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The supply of 3,000 trams. Of the specified one trillion, federal funds can be about 40 , or about 60 billion. What alexey sambovich spoke about annually for periods up to 2030, excluding moscow networks. Determining priorities for the development of public transport and indicating such decisions in documentary planning of regular transportation, taking into account the completion of such work by the subjects, we consider it necessary to extend support measures within the framework of the National Project safe highquality roads until 2030, while a number of issues should be taken up by the regions, firstly regions should provide their budgets with funds for the maintenance of the supplied public transport transport work, as well as for the assassins of obligations in the programs support. Secondly, it seeks to maximize the whitewashing of transportation, this should be facilitated by modern digitalization methods. Such as tracking the Online Movement of Rolling Stock along the monitoring route. Passengers. Cashless flow, fare payment, and an automated system. Petersburg transport administration in order to develop these approaches, on your instruction, we are working on the creation of a digital system based on the gostech platform, which includes the collection of data on passenger traffic according to uniform standards, including the schedule of interregional routes, the volumes of transport work performed, the volume and also the state of the fleet of all vehicles, the paperless provision of services to establish routes and reduce the number of documents, the introduction of digital profiles and carriers and integration with regional systems, and thirdly, special attention to the regions. At least also Pay Attention to the need to train a sufficient number of qualified drivers. Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, the solution of issues related to updating the public transport infrastructure allows to achieve three important results to ensure a stable order for the industry to bring public transport to the normative e service life, but most importantly to improve the quality of life of our citizens thank you for your attention, the report is finished. Thank you very much, dear colleagues. I hope thank you very much for supporting the development of the moscow transport complex without your consistent support and control the ministry of departments, including the minister of interior ministers, many things simply did not work out, but in addition to the development of Rail Transport and the subway, where in general there was always more or less order, nevertheless, they required serious efforts to improve the quality of work a and, Ground Transportation buses and taxis was such a criminal system to put it mildly. A chaos reigned on the streets, buses of various colors jostled on especially profitable routes legal illegal minibuses were bombed by taxi drivers, who to a large extent covered by criminal gangs. And here it was impossible to build some kind of system without the support and controlling Law Enforcement agencies. At present , in general, as if it is even difficult to imagine how it was today it is not. A system under which all buses, bus drivers and Bus Companies are deprived of the right to work with cash only noncash payments only an electronic card, including the three in the first place, which you know and the unified system for ordering transport work all money goes to the one center, a further pay transport work depending on the mileage and the implementation of the schedule. Regardless beneficial. This route is a disadvantageous route no one pushes on advantageous routes. Everyone tries to travel to fulfill , first of all, the schedule, which is controlled by the glonass intelligent transport system. And in order to ensure the efficient use of the transport of the bus fleet, and not transferred to a large extent to service contracts, when we do not just buy buses, but manufacturers provide their access to the line and it repairs itself, maintains and provides a certain level, and exit to the line of the exit coefficient and this coefficient rose by 15 to 75 above 90 means that by 15 , we have less need to purchase buses. In general, on such a scale. These are seriously resources too. Concerning . Taxi transportation here is such a niche story, which even in general they were afraid to deal with especially thank you very much vladimir at one time. You instructed to work out the law on taxis, delegated powers corresponding to the possibilities of regulation today, as far as i know in most regions , this is already such a civilized transport. In moscow, one and a half Million People transfer taxis every day. Well, its just so solid. Uh, support for the development of public transport, which is why many refuse to use personal transport, because taxis in moscow today are of sufficient quality and are available to the client in time. It occupies one of the best places in the world. Uh, there are several requests. Due to the fact that transport develops , new problems arise. In particular. We see recent years the Rapid Development of the number of electric vehicles as well. This year the increase will be 3 1 2 times. That is, if earlier we were somehow more or less noticeable. That is, today we see just an explosive growth of this type of transport almost exponentially. Therefore, it is necessary to regulate a number of things related to electric transport , first of all, of course, to regulate taxi public transport, please give us the authority to establish the shares of toxomotor transportation of carsharing, e. G. On electric cars, what will it give a planned transition, calm from one type, and cars to another, and manufacturers, who today in russia already have only three manufacturers of electric vehicles. They develop their own patriotic platform. I will know the exact amount of consumption. At least in this niche e public transport, and the second would be correct to establish a separate environmental class for these cars. Ah, electric cars. Today. This is one of the most e, clean ecological cars, but the third todays roads