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Succeeded. Hungarys relations with russia have lost a lot due to specialization and sanctions, but budapest is trying to save everything it can. The Prime Minister of ethiopia, the Prime Minister of pakistan, the leaders of indonesia, laos, cambodia, thailand and the Prime Minister of egypt. Before leaving moscow, putin spoke on the phone, including with the president of egypt. To discuss the humanitarian catastrophe in the gas sector, putin called syrian president assad, iranian president reisi, who is ready to intervene in the conflict if the United States intervenes , the president of the state of palestine mahmoud abbas, moscow for an immediate ceasefire on both sides, notanyahu, whom putin also contacted, said that he would first destroy hamas. The president of russia emphasized decisive. Rejection and condemnation of any actions that victimize the civilian population, including women and children. Vladimir putin informed about the steps russia is taking to prevent further escalation of violence and prevent humanitarian catastrophe in the gas sector, in particular , the key points of todays telephone contacts with the leaders of palestine, egypt, iran and syria were communicated to the israeli side. Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahus office said that in a telephone conversation with Vladimir Putin , he said that israel would not stop its offensive in the gas strip until hamass military capabilities and control systems were eliminated. Moscow tried to stop the bloodshed in the middle east in the council of security. Project the russian resolution implied an immediate humanitarian ceasefire, but the United States and its satellites, great britain, france and japan voted decisively against it and demanded blood. The kremlin continues to repeat that it is speaking out. For an immediate ceasefire. In essence, the kremlin is trying to balance in this difficult situation. He has very close relations with iran; they became even closer because of the war in ukraine. Iran is supplying weapons, but moscow also does not want to spoil its relations with israel, so we can see that putin is now positioning russia as an intermediary. French alemon believes that moscow is trying to restore its image in the un and the demonstration to the permanent representatives of russia is not benzine, the text calling for peace. Journalists are trying to take revenge on the moralizing diplomacy of the west, china is in favor of a ceasefire in the middle east, cnn right in the headline complains that moscow and beijing criticize tel aviv, that is , unlike the United States, they condemn the killing of civilians not only by hamas militants, but also by israeli bombs. Despite the statement about neutrality and that china has no interest in this conflict, besides how to be on the side of the world of justice, in all reports of telephone conversations with the powers of the region, not only palestine, but also iran, turkey and saudi arabia, he is very focused on the palestinian cause, china has supported him for decades, all these years , they have been sending a signal within the country in the International Arena that they are their champions, and israel has presented the state as a puppet of the United States. To the forum, one train, one track in china, neither the americans nor the puppets of washington, paris, berlin, brussels were even invited, almost all the guests are representatives of asia, africa and latin america, but the main one, and this is the official position of the prc, is president putin. Chinese state broadcaster. With the us and the west seeks to show that it has its own allies. Negotiations between putin and sidzenpin will take place in two stages , there will be a separate meeting and tetat, the russian president in china is accompanied by two vicepremiers, five ministers, the heads of the central bank, rosfinitoring and the federal service for militarytechnical cooperation. The Washington Post complains that russia and china have already created an Informal Alliance against america and china and russia showing their disdain to the west, china talks about neutrality and a peaceful solution, but clearly supports russia, it may not be a direct weapon, but the very invitation of russia and the continuation of business sends a very bad signal about chinas role in the world. Countries like russia and i think well probably see this from iran, north korea and other countries that are close to china will continue to create. Problems in their regions, which will lead to global problems. Cnn, citing sources in the pentagon writes that the United States is sending an Expeditionary Force of 2,000 marines to the shores of israel. The us president will fly to tel aviv tomorrow; the white house explained that biden wants to find out from israel what its defense needs are. Today , german chancellor scholz is visiting telyaviv to demonstrate solidarity; he wanted to come and. China supports russias military action in ukraine because i think it operates under a pattern where chaos is necessary to destabilize the world, you get chaos in ukraine, you get chaos in northern africa, which russia and china are fueling by allowing these insurgencies to progress, and now bloomberg is claiming an escalation in the middle east. Moscow and beijing, they say, the conflict affects the authority of the west, depletes the