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Life expectancy can increase by 2 and a half years for men by 3 years for women, this was discovered by scientists from the London School of economics, this applies not only to the uk, everywhere, we also have a category of inactive is growing, but it takes a little effort ; health will save on hospitalizations and people on medications, he can go to an exhibition of vintage cars, for example, ivan zenkevich was lucky, he found a very rare copy of moskvich. In the history of the moskvich plant, they were very successful. Truly folk models, so very controversial experiments, today we will get acquainted with one of these duo2, a domestic coupe. This twoseater car was first shown to the public in 1999 at the fifth moscow industrial exhibition of the fair moscow and russian regions. At the core the design and aggregate base of another muscovite, prince vladimir. Its body was shortened by a whole rack and the rear ones were removed. Do you know how long it took to build the car after the drawings were made, in two weeks, and in my opinion, it turned out very nice for such a time frame. The shortened body looks sporty and lean, the trunk is simply a gigantic space with a volume of 500 liters. We open the hood and see the lada in all its pristine beauty, with a 1. 6 liter engine and a moskvich one. The door to the salon is simply huge; in order to hold such a weight, they developed special hinges, they tried to do it on a budget but with taste, the shape is angular, there is a visor over the instruments, the Steering Wheel has two spokes, there is no music, but have you seen the seats, there are tons of adjustments from volvo, there are power windows, and now its time to hit the road, but not much quickly and nearby, a museum exhibit, from the upper pyshma. The maximum speed that duet 2 with the zhigulevsky engine is capable of is small, only 155 km h. The engine is rather weak for such a car. The front suspension is macpherson, but the struts are already imported, behind it is a beam with springs. In the advertising booklet of this moskvich it was written designed for comfortable business trips and leisure. And in general, i agree, the ride is really comfortable. Duet2 was released for only a couple of years until 2011. Well, as they were produced, they were rather assembled to order, because it cost 600 , in those days not everyone could afford such exotica, according to various sources , about 15 such cars were produced in total, the car turned out to be crude, a lot needed to be improved, although the idea it was good, its great that such unique examples can still be found on the move today. Come on, lets do it with a smile, more, more, more great, good, so, its morning in russia, dont forgive me, the main thing is that the west turned out to be powerless, about the prospects for a truce and other pressing issues. If we abandon these people today, then tomorrow our losses may increase many times over, our children will have no future, because we will feel insecure, we will be a third or fourthclass country, no one will take us into account if we cannot do it ourselves protect, and there may be consequences. Putin noted that even participation official foreign contingents will not change the situation on the battlefield, western specialists in ukraine have long been working as advisers to mercenaries, and although our Nuclear Triad is the most advanced in the world, moscow is ready to use Nuclear Weapons only if it comes to the very existence of russia. Speaking about the conflict in ukraine, the president said that russia is ready for negotiations, but they must take into account the real situation when organizing. Some wishes after the use of psychotropic drugs, but are based on the realities that have developed, as they say in such cases, on earth, this is the first, second, we have already many times. They promised everything, they promised not to expand nato to the east, then we will see, we will see them at our borders, they promised that the internal the conflict in ukraine will be resolved by peaceful means, we were promised a lot of things politically, so here promises alone are not enough, now we are negotiating only because they are running out of ammunition, but this is somehow ridiculous on our part. Vladimir putin. I told you about the Development Strategy country, today the state is accommodating to business, it is planned to reduce the tax burden for large families, up to 14 trillion rubles are planned to be spent over 6 years on helping families with children and solving the demographic problem alone, this includes expenses for the construction and repair of kindergartens and maternity capital payments. The government is also discussing a new tax system. In other news, in the kharkov region, our military eliminated the American Patriot and repair systems. Equipment, and this is footage of attacks on ukrainian helicopters, the vehicles landed on specially equipped area to replenish the ammunition with fuel. According to our ministry of defense, they were hit by highprecision weapons, two of the three helicopters were destroyed. During the day, the troops improved the situation along the front line in the avdeevsky direction, repelling 12 attacks by the Ukrainian Armed forces. In this sector alone, the enemy lost almost 500 soldiers, guns made in Great Britain and the usa, three command and staff vehicles and other equipment. Truck traffic between poland and ukraine is again paralyzed. Polish farmers after a threeday break the highway leading to the krakovets checkpoint was reblocked. Farmers on tractors have established their own regulations; they plan to transport no more than six heavy loads per day. Until