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France entered the United States, the british, who were fighting in north america, had to go on the defensive. The fighting continued for several more years , the americans fought better and better, and soon after the government changed in britain, the treaty of paris was concluded, according to which london recognized the independence of the north american colonies in 1783. On september 26, 1854 , the heroic defense of sevastopol began. It lasted. For nearly a year, 349 days, the blockade of the main base of the black sea fleet became the culmination of the crimean war, during which britain, france and turkey opposed russia. Britain, with the help of its allies, tried to prevent russia from taking control of the orthodox peoples of the ottoman empire, as well as from the black sea coast of the caucasus, transcaucasia and north america. Sevastopol had to be abandoned, but the enemy was pretty exhausted. After 11 months of the siege, thanks to the constant attacks of the russians, their attempts to prevent the taking of an important port, the allies lost about 70,000 people, and a year after the capture of sevastopol, the enemy was completely expelled from the crimea, in russia for the participants defense established a medal for the defense of sevastopol, it became the first medal in the history of our country that was awarded not for capture or victory, but for defense. On september 26, 1957, the premiere of the musical took place, the story of composer leonard bernstein. This is a musical adaptation of shakespeares play romeo and juliet, set in new york city in the midfifties. The confrontation between young gang members turned into antagonism among the puerto ricans, descendants of white emigrants, poles, italians and germans. Memorable brought the music. The broadway production is world famous. The musical was shown 732 times and formed the basis of two hollywood films. Robert waze and Jerome Robins in 1961 and Steven Spielbergs film in 2021. The musical is staged all over the world, including in russia, and the first Domestic Production took place back in 1965 at the moscow theater. On september 26, 1960, cuban leader fidel castro gave the longest speech in un history, lasting almost 4 and a half hours. Castra spoke about the meaning of the cuban revolution, about the essence of the reforms, warned the americans not to put a spoke in the wheels of the Young Country and even hinted that the ussr was ready, if necessary, to militarily support cuba. Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev confirmed this with a shout from the spot. The us authorities did not like the presence of a hostile castre in new york. The cuban delegation was even evicted from the hotel. She had to move to harlem. This is a disadvantaged area. But the rear commander is glad to be close to the american people. It was in the usa that fidel personally met khrushchev, who then invited him come to the soviet union. By the way, the americans , through their actions, greatly strengthened the cubansoviet friendship. They prohibited the cuban delegation from leaving new york and , at khrushchevs suggestion, they were taken home on a soviet airliner. Exactly 40 years ago, on september 26, 1983, from the beginning of the third world war, nuclear humanity was saved by soviet Lieutenant Colonel stanislav petrov. While he was on duty at the space system station warning of a serpukhov15 missile attack, a failure occurred. The computer reported that they were produced from us territory. Launches of five missiles with nuclear warheads. Petrov analyzed and realized that according to the machines data, all launches occurred from one point, which was strategically shortsighted and unlikely. In addition, the launches were reported only from space; they were not recorded by groundbased radar. And petrov made a strongwilled decision not to notify the command, as he should have done according to the instructions, and not to initiate a retaliatory launch. Later it became known about the system error, but the Lieutenant Colonel was dismissed. The incident itself became known only in the nineties. Many years later stanislav petrovs act was appreciated, he received many awards, and a film was made about him. This is what this day in history was like. Got used to watching videos. Stopped working , install, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, Educational Programs and documentaries , watch, watch in the application or on the website, the program is on air. Hello, well tell you about the main events of the state duma this week. We can consider our autumn session open. All social obligations to by our citizens must be fulfilled. The goals are clear, the tasks are set. Lets solve a big problem. Everything else is also a solution. We must think about the safety of our citizens. This session is opening. The main thing on the autumn agenda is to analyze each state program, each article according to its profile, each figure of the federal budget. The key problem today is high prices for fuel and lubricants. Why do farmers stand with cans at gas stations . Work is currently underway on this, in the next few days i hope we will undertake quite radical steps. You are telling what is impossible to tell to christenings, who at such a price are forced to buy the same fuel , let them return the difference, return the development of agriculture in the state duma, the new composition of the Youth Parliament included people who have already begun their journey in politics, almost 300 people will represent the interests of their peers in the state duma, when i came to my senses, i said that i would become the deputy of the Youth Parliament. Thats it, there is no gas leak, there is a law that will ensure the quality of gas service, we are returning the principle of Continuity Network maintenance, both the rights of citizens and the safety of citizens are protected here, at the same time citizens have an area of ​​responsibility, as well as the most important decisions