World, the daisies hid, on National Unity day on rtr. Against the backdrop of the atrocities of the israeli army in gaza , antisemitic sentiments are sweeping the planet. Here is a sign with the words jew entrance a banned and crossed out israeli flag appeared on the doors of one of the bookstores in istanbul. A Record Number of cases of antisemitism and islamophobia are now being recorded in the United States. Its not just about harassment, threats, it comes to the armed, the most that cant stop attacking, while the situation is amazing in american universities, the majority of students hold leftist views, support palestine, these educational institutions are sponsored, usually by rich jews. Against this background, the billionaire investor leon cooperman freaked out, he complained that he sank 50 Million Dollars into a colombian university, students scold tel aviv. Cooperman stated. That israel is actually the only us ally in the middle east and the only democratic and tolerant country in the region. And since the students dont like the jewish state, then they are cowards; instead of brains , they have a different substance in their heads. Cooperman concluded his fiery speech with a promise that he would not sacrifice, there was no more money in the colombian woman. Frightened jewish students in the Cooper Union College library. Palestinian demonstrators are trying to break down the door amid cries of freedom for palestine. And this jewish man tells how in los angeles, unknown people broke into his house. They shouted freedom for palestine, death for the israelis. In the United States the situation is increasingly tense. The number of cases of antisemitism has increased sharply in the country. As reported by the antidefamation league, in just 3 weeks after the start of israels war with hamas, at least 312 cases of antisemitism, harassment, vandalism, and armed attacks were recorded in the United States, and during the same period of the past years, there were only 64 such cases, there has never been such a surge of antisemitism in the United States, however, just last week, us attorney general garland warned that more and more threats are being made against not only jews, but also arabs and muslims in general, as the council on americana. Islamic relations reported, on october 7 , a Record Number of cases of islamophobia was recorded over the past 8 years. This week, in the chicago area , clashes erupted between propalestinian and proisraeli demonstrators, and earlier a sixyearold american boy of palestinian origin was stabbed to death, and the victims mother was inflicted with more than ten live wounds. The Latvian Parliament decided to take it away. From the russians and give them, naturally, to the ukrainians. The seimas has already adopted in the First Reading amendments to the road traffic law, according to which russian cars not registered in latvia will be able to be taken away from their owners. The absolutely nazi law, if approved in the second reading, could come into force as early as november 15. It reminds me of the socalled areization of property in the third reich, this is when hitlers police took away property from jewish people. Germany and handed it over to the blueeyed blonds. Norway is still not happy with the victory of the red army over the nazi hordes of fuhrrer. The mayor is norwegian. The city of kirkenes removed the wine laid by the russian consul kanegin from the monument to soviet soldiers, the liberator. Against the background of such madness, the European Union continues to work on the twelfth package of sanctions against moscow. Estonian Prime Minister kaja kallas has just finished reading. She called on the europeans think outside the box to find a creative way to steal frozen russian assets. An adequate russophobe fantasizes that the money will be used to pay reparations to kiev and restore ukraine, and what remains , kaya says, well, so be it, well probably return the owner. Can the eu afford to spend more . Ukraine definitely can, but we are also exploring other methods of financing, for example, using frozen assets. We are currently working on the twelfth sanction. Package we need to act relentlessly and think outside the box. This is why i raise the issue of using frozen assets. We need to make a decision on this issue. No one should even think that we will simply lift sanctions and return property back without providing assistance to ukraine. We need to work on these outofthebox solutions. Yesterday we had a deep discussion on revising the eu budget. We support ukraine. We must make a decision by consensus. Our meetings are always an intellectual exercise. Im sure today we we will decide everything unanimously. Israels ambassador to britain warns that the operation against hamas will be difficult. In an interview with skynews, khatavelli complains that the radical movement allegedly used all the gas it received to build a real underground city under the enclave. According to his estimates, this cost about 100 million , and the main beneficiary of the next war will traditionally be the american arms giants, as deputy chairman bezai medvedev noted. Washington is much more interested in dividing money for someone elses war far from the United States than