warsaw and brussels legally restrict the transport of ukrainian grain into the country. Thousands of truckers have been idling at five more checkpoints for several weeks now. There is an army in the middle east. New attacks on radical opposition in lebanon, hezbal military infrastructure facilities in the settlements of elkantara and yater, as well as several launch sites, were destroyed installations, and with the help of a drone , a Passenger Car with a member of the movement was blown up. Hamass is there in the south of lebanon. Israel announced a partial lifting of restrictions on the delivery of humanitarian aid to the enclave ; about 200 trucks were allowed through on tuesday, including some to the Northern Areas of the gas strip. In brazil, forest fires have engulfed the state of raraima. In addition to forests, farmers houses were destroyed and crops burned. The fires were fueled by the worst drought in a quarter of a century. The number of fires in the state this year is incredible. High, in february alone there were more than 2,000. Local authorities are forced to dramatically increase the number of firefighters, but this is not helping yet. On other topics, indigenous dances and shamanic rituals greeted the delegation of the world Youth Festival in khabarovsk. Students from sri lanka to serbia saw the Russian Far East for the first time. The guests shared their impressions with elizaveta yurova. The khabarovsk territory welcomes the delegation with shama ritual and traditional dances of the indigenous peoples. World Youth Festival latin america, south asia, africa, hradek museum, this is where acquaintance with the region begins, in which no foreign country can fit. A video blogger from pakistan is trying to capture the rich flora and fauna down to the smallest detail, with plans to edit a big film about russia. Through my blog i want to introduce the culture, show all the beauty, introduce, show that this is a wonderful country that is worth coming to. Our region became one of the thirty where the big one came. It is a dream for every serbian to visit russia because we we support the russian people, we love russian culture, we teach history in our schools, my dream has come true, i want to live here. Close acquaintance will continue in the cultural program, visiting the sights of the regional capital and even a trip to the sunny area to the holdami ski resort, lake crystal. News khabarovsk. Dont switch. Early voting in hardtoreach corners of kamchatka is ending. About 6,000 residents of the peninsula took part in it. These are reindeer herders who serve at military outposts, weather stations and lighthouses. A the day before, members of the Election Committee visited the mutnovskaya ghetto. The local Election Commission is flying to the employees of the largest Geothermal Power plant in russia, where Volcanic Energy is converted into electrical energy. In 20 minutes we covered about 80 km to get to the mutnovskoye field, which is located at an altitude of 800 m above sea level. Volcanic activity ensures that underground water is heated to such a high level. That it turns into steam, in order to extract this resource, wells need to be drilled. Employees of mutnovskaya Geothermal Power plants operate on a rotational basis, usually the shift lasts 15 days, engineers, hydrogeologists, welders, machinists, Everyone Wants to cast their vote. We are all citizens of one country, we are remembered, we all have the right, and we get it, accordingly, to vote, to do so. Choice, but there are also those who have not seen their relatives for a long time and want to go to the polls with their family. Today i didnt vote, although i work at a remote site, the fact is that on the 15th, there will be a shift change, and i hope that we will return to the city on time, i have enough amount of time to make your choice, to vote, i will go with my wife, this is our family tradition, the operational shift will vote remotely, because she is the brains of the power plant, 24 7. Monitoring the situation at the field, we were expecting more, but apparently there is no time, people are working, 40 people voted. Thanks to such flights, more than 6,000 komchatka residents have already chosen their president ial candidate. Veronica kaberskaya, anton bogomolov, kamchatka news. All news is always available on media platform smotra, in the application or on the website. Stay on the russia channel. Lets start, lets go with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so. Morning of russia, dont oversleep the main thing. Good morning, good morning , well, join us today on march 14, lets start this day together, vera krasova, Vladislav Zavyalov are with you, today, by the way, is National Elephant day in thailand, where 70 giant animals were honored in the ancient city of ayudhaya , bananas, watermelons and corn were prepared for them as a treat, in total there are almost 400 in the kingdom domesticated elephants, the majority. In the forest and live in nature reserves. The initiators of this holiday 25 years ago were environmentalists. They called on residents to remember the Important Role of these animals, which are gardeners of the forest, thin it out, and attract thousands of tourists to the country. But the benefits of mouthwashes have been questioned by scottish scientists. Many products contain chlorhexidine, which, when used for a long time, can cause dysbiosis in the mouth. What to replace them with . Alberts dental care is a must daily routine, cut a whole arsenal in the finale, the obligatory use of rinse aid, today strawberry. Why . Because this is primarily disinfection. There are a lot of microbes now. Since childhood, i have been accustomed to taking care of my teeth, now