More at one point, in addition to resolving cancer, erdostoin also has a certain antiinflammatory and antioxidant actions, which helps the walls of the bronchial tree to resist all these unfavorable factors and speed up the healing process. Of course, do not selfmedicate, but consult a doctor, a specialist, which is where i started for your husband, first you need to go to the doctor. By the way, you also need to know that leon is not a smoker, right . So, good day everyone , my name is mikhail, im 30 years old, i play sports, i have a question alexander leonidovich, please predict, im experiencing pain in front of the knees during a squat. And regardless of whether i squat with weight or without it. In any case, somewhere around the twentieth or thirtieth repetition, these painful sensations appear and then, so to speak, interfere with your exercise. Tell me, how can i cope with this illness . Well, look, there may be different reasons, if this remains for some time after squatting, most likely it is the socalled bursitis, inflammation near the bursa. I want to remind you that if you want us to review this application or site, look. Ru, further, the Cardinal Gray of the body, the product that controls your health, is it in your diet . A littleknown disease that can cause a stroke, check if it threatens you . Well talk about fiber, its just ballast that. Goes through the intestines, so they decide whether we should die from oncology, by the way, it regulates relationships, that is, she trims the lawn, almost no one has heard of her, ill tell you secret, 100,000 heart attacks, having mixed up the signals of their alien, begins to attack, in fact there are many of them more, there is practically not a single organ that may not suffer, well, lets get acquainted . Veronica, your new boss, premiered on rtr, she has four children, and she is divorced, victor vasiliev, we did it. On rtr, catch, reef, big or small , well, in general, you have chosen the right place, have you ever wondered why people count eggs, fats, carbohydrates, this is where my question begins, can something tasty be healthy, lets try it, level inflammation decreases, pain decreases, can. Useful be pleasant fiction, can scientific be understandable, and you make a wish, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes again, every person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this. Lifts your spirits, thats for sure, the food formula , on sunday on rtr, i decided to move to moscow, why, and you and i will become friends, a Good Neighbor found a room, my mother and ochma died. Saying, i cant , i cant stand it, maybe youll go instead of me, its someone elses problem, they never visited my mother, they took me here, they showed up, im afraid that you ll have to come anyway, theres a lawyer, shes an investigation wants to talk, shes an investigation, someone else s revenge, the accident was staged, and you have a suspect, im scared, neighbor, its true, she will definitely reveal herself, i know, on friday. Andrey ivanov, scientific chemist, doctor of sciences, heads the institute chemistry named after favorsky in irkutsk. Andrey ivanov, together with his colleagues, created the worlds first environmentally Friendly Technology for producing a special substance, indole. As a scientist, i know for sure that there is no development. In the modern world it is impossible without science, just as no country can develop without a stable, good political system, as well as a leader who would be the guarantor of the rights and freedoms of citizens. That is why i consider it important for myself to go to the russian president ial elections from march 15 to 17 of this year. Together, we are strong, we vote for russia. we can handle it, i ll do everything to get you out of here, look at the weekend, what a blast, it means theres this bastard, hell spend the next 10 years behind bars, dont scare me, im not afraid of you, youll still have time to get scared, its the light here, and my future wife, very nice, go away from here, im still at home, im also at home, when life is alone. A solid black line, you need to try to get out of it, as an apology, let me take you to the hospital, ill buy you a new bike, as an apology, leave me at peace. Natalya antonova, yuri baturin, why are you looking at me like that, you believe in fate, you re trying to hook me now, happiness can be given, today on rtr. Thank you for staying with us, thank you for watching russia1, we move on, as you can see, we have everything covered here, and we will talk about fiber, so, fiber is dietary fiber found in vegetables, fruits, cereals, and so on and so forth. Which are not digested by the intestines as ballast, but its the same as i dont know, the bird is pecking at stones. Im going to swallow this figurine now, in 68 hours it will come out where its supposed to come out, what is it for then, it doesnt carry calories, it