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Russian esportsmen defeated europeans at the dota 2 tournament, their winnings amounted to 5 million, the final of the competition was held in saudi arabia, the russians won with a score of 3 1, i note that this is the first major victory of our team this season, then the russians will take part in the world championship, which will be held in seattle , three russian teams participated in the tournament. And the russians also took fifth and sixth places in the tournament, nigga. Has stopped the export of uranium and gold , local media reports, citing the statement of the military council that last week overthrew the prowestern government officially this statement has not yet been confirmed, nigers main exporter early for Nuclear Power plants in france and paris and previously tough. France condemned the coup france also supported the statement of the Economic Community of west african countries nigers neighbors the former french colonies on the eve demanded the return of power to the deposed president , they closed the borders. And they froze nigerian assets, according to radio stations of the russian federation, several countries of the association reported readiness to conduct a military operation in nigeria, france, Great Britain and spain announced the termination of Economic Cooperation with the african state. Why the british are afraid to go to central asia and who will suffer from the new sanctions robert frantsevs overview of the life in the region, see immediately after the advertisement. 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In asia, because of the fever, the americans receive on the topic of religion and a new sanctions strike on the region, who will suffer the most. Gone with the wind kazakhstan, on such an inflatable mattress , three girls in mangystau were carried away to the open sea in the company of their brothers, they rested on the shore. Right before the eyes of the guys , the girls began to carry the caspian sea away from the shore, when it became clear that they themselves did not rake. Satellites. Called the rescue Service Found the lost. Only the next day, 20 km from the coast. Its good that the caspian is a closed sea. Its okay if the girls were taken out to hospitable azerbaijan or sunny turkmenistan and if to iran to such bathing attire on the other side could raise questions. Do not go gentlemen to the center of asia for a walk in the uk published a list of countries where tourists are not recommended to go because of the danger of contracting the congo crimean hemorrhagic fever in the list all of central asia plus russia and armenia according to the world health organization. This is a very common disease, the main carriers of the infection are ticks, but you can also pick up the virus from Domestic Animals of cattle, sheep and coconut. Lethal outcome is from 10 to 40 . About 20 cases of the disease have been detected in kazakhstan this year. Moreover, this season, especially high mortality , five deaths have already been recorded. Extinguish the lights from august 1 in kyrgyzstan, an emergency regime was introduced against the backdrop of an island of the energy crisis, electricity is not enough voltage is growing, but not in the outlet, and in society, the causes of the crisis are the decrease in generation at hydroelectric power plants due to low water levels, a sharp increase in demand for electricity and deterioration, generating capacities depreciation according to official given about sixty percent by president ial decree, the emergency mode is introduced from august 1 until 2026. During this period , the ministry of Energy Receives additional powers in order to perform a real miracle of options. In fact, there is not much here. For example , an agreement has already been concluded on small Nuclear Power plants with rosatom. There will also be russian gas, but investments are needed globally. Thats just a question. Where to get them neighboring tajikistan with similar problems attracted investments of the Eurasian Development bank 650 million for 3 years for development the Priority Areas among them are the modernization of the energy sector, the development of small hydro and solar energy and the reconstruction of the electric grid infrastructure in uzbekistan, a new record for Daily Energy Consumption against the backdrop of abnormal heat on electricity consumption broke the historical maximum for the day, on july 26, consumption in the country amounted to over 250 million kwh break last years record by 16 at once on the same day in 2022, 236 million kwh were used, while generating more electricity in the country over the year, but it still lacks the power to actively develop alternative energy 4 years ago, an agreement was signed with rosatom on the construction of a Nuclear Power plant. She is still biding her time. Here, the specialists for it are already ready in the Tashkent Branch of mi fit. By the way, the first Foreign Branch of this main Russian University in the field of nuclear was