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September 26, there the trees are falling, everything is falling, the leaves of nepal are completely falling, this is the weather we have, there is no less snow now in the irkutsk region, in the footage the shelekhovsky district, the kultuk highway now looks like winter, this is part of the baikal federal highway, in irkutsk , snowfalls were more modest, but this was enough for the roads to be hampered by nine points traffic jams appeared at bus stops. Queues for buses. At the same time , forests are burning again in the urals in western siberia. These night shots from the outskirts of the village with the selfexplanatory name of gari in the sverdlovsk region. In the morning, smoke enveloped the village of krasnoarmeisky ; a special fire regime has been resumed in the region from today. Residents of tyumen complained today about the strong smell of burning , which the city believes is due to fires in neighboring regions. The weather in siberia is now caused by two cyclones and an anticyclone between them. On one side of the anticyclone in southwestern siberia, there are southern winds, winds of southern directions, on the eastern edge of the anticyclone at the junction with the cyclone above transbaikalia there is a stable air corridor through which the arctic cold penetrates to the south of the irkutsk region and buryat, this cold literally rests the mountains, altai and sayans restrain the advance of cold air masses; at the same time , heat enters the irkutsk region, which the cyclone over transbaikalia captures in the south in china and transfers to the west. There is contrasting air here mixes, the mountains intensify the process of cloud formation, and the result is heavy snowfall. The fact that cold air is literally trapped is clearly visible on the map of maximum temperatures for today. In the south of buryatia, tv and the altai republic, today it is no warmer than 5. To the north , the temperature is much higher in the Central Regions of the krasnoyarsk territory up to 10, in the omsk region up to 15. Its cold in irkutsk today. 4 5 rain at night unchanged, tomorrow morning 6, cloudy without precipitation, heat influx will increase during the day on wednesday, temperature will rise to 9, there will be light rain , on thursday in irkutsk it will already be 11, well, by the end of the week anticyclones will come to the region and with partly cloudy air the air will warm up to 1316, so warm autumn will soon return here. Thank you, ekatelina grigorova spoke about the weather in siberia in the urals. Russian businessman oleg derepa called sanctions the instrument of the century and noted that in the current century they are ineffective, he stated this in an interview with the financial times. Thus, according to his assessment, private business in russia has adapted to the sanctions conditions. Previously the billionaire expected that up to 30 of the countrys economy would collapse from the introduction of western sanctions, but in reality the damage was much less. Deripaska also noted that russia is also coping with sanctions. Sector, as the government actively invests in its enterprises and increases their capacity. In the kupinsky direction, the vsu stronghold was destroyed. The attack was carried out by rszouragan crews from the western military district. Having received the order , the combat vehicles moved out of cover and took up firing positions, after which they fired launches. The enemy suffered losses in manpower and equipment, but the crews returned safely. The artillerymen of the Western District carry out similar tasks. Everything is basically mechanical, that is, in general, we are independent of any electrics, well, in general, plus our range is such that not every enemy vehicle can reach us, well, the caliber of the projectile itself is large, significant, now to the situation in the capital of the dpr, in 5 minutes. In the petrovsky and kirovsky districts of donetsk, the day before the city was also subjected to powerful attacks, stanislav vasilchenko will tell you what is known about their consequences and what the situation is in donetsk now. Ukraine continues to fire at the civilian population of donetsk, using absolutely any weapons, even those that should actually be used to destroy military targets. Recently, civilians in the city have been suffering from attacks by american harm antiradar missiles, whose main task is to destroy air Defense Systems. Airtoearth rockets, that is, those that are launched from airplane. So last night, the armed formation of ukraine fired a rocket into the leninsky district of the city, hitting a garage cooperative, fortunately there were no dead or wounded, but the garages themselves and the cars that were inside were damaged, the hood, there was this one, well, like, well, these old soviet ones these sideboards or something, with equipment in the malakhov area, one of this house, above the house, uhhuh, then the tail of this rocket flew here, and three garages were damaged, and where were you at that time, i was at that time, you see, me there is a bottle there or siliofis, its where i was, harm missiles hit the city last weekend, one of them fell into an administrative building, in the kirovsky district of donetsk, the building itself was severely damaged, windows were broken, the facade was damaged, damaged. Office premises, in one of them military investigators found a fragment of the kharm missile itself, this is its engine, on which all the markings were preserved, and of course other fragments of this missile were found. The armed forces of ukraine carried out targeted shelling of