doesnt do anything, its just ballast that goes through the intestines, why . In fact, you know, we have microelements, yes, potassium, magnesium, chromium, iron, iodine these are all microelements, and until recently, we had three macroelements fats, proteins, carbohydrates, and now fiber, that is, it has been raised to the general level of macroelements, the most important product, a source of fiber, vegetables, fruits, cereals, grains, rice, but not white, not purified, the one that is, an extremely important thing, Research Shows that they looked. Why . Well, all because, as we say many times, our life is controlled by the microbiome, that is, those few kilograms of microbes that are contained, sorry, mainly in our in poop, yes, there is one in the lungs, there is one in the urogenital area on the skin, and so on and so forth, but basically how many of these microbes we have, and ill show you now, its half a kilo. Half a kilo, a kilo, no, we have more microbiomes, they are independent, you were in the toilet, you werent, in the intestines, they live along the walls, on average one and a half dashes are 2 kg. So they decide whether we should die from cancer, whether we should have diabetes, whether we should be overweight , whether we would die from a heart attack, whether we should suffer from angina pectoris, even smoking is not so dangerous, the lifestyle is dangerous, we are looking today microbiome disorder is the main risk factor for all of our main killers cancer, heart, diabetes, and so on and so forth. No matter how offensive it may sound to us, in a person the total number of genes is 30,000, the total number of these 2 kg of bacteria, genes 3 million, we are bacteria, and we give our genetic material , its clear in what way, to children and so on, they can he just patted me on the shoulder , genetic mutations started, onology started, and so on, its better not to quarrel with him. He loves what, he loves fiber, by the way, fiber can be insoluble fiber and soluble, in fruits, vegetables, there are soluble polysaccharides, but the microbiome has enzymes that humans dont have, they break down what humans dont break down, that is, they they also feed for the tick, this is extremely important, so you must not offend the tick, by the way, it regulates the relationship, that is, it trims this lawn. So that its all pretty, it doesnt irritate, so that it doesnt add too much, fiber is necessary, so consumption fiber 2530 mg, this is half a kilo of vegetables, half a kilo of fruits every day, do not eat anything white, no white rice, no pasta, no bread, why white it means without fiber, fiber is contained in the shell of grain, the shell is threshed, makes white flour , this is naked starch, it makes sense to eat only to make your stomach fat and irritate the microbiome , which begins to get angry and send all sorts of troubles to you, you can take fiber , by the way, buy it in a store, take it, yes, it can lead to constipation, something else, but if you cant, then accept it this way, fiber today is the most important thing there is , its also a dispenser, why i say, dont drink juice, eat whole fruits, because you squeezed out the juice, drank it, somewhere else here it was sucked right after the stomach of the duodenum or somewhere, this same juice, when you come out with the fruit , this lump, it gives. Vitamins, microelements, nutrients where they should be, fiber like a dispenser, then she gave it here, here, here, here, here, herself already then it fell into the large intestine, to the delight of our microbiome, remember, half a kilo of vegetables, half a kilo of fruit, there is nothing white in white foods, there is no fiber, fiber is as important as proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Okay, we re moving on. Now we will answer your questions again. Good afternoon, dear doctor. My name is yulia denisenko, i am from the city of barnaul. And i have a question for you please tell me, can immunity worsen due to frequent use of antibiotics . The fact is that last fall, it so happened that i had to take three courses. Antibiotics suppress the immune system, the answer is yes , maybe the main component of our Natural Immunity is a microbiome , remember, i just showed you, one and a half to 2 kg of bacteria inhabiting our large intestine, this is the basis of Natural Immunity, you give antibiotics and you suppress this people who control us all, sits inside, and they he begins to take revenge on us. And therefore antibiotics must be taken wisely, so we always say that if the question is what to take, not to take, and so to speak, we are not sure, then it is better not to take it, because then, as apparently in your case, the microbiome will take revenge. Now, as for probiotics and so on, you know, over the last 1520 years, medicine has come quite a long way from completely denying probiotics as such. It was believed that this