that we build and city ​​and federal roads. They are in fact not equipped with proper power supply networks for electric charging stations. And tomorrow. Those roads that we are building today will need to be interrupted and the power cables for electric filling stations will have to be laid again , therefore, to provide for the possibility of customers to provide for the supply of sufficient power for future filling stations and the fourth electric filling station , there are already about 3,000 of them in moscow, that is, our municipal ones. There is a small amount around four hundred all other honest gas stations, including departmental ones, but they all work according to their own standards, unlike gas stations. They work on uh information platforms, which are used to order both the amount of power and, uh, the time of refueling. And as a result, both motorists and taxis who work on electric machines are faced with the fact that they must maneuver in these different information systems, so its worth already establishing requirements, uniform requirements for federal requirements for information systems, and owners of gas stations so that any owner of a taxi or car sharing car or bus can refuel freely. Hmm using a unified information approach to information systems, and the last. Uh, buses themselves and Ground Transportation. It can be structured if the big cities and moscow and st. Petersburg and other millionplus cities are in general, a fairly compactly located large population, and mmm. They are effective in terms of public transport, the tariffs are practically enough subsidies in order to public transport was updated in a timely manner. But what about the countryside . There the situation is much more complicated, and even in moscow we are after the annexation of new territories, when there are quite large territories with rural dacha settlements. There are not everywhere, it is possible to install, and rice buses. There is simply no such need somewhere yes, but somewhere not. And were doing an experiment. Uh such conditional. Jokes, well, more. This is something adjacent between a minibus and a Taxi Service Taxi system, when on a specially created information system, using Artificial Intelligence , the number of applications from people who want to leave a certain area is collected. The task is given to buses of small capacity so that they build a route , as it is convenient for people and at a time when it is convenient to collect and take it to the point where they need to get to and every day this system is learning , filled with tracks are repeated. And if we well thought what an experiment is, it is unlikely that it will fly, we started with five hundred people. Now 15,000 people use it daily and such an increase is good by and large. This is the first good experience for other regions. We could share information systems. For this. Well, it is necessary to instruct us to consider this type of transport from a legal point of view, because today it is practically not regulated at all. These are not taxis or buses. It is necessary to adjust it so that it is legal and works. Well, in principle, such a good format also works for rural areas. Thank you thank you. Just didnt understand something. A what is it that rights, about which you speak, they do not belong to me one way or another by the head of the regions. I mean structurally. There are all kinds of transport and so on. What we need is some decisions at the federal level. The difference between us these powers. No, she just needs to give these powers away so that we can begin to regulate. This applies to electric transport and uniform requirements for electric charging stations. This should restore the metranians to these uniform requirements. And we fulfill them. We spoke with the ministry of transport. Basically, it is supported too ministry of transport colleagues have this Authority Even in the regions, but we are engaged in creativity there, so we will work on these materials for creativity behind the ministry of transport, of course, it reacts from its own side. Uhhuh cant regulate it. Simply unrealistic, of course, thank you very much. I saw that now the list of instructions was put there by the question. Thats already on the subject of what is it not the powers of the regions. Well, i understand, thank you very much Roman Vladimirovich Vladimir Vladimirovich dear colleagues. Thank you very much for the word. Before total. I want to say that the kursk region is a border region and almost every day today we are faced with terrorist threats from the nationalist ukraine, and previously the continuously growing tension of the transcendental side and the Current Situation once again confirms the correctness of the decision at the beginning of the word. And i want to thank you for supporting the border regions. In fact, everyone is helping us the government of the Russian Federation taking the opportunity. I want to thank separately moscow Sergey Semyonovich is constantly in touch and sberbank Russian Railways is not just helping rosseti, but we are confident in the future, we are confident in victory, because the truth is on our side and the kursk region takes part in the implementation of all National Projects that you initiated in all programs of the Russian Federation we continue to build and repair roads construction of housing cultural Institutions Health care parking lots and so on, and we have been implementing a largescale project for the complete modernization of public transport of the kursk agglomeration. Uh this project includes a complete renewal of all modes of transport, namely for the twentythird year of the current year and next year. We must purchase and put on the line 424 units of public transport. Of these, 34 trams and one has already arrived. This is being implemented. We have a Public Private partnership project. Just with the support of the ministry of transport of russia, there is a special thanks to 40 buses. Of these, 15 trolleybuses. Of these, 15 have already arrived. This is the National Project of the bkd, and the schemes of the state Customs Committee and the ministry of transport for 10 electric buses. In november. We