in the 20th century, when there are so many opportunities, when there are all sorts of cool things on the market, so to speak, and you can choose different products, then why not take care of such a beautiful one. Smile, if the store shelves are filled with mouthwashes, then you definitely need to buy them, many believe, you use it and how wonderful it is, and what you like , what flavors, mint, good, alas, its very easy to become a victim of marketing today, they return the natural whiteness of teeth, strengthen the enamel, protect against caries, all this is promised by the manufacturers of mouthwashes, but how does it really work . Lets figure it out, in fact, the main function of oral rinses, in addition to getting rid of pieces of food, is disinfection. For this purpose, the Solutions Include chlordisidine and miramestin, common antiseptics. If we are talking about everyday products, then these are all means, they are very dangerous, they can be used for a very limited period of time, about one week, two weeks. Then they simply spoil, change the entire microflora of the oral cavity, and we end up with the formation of the socalled pantogenic microflora. In addition, chlorhexidine enters into a Chemical Reaction with food proteins that remain on the surface of the teeth, and the result can. Unpleasantly surprise, it is noted in the scientific literature and in practice that with prolonged use and high concentrations of chlorhexidine, it is possible the appearance of yellow dark spots on the teeth. It is unlikely that this will contribute to a beautiful smile; scottish scientists have found a more harmless alternative to an aggressive remedy. In their opinion, spinach and beet juice perfectly break down dental plaque. In general, all greens have a similar effect, doctors say. If we talk, for example, with you about fox spinach or, for example, basil, then they are clearly expressed. The deodorizing effect still affects the gastrointestinal tract, because it is directly related to the intestines. The microflora of poluter, oddly enough, is improved due to the nitrates they contain; they interact with beneficial bacteria in the mouth, which convert nitrates into nitrites and then into nitric oxide. Such bacteria live both in the oral cavity and in the stomach. This nitric oxide , which is the final product, is a fairly good substance, since, for example, it is very beneficial for the cardiovascular system, and also reduces the acidity of semierased fruits, unlike, by the way, apples , an apple, especially sour, it can be the other way around stimulate highly sensitive teeth, because this is an acidic environment, so for an alternative to a storebought mouthwash , its better to go to the Vegetable Department and its better to take not smoothies and juices, but whole vegetables , so your teeth will become healthier and your stomach will receive a portion of healthy fiber, well, the main thing is that there is how to breathe, there are problems with green lungs, trees have become worse at absorbing Carbon Dioxide, moreover, they can begin. To emit it, american researchers have stated this again, but we havent seen this yet enough, experts noted that currently trees absorb about 25 of the excess carbon emitted by humanity, but in the future this figure will most likely decrease, what is the reason and how this will ultimately affect us, we will find out from the head of the department of ecology and geography of plants, faculty of biology Moscow State University vladimir anivchenko vladimirovich, hello, hello. Well, how did it happen that our green lungs of the earth, which we all hope for, suddenly cease to function properly, in whats the problem . Well, this question, it is partly a means of global misconceptions that, so to speak , exist in the mass media, will develop, in fact, the most important aspect of our, so to speak, health from the point of view of the presence of oxygen and so on and the absorption of Carbon Dioxide, this not. Photosynthesis, but the reverse processes, this is decomposition and respiration, when organic matter combines with oxygen , Carbon Dioxide and water are ultimately formed, do you understand . No fastgrowing plants, no, so to speak, forest plantations, we will not solve this problem in the long term, but what will help us then, not to suffocate, we will be helped by those systems that are not balanced in organic matter, which accumulate organic matter over a long period of time, yes, these can be forests, young, growing at some stage, here, but only under one condition, which, as far as i know, is not observed anywhere. These forests will grow, we will cut them down and bury all the wood in some deep mine so that it does not decay, we will build houses, they will still sooner or later it decomposes, it still rots, well, well put it off for 1015, lets say 50 years, but still the processes go on and the previous organic matter decomposes, and in order for us to somehow compensate for what we burn, let s not stay without oxygen, there are systems that bury. Organic matter themselves, first of all these are oceans, these are swamps, well, its like all freshwater bodies of water and so on, where there is a lack of oxygen due to the fact that organic matter accumulates over time, it turns out where these systems are, yes, exactly these systems provide additional oxygen to the atmosphere, but this is unrealistic, we will not dam the area, protect the swamps, first of all, protect, protect those existing swamps, protect what. Ecology and plant geography faculty of biology, Moscow State University vladimiram anitchenko, thank you , what a stupid game, anna feels bad, she needs help , she could die, anna is a medium, final episodes, today at 21 20, lets