was pointless, until recognition, at first slow, at first in children, and so on and so forth, until the recognition of the factor yes, the microbiome rules everything, and now the task is to use the right probiotic so that it reaches the microbiome, because we can do anything accept, and if it doesnt arrive or arrives in the wrong form, the microbiome will not accept it, accordingly, in a lot of work is also being done in this direction , drugs have appeared, this is a mixture of these different. Micro organisms, lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, this is what is included in probiotics, and if you are already planning to take prebiotics, then it probably makes sense to not take just probiotics, but also prebiotics, together they are called synbiotics, there are two components, the first component is several types of living bacteria, these are lactic acid bacteria, lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, in general, everything that is part of probiotics, and prebiotic component, polysaccharides. In particular, fruits, oligos, saccharides, these are the substances that help beneficial bacteria gain a foothold in the microbiome, grow in the intestines, and that is, if we previously only heard about probiotics, there were no prebiotics, if today there are two components, lets say, we take probiotics and its doubtful they will survive, they wont survive, they do it, they dont do it, we add these fruit oligopolysaccharides. And the reaction began, so that symbiotics can not only increase the number of beneficial bacteria, but also provide their further growth, well, causing all those positive effects on the microbiome, but by helping the microbiome, as i already said, we help the immune system, it is clear that all these things are quite serious, it is clear that for all this you need to consult a specialist, hello, my name is. Several orders of magnitude safer, why is there such a struggle between vaping and teenagers . 80 of teenagers switch to regular cigarettes after vaping; this is only a means of jumping into a deadly bad habit. Well, as always, we threw the baby out with the bathwater, because that the internet, Electronic Cigarettes are a means to quit smoking, precisely because they are much less harmful. If we Smoke Tobacco alone, the brain requires nicotine. And nicotine, oddly enough, is not very dangerous , what is dangerous is the content of the smoke components, microparticles, combustion, thousands of carcinogens that we inhale, that is what is dangerous, not nicotine, when we give an Electronic Cigarette with a small nicotine content, we seem to calm down the nicotine receptors , and we no longer reach for a cigarette, but thereby we are deprived of these, because the most dangerous thing is its combustion, this smoke, this is what provokes cancer in the first place, but at the same time, yes, its true, this is dangerous for teenagers and they shouldnt. For them to use these web sites, thats for sure, thats all with questions, lets move on, today well talk about very interesting disease, almost no one has heard of it, i ll tell you a secret, not all doctors, well, lets say, they know, maybe theyve heard the word, maybe not, but if they have, then. 50 thousand pregnancy losses, 110 thousand strokes, 100 thousand heart attacks, 30,000 thromboembolism, if you look at it differently, what, probably more demonstratively, of all the people who have lost a pregnancy, it occupies 9 , of all the people who have had a stroke, an interrupted pregnancy is a stroke, this is 14 , of all those who have had a heart attack, this is 10 . So, as you understand, it probably makes sense to listen about this disease. The disease is called antiphosphorlipid syndrome. Who are these phospholipids that someone is arguing against . In general, this is an autoimmune disease when our own defenses. Antibodies, proteins, confusing their signals foreign, begins to attack our own tissue, they begin to attack phospholipids. Phospolipids are also proteins that bind certain molecules, which are an important component of the vascular wall and some cellular structures; when antibodies develop against them, inflammation processes are formed. More, there is practically not a single organ that may not suffer, but ill tell you something else, there are always two components in this diagnosis, the first is the presence in the blood of antibodies to phospholipids, anti phospholipids, these antibodies. Plus a clinic, that is, if you have antibodies, but there is no clinic for thrombosis and. A number of other conditions that we will talk about later, this is not antiphosphorlipid syndrome, there must be one, plus the other, only then the diagnosis is antiphosphorlipid syndrome, diagnostics, in fact, an experienced doctor can immediately determine how many such diagnoses i have made, but because, you know, a young woman comes and says doctor, my