resources that are necessary to support the kiev regime, and for muslims around the world, bombing residential areas with gases and american bombs will not add love to the United States. Against this background, the wall street journal is worried that in beijing they are trying to portray america as a factor not of stability and china as a factor of peace. In fact the middle east conflict. Would only benefit the russians, chinese and iranians, that is, as they now say in the west, the new axis of evil. This axis is formed not only by russia and china, but by russia, china and iran, they conduct naval exercises on an annual basis , in parallel with this, iran supplies russia with weapons for the war in ukraine, and these two countries, russia and iran, have become much much closer since the beginning of the civil war in syria, as they jointly support bashar alassad. This axis of authoritarian states continues to unite. Who should i democrats . The renhab agency, citing the southern military, writes that hamas militants used rocketpropelled grenade launchers and artillery shells made by the dprk. North korea, of course, rejected these accusations and called them groundless and false rumors. The kremlin called the statement that north korea supplies weapons to russia equally unsubstantiated. The ministry of defense publishes footage of a planned sevenhour flight of our aircraft over the sea of ​​japan. It was carried out by two strategic tu95 aircraft. Active in the region and the us air force, for the first time in history in south korea the b52 strategic bomber, capable of carrying nuclear weapons, lands. At the same time, the United States sent a second Aircraft Carrier to the region, cronalda reigen kusani, to join carlol vinson. Against the backdrop of constant provocations from the United States, hinnyan accused. In preparation for the invasion of north korea. All this is happening against the background of the imminent visit of the Russian Foreign minister to the dprk. North korea warned of a possible Preemptive Nuclear strike a day after a us Aircraft Carrier arrived in south korea. Aircraft carrier Ronald Reagan and the strike group accompanying him arrived in south korea to conduct an exercise. Him jinneung views these joint maneuvers as a rehearsal for war against his country. Last year he. Passed a law allowing north korea to strike the United States or south korea if they tried to remove him from power. The us navys nuclearpowered Aircraft Carrier Ronald Reagan and its strike group arrived in the southern port of busan after naval exercises with seoul and tokyo. Washington and the south korean army have been building up their forces throughout this year, demonstrating its superiority over philyanam. These operations involve american Aircraft Carriers, submarines and the latest bombers. Which are intended to strike any potential response to north koreas evolving nuclear and missile threats. North korea says the exercises are a rehearsal for an invasion, promising deterrence measures. And repelling American Forces in the event of an imminent attack. According to satellite images, two ships that had not previously made voyages between russia and north korea began active movement between ports, and immediately after Vladimir Putin and kimchinyn met at negotiations in vladevostok. Now , satellite images analyzed by the Royal United Services institute in london have shown that the two vessels have made at least five round trips since midaugust. Washington said russia has transported about a thousand containers that could potentially contain hundreds of thousands of weapons that could be used in the war in ukraine. No, these containers contain rice, true, dmitry gobevich, i doubt that from the dprk, which now has some combination with agriculture, rice will be exported in containers in containers , rice will not be accepted in dry cargo ships at all, but the question is different, that of course, apparently we are talking as if, including about highprecision artillery, which no one had deployed at one time, so the question seems to be what production components will still be deployed here, a very important aspect of what is happening, as for what is, i remind you that the searchpath initiative is one of the largest economic initiatives in general, it includes approximately 130 members, as such, they will be represented to one degree or another at this forum, just there they will not be represented at the level of the leaders there, so to speak, 23 heads of state, 150 delegations, but accordingly the problem is the following, the problem is that now, against the backdrop of a wellknown general division, i remind you that everything is american in the usa will the introduction of new restrictions on the wellknown hightech sector has been announced in the near future, accordingly, against this background, of course, china is a definite alternative from the point of view of at least the technological component, plus everything, there is a large reserve of funds that are now presented, it is obvious that in the near future the time of opportunity to finance will be extremely tight for a number of countries, including the European Union, for example, there is a reduction in foreign investment, by the way, the same thing orban, who is an unannounced meeting with Vladimir Putin, but of course, when discussing his visit to beijing, one could assume, it was even