awarded diplomas to the first graduates. These are 62 specialists who will develop the Nuclear Industry of uzbekistan. By the way, in 2023, more than 1 apply for admission to universities. Million applicants and one in ten chooses to study in russian, uzbekistan today is the leader in terms of the number of branches of russian universities , there are already 15 of them, and at least seven more are planned to be opened in the coming years. Is it possible to say that education in russian and russian education, in principle, is especially prestigious in uzbekistan, of course. Uh, you understand the age of monu of lingual specialists. She, uh, moved away from the past, probably back in the 20th century, but, that is, todays specialist is a person who in addition to professional competencies , e should also possess linguistic linguistic competencies in recent years, in general, one can say a real boom, because a large number of classes are being opened. Uh, with the russian language, training and various courses are quite high competitions. Uh, every year, and lets say, and this is after all, we are talking about the very solidity of the prestigious russian. The university is nsu named after lomonosov. This is the oldest of the branches. Plekhanov Russian University of economics is the Gubkin University of oil and gas, if earlier branches responded in tashkent now, uh, there are branches in the regions. This is in addition to the fact that there is still a very significant number , which means that they receive education directly in russia and how much russian education is in demand among employers is certainly very, uh, highly appreciated, especially since almost all universities, uh, that have branches, and in uzbekistan they are included in the top 150 universities in russia, therefore, naturally, a person, uh, who has received, and education in such a node, he is in great demand. Here is a classic example. This is a branch of the plekhanov university, and already many plekhanov branches. They themselves are engaged in research or teaching work in all, which means that they work in all areas of the economy. Banking structures, and here in industry and in representative offices. Uh. It means joint ventures, representative offices of leading foreign companies. Many many have their own business and there is also a certain bonus. That is, if a person graduates from a branch located in uzbekistan, he does not even need to go through a formal procedure, lets say nosification of a diploma, so e oud e russian music, as a rule, there are no special problems with employment; moreover, many are even already starting from the rest of the courses. And he is already getting almost a job. What else do you remember . This week in the center of asia, first a fire broke out, and then this happened. Terrible footage was filmed in ekibastuz, kazakhstan, where a gas station exploded, according to local media , the cause was the ignition of several gas tanks at once, fire and smoke rose into the air in giant pillars in addition to flames spread to a neighboring store, and as a result, the implementation of the joint russiankazakhstan space project baiterek was not without casualties. Apparently, now it plans to carry out tests not in 2023, but in 2025, and the first launch has been shifted by 27, astana explains the decision by the difficulties of supplies, i remind you of accessories. The project involves the construction of a launch pad for new rockets soyuz5 is ready to marry the first person she meets, if he has digital documents. Here is a girl in a beautiful Wedding Dress really pleases the eyes of the residents of bishkek. This is a local promotion. Public services there can now be issued electronic. And passports or drivers licenses, which are absolutely equivalent to paper 3,000 tons of grapes, are not the limit. Such an impressive harvest is planned to be harvested on a plantation in the ltrryk region of uzbekistan , which Shavkat Mirziyoyev personally visited , the president highly appreciated the success of local farmers, but there are other unique achievements, for example, they grew giant potatoes, the smallest of it the tubers weigh 350 g each, and the largest ones, 2. 5 kg each, were treated to the inhabitants of the tashkent zoo, the bears living there , treated them with fruit ice and no portions on sticks, and the predators were happy with the whole buckets. We enjoyed a cold dessert and ate everything without a trace, which is not surprising. After all, the thermometers in the capital of uzbekistan are now selected to plus forty. President of uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev turned 66 years old, the future president was born in the fiftyseventh year outside the minsk district of the jizzakh region in the Family Doctor Higher Education received in the specialty engineer defended his ph. D. Becoming the youngest scientist of the institute in the nineties began a political career, mirziyoyev, the Supreme Council of the uzbek ussr was elected administrative abilities highly appreciated