leg is swollen. This is the second time its already swollen, i have throbosm of the deep veins of the lower leg, the second time, i think, well ok, once she could sit in a traffic jam, but what about the second time . Any doctor is obliged to ask a woman whose leg is swollen again, have there been any miscarriages . She will say yes, i had two miscarriages, but what if she also said you know, its unclear, i had a positive test for syphilis, although there was nothing like that. Then everything was clear in general, because the classics, repeated thromboses, miscarriages, and at a time when slightly older tests for syphilis were used, a false positive test for syphilis, this is a group that could make a diagnosis without any analysis, 100 . What is important to know here is that in 50 , this is antiphospholipid syndrome, it is primary, there is nothing behind it, but in the second 50 it is a consequence of lupus, rheumatoid diseases, that is, it can be primary, it can be secondary, in about 1 the situation may go according to a bad scenario, lets go back to this now, now ill catch up, physical education break, next, if you have been diagnosed with antiphosphopid syndrome, how can you avoid a heart attack and stroke in this case . Faith, how it helps to overcome difficulties in life, when faith can heal from fatal diseases. Without immediate medical assistance, they simply die, an embolism shoots from their leg into their cyanotic lungs. Purple skin is not a rash, why does it appear if you have the syndrome, you only have one option and the topic that was suggested to me is faith, but im more interested in the medical component of faith in something, this is a very good pill, a new one japanese, in 40 of cases people become as good as new, it is absorbed, it seems to unmask the tumor. Before the wedding you said that you could cook, can you peel the potatoes, wife, but how do you peel them, like a tangerine or like a banana . Parade of humor, premiere, today on rtr. This is for you, well, did you get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, pay attention, today is a big day for us, a big holiday, dashing, we havent seen each other for a long time, where . Bela, well, you know, for every cool fighter he will find an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, who is good for you, your wife or your boys, dont ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i always answer for his words, hero of his time, beauty, rapping, everything brigade, just. On the platform we look there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready, explore nature, dear mother, simply incredible beauty, you already understand , what is the vietnameses favorite means of transportation, there are 10 million moped drivers. taste it, oh, its amazing how delicious everything is, as my mother says, its mind blowing, this world is worth having. see snake charmer is the oldest profession in india, they say that a properly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, in secret to the whole world, on sunday on rtr, what brought you . My school of female happiness, he doesnt notice me, but i want to please him, you will turn yourself into a beautiful, confident woman, and i will only lead you by the hand to this goal, you help others find a husband, you have beautiful hands, what an a to you , you can add more sex, dont lose yours, by the way, whats the mans name, i call him mine, have you fallen in love . Turned it off, now return it, they dont know what do you know, think, think, school of womens happiness, premiere, today on rtr. Thank you for staying with us, thank you for watching russia1, we return to this disease, which is responsible for 1015 of all strokes, heart attacks, miscarriages and so on, called antiphosphorlipid syndrome, and before the break i said that for a certain part of people who have antiphospholipid syndrome, it goes. Very quickly, very malignantly, 1 of all these people who have antiphospholipid syndrome, it can happen at such a speed that without providing emergency medical care, they simply die, moreover, even if we provide this medical care, they die in 30 of cases. So, that thrombosis is everywhere , the heart, brain, legs, artery, intestines, an embolism shoots from the leg into the lungs, that is , almost everything suffers, the nervous system suffers, the blood suffers, the number of platelets drops, paradoxically, the platelets drop, there must be bleeding, then that they stick together and dont allow blood to flow out, here on the contrary, there are few of them, and yet. Why does it come from, well, where do they come from autoimmune disease, and we dont know the cause, this is of course heredity, as i already said, if you have these systemic lupus erythematosus, various rheumatic diseases, then of course they are checked for all antibodies in any way, also checked for antiphospholipid antibodies, probably