start the identification, a man of about 50, he still has this beard, then wait or something, this is it a lion. The history of a big country, premiere, tomorrow at 23 55. Who got up earlier, not only took possession of the slippers, those who are interviewed first have a better chance of getting a job. Its all about the cognitive distortion of each applicant ; they compare them with the previous one and find more negative traits. But the experts came to this conclusion after the tests, in one, people assessed applicants using photographs from. Networks, in the other, using a video business card, in both cases, the tenth person on the list received a much less positive review than the first, this rule also works during castings , by the way, well, by the way, if have to work overtime , more than half of the employees across the country do this , as compensation, many choose not additional rest, but monetary compensation, from september 1, the procedure for calculating overtime will change, so well , we wont have time to make this car in 3 days so that we can give it to us deadline, we need to stay late, body repair master andrei sidnev sometimes has to stay late at work for up to 4 hours a month, he says there are such difficult cases that there is not enough to repair the car even several twelvehour shifts, but for his overtime work andrey receives additional payment, they pay us this, if up to 2 hours, then a 50 increase from the overtime, if more than 2 hours, then double the amount, according to the law this is standard. Rates for overtime hours are confirmed by experts, but they are valid only for employees with a standardized schedule. To calculate the amount of your additional payment for overtime in the production calendar, look at the number of working hours in the desired month, the amount of salary and divide by this number we get the cost of one hour, then we multiply the number of hours worked in excess of the norm by the required coefficient, the first two hours will be paid at one and a half times the rate, the rest of the time double, an important point, people can receive a salary, some bonuses, some additional payments, but our overtime hours are calculated solely based on the salary, the salary can be very small, yes, so our overtime hours are quite small, that is, now the labor code does not stipulate from what is the amount of overtime considered . And unscrupulous employers take advantage of this loophole in the law, thereby not paying employees extra, but from september 1 the rule will change in favor of employees. After amendments are made to the labor code, all employers will be required to pay overtime work based on the total amount of wages you receive, that is, the official salary, all bonuses, bonuses, compensation that are paid to you along with it, lawyers say , only those who have white earnings, salary recipients in. May not see their money, because most of the income is hidden, which means it is impossible to force the employer to officially pay for overtime, therefore, in order to count on bonuses, experts advise working transparently, carefully studying the Employment Contract before signing, the list of positions that will be required to work overtime at a given enterprise must be reflected in the collective agreement, and most importantly, of course, the Employment Contract must clearly state the conditions for which a person can be involved in overtime work and most importantly payment conditions, experts also remind you that they cannot involve you in overtime work without an official order and written consent only in the event of a threat of an accident or its elimination, and the total number of overtime hours cannot be more than 4 hours for 2 days in a row and 120 hours a year, if your rights are violated, this is a reason to contact the labor inspectorate or court. We go to the doctor and take a lot of his time with empty ones. And we dont go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned means forearmed, any remedy has a downside with the most Necessary Knowledge about health, we dispel myths, help you find out the truth, how to act in order to land well, you need to warm up before that, what to Pay Attention to, the disk factor should have its own pill on the frame, where to look for help, you only need five. Ingredients that will benefit the entire body. Two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation, so the whole family must be examined. Most Important Information from the most competent sources. Forget about your complex body. Take care of yourself and stay healthy. About the most important thing, from monday to friday. On arter. Comrade lieutenant colonel, i am ready to begin my duties and get acquainted with the department. Work. From monday on rtr. Every time i cry , its very hard to remember, i went into my house, sat down on the floor and said, i ll stay here, the military had to be made aware that animals were simply dying there, donetsk was shelled very heavily, but we decided to be evil in the wedding, the main thing is that we are together, ours, ours do not abandon theirs, from monday to thursday on rtr. we can handle it, ill do everything to get you out of here, look at the weekend, what was going on and the big son of a millionaire, that means this bastards mother is, hell spend the next few years behind bars, dont scare me, im not afraid of you, you still have time to get scared , this is light, and my future wife, very nice, get out of here, im at home for now im all at home too, when life is one continuous black line, you need to try to turn it off, as a apologies, let me take you to the hospital , buy you a new bike, as an apology, leave me alone, natalya antonova, yuri baturin, why