of the week, deputies adopted a bill on the comprehensive rehabilitation of disabled people. See these and other topics further in our program. The first plenary week of the autumn session is over. Over the summer months , more than a hundred initiatives were added to the state dumas legislative portfolio. And now more than a thousand bills are being considered by deputies, the chairman of the state duma said at the opening of the first meetings. It is important to set priorities at the very beginning. Elena zhelnina will tell you what tasks Vyacheslav Volodin set for the deputies. We can consider our autumn session open. Sacred russia has more than a thousand bills in the state dumas portfolio; the autumn session is going to be busy. The main directions of its work were outlined by Vyacheslav Volodin. Our priority. Work remains to support the participants in a special military operation, we need to do everything to ensure that our soldiers and officers do not need anything, know, that their families are surrounded by care from socially significant initiatives, i would like to note the law projects on maintaining child care benefits for up to one and a half years when parents go to work early, all social obligations to our citizens must be fulfilled in order to protect people, increase real incomes, a decision has to be made on increasing the minimum wage by 18. This will be done during the discussion of the federal budget; its draft will be considered for the next 3 years. Opening the autumn session Vyacheslav Volodin emphasized that the deputies , together with the government, have been working on the countrys Main Financial document since the summer, analyzing every state program, every article according to its profile, every figure of the federal budget. The budget must solve the problems of the countrys development, for this there is every opportunity, russia, despite ten years of illegal sanctions since the year, their number is a record one, more than 17,500 have survived and become the fifth economy in the world, noted the chairman of the state duma. Our country is ahead of all European Countries and has become the largest economy in europe, and the european states that lost their sovereignty and became vassals of the United States of america punished themselves. Their economy. Weakened, here is the result of ten years of sanctions declared illegally against the russian federation. Faction leaders talk about stabilizing the russian economy. Yes, we stayed on our feet. But we have not yet developed such potential. How much are we spending on surgery now . And we have to win, youre talking about this, thats right, well solve a big problem, well solve Everything Else too. We are now standing on the threshold of creating a new economic. Experts are confident in the model, its calculation of its own production capacity, Regional Development and infrastructure. If earlier the emphasis was on foreign, especially western, investment, today the internal development of russia requires a special mode of work, and this certainly requires a legal basis, and the state duma must provide this basis. And this, in my opinion, is the cornerstone of the current session of the state duma. The head of the communist Party Faction Gennady Zyuganov noted that the session begins in emergency conditions, a war of extermination has been declared in the country, this requires maximum mobilization and cohesion. This session opens in the context of a difficult war against the russian world. This danger is behind every person, and people endowed with great power should feel this threefold. The leader of the duma liberal democrats, leonid slutsky, is among the priorities. Factions for the fall outlined the solution to issues of personnel shortage in the regions, rising prices for fuel and lubricants. People are asking serious questions. Asking questions on garbage reform, increasing wages, and the cost of fuels and lubricants, which will rise unjustifiably in a number of regions, especially siberia and the far east. The quality of housing and communal services, the shortage in the country, about 50,000 paramedical personnel and 25,000 doctors, and much, much more. The head of the duma justice mironov confirmed that social protection of people comes first for deputies. We must think about the safety of our citizens, we must think about the social wellbeing of our citizens, so that people in our country live freely confident. It is important not only to take into account, but also to solve the problems that concern citizens, to fulfill all social obligations , to provide all the necessary participants in a special military operation, and now, when our heroes at the front are fighting for the independence of russia, our task is to build a country that you would want to live in. , a country in which people are listened to, and this is the basis of the president s message to the federal assembly, which remains the priority of the work of parliamentarians. More than 80 of this message has already received its legislative support, but at the same time, until this is 100, there is no work. It is necessary to legislatively ensure the solution of all those issues that the president outlined in his message. A busy International Agenda is included in the autumn plans of deputies. Latin america, mongolia, belarus , the peoples republic of china, vietnam, the united arab emirates, the multipolar world that russia stands for is rapidly developing, at the root of the entire geopolitical system. Elena zhelnina, namelikian andrey tarasov. Parliamentary hour. The domestic market is fully supplied, exports have increased. Minister agriculture Dmitry Patrushev presented a National Report on the development of the industry in the state duma. But the main topic. The discussions became far from nonachievement. Representatives of other departments on which the lives of farmers depend were also invited to the meeting. The chairman of the state duma raised the question that worries me most now why diesel has become so