necessary, the question is what to do if you have the syndrome, you only have one option take blood thinners for life for life, otherwise heart attack, stroke and so on, for pregnant women too, only for pregnant women you cannot take these oral blood thinners, this is heparin , this is an injection, yes, all 9 months on heparin injections, plus aspirin, this is what will help you pro. To bear the fetus, but you see, in order to do something correctly, you need to understand the diagnosis, here is the diagnosis , unfortunately, we may be missing out, why am i saying this, because a lot of people come with thrombosis, i dont remember anyone prescribing these antibodies, someone even asked about skills, i just dont remember, maybe i was unlucky with my surroundings, maybe, i dont know. But i think its important enough that it should everyone knows. Go ahead. Section for soul and body. And the topic that to me. We lived with such faith, and this is not about faith in the lord, not in religion , but in general, we all believe in something, we believe that we will not get sick, we believe that we will achieve something, we believe that we have faithful spouses, we believe that, well, we believe, we always believe something, very often in vain, yes, you cant trust anyone, but i can. But we cant live without faith, for me its probably even sometimes just like a tool, i understand that all of this is generally not true, unsteady, everyone looks at their own, but at the moment, communicating, its more convenient for me to sincerely believe, because then its just easier for me to deal with this person, with this situation, although if i stop, think, i ll say, well, everything is clear, yes, we we understand everything, adults, but this is just one situation, here, probably, everyone behaves as they want. When i saw, so to speak, that i had this topic, i was still thinking, yes, this is faith, that most likely this is emptiness, this is something intangible, so we believe, so what, we are only fooling ourselves, this interferes with our lives, we believe, but the caravan goes on, yes, we think something up within ourselves, but nothing happens, so we are deceived, we need to clearly, harshly assess the situation, weigh it, then everything will be fine for you, yes, any pragmatist will say. But im more interested in the medical component of faith in something , confidence, if we say so, we know what a placebo is, and a person is given a dummy, a pill and says, this is a very good pill, new, japanese, it costs a lot, but. Take it once a day, in a week you will be as good as new. In 40 of cases people become as good as new, this is a very large percentage, medicine, the real thing does not give such a percentage. When i was a young resident, i worked at the institute of cardiology, and we gave two medications to everyone admitted with stenocardia or high Blood Pressure. Anti spasmin and medicine t it is an institute of therapy, so before it was renamed the institute of cardiology, and then became the name of my grandfather, it was an institute of therapy, we gave it for 5 days, in fact it was just chalk, ordinary chalk, but this is mint water, why did we remove all the medicines and we watch. Attacks of angina pectoris per day, 10 attacks of angina pectoris per day , people came, we need to understand their true level, and we gave these medications, either this or that, for many people the Blood Pressure normalized, angina pectoris sharply decreased, then we treated with botanical blockers, but still at that time there were no converting enzyme inhibitors, well, there were other drugs, all sorts of reserpine, potency drugs. But when the patient left, every second person said doctor, we cant sell these first medicines, you gave us the first 5 days, i never felt as good as when i took them, a placebo, a dummy, we give and arouse in a person the belief that it works, and now look, immunooncology, new, well , how relative, already 20 years old, a new field of medicine, and i think when we defeat cancer, it will be the one that will win when there is a tumor, and what is a tumor . These are cells that do not want to die, every cell has apoptosis, for example, programmed death, it lives, it dies, they discard. Team, they do not obey the signals of planned death, they begin to multiply and grow, but so that they are not heard, they cover themselves , as it were, with a film, our immunity simply does not see them, we give medicine, a tablet or an injection, it is absorbed, it kind of unmasks the tumor, it is already they destroy our own. Cells, macrophages, leukocytes, our immunity, it destroys it, and now imagine that it is not a medicine that will unmask. And vera, what do you think, shamans, they are powerless, theyre just swindlers, they may be swindlers, hes there an epileptic shaman is running, but he is struggling in this epilepsy, waving his arms, splashing foam, and