necessary to assume that of course such a meeting would happen, ill just remind you that from the point of view of sanctions, yes orban complies with them, yes orban opposed many sanctions initiatives however, the largest bank in hungary continues to operate. In russia with swift connected, it is clear that financial opportunities for Business Activities with the European Union also remain. It should be noted that the southern part friendship is still being pumped in the direction, respectively, of hungary, by the way, individual countries, such as bulgaria, are accordingly trying to increase their budget due to this, like sanctions, like sanctions, let me remind you that ukraine, kiev, this bank, hungarian. They accused him of aiding terrorism when they simply stomped on his foot like that, they immediately dropped the charges, they excluded him from this sanction, they wanted to introduce a restriction on the supply of funds, they actually blocked the supply as a member of the European Union for the presentation of funds, but the question is that, of course, the main topic of what will happen now will be , accordingly, the situation in the middle east, from this point of view, of course, the visits of a number of representatives who in fact, they seem to be very. Important from the point of view of making these decisions, for example, there will be an example of pakistan that is kind of new, there in pakistan there are certain difficulties, of a real nature, i remind you that in fact, one of the Main Investors in the economy of arab countries is china , accordingly it has colossal contracts with saudi arabia for huawei, huawei generally deploys networks there, by the way, huawei is under sanctions, accordingly, chips are prohibited for them, they first created, firstly the second ones invest accordingly, by the way, from the point of view of the main investor, china is the most important, so from this point of view, of course, this is very important, the united arab states, respectively, most of the supplies come from qatar , therefore, from this point of view, china actually has very serious positions in the middle east, at one time , accordingly, the level of these positions we saw in the decision on yemen and, above all, as an attempt and quite successful in to some extent, as we have seen in recent days, saudi arabia and iran have been reconciled with saudi arabia, respectively, so from this point of view the position there is quite strong, the question is different, the question is what prospects will it be possible in the global world build economic projects that no one will interfere with, i remind you, one of the members, respectively, one of the major members, respectively, one , in my opinion, the only member of the European Union, which is included in the initiative, this is italy, which is accordingly cut out for political reasons to one degree or another, despite the fact that china bought ports there for the most , as it were, everything, so he owns several of them there, some directly, that is, like a chinese company, so with this from the point of view of the question is that china is also china from italy, its key hub is located, in fact, accordingly, supplies occur there, so the question is that very serious changes have been taking place lately due to political reasons they begin to push from Different Directions from different regions. Without economic ones, for example, electric cars, what is happening now, steel is most likely, most likely a limitation that we will now see in the near future on the 20th, accordingly, to one degree or another, the European Union and the United States will be told about this; in fact , there are restrictions that are associated with the supply of hightech products, so all this is happening now, and china also needs to somehow build this position, especially taking into account the fact what kind of investments does he have in principle, in the region, after all, he has his own muslim territories, i remind you, in principle, now the situation is extremely urgent, especially taking into account the fact that on wednesday biden will most likely visit israel, accordingly, it will be there, and then macron, the news has just arrived , the question is different, after that he is going to visit jordan and there he will meet with representatives of the arab component, this is an interesting moment, well, with the palestinian leader, yes, but with the palestinian leader, respectively with fatah, representatives of fatah , that is, there are also some appointments inside, because somehow this relates to the question that if someone intends to behead hamas, it is clear that the only tactic in given this, to extinguish the conflict this, like israel, many are now arguing, is to destroy the hamas group, and actually ask abbas to lead, then where he has already been, where his own people from fatah have already been exterminated, and he will also leave there, the question is another thing is, now, if you look carefully, as if the statement of the israeli cabinet, they accordingly assume that they will remain there in general, respectively, in the northern part, at least there were statements about this, regarding the fact that naturally, the gas sector in the current territories, within the current borders, will not remain, therefore, accordingly, everyone is talking about a corridor to egypt, so egypt is trying with its