in middle east settlements and seek implementation of the un council resolution. Medvedev is confident that the ground operation of languishing in the gas will sooner or later take place and will have the most dire, bloody consequences. That is, even more bloody than now, the number of victims of the bombing of the enclave by the Israeli Air Force over 20 days of escalation has already exceeded 7,000 people, reports the gyaza ministry of health. Almost 18,500 people were injured, the terrible numbers are growing every day, sahal continues to demolish residential areas. Highly Populated Areas of the gas sector plunged into chaos. In these terrible images , local residents are trying to save a baby who spent several hours under the rubble after another Israeli Air Force raid. The boy is given artificial respiration and chest compressions, then desperately shaken in the hope of bringing him back to consciousness. They knock on his back, he still doesnt start to breathe. In this video, an adult son mourns his deceased mother. And here the father, who lost his entire family as a result of the bombing, silently holds the girls body in his arms, awaiting burial in a common grave. The Palestinian Ministry of health publishes a twohundredpage document containing a list of killed enclave residents. Almost 3,000 children, 133 infants, were less than one year old at the time of death. Hamas responds by launching a massive attack on israel. The target becomes infrastructure facilities. In this footage, a rocket hits a power line in tel aviv, and air raid sirens sound explosions throughout central israel. In the gas , the siren of the air Defense Systems is inaudible. There is no way to escape, even in the south of the sector, where israel told the residents to go for safety reasons, nor in their own at home, not anywhere. We were here and heard the sounds of bombing, it was overwhelming, all these buildings collapsed, it was more than one bomb, probably about 6 tons of explosives, everything was destroyed, people are still under the rubble. The world of gassy children is collapsing literally before our eyes. We want to live a good life, not one when rockets are falling on our heads, indiscriminate israeli strikes in the gaza strip have killed approximately 50 hostages, hamas spokesman abeida tzahal said ahead of the ground operation increases the frequency of night raids. As we stand here, the distant rumble of an explosion can be heard as israels bombing of the gaza strip continues. At night, under cover of darkness, the Israel Defense forces carried out a tank raid into the northern part of the strip, saying that the units had destroyed hamas militants and the infrastructure of the rocket launch site. Israels ministry of defense posts memes on twitter showing movie villains looking at atrocities. Hamas is crying out of compassion for the israelis. The hamas signature redefines evil. Permanent representative of israel to the un erdon, speaking at the un genasami, insists that israel is at war with modern nazism. Israel is waging war against the genocidal Jihadist Terrorist Organization hamas. But only. These are legal and democratic israeli actions against modern nazis. Revenge is a path to nowhere and the only real path forward is justice, justice for the palestinian people, lets not distort the law, bend it, violate it or betray it to please israel. Russia is working to free the hostages and evacuation of russians from the gas sector to moscow. Representatives of official tehran and hamas at the un general assembly, the head of the Iranian Foreign policy department, are coming to the negotiations at the foreign ministry. Reports that the movement is willing to release captive civilians, but the world should support the release of the 6,000 palestinians currently in israeli prisons. For three weeks now we have been witnessing war crimes and genocide by the Israeli Occupation regime in gaza and the west bank of palestine. Usa and some European Countries sided with the occupying Israeli Regime without respecting the un charter and international law. Israels actions have split the European Union, as the german newspaper mercur reports, senior officials in behindthescenes conversations admit that tel aviv is bombing civilian infrastructure indiscriminately and without regard for civilians, they are arguing how to respond to violations of humanitarian law, israel is losing International Relations every day support writes bloomberg. A parade of western leaders took place in tel aviv expressing solidarity and support. It followed a visit by president joe biden, who came offering billions in military aid and noted the pain of the jewish people. After this visit , the israelis felt understood. They believed that their plan to destroy hamas would gain worldwide sympathy as they released gruesome videos of the slaughter and abuses filmed by the militants. When israeli fighter jets took to the skies over gaza and bombed it, killing thousands, that compassion backfired in a way they didnt expect. Many World Leaders call for fox news house member accuses israel of us representatives aquia cortez on air of committing war crimes in the gaza strip. Washington is not yet ready to determine whether the killing of civilians