by the first president Islam Karimov for his appointment. He first became khakim of one of the districts of tashkent, then of the jizzag region, and then we were the most important of the samarkand region, and at the age of 46 mirziyo. He is trusted to lead the government of the entire country after death. Karimov in the early elections. In 2016 year. Mirziyoyev. Supported by eighty eight and six percent of the voters after the reform of the constitution , mirziyoyev was reelected in early elections in july this year. He is married with three children, two daughters, a son and five more grandchildren. Vladimir putin congratulated his colleague and that Shavkat Mirziyoyev makes a great personal contribution to strengthening the Strategic Partnership and alliance between uzbekistan and russia dear Shavkat Miromonovich from the bottom of my heart, i congratulate you on your birthday. You have a very high prestige. Among the citizens of uzbekistan, which is fully confirmed the results of the recent president ial elections, under your leadership the country is confidently moving along the path of economic and social development, effectively defending its interests on the world stage. High. I appreciate our good, comradely relations and we will continue to Work Together on topical issues on the bilateral regional and international agenda. The president of kazakhstan this week sharply condemned the provocations of burning the koran in europe , kassymzhemar tokaev called on the Un General Assembly to more actively suppress such antics, in order to prevent an escalation on religious grounds, and the same day coincidence with this call , the United States embassy in astana issued a report condemning kazakhstan itself on religious grounds, the pharisees from washington became concerned that in kazakhstan people were allegedly persecuted on religious grounds in a report published on the website of the embassy notes that the authorities are not tolerant of nontraditional representatives of islam and jehovahs witnesses just recall that about the feelings of believers. Suddenly worried about the same embassy, ​​where every year a huge rainbow flag is hung out right in front of the main mosque of kazakhstan. But there is good news, and especially for kazakhstan, the caspian pipeline consortium. Very soon ready to increase the volume of oil pumped , the cpc system remains the main route for the transit of oil from kazakhstan through russia to western markets in the twentysecond year. More than 58 million tons of oil were pumped through the cpc this year , deliveries at the level of 601 million are expected. And after the modernization, all 82 tons of oil will be available, but as people say, this is the new oil, and they too are on the move. More than 100,000 central asians this year received russian citizenship by a huge margin. In the first place are tajiks, they were issued more than 86,000 passports, in second place, kazakhstanis, 13,000 people received russian citizenship. Natives of kyrgyzstan and uzbekistan approximately 10,000 each from turkmenistan 1759 people. In total, for less than six months, the russians. Steel 122. 000 central asians and to other events, the ministry of defense of kazakhstan reported about testing at the test sites of the republic of the turkish drone. Anka, a rather large and heavy drone, can perform reconnaissance functions , and, if necessary, carry out attacks if the characteristics satisfy the kazakh army , they will start purchasing such drones next year, and problems with a well in a large oil and gas field have dragged on in mangistau. She began to blaze back in june from then. The fire weakened slightly, then flared up with renewed vigor. Ultimately, power. We decided to stop the flames with concrete mortar, but to fill it in, you will need to drill another deep well nearby. A schoolgirl from uzbekistan won the gold medal of the International Talent competition in spain, fifthgrader charroz absutova, stunned the jury with her virtuoso playing of a Musical Instrument total thus outperformed competitors in more than 20 countries. Hey, the internal Affairs Directorate of the samarkand region, against wedding traditions , advised guests of wedding celebrations not to scatter money, and even more so not to trample it during dances , they say, such behavior is disrespectful in relation to state symbols before banknotes, by the way, money rains are criticized not only by authorities, but also more and more often by users of the uzbek segment of social networks. Due to the threat of us sanctions, a number of banks in tajikistan kyrgyzstan uzbekistan and kazakhstan have suspended work with the unistream Money Transfer system. This step can really become very sensitive, given the active economic ties of the region with russia and the main colossal funds that labor migrants transfer to their homeland from russia we will talk about the causes and consequences with financial analyst mikhail belyaev. The main question is how to maintain a financial connection between russia and the strange