hands and feet not to open it in its direction, in the sense that it is as if it is ready to supply humanitarian aid , but he Sinai Peninsula is simply not ready to take out the people, that is, the problem is the following, after that the military operation will begin, and we all understand that it will begin, and when, accordingly , it will be clear that the only way way to resolve the hamas issue, accordingly, for a number of players there, the crown prince, in general, in principle, he makes people wait , to be honest, how would he have such a format of communication, i dont know how he adopted it, i also dont know who he adopted what from , but the question is different, that it really accordingly, as it were, an assembly is already starting to take place around this, plus on top of everything , this situation is starting to change very fundamentally in the usa , the left is starting to change there, as predicted accordingly among the democrats, starting accordingly, how to carry out a Certain Movement in this direction, i remind you that more than 60 of the electorate of democrats are organized in general, therefore from this point of view , accordingly, there is a very big problem in the long term, all this will lead to the following, to the fact that firstly, our entire agenda will now be turned in this direction, and secondly, that accordingly there will be an attempt to somehow restrain these actions, and the most interesting thing will be that all countries, who are in the region, plus or minus, who surround in extreme cases, they seem to have very specific opinions on this issue, in jordan, apparently, there is a more radical mood now, this is already understandable, accordingly in egypt everything is the same the same thing is happening, against the backdrop of everything already listed, of course, there is also additional funding that will be allocated here, that is, as it were, they requested 100 billion, 10 billion, i remind you, accordingly, the general request, accordingly there was 67, 6 billion, respectively by ukraine, its time has a shortened budget, for the entire time, there is no distribution, the question is different, okay, now lets assume they elect a speaker, most likely i will, saying he will be jordan, who is the representative of this judicial committee, and he will allocate funds . How to lead them as a single package, as originally intended, together with taiwan, israel and ukraine, is a very open question, so i would say that a lot is being decided now, it depends on what is happening now, as it were, in the gas sector, especially taking into account the fact that the economy is actually feeling this way now, from this point of view, because if iran really gets involved there, as if at gas stations, but in extreme cases in the European Union in the usa, it would be possible even in china, like if the prices would be very high, a lot of things are being decided now, you said correctly, in china in beijing , right. At these moments, not yet, as for the news, the number of russians killed after the hamas attack has risen to 16 people, nine russians are listed missing, here the Russian Ambassador to israel has just reported this sad news, the idf said that there may not be a ground attack on the gas sector, we are preparing for the next stage of the war, we have not yet said what they will be like, everyone says, israeli army richard haight, bbc reports. And of course, all the attention is on beijing, the negotiations between putin and xi, and other multilateral negotiations; the western world fears an even closer rapprochement between russia and china. We honor you. During a meeting between russian president Vladimir Vladimirovich putin and chinas top leader xidzenping, event this week in beijing, they will likely be looking to demonstrate the strength of their partnership. Without limits in opposing the westerndominated world order. The visit comes at a time of turmoil in the middle east following a hamas attack on israel that led to israeli airstrikes in gaza pending a ground operation. Both russia and china have refrained from following western countries example of directly condemning hamas. Instead, both countries called for an end to violence and a resumption of negotiations on a palestinian state, which is a position aimed at strengthening. Their relations with arab countries. Chinas foreign minister this weekend accused israel of going too far in its gaza crackdown, echoing an earlier condemnation from egypt. Putins visit underscores moscows dependence on Chinese Support as the war in ukraine, which led to International Sanctions against russia, reaches a stalemate. The russian leader will likely insist on strengthening economic ties with beijing. The kremlin said putin and siveved will have an escorted meeting on wednesday. Ministers, and also will meet the tetat. Among putins Top Priorities is the project to build the power of siberia 2 gas pipeline, which will allow russian gas supplies historically directed to europe to be redirected to china. It is unclear how much beijing supports this project, which requires the construction of a gas pipeline through mongolia. Well be back soon. Please close your eyes for 5 minutes. I do not want and i will not. Premiere on rtr, your promotion doesnt work, or maybe you bought it much earlier, get out of here, you are under arrest on suspicion of murdering mr. Red, or a little over