in the palestinian enclave complies with International Humanitarian law, said an official representative of the american state department. Being here, i cannot evaluate specific strikes. Ill say we are. This means they will not deliberately target civilians, which we believe they will not do, washington also believed in 2014, when tel aviv carried out Operation Enduring rock, the stated goal was the destruction of hamas military infrastructure , including underground tunnels, the bombing of the palestinian enclave lasted 50 days, more than 2000. In these frames from heavy fire from the israeli Defense Forces the doctor and twentysixyearold aljazeera cameraman khaled hamad are trying to hide; the Television Camera continues to record even after their deaths. All rights reserved. دكتور نروح وين وين نروح عارف لازم ناخذ الارض دكتور لازم نظلمك نفتح البكسره نطم فوقيه the United States is certainly complicit in israels crime. The United States finances israel, supplies it with weapons, and sends aircraft carriers. Bombs that rain down on the gas, and sometimes on us. Made in the usa, the planes are american planes, and thats not all, the usa decided to become representatives of the israeli propaganda machine, the administration of the United States, including biden and blinken, sacrificed not only their own authority, but also the authority of the americans. Andreyvich, please, look, here is the united nations, and here is the general assembly, before that a series of meetings. This is security, but there was a real chance, on the sixteenth of october, on the eighteenth, our resolution, the brazilian one for the revolution on the eighteenth , here is my experience, including, as they say, personal professional work on un formats, this is the First Committee of the un genasami, which deals with security and disarmament issues on other platforms, there are all sorts of negotiations, so to speak processes, it shows that the general assembly, but i must say, i must admit that on this date the basilian diplomats, who are traditionally quite well prepared and managed, so to speak, to prepare a certain one, i would say, well, good balanced, it is certainly not completely balanced. First of all, well, what happened as a result, russia abstained from voting, but we have 12 states, including, by the way, such as switzerland, france, the United Arab Emirates and so on, that is, this resolution was provided. Support, but what about the United States, and the United States has twirled in the singular , this resolution, thereby preventing the sending of a clear and unambiguous signal from the Security Council and a decision, by the way, which is binding, in contrast to the decision adopted, adopted at the general assembly, which is of a recommendatory nature, here you go, this is the alignment, by the way, this also relates to the question of what attempts. Are being made to undermine the un system, to devalue it, providing for the development of some parallel, so to speak, regimes, rules, norms, it is not clear where these rules, so to speak, are being developed, and Sergei Viktorovich lavrov spoke about this very clearly and unequivocally, speaking in minsk at a meeting on the issue security, literally three or four points, in my opinion, deserve special attention, well, firstly, really, what the world is going through now is a deep transformation, truly fundamental changes, yes, cardinal, the balance of power is changing, architecture the International One is completely changing, new centers of power are emerging, on the one hand, yes, but there is a second tendency to not accept these realities, and we have attempts to maintain this hegemony from the United States and its closest allies, some kind of, you know, colonial reflex here. Its still working, very seriously, and this is what brings , and this brings us destabilization, including regional, that is, outside regional players are beginning to increasingly interfere in regional processes, deliberately shaking them, including the middle the east, and not only, we see this along our perimeter, in central asia and the southern caucasus, and so on, well, naturally, i wont say our ukrainian hub, as they say, yes, this is a typical, so to speak, example this line, yes, asian. Oceanic region, and here it comes to my mind, so to speak, here is a famous, absolutely brilliant book about henry, a famous american writer, as well as a film that was created based on this book, and white people or crazy money, where the famous phrase was boulevard is not will withstand two, and there was one of the phrases when these, so to speak, the main characters of this story, they meet. Already in a later period and one says to the other excuse me, a little in english the books must be burned, that is , the accounting books must be burned, there should be no traces left. What do we have . The huge debt accumulated by the United States, multitrillion, is a huge pyramid, which is not backed by anything. Previously, so to speak, the process was decided at the expense of global wars, now it is quite dangerous to decide this. Process at the expense of global won, and due to what it is possible to neutralize these negative phenomena and processes, maintaining your monopoly of influence, due