expensive. So who will be responsible for the fuel shortage when prices finally go down . Maria burkova followed the discussion. For us, agriculture, for the country. Is certainly a strategic industry that not only ensures food security, but also brings huge profits and income to the state, the chairman of the state duma immediately sets the tone for the discussion of the National Report, its first question is the main one for farmers today. The key problem of today is high prices for fuel and lubricants. Farmers, heads of agricultural enterprises, and governors turn to us. Why during the autumn Harvesting Campaign are farmers forced to buy fuel in cans at gas stations, where it is cheaper than wholesalers . Procurement, Vyacheslav Volodin addresses the first deputy minister of energy. Why did it happen that you allowed prices to rise almost twofold . During 7 months of the current year it was produced. Tone of diesel fuel, which is 6. 8 higher than the same figure for the previous year. In other words, there should be no shortage, where does the price increase come from . According to representatives of the cabinet of ministers, the reasons for the rise in prices are the change in the Exchange Rate of the ruble, as well as the shortage of diesel that has arisen in the world. This is an incentive for servo export. The goods are purchased domestically and resold for border. The difference between the domestic price and the export alternative is still. Significant, even now it exceeds 20,000 rubles per ton, which creates an incentive for unscrupulous Market Participants to export, work is currently underway on this, we will literally do it in the next few days rather radical steps, the channels for leaching resources had to be covered in a timely manner, notes Vyacheslav Volodin. For agriculture, if we again take last year as a basis, only 3. 5 of diesel fuel produced is needed. Why 3. 5 for the villagers there were no diesel engines at prices that would be affordable to them, why is the president s order not being carried out, why are you causing damage, harm in a strategic industry, this is what the deputies supported the chairman, nikolai khritonov called for the losses to be returned to Agricultural Producers, let them return the difference, they will return it, let all those who. Raised these prices start talking, they will find it, if they want, they will find it, any problem has a name, surname and address, this is not such a simple direct relationship, that if the price rises, it means the factory put it in your pocket, this must be calculated, lets calculate it together with our colleagues, we are ready to work out who should be responsible , you are telling what is impossible for christenings to tell, who at this price are forced to buy expensive fuel in order to sow season crops, lay the foundation for the harvest of the future, you feel in this responsibility, you will now increase food prices in the country. By this, of course, we feel responsible and that is why we are proposing measures and working to eliminate this reason, here it is necessary to ask, among other things the ministry of finance in terms of pricing according to damfer, and it is necessary to ask about exchange trading, front, we as an agency, i think this is a consolidated position, we believe that we need to continue to finetune the current system, so that such cataclysms can be regulated, and as a result, the next day after the report to the state duma, the government introduced temporary restrictions. For the export of gasoline and diesel abroad, this will normalize the situation with prices and eliminate the fuel shortage, noted Vyacheslav Volodin. On his instructions the relevant state duma committees will keep the price situation under control. We raise this issue for daily monitoring and control of how work is progressing to reduce costs, so that our Agricultural Producers harvest what is standing in the fields and finish sowing. After all, everything that they produce now will ensure our food security. Farmers, for their part, are doing their best for this. Last year saw an unprecedented harvest and an increase in key indicators in livestock farming. All plans for the implementation of the state program Agricultural Development have been completed the minister reports. This is the Agricultural Production index, this is the Food Production index, this is the salary of agricultural workers, and also another indicator is the volume of exports of Agricultural Products. Also, all 40 indicators of the structural elements of the state program have been achieved, that is. We highly appreciate the work done, behind the meager figures, these are sleepless nights, not only for the management level, headquarters, those deputies who work directly with the agricultural complex, but also, of course, of the entire peasantry, the production of grain, meat, fish, vegetable oil, sugar has increased, they are as close as possible to the target values, the indicators for vegetables and bovine crops have increased significantly for potatoes. And milk , a record harvest of buckwheat is expected , farmers said that they have already collected more than 50,000 tons of grain, which is twice as much as last year. The average price of buckwheat in a store is about 80 rubles. But thanks to the super harvest, this year the wholesale price has already decreased by 12 , which means that Retail Prices will also decrease soon. For comparison, on one of american marketplaces, right now buckwheat costs about 20 or 1,900 rubles. Not only would the domestic market be fully supplied with highquality russian products, but exports would also increase significantly. Your plans are to increase the volume of this export and, as it were , your plans, this is the twentyfourth year , approximately 45 billion dollars. How confident are we that, taking into account the existing sanctions, we will be able to implement these plans . Yes, our supplies are affected by the restrictive measures that unfriendly countries impose, but nevertheless, the