a residential quarter of the kirovsky district of the city of donetsk, with the use of a presumably kharm aircraft missile, as evidenced by fragments from this missile found at the scene of the shelling. In addition, as a result of this shelling. Two women were injured and are currently in a medical facility; the blast wave also damaged nearby private and apartment buildings; we were able to talk to a woman whose house was also hit by these fragments; windows were broken, the facade was damaged, and the woman herself of course in shock state, i was watching malakhov in the hall yesterday, my tv was on , the window crashed, i was still. I didnt have any light there, there was nothing, i was sitting in the dark, then i started calling my daughter and couldnt get through, another daughter called and said mom, they are coming now, please send, it is known that as a result of the shelling of the kirovsky district, two civilians were injured, they were taken to the citys medical facility with shrapnel wounds, the woman was returning from work, it was, well, in the evening near entrance, hit. A shrapnel hit her in the leg, shrapnel wound, navy, it turns out that a bone was hit and came out, the fragment came out. Another rocket fell in the kuibyshevsky district of donetsk, not far from a kindergarten, where windows were also broken by the explosion. The rocket exploded near an apartment building. It is also known that two more civilians were injured as a result of this shelling. You can hear how air Defense Systems work in donetsk all the time. Objects are shot down while approaching the city, but there are situations when, for example, the kharm antiradar missile still achieve their goals, unfortunately, these goals are often precisely civilian objects and the civilians of donetsk themselves. Stanislav vasilchenko, mikhail vitkin, anton khobotov, artyom pavlov, lead donetsk. The authorities and volunteers of the donetsk peoples republic organized a meeting of the prisoners. With relatives. They saw the conditions of detention of former ukrainian soldiers. Many fighters refuse the exchange and want to stay in russia; see what they say about serving in the ranks of the Ukrainian Armed forces in the report by vitaly starushchenko. Before his service, vladislav telius was we usually work in a supermarket. There wasnt enough money, so he decided to profit from the war. He considered russia an aggressor, but all the charms of ukrainian propaganda quickly dissipated. I saw with my own eyes the state of the army, its so called characters. And the way they hit peaceful neighborhoods was subsequently desserted. I didnt want to fight, and left for the territory of the donetsk peoples republic. Junior Sergeant Denis dyachuk served as an inspector and dog handler in the kherson region. He is not going to return to ukraine, because as he himself admits, in russian captivity it is better than under the command of ukrainian nationalists. But its normal, good, the relationship is very good and the feeding is also very good, they say. I saw how the Ukrainian Military placed equipment in the area. Residential areas and started shooting from there, then they simply left, ran away and accordingly flew there, that is, they were hiding behind residential areas, wow, the prisoners of war had the opportunity to see their relatives thanks to the efforts of volunteer marina ashifina, everyone passed the border was calm, it took some time, of course, it took four days to get there, but there are legends here that they are locked in someones basement. Everything else at the borders and customs did not happen. Tears appear in your eyes, and your heart literally skips a beat. The servicemans mother, lina, has not seen her son for more than a year and a half. Now she herself is convinced that everything is fine with her child, despite the fact that they are telling something completely different on ukrainian television. Mom is generally happy, the happiest in the world, lord, i was counting the days, the months until i would see him. Now almost everything. All these people have the same story, but the outcome is the same they do not want to participate in the war imposed by kiev, everything that is happening now in the Ukrainian Army is called horror, all the prisoners are calling on the nationalists to lay down their arms. Vitali starushchenko, nikita smirnov, vesti donetsk. Now a message is coming again that donetsk is being shelled, this video is published by the head of the vgtrk branch in the donetsk peoples republic, andrei rudenko, and reports that at this time at the moment there are two arrivals, in addition, the tas news agency adds that explosions are heard in the voroshilovsky district of donetsk, smoke is observed in the central part of the city, and an air Defense System is operating in the city. The Public Chamber summed up the results of monitoring the federal platform for remote electronic voting, and it specialists shared their opinions on its work on a single voting day. Let me remind you that those monitoring the operation of the system had access to all the key data on the voting process, which made it possible to in real time, ensure the reliability and transparency of the technology. Observers could monitor the number of participants, the number of electronic ballots created and used, as well as other parameters. Next, the broadcast of our channel will continue with the vestinet program. This is the news, philip trofemov studio. Yandex is holding a big Conference Today to analyze the results. The first large testing of the jandex gpt generative Nerve Network on business and a whole set of announcements of