get too come out on the line. This is a separate program to support the government of the Russian Federation and 342 buses 233 already this year. We ve got this bcd, and bruta the contracts that we make this way. I want to say that we use all the tools that exist today and answer your question , are they effective . I want to say with confidence that yes, also on intermunicipal routes, next year we will receive 40 new buses of large and small capacity classes. They will go to the inter, municipal network. Also in last year, at the expense of the kursk region, we purchased three ra3 orlan rail buses, a very good domestic train. E , which, together with Russian Railways, provides us with transportation of passengers in the agglomeration and pendulum e, the migration of people who move back to the Regional Centers in the morning and evening. Our experience uh, of course, useful for all regions. We talked about this in detail at the seminar yesterday. Eh, they said. I want to thank igor evgenievich levitin alexei himself will be the administration of the president of the ministry of transport of russia yesterday a detailed conversation took place. I would like to make three suggestions. As a project. The list of instructions to give the subjects of the Russian Federation the right to establish the possibility of using the price formula for transport service contracts, as well as the right to change the parameters of routes when concluding longterm contracts, including if necessary. E, making changes. Here we have disagreements, to be honest, with the ministry of finance. Well, most governors. Well, everyone is talking about the need to amend law 44 what it is . We are now concluding a sevenyear gross contract for transport services. Uh, we set, uh, a projected 4 rate, a for 7 years. She may be much taller. Here is the Current Situation. This is the first example, the second example. We set the traffic route for 7 years, but we are developing the city, a new microdistrict is being built and it is necessary to extend the route by two or three stops and we will be forced to terminate the current sevenyear contract from retrading. And this, of course, is inconvenient for the carrier, because for 7 years he builds his financial plan. Including concluding contracts for the supply of Rolling Stock, so they would ask for support in this part, or separately give us the opportunity to work with the government. Excuse me, i want to ask colleagues. What do you see here . We are catching the problem of development, and we support this proposal, because the indexation of contracts is based on actual inflation, but it should be, and not according to the planned one, because our target is always 4 , but in fact, well, it turns out differently, like the rule above so, uh, thats what we support, plus parameter changes. Well, within certain boundaries, so to speak, so that it wouldnt be at all that they concluded for one, and then for one district, and received for the whole city, but there was some kind of limit of ten percent in physics. Too it may well be why these proposals. Just supported. There may be more than a ten percent adjustment. Thats the problem. We are told on article 44, article 111 of the law, but we are convinced that it will go through an unrealistic path of adjustment through a government decree. As a result, we recovered if necessary, really discussed legislation. Im also talking about what if the contract is for the transportation of a different quantity. Passengers, yes, then indeed, if the cost changes, i dont know, prices have risen, inflation, then you can always add to the contact, so to speak, e to conclude, but if the number of passengers transported changes, during the execution of the contract, then a renegotiation is required here contract. Thats why i think that we will work on this issue. Eh, in line. Yes, this is the norm, there are instructions. Here we are, i think the suggestion of colleagues. Uh, just leads flexibility and more will work. What is this . Uh, not even finances. And tell administrative restriction such. Why is it . I think i need to take a look. Okay thanks for the support. Uh, then the proposal and moscow voiced other cities, but it is necessary to provide for the possibility of indicating in the transport safety passport. In particular , a vehicle of several routes today is normatively only one on which it will be used, since when the need to change the route scheme or replace the vehicle for repairs, you have to repeat the procedure for issuing a transport safety passport. We, on the contrary, stand for simplifying all these removals of administrative restrictions, and thats good. What would you be worried about . Everything is fine . Well i would ask that this list be included. Thank you very much and due to the significant shortage. This is what we have. I gave you the figures for the acquisition of vehicles. We have a deficit of 100 today. Uh, at least we have drivers 11,000 vacancies today in the kursk region, there is practically no unemployment, and people cannot be found, so there is a shortage of personnel in many cities, therefore, due to a significant shortage, we offer, both in our region and in general, russia supports this set of measures to train and attract of the drivers staff for the development of an appropriate Training Base for increasing the competitiveness and attractiveness of this profession in the labor market, you also said about this introductory speech, we agree. Well, more precisely, we will certainly e from their own executors of this assignment, but i would like to see both the ministry of education of the Russian Federation and the ministry of labor executors to organize this centrally. Why do you need media education . We would like to see uniform programs. E. In the country. Well, what about the cop, just what about the ministry of education . What Driver Training programs from schools does . I dont understand. Specially Education Program professionalism is specially, and understandable. It is clear why not, of course, but as far as the main thing is the attraction. And here is the main component of wages. And it depends on who the carrier