volumes our exports have been growing, i hope that this trend will continue. Representatives of 81 constituent entities of russia watched the discussion live on the ic. It is very important for us to have a dialogue with the participation of the regions, and colleagues, i would like to draw your attention to the fact that before the meeting we are now collecting questions, including from representatives of legislative assemblies, if they have them, in order to voice them during the Hearing Department heads. The questions from deputies to the ministry of agriculture cover a whole range of topics. From rural development, seasonal price fluctuations, to grants for agrotourism and mandatory certification of foreign medicinal products. Can the ministry of agriculture confirm that after september 1, 2023, the availability of a complete list of original veterinary drugs or their fullfledged analogues previously admitted to the russian market will be ensured . We think about our producers. We have more than a hundred of our sites, our manufacturers. And we did not privatize the five stateowned biofactories, which you also made a decision at one time, we kept them in the strategic list, believe me, we we consciously agree that all foreign manufacturers of veterinary drugs must undergo certification; deputies have also received proposals for optimizing the work of the industry. I would propose that by separate decision we protect the budget lines of the agrarianindustrial complex from sequestration, we cannot save here, and even reduce expenses, lets make a decision, well, at least the previous level, plus inflation. The deputies asked the department most of the questions in advance; before the report, all factions met with the minister. Problems of agriculture, in particular, not black soil, Vyacheslav Volodin discussed with Dmitry Patrushev at a retreat of the state duma council in august. Positive work of the ministry of agriculture and its head. Based on the results of the National Report, the chairmen of the relevant committees also noted. The results of the work of this industry are assessed by a kind of popular control; we are all, in one way or another , consumers of these results. And here we see a stable, positive trend the country has forgotten what a food shortage is, and the range of Agricultural Products is counters are 90 domestic. In conclusion , the minister said that the high assessment of the department of work of the department is not a reason to stop there. Ahead lies the solution to the problems that were identified by parliamentarians at the meeting for great achievements in the agroindustrial complex. Maria burkova, anna melikyan, sergey gordeev, sergey bergunov, alekserkov, parliamentary hour. They defended their history, faith, culture and the right to speak their native language. September 30, from now on, is the day of reunification of russia and the dnpr donbass is historically russian empire, a single territory, the Administrative Region of the don army, and when in september of the twentysecond year, 1922, ulyan ulyanin signed the creation of the ussr, these lands were cut off and transferred, these years there was never a ukrainian component on these lands, there was never the ukrainian language was welcomed, everything was financed there by ukraine. According to the residual principle, everything was pumped into the republican budget, donbass was the donor of all of ukraine, and when the militia was created in 1914, when people did not allow the nazis fought for their land for 8 years to be free, to return to russia, this probably costs a lot, this is really for russia, a date that we will be proud of, be proud of. Already in the modern 21st century, on this feat, on the heroism of people who defended their freedom with arms in their hands, uh, the freedom of their children and the future of their grandchildren, this, of course, is worth a lot, and i think that on september 30 we will be very actively, especially in border areas, and in principle in all russian schools and universities, conduct lessons in courage, is there any feedback from residents , and how did they react to. That the state duma made such a decision to set this date, well, considering that i was there for the whole year and eight months, and i saw with my own eyes everything that happened , within the framework of the svo, and i saw how grateful people were to our president for making such a decision, because for 8 years, 8 years you have been constantly under fire, when your family and friends were killed. When your children died, all of russia actively helped, these humanitarian e trains, trains, they came in a neverending stream, all of russia united to help the residents of donbass, zaporozhye, kherson regions, it is clear that they held the referendum at a high patriotic level, they came with families, i myself went, to all those cities , Populated Areas on the streets. It was a holiday for them, and naturally, then there were elections, and when they heard that the president had decided that september 30 would be declared a day of military glory in the russian federation, in honor of the annexation, then for them it was pride and honor, look in the second part of our program, the way for young professionals, who joined the updated Youth Parliament of the state duma . Mortal danger and loss for the budget. Why the smuggling of tobacco and alcohol from armenia, belarus, kazakhstan and kyrgyzstan has increased, and how the loophole can be closed. Ive been working towards this all my life, we expect to do it in 10 days, it will be a record, cut , on the verge of possibilities, we are all with him, because he is the only one, at the maximum height, higher, dont rise, youll just fall like a stone down at the speed of the wind. This is a super cyclone, a killer cyclone, its like its chasing you, what do you want . Lord of the wind, coming soon. I would really like our family to adapt to the new real life. Felt pens, calendars for 99

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