are you looking at me like that, do you believe in fate, are you the one who is trying to kill me now, happiness can be given on saturday. We work in the interests of our country, our job is to tell the truth, our task is to achieve complete victory. This is why we go on air every evening. Evening with Vladimir Solovyov today on rtr. Today the film call sign passenger is released in wide release. This is the first artistic attempt to comprehend everything what happened in donbass. The main character, played by anton. Shagin, a young writer from the capital, who only cares about parties, but an event occurs that completely changes his life. This film is about human relationships, it teaches you to love your homeland, and an equally exciting militaryhistorical drama is released on the watch platform. An actionpacked story for the series admiral kuznetsov, about the fate and life of the legendary peoples commissar, who commanded the soviet fleet during the great patriotic war. The war will begin on june 22, considering it urgent to save people and the fleet, in in the event of an actual attack, give the enemy a worthy rebuff. The ability to maintain a cool head in a critical situation and accurately assess the situation is the main weapon of admiral Nikolai Kuznetsov. The nazi attack on the soviet union was unexpected even for many military personnel, but not for him. In june 1941, a few hours before the start of the war, kuznetsov declared all fleets on combat readiness. The sailors met the first blow of the enemy fully armed, without losing a single ship, this is a movie about a person in the conditions when these decisions made him involuntarily made him a hero, he walked on such thin ice, a large number of people doubted and were sure that this was a mistake, we gave the enemy a worthy rebuff. This was of course surprising, everyone at that moment was of course delighted with the courage of this man. From the first to the last series of naval battles, an intense game of staying ahead of the curve against a smart, calculating and merciless enemy. The difficult situation at the front requires kuznetsov to make risky decisions on which the fate of the country will depend. Youre asking for little, nikolai gerasimovich, thats all. Necessary for the flight to berlin, right . Why do you need so many planes , ships, fuel, if anything happens , well ask you for everything, no war can overshadow simple human feelings for those who are always waiting at home, for Nikolai Kuznetsov such a talisman was family, the most difficult moment of life, love becomes a lifeline and helps the hero stay on course. Admiral kuznetsovs wife is not an admiral in the family, i think that this is the wife everyone dreams of, she very subtly and very well. Feels this person, understands what he necessary, understands where it is necessary to remain silent, where it is necessary to ask, where it is necessary to put pressure and push in its own way, but basically she, how to say, holds the rear. Loyalty to your ideals, courage , unconditional love for your homeland, the main principles of admiral kuznetsov. You can immerse yourself in history and witness a dramatic confrontation today on the platform. Through the world, through the world. The news will be told about the main thing in russia abroad in the studio of vera tarasova. Hello. The most relevant. Questions that concern millions russians and, of course, the situation in ukraine, security and foreign policy. One of the main political topics, a long interview with vladimir putin, which he gave to our colleague, the general director of mia russia today and the host of the vesti nedeli program, dmitry kiselyov. The west was going to put an end to our country, relying on the power of the united states, but it turned out to be powerless before the unity of the people, the stability of the economy and the growing capabilities of the Russian Armed forces. The president emphasized. Contingent countries will not change the situation on the battlefield. Western specialists in ukraine have already they have long worked as advisers to mercenaries. And although our Nuclear Triad is the most advanced in the world, moscow is ready to use Nuclear Weapons only if it comes to the very existence of russia. Speaking about the conflict in ukraine, the president said that russia is ready for negotiations, but they must take into account the real situation, suit moscow and be clearly spelled out. The government is also discussing a new tax system, according to the russian leader, if our country continues to develop at the same pace, it will soon reach position of the fourth economy in the world. In the kharkov region, our military was liquidated. An American Patriot dslr and a repair shop for enemy equipment, and this is footage of attacks on ukrainian helicopters; the vehicles landed on a specially equipped site to replenish their ammunition supplies with fuel. According to our ministry of defense, they were hit by highprecision weapons, two of the three helicopters were destroyed. Over the course of the day, the troops improved the situation along the front line in the avdeevka direction, repelling 12 attacks by the Ukrainian Armed forces. Only in this sector did the enemy lose almost 500 fighters. A car with a member of the Hamas Movement there in the south of lebanon. The death toll from israeli actions in gaza is already almost 31,300. At the same time , israel announced a partial lifting of restrictions on the delivery of humanitarian aid in the enclave. About 200 trucks have been allowed into the enclave since tuesday, including some to the northern regions of the gas sector. Dont switch. Our military personnel in the kupinsky and avdeevsky directions occupy new