to the deliberate undermining, including regional stability and security. Creating an environment of guaranteed chaos, wars, conflicts, which are easier to manage, so to speak, in this muddy water, excuse me for such banal words, but we have this in practice, and the third thing that was very important said by Sergei Viktorovich is that, well, we on their part must strengthen our positions and the positions of our allies, promote the idea of ​​multilateralism, strengthen the sco, these new organizations, so to speak, are based on absolutely new principles of work, and of course, think about our own, so to speak, together, security, the place of russias influence in the international so to speak, politics and its International Positions in general, and here i am, so to speak, making such a bridge to the meeting that was held by Vladimir Vladimirovitch putin with representatives of the space industry, where clearly and our line on. Cosmonautics in all its guises was unequivocally supported, and this is the most important issue, because if you analyze all the doctrinal guidelines, and the nato americans, their Strategic Concepts on space, then it is through space, as a separate sphere, that this is the idea of ​​​​multisphere operation, yes, which nato is now declaring, it is through space that they want to achieve a strategic advantage, first of all, including naturally and information capabilities, all our proposals, this was at the disarmament conference, we prepared in our these proposals are concrete, which means that in 2007 and 2014 the draft treaty on preventing the placement of weapons in space was our initiative, the socalled non deployment. Already in space, what kind of reaction, and the reaction is very clear, should the americans block their closest allies, for what . And in order to give ourselves a free hand, so to speak, in the field of military preparations in space, and we are now teetering on the brink, there are signs, what is called, these are, as it were, signs, reconnaissance signs that space is really is being prepared to become, so to speak, a battlefield arena, a new battlefield, yes, where there will be a global reach, surprise attack, and this. Weapons, if there are strike weapons, will be deployed, then they will not serve the role of Strategic Deterrence , this will be a weapon of real use and a first strike, so these are very important trends, we need to be prepared both from the point of view of civil astronautics, and , strictly speaking, by developing our other capabilities in this area in order to meet what are called challenges time, what was aimed at, so to speak, this meeting, this is a very important meeting, it seems, it is especially important to look at the sparkling eyes of the younger generation, this is the new generation that will take responsibility for creating a new technological image russia, this is the most important issue, so i think that this direction must be continued, well, returning to the speech of Sergei Viktorovich lavrov, when he said, and with all that, we are not slamming the door, we are not closing the window of opportunity for dialogue, so to speak, well, roughly speaking, our socalled. Not exactly european partners, well, to be honest, its hard to believe in it, but if they reconsider their positions, then we will always be ready for dialogue. By the way, by the way, the americans, you see how they have now sensed the new situation, and all these passes that are being made regarding the strategic dialogue, its not by chance that this has arisen now, its true, but there are no particular details, all we know is rebkov said something about a safe strategy. And we are something that they give us sent, we will study, while rebkov said, moscow is in no hurry to answer, we will answer in the form, at the necessary moment, well, thats quite ambiguous, at the present time, especially after the test of our nuclear triad, the americans should be worried, but putins statement on the topic of the cosmodrome, i said that i came up with the eastern cosmodrome, look at. It was i who came up with the eastern cosmodrome and, accordingly , the city arose, too, i say without any involvement, because at some point in time there was no the country had money in general, this is the beginning of the 2000s, and when i said that russia should have its own cosmodrome, but a real civilian cosmodrome, this is. Well, in general, not everyone even thought it was a joke, they went to the territory, so to make it clear, i i personally chose this place, we just came to the field and looked at this field. Where is the cosmodrome now . Colleagues, to pay special attention to this, we will definitely do this, so that people who live there, and there, and there, have the opportunity to use a unified system of such socially significant and necessary facilities for people, especially young people, i would really like it to be well people felt comfortable there, comfortable, so that they didnt have to run anywhere, but would only run in the morning for health, please, well, note that probably the north korean colleagues are very interested, accordingly, the vostochny cosmodrome in all respects from the point of view accordingly, the potential for use, and the