regions. Well, you know, lets split it into two parts. One part is corporate. Uh financial interaction. Its strange in such a banking level and the second thing is that, apparently, it is that you have excited the public. This is the ability to transfer physically to persons. Uh, your citizens there or travel tourism. E in tourist with tourist. Mostly. It was labor migrants who used it. Hmm. And so they used this channel. And now , of course, he disappeared for them. They think what to do next, but, firstly, no one has canceled. Uh, hmm and direct bank transfers. Let it be more troublesome. Let it be more difficult, but what to do . Well , considering all the inconvenience. Why did the countries take such a step, but they went in the first place, because not Everyone Wants to deal, uh, with the bank that was under the sanction bank, and i am these banks. Well, any who is doing business is ready. Eh, ready. Uh, understand them, uh, its another matter already manifested these sanctions are unfair laws and illegal unilateral not unilateral. Its all illegal and onesided. Here but nevertheless, there are few who are ready to put their business at risk under such a here. Rice is such an additional explanation, of course, these countries understand that this unistream is used to carry out such operations to support people who have crossed the borders of kazakhstan and armenia and georgia and kyrgyzstan to a certain extent and it is necessary understand that they crossed uh hmm either illegally or legally at best. So, in general, participation in the support of e people who are on the semilegal or had a distant position. I dont think its the noblest thing to do. And what would be the consequences if these financial structures did not cut off their connection with the unistream system under the sanctions, well, you know, this is, of course, the kind of money that falls for this transfer, if they immediately come to these very accounts. Yes they are reflected in the strength of these banks, and what strengthen. Actually, the base of these banks, but hmm, the whole question is how quickly they go with these passive accounts. So i think that they leave there quite quickly. They dont stay there. This means that we can say that the Banking System is stable and that this is causing some kind of great damage. Uh, due to the failure of work of this kind and his birth. I dont think theres much damage here. Although these transfers were not cheap, the commission in unistream was quite serious and the banks charged. Here they are everything for them was a source of income, but at the same time. We know that these such incomes are so unexpected and unintentional. Well, they are also such normal businessmen, they dont count. In afghanistan, the taliban banned the main mens accessory about the talibans religious policy Department Said that ties come from the Christian Cross this means that the faithful inhabitants of afghanistan were not required by sharia before the taliban did not follow mens fashion so strictly official dress code universal shalwar, kamist, traditional trousers and a shirt, waistcoat and, of course, a kol pashtun hat for a woman of limitations. Much more recently, either beauty salons have been banned, considering that the prices for services are exorbitantly high, and eyebrow correction is contrary to sharia law. We also say goodbye to ties, but for a different reason. We say goodbye until next season. Take care of yourself. See you in september, as usual, in the center of asia will be very interesting. As a very young man, he joined the ukrainian galician army. They were trained as scouts there. Saboteurs. And, of course, monsters, the holocaust in lviv was organized by the ukrainians , 6 thousand people were killed by bandera. Western Intelligence Services kept used in antisoviet activities. Peaceful people city center well, how is it that attacks on the center of donetsk on a bus at a public transport stop killed four people, and the consequences will tell our film crew arrived at the scene just a few minutes after the shelling. The Ukrainian Military was knocked out of the staromayorskoye checkpoint in the dpr, there is also promotion denis told about this, as well as from the heavy battles near artyomovsk, in an interview with our tv channel. There was only one tank regiment left, but this is not exactly counted in britain. How many serviceable challenge tanks, two could remain with the ministry of defense of the kingdom. Niger after the coup detat stops the export of uranium where will france take Raw Materials for its Nuclear Power plants . After the ukrainian strike on donetsk, four civilians were killed, 11 were injured, preliminary data were announced in the joint control center under fire hit, including a passenger bus, our film crew arrived at the scene already a few minutes after the strike from donetsk , a reportage. Stanislav bernawald. Shelling of the city center of donetsk a bus is on fire a car is still on fire it is clear that

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