the patient believes him, the tumor begins to destroy these immune forces in him, or the person goes to the priest, goes to the priest, goes to the healer, to the grandmother, takes some roots, i generally think that medicine. Went in the wrong direction, thats when medieval pharmacists began collecting medicines, which then actually resulted in this powerful pharmaceutical industry, thats when medicine went in the wrong direction, we began to manage medicines , and not by what is inside us the lord god laid in us, and the lord god laid in us an absolutely perfect tool for fighting diseases and various ailments, only we dont know how to use it, we replace this perfect tool with pills, buy, drink, rejoice, but in some countries, go to tibet , to india, it s different, there they start from the soul, there the improvement of internal forces begins, and there are just real miracles, i saw miracles, you know whats the matter, if a pill. It doesnt open anything, it only gives faith in a cure, can destroy a tumor , blood tests are normalized, diseases go away, this means that you need to look not for pills, antibiotics that destroy microbes, chemotherapy that destroys all growing cells, tumors, hair, and nails, everything else, everything around , or there i dont know. Some drugs that reduce acidity, those that act on certain mechanisms of bacterial development, if not for cells, but if they found a mechanism for controlling these protective forces, which they do without any interference with on the other hand, in fact, this is extremely interesting , i think that someday medicine will still turn on the right track , that we have moved away from this part of medicine, we do not use what was laid down for us by the lord god, nature, pachamama , just walked away, we all, as always, took the easy path, because what is Natural Selection . People who are, or rather, animals who cannot control their defenses, they do not unintentionally control. But when he gets sick, certain mechanisms turn on in him, and when they dont turn on, they die, then, accordingly, the strongest survive , not the physically strongest with tusks, legs, those who have stronger immunity, those who have stronger protective forces, or those who know how to control these protective forces, you may have the most powerful immunity, but if you you dont know how to control it and you hope for an aspirin tablet or. But my son bequeathed a dissertation on pharmacology, on these things, i gave him this idea, then i gave him a selection of literature, it turns out that there are already people in the world who thats what we thought, it turns out theyre already coming research, this is the future, there will be no pills in the future, thats what i thought, im not sick and you wont be sick, so it would be with you. Who always firmly believes that he will not get sick, that he will live to be 150 years old, the main faith, and then well see, lets see, well meet my friend in. 60 years and well see, goodbye. Hello, hello, our dear viewers hello, today the mood color is funny again, lets talk about anecdotal stories, admit it, any of you have found yourself in anecdotal situations or they have happened to yours acquaintances, and more than once, this is what our conversation is about today, it really is, fun and funny is hidden everywhere, for example, due to the fact that words sound the same, but have different meanings, so many. When incidents happen, its true, the guy is happy, in love, he just said goodbye to his fiancee, he stretched out his arms on the embankments and shouted, im flying, then an old lady passed by and said, why are you treating, son, it seems like you can cure kulit, but because the words sound similar, a lot of funny situations arise too, the husband said noise, to his wife a hum was heard, the husband said luggage, and the wife answered where is the sale, where . The wife said come on, my son thought he heard wifi, but my husband , in general, pour it, gennady vetrov is speaking now, you didnt hear it, but in fact it is, im meeting you. Today we live in such a time that there is sometimes a catastrophic lack of time for communication , short greetings, yes, short meetings, short messages, sms, yes, short jokes, by the way, my favorite. The husband says to his wife lucy, but i cheated on you, she says vasya, and i cheated on you too, he says 1 april, she says july 3rd. Viewers who follow my work know that i love short songs, i united all my new microsongs with a common refrain, which sounds like this but positive life flows, on my windy motive. There are a lot of funny stories in life , a young guy on a business trip comes to a small russian town, walks around the city and sees a hair salon and it says the latest hairstyles, the price is negotiable, he became interested, he goes inside, a young girl runs up and says what do you

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