settlements, the interaction of all branches of our troops in the report of our correspondent svyatoslav dolgachev. Departure to the reconnaissance copter is controlled by a girl. Call sign hacker, while still in civilian life, mastered programming courses, now uses them in combat , they carry out both reconnaissance and the destruction of manpower, military equipment, and so on, that is, operators provide support for attack aircraft, offensive, defensive actions, they will always help, support, and machine gun they will report, they will give you body armor, so he says. Artillerymen strike at identified targets. During the day, with the help of d30 howitzers, we managed to repel two enemy attacks. In the kupinsky direction. The guns are hitting distance up to 15 km. Ukrainian militants did not even come close to our fortifications. Combat helicopters finish off the retreating enemy. The mi35 always goes into battle in pairs. The mi8 backs up. In our army , artillery, aviation and infantry interact effectively. Lancet loitering ammunition operators destroyed the gvozdika selfpropelled artillery mount in the volchiya area. By means. The air Defense Group destroyed 31 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in the areas of zhovtnevaya, shevchenkova, zmeevka, zhitlovka. On the enemy lost 480 personnel in the avdeevsky and kupinsky directions. After winning a difficult battle, our guys go to recovery. Here they are met by a female medic, call sign moore. She has been at the front with her husband since 2014, she knows firsthand what it means to worry about a loved one and wait for him to return from battle, and wishes everyone patience. First of all, this is even more than satisfaction when the guys remain alive, we are here, therefore, in order to save the guys, our Army Continues its successful advance in avdeevsky direction, the enemy is trying to counterattack, but it is not possible to regain the lost positions, our assault groups have already entered the thin berdychi and orlovka, a new offensive is unfolding in the direction of the hours of yar, svyatoslav dolchach, egor pavlenko, alexander. Lead lugansk. In other news in chukotka this spring, three new factory Poultry Farms will start operating at once at the beringovsky agricultural complex and zanadri have already sent a large batch of chicken breed. Consumers of the products will be residents of the entire southeast of the region. Report by our correspondent vladimir sirotkina. This bird was about 10 months old and was delivered to anadr at the end of august from irkutsk. White breed when correct. Sets the task to install mini poultryfarming enterprises in all populated areas, where possible, to the maximum extent possible in order to provide eggs with their own production. This year, the district budget has allocated almost 190 million rubles for the development of poultry farming. The expected volume of egg production will be more than 8,900 thousand pieces, while local products will. Provide 95 of the districts residents. Vladimir sirotkin, alexander kuzmenov, lead the chukotka people. This news is always available on the media platform. We look in the application or on the website. Stay on the russia channel. Lets start come on, come on, with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, morning russia, dont forgive me, most importantly, good morning good morning, march 14, here in the studio morning vera krasovaya, Vladislav Zavyalov, we are on the air, but not only in the telegram channel there is even more interesting stuff and what is left behind the scenes, subscribe, well, now. Lets talk about the fabulous city of ice in the peter and paul fortress, the kronshlet festival is taking place in st. Petersburg , the kiev kazan sobras, the spire of the peter and paul fortress, the raster columns sparkle, we managed to capture the swift peregrine falcons, even the highspeed catamaran that sails to kranstatt. Well, in total there are 14 compositions, 6 m each, 40 sculptors from different cities of the country, as well as from kazakhstan, worked on them. The childrens playground is especially popular among young visitors. Quest, but in that space the children feel good and safe, but they dont always feel the same public transport. For four years now , the country has had a law that prohibits taking children off buses and trams. And that twelveyearold ira from engels is now afraid to get on the bus only with his mother, all because of a recent incident. The girl was returning home from school along her usual route, got on the bus, paid for the ticket, and after some time the conductor approached her. I showed her the ticket, she said that. This bus doesnt fit, she said either get off or pay, i didnt pay, i got out , it was in a rude manner, she was confused , it was freezing, well, well, she had about eight stops, well, seven, so it was somewhere else before the house, when ira got there, she told about everything mother, she wrote about the incident on social networks and almost immediately she was contacted by Law Enforcement agencies, regarding the provision of services that did not meet safety requirements. Life or health of consumers , a criminal case has been initiated. Witnesses and employees of the transport organization were questioned in the criminal case. Understanding the history that happened in kemerovo, where the driver dropped a boy off the bus in the cold, he paid for a childs ticket, but the public transport employee was not satisfied with this, and the student did not have 5 rubles to pay for an adult travel pass. He was asked to leave; similar incidents occur regularly in russia, despite the fact that such actions occur

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