new services. In particular, today it launches a Speech Analytics service for call centers, for example, is not a fundamentally new idea, but in this case everything works on the basis of a large language model, the same yandex gpt. It is there that the recording of the conversation, translated into text format, is processed and the output is promised a readymade report, in which, in addition to checking the Call Center Employee , the formal requirements regarding the construction of the dialogue are fulfilled. There will also be an analysis of the tone of the conversation, involvement, empathy and customer satisfaction, that is, as they say, the Neural Network is capable of text speech decoding, to distinguish a truly satisfied person from a simply polite one, when we are talking about the definition of mood recognition, yes, there is polite, impolite, satisfied, dissatisfied, so we are now using tamdex gpt and it copes well with this. We are not disclosing specific, true exact figures right now, including because the service is now being launched in its first stage of closed technical preview, there is a feeling that these percentages will improve significantly as the service develops when it will then go into public preview, and then reach the stage that we call general availability, or when it is available to any user. As for independent. Business access to yandex gpt, this service was launched in the form of a closed test in july for 800 companies, 3 4 of which are Small Businesses , that is, companies were looking for something to attach a large language model to, yandex looked at which scripts were the most popular and what to do with it, for example, for some applications they started making readymade request templates, in other words, they took on part of the work of the industrial engineer, in some cases they expanded the number of words in the request and the permissible number of requests themselves. The Company Managed to send 15 million prompts in these couple of months, and they studied anomalies, of course, in addition to fairly obvious scenarios such as interpreting data from the creation of chatbots, there were also banal approaches, for example, one company, as they say, not without success, forced a Neural Network to write advertising texts exclusively in poetic form. Second a story that, in my opinion, was also rather in the category of amazing , was when with yandex gpt, some guys tried to work as a consultant on psychological topics, you know, from the series, i have such and such a problem, im worried, there it is, well, what still typing, tell me what to do or how to act. Yes, this is roughly the dialogue. Now they are talking and deciding how to write down scenarios in the user agreement for which the large language model is not intended at all, so that later they will not make claims. News Work Technology to some extent media reflection of this topic, in the dispute for the title of the most popular humanoid robot, a serious precedent from a company experienced in pr. Optimus from tesla elon. A mask under these names, an anthropomorphic mechanism, was presented about a year ago, at first it was not at all impressive, and against the backdrop of the most famous double robot from atlas bost dynamick, the mask creation looked completely sad, but now a new video has been published on the social network mask, which was previously called twitter , in which optimus, well, its not done yet, but they are already moving very smoothly and accurately, demonstrating the ability to balance on one leg and sort objects, resisting attempts to. Interfere with him. And here is an important point, according to the developers, all this training occurs exclusively with the resources of the robot itself, the Neural Network, plus data from the builtin sensors and processing of the video stream from its cameras. It is unlikely that this is a directly selflearning machine, but at least some step in this direction, well, a natural media success. Until recently , the undisputed superstars of robotics were exclusively creations of boston dynamics. At least while it was part of google, and then. A video about parkour performed by the same incredibly advanced robot atlas collected millions of views , but now boston dynamic belongs to the automaker hundai, the video is now more focused on the sale of robotic dogs spot than on shogo performed by atlas, he did not appear on youtube for more than six months, and accordingly they fell ratings, heres a short video of optimus, even without parkour , which collected 12 million views in a couple of hours. 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If you have a dacha in snt, it is quite possible that you are lucky with your neighbors, but if everything is not so smooth, no one has seen the neighbor on the left for years, weeds are creeping up from his plot, on the contrary, a 24hour tire shop or a dog shelter has opened on the right, what to do . , in 5 minutes we will tell you the instructions in the program. Lets start with abandoned plot, first of all, you need to remember that arbitrariness is prohibited, even though the dacha looks ownerless, it has. Bushes, this, from the point of view of the law, can be interpreted as a violation of property rights. Of course, of course, for the sake of fire safety, the approval of snt when drawing up the act, such work can be carried out, because this is the safety of all gardeners located on the territory, especially snow land users, but occupy the plots without permission, if available. And even the one who abandoned this site, of course, according to the law, is not seems possible. Its owner must take