first thing, of course, it should be noted that the issue of astronautics, some steps have been taken here. Which slightly stumbled the industry, and above all this is a satellite constellation, an increase to 2,000 due to the creation of skiffs, respectively, which will be produced from the twentyfourth year and marathons, which will be produced at a rapid pace, is already being carried out in fact in the krasnodar region, this is the solution that has been brewing for a long time, as i understand it, the change in leadership has led to both to this process, the second, respectively , lunar program, primarily with lunar modules, i remind you that representatives of china, the usa and india are now present on the moon and, accordingly, odedensky. Emirates, in some, as i understand it, but in hybrid forms, so, accordingly, this is a fundamental point, because as it were, this is the deployment of the base, this is accordingly, as i would like to remind you that after what happened recently in 26, as if this is becoming a landmark, thats why from this point of view , as it were, they were very serious here, that happened, lets explain for our tv viewers, we wanted to land on the moon, we didnt land on the moon, there was a failure in the systems, respectively. This program was, as it were, fundamentally important; by the way, a fairly large amount was spent, so they were able to, well, somehow dragged it in, apparently, just like in china in principle, this is also important from the point of view of development prospects, because, as it were , the moon is considered to be a basic component, if you are going to fly to mars, as it were you need, accordingly, first, how to form a deployment scheme here, of course we are going to, i would like to believe , so, accordingly, therefore this is very important, plus to everything the grouping, accordingly, we also have starlin, by the way, which is actively used, accordingly now by the way speaking, which will unfold partially, albeit in the civilian sphere, respectively, in the middle east conflict, what does it consist of a system with a grouping that is located below earth orbit, then there is, as it were, much lower, which allows you to respectively provide access to the internet at approximately a communication speed of 5g, in fact, in terms of latency, as if it were a circuit based on experimental fiber, it is there, but it is unprincipled, that is, it allows both once managed online, this is a single system that can both in the military component and in the civilian component, so from this point of view, it would be very, very, by the way, accordingly from the point of view of prospects, taking into account the fact that china the same apparently is going to deploy with a high degree of probability, in principle it is deploying, so cooperation is needed here in the future, so there are specific tracks that need to be done, and first of all , production automation, transition to an automated system, Artificial Intelligence systems, a control system, because as if we have such examples with glitches, so there are a lot of moments, features related to the fact that it is necessary to increase the efficiency and speed of the water itself, because there they very often lagged behind, in in principle, but somehow everyone unanimously understood that space is a fundamental point, we have most of the technological solutions, those represented here are also from space, we are either from a military commissar or from space, and space is also partly a military commissar, if so to understand, thats why this is a fundamental issue of a technological breakthrough, as for the situation in the middle east, i remind you that now on friday there will be a vote in the general assembly, in fact, around which, accordingly, qr codes all representatives will speak today in the assembly in the assembly traditionally, apparently it accumulates there, a resolution can receive approval accordingly. And yes, it is not obligatory, but its political significance is important, the decision, accordingly , who will get the majority, what i said yesterday, this will be the balance of power, this will show how this world is divided, this will be exactly what all these very lines are shown , therefore , the struggle for them is now taking place very seriously, from this point of view, the very fact that, as it were, the conflict is clearly spilling out for its own territory, this already says, well, firstly, it looks like they are raising prices for Energy Products and returning them, and secondly, this can be seen from the very scheme what is happening, and the United States has now stepped up the ministry of finance to introduce the xir, part of the xir has accordingly been put under sanctions, that is, they are beginning to accordingly work out, as it were, iranian financial flows, in parallel with attacks on syria, why there were attacks on syria, this was a response to attacks, respectively , on objects on the territory of iraq and syria, directly on military bases, with part of the air defense, by the way, whoever is deploying there will not be deploying to israel, they will be deploying first everything at their bases,

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