is. And here is the subject. Well, i want to tell you. Today we have, uh, the carrier here, by the way, there are all these brute contracts, which the master has already traded up to 120,000 rubles. We offer a bus driver for a salary and we have ambulance drivers switching from a trolleybus from a mountain of electric transport to a bus, because well, there is a real shortage of labor resources. Even the carrier on a shift from moscow and st. Petersburg for two weeks brings drivers in kursk bus driver. Acute shortage well, as i understand it, and you just said it yourself, after all, first of all, it depends on the subject, i agree. Thats why i say that we, of course, will work together. Well, what about the organization of training . Yes, they agreed, of course , i think that the cop of the enlightenment is also involved. Of course, thank you very much. Thank you Gleb Sergeevich please, dear colleagues yesterday at the seminar meeting. I led a round table on the production and renewal of Rolling Stock as part of the work. Uh, participated manufacturers. All and manufacturers. E of the Rolling Stock of russia, representatives of the ministry of industry and trade. And the ministry of transport, governors and experts even wanted to note that maxim stanislavovich aleksutov. Uh, deputy semyonovich also participated in our working table and the experience of moscow we also discussed in detail. Wow, in general, everyone, of course, agreed that owning public transport is probably the area where the efficiency of ee investments. E, regions and the Russian Federation in terms of the impact of social wellbeing, wellbeing of people, one of the highest. In general, this is one of the top topics in demand by people, uh, and it is most noticeable when the situation in this area changes, so everyone agreed that it is not just necessary to change wornout vehicles there. Uh, how the numbers sounded here, but come out at 10 on average per year update. E Rolling Stock by the thirtieth year. Here are the numbers, too. We also rechecked them, for our part. Ah, the main conclusion. Uh, is that our industry is fully prepared to meet the demand that is justified, uh, earlier the declared numbers. Someone, moreover, uh, not only is the level of localization capable of fulfilling such an order. E, in this area it is already so significant that the Exchange Rate pressure, for example, or other pressure on the price. It doesnt matter that much anymore. And here , of course, i would like to note the results in the field of transport engineering, which the government and the ministry of industry and trade have achieved. That is, this is really a very serious result, but at the same time, uh, everyone is absolutely unanimous, they said that they were talking about working in the mode of e shortterm order e is not a predictable order by the industrialist is very difficult. Um, moreover, sometimes the order is out of sync with the production cycle. That is, when due to the budgetary requirements of the budget legislation. We must ensure, lets say, the delivery of a certain amount of Rolling Stock before december 31 there of the year and industry. It simply cannot be provided within this cycle that this is still a supply, therefore, in one voice. Everyone said long term. E orders. Requires predictable cost and security, but for this, of course, longterm and federal support for each region is needed. I also wanted to point out here. Eh, to thank the government, indeed, the listed measures were a huge number of different tools used, but they basically work. Uh, through the selection within one year, that is, the regions, anyway, they know what will happen next year. Eh, well, i understand that there is. Eh, those who know how to participate in the selections and feel very confident in this sense are the source of the quality of applications. We also always try count on the fact that we will be one of the leaders, but we still cannot understand exactly what the order of e will be in this regard. Uh, general table recommendations. This is to validate the need for Rolling Stock pressure. E, broken down by subjects by type of public transport with a pressure period of up to 30. Here is a forecast of up to 35 years for the implementation of this program through longterm planning to ensure a uniform load on manufacturing enterprises. At the same time, it is necessary here to support the uh proposal of moscow. It seems to me that it is necessary in all regions, it is totally easy to introduce the topic of service contracts, because they allow e. Uh, sergei semyonovich, the way out is to raise the rocks to reduce the need for units of equipment, but most importantly, they allow you to save. Ah, the costs. Here is how Maksim Stanislavovich said yesterday that the cost of equipment maintenance fell by 15 . There are also many other positive external effects, i will not dwell on them, but the requirements to establish such. It would be possible, but i would like to say separately that this Program Modernization of urban electric transport, which my colleague just spoke about. E, we are participating in this program. E, probably the most active of all in terms of volume. Here she meets those criteria. Of which i said longterm and security this is the eppp program together with the funds of vnesheconombank, which is being implemented by the government. By the way, here are the numbers sounded. We are acquiring 150 trams within the framework of this program. Uh, 113 electric buses, uh, and four trams have already been delivered, completely changing. Uh, rails, miles of substation rail track. Uh, those electric buses. All should be delivered at all this year. That is, it is a very powerful program and a huge one for you. Further thanks for the fact that it was launched and the government of the Russian Federation a. Heres the thing about buses. This longterm perspective is lacking, and uh, everything, everything, all the proposals that we have formed in this part in design decisions. E, so e will not repeat. Eh, colleagues who have already spoken in this part. The main thing is to really save as well. Existing

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