care of the land. Try to contact him. The owners contacts can be in the register of gardeners of your snt or with the chairman. If they are not there, you can contact local authorities, the administration of the city or village near which your snt is located. If the officials cannot help, file a complaint with the federal register that the site is not being processed. Inspectors must come and draw up an inspection report and send an order to the owner to put the land in order. And finally, if the data about the owner is not, even in the unified state register of real estate, all that remains is to contact the local authorities with a request to take the land and carry out redistribution. If there is a lot of tall, dry grass and other Flammable Materials in the area, notify the fire marshal. The fire inspector will draw up a report that will confirm that the problem area poses a danger to the entire snt. This document may. Be useful during legal proceedings, property can only be deprived through the court, a claim in a court of general jurisdiction can be filed by snt, and in this case, the local administration acts as a third party, the question being considered is precisely how what to do with these abandoned plots, because confiscating such abandoned plots, depriving them of ownership rights, in accordance with the current constitution, article thirty five, is not it seems possible in no way, except by a court decision, there are isolated. Cases of Court Decisions when such plots are transferred to those owners who have been occupying them for a long and long time or acquired them, but unfortunately, without proper registration. Using a plot for other than its intended purpose can cause even more trouble, if agricultural land, and this includes gardening, is engaged in business, and the owners do not intend to close it down, then in this case an appeal to the rosregister can help. The inspector will issue a warning at the beginning. And then they will impose a fine, the fines are noticeable and depend on the cadastral value of the site; for ordinary individuals they start from 10,000 rubles. If an organization violates the law, it will pay the minimum 100,000, and paying a fine is not permission to change nothing and continue working. In any case, it will be necessary to stop the business that is illegal for snt, otherwise, after the first fine, others may follow. For inappropriate use is quite problematic by the summer of 24 the state duma plans to introduce amendments to the land code; they must clearly define the criteria for which lands are considered unused and which not, approve the time frame within which the owner must develop his land, for example, prepare the site for construction, if this is land for individual construction, at the moment we have preagreed such. Abandonment, lets say, is when the site is more than 50 cluttered. On this plot of land and garden there are buildings, some damaged, with broken windows, with a broken roof. And such, well, no one eliminates such defects in buildings, and also one of the criteria is supposed to be established if the site is overgrown with some kind of bush grass, and no one takes care of it for a while, for example year. So, let us repeat the main thing, the owner of a neglected site can be found through the management of snt or through the local administration, or, in extreme cases, through the rosreestr. If the owner cannot be found, or he does not respond to the order, bring the land. In order, deprivation of property can only be done through the courts. For inappropriate use of land , significant fines are provided, the amount of which depends on the cadastral value of the site. If you want to know more about the rules of snt, write to us in telegram, send us your questions. We well find out everything from the experts and tell you in the next issues of our instructions. Flew here. The tail of this missile, the consequences of the latest shelling of the donetsk suburbs, was hit by six cluster shells, our correspondent is working on the spot. There are still some funds left, i think they will last us for a few more weeks or so. The United States is announcing for the first time that the money allocated to help ukraine is not endless, its a matter of finances. Into turmoil and finland, nato membership, as it turns out, is not cheap. Terrorist attacks on nord streams exactly a year later, and what did the investigation of several countries find out during this time, so ryan, at first, who undertook to recognize whose hands it was, how things are on the border of nagornokarabakh and armenia, the flow of refugees has already exceeded 13,000 people, also today a powerful explosion in a gas storage facility, killing 20 people, meanwhile , violent protests continue in yerevan demanding the resignation of the prime minister. What should the canadians do now, who staged an avalanche in parliament for one of the elderly ss men, one of those whom this country sheltered . After the second world war. The scandal does not seem to subside, and the justification is becoming more and more ridiculous. Lets start with the situation in the capital of the donetsk peoples republic; in 5 minutes six people were released into the ssu. In petrovsky and kirovsky districts of donetsk. The day before, the city also suffered heavy blows. Everything, about everything, all the latest information in the material of our correspondent stanislav vasilchenko. Ukraine continues to shell the civilian population of donetsk, using absolutely any weapons for this purpose, even those that are actually supposed to be used for

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