of Microfluidic Chips that accurately reflect the characteristics of deposits. What is important is that the test period is reduced by 10 times, and the cost, on the contrary, is reduced by five times. The only competitor to this development is technology from canada. True, and to her, a domestic product is already confidently stepping on his heels. In simple terms, what we do is, we take a rock sample for an oil and gas company, that is , one that was taken from 3 km underground, we make a digital twin of it, we clone it onto a microfluidic chip, and then we conduct research on this microchip, for what is needed to increase, improve the efficiency of production, to increase Oil Production at already developed fields or at new ones, the main task of the Industry Association is to give the opportunity to more than eight hundred developers and programmers. Exchange experiences and Work Together on new products that can completely replace imports in the Industrial Technology market in the future. They gave the developers a lot to speak, and i understand how valuable the customers time is here, colleagues, well, try it, pilot it, we love them, we believe that they are the future, so we kindly ask you not to be afraid to implement Russian Solutions in general, i think this is its very cool that gazprom neft gives Russian Developers the opportunity to pilot their solutions, its very cool when. An important project for the industry that helps attract new ambitious developers, platform professionals 4. 0, it specialists in freelance or remote work formats, get the opportunity to cooperate with the largest players in the oil and gas market. I registered, looked a couple of clicks, looked at active, relevant projects, for me, there is an opportunity to choose a role, i chose my role as a developer, an architect, i saw a bunch. That is, i still had the competencies to pool the largest resources , the opportunity to select projects for key companies, the creation of digital platforms for project work allows every ambitious developer to gain access to the countrys key Customer Companies the conference and oil is being held in moscow until september 29 inclusive Varvara Nevskaya alexander pushin Dmitry Maslennikov and tatyana klepchaya news. Wow, what tenderness, i didnt expect from you, but from him i expected everything you expect from chicken burgers, tasty and spot on, tender chickenhit and unique chicken premium, and also try our new products with mushroom sauce, there are many qr codes, thank you, of course, ask for the sbp qr code at checkout, pay conveniently and get real benefits. 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I ordered a package of kefir, looked around, hop, apartment, place your orders on the scooter and take part in the apartment drawing. The federal antimonopoly service opened the first cases as part of an inspection of the Petroleum Products market, which now with fuel prices and what measures can stabilize the situation, lets ask our correspondent, our economic observer nika yankova, she joins us, nick, how much does ninetyfive gasoline cost now . Dmitry, hello, well, on the st. Petersburg Commodity Exchange , at. 95 it costs just above 60,500 rubles. In five regions, fas initiated the first antimonopoly cases due to inflated fuel prices. According to the service, violations were detected in the belgorod, rostov regions, krasnodar and stavropol territories, as well as in dagestan. Cases were initiated against belgorod oskolneftnap, rostov gazpromneft Regional Sales and two stavropol companies that sold motor fuel from oil refineries. Overpriced. In krasnodar, a case has been initiated against the Ilsky Oil Refinery and the slavyansk eco company. In dagestan, claims have been made against the association of gas station owners. Fas russia continues to analyze the situation on the Petroleum Product market. Retail prices for gasoline and diesel fuel have increased by 9. 5 since the beginning of the year. Calculated in rosstat. In midseptember, at the st. Petersburg international Commodity Exchange, the cost of a95 was close to 7,000 rubles per barrel, diesel fuel exceeded 75,000, but in order to stabilize the situation on the domestic market, on september 21, the government temporarily banned the export of gasoline and diesel fuel for with some exceptions. Stock prices went down after this decision. If we are talking about exchange prices, then literally the next day after the government decree banning the export of diesel and gasoline, these Petroleum Products fell in price by almost 20 . There was a decrease there of 1618 . But in the average wholesale segment in retail, here the inertia is quite large, so now the government is just looking for those mechanisms that will allow it to influence the market and get a price reduction here now, so that the consumer will immediately feel it. On september 27, president Vladimir Putin proposed regulating the fuel market by analogy with the fertilizer market, that is, allowing exports only after filling domestic needs, while he emphasized that despite the decline in wholesale prices, the cost of gasoline at retail is growing. The cabinet of ministers is now considering several options, in particular, they are discussing adjusting the damping mechanism for fuel in the direction of increasing the amount of payments to oil workers; they were reduced on september 1. This will compensate for the difference in the cost of sales in the domestic foreign markets and will saturate the supply in the country. The second measure is a restriction of primary exports for a company that buys goods intended for russia fuel. Deputy Prime Minister alexander nouk proposed increasing the duty on Petroleum Products for resellers from 20,000 to 50,000 rubles. Well , or completely ban the export of purchased raw materials. In the market, with regard to the fuel crisis, the totality of measures will play a role here, yes, how effective they will be, but here it is impossible to give preference to any one measure, yes, that is , accordingly, the export duty, and the damping mechanism, and various kind of bans or there is stricter control, but for the socalled gray schemes, they will give and are already giving their results, at a meeting with representatives of oil. Companies the day before , alexander novuk instructed to take urgent measures to reduce the cost of fuel at gas stations, as well as bring prices in small wholesale to the level of large wholesale prices, taking into account transportation costs. Well, in addition, it is necessary to ensure a balance of supply and demand in the southern russian regions. In order to quickly monitor the situation, meetings with oil workers will be held at least twice a week until fuel prices stabilize. Buy an apartment or a new building on domklik, the number one real estate service, by the number of advertisements for the sale of apartments, hello, i cant talk, im in the feed, on the feed, i downloaded the cbpay application, linked an account, i pay with one touch, im on my way

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