on the kriklov mission, fever, today on rtr. I thought that here, more seriously, you sit and think, theres no need to think about it, here its all about, to play or not to play, yes, yes, thats it, there cant be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairytale animal, when it comes to fleas, i am beyond competition, there are questions here, how everything is running, i really want to check, seriously, obviously, just have a look, lets go, it must be edible, i had in mind, of course, the bear when i said, so stinking, small, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if there is not 1000, zhenya will add his own, then, what many people use, the strongest love for the game is the fiveonone program, oops, fiveonone on saturdays on rtr. I just want to be happy, the deadline is 3 days , the guarantee period is 3 years, but i didnt catch your name, nastya, well, tell me who he is, what he is, a very interesting person, but were talking about art can also support talent. When everything is too good for a couple, you are the most amazing girl in the world, a third appears, you are fine, i think about him all the time, who are you anyway, i am a friend, yes, and i am the groom, and maybe its that i was mistaken, everything is decided heaven, heaven decides everything, on friday on rtr. The walls are shaking, big changes have come , in the new season with a new renovation, a Slight Movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this room with absolutely no faces, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, with surprise. It will be full and there is a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i am generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling, much will become clear, and dreams will become reality, yes look, let him into your house. Big changes, every sunday on rtr, today marks 19 years, well enough is enough. Look at the weekend, your girl alone did not die, we gave her to a childless family, tell me that you are dreaming, you want me to believe that we have an adult daughter, a mistake of youth that you will not forget, i can talk to anya , hello, which one of you is galina nikolaevna, you confessed to her, said that she was not an orphan, you came to. See, a mistake of youth that you want to repeat again, that youve gone crazy, anya is unconscious in the hallway, and theres blood, wheres your mom , please dont leave me, us, you have a dad now, pansies, on saturday on rtr, tea, how you have to love a person to take him and come to him, what is a Strong Family built on, question of course interesting, on love, what beautiful girls, i thought, he knows how to do everything , this is what a person lives for, he should have a continuation, what a good conversation is built on, on trust, i am so contradictory, i have wisdom and cunning, my eye is on fire , that is. Well, if you noticed, even two, even two, when everyone is at home on sunday , on rtr, the head of miteran abdalakhian warned telyaviv that the groups opposing israel are ready for preemptive actions to protect the gases, he also does not rule out that tigeran will officially enter conflict, for now, i continue. Isolated clashes. The Jerusalem Post writes that the Lebanese Movement will begin fullscale military action against israel when tsahal gets involved in battles with hamas militants as part of a fullfledged ground operation in gaza. But the Israeli Defense army hesitates and does not enter the territory of the enclave, although a large amount of manpower and military equipment has already been pulled to its borders. They are waiting for an order. Does that mean they have time to train . It is quite possible that these soldiers will be in the first wave of the expected Israeli Ground invasion of the gaza strip. The soldiers told us that they themselves wanted to do this dangerous work, to go to gaza to fight against hamas. None of them are more than 20 years old. Female soldiers driving a training vehicle. This is very important work. We are fighting for our country and we want to be a big part of it. Men will fight, and women will help them in every possible way. Our reporting team had a rare chance to visit a Training Ground in southern israel. It is here that soldiers practice the skills necessary them in street fights. This place is designed in the likeness of a palestinian city. Look at. Israeli troops are training here , they know that they need to train because they will have to fight when they are finally given the order to cross the border into the gaza strip. We are ready and want to put an end to this because they beheaded our friend and killed so many israelis. Hamas propaganda videos show exactly how the militants intend to meet the israeli army in the gaza strip, using confusing web of underground tunnels. A ground operation is inevitable. The gaza strip continues to wipe out entire neighborhoods of the city, but palestinian factions are returning fire, a conflict that has brought suffering to more than 2 million civilians caught in the crossfire. Israeli strikes are only intensifying, meanwhile the situation in gaza hospitals is on the brink; there are so many wounded that they have to be placed on the floor. This one is exhausted. The doctor learned that his wife and children were wounded in another attack, and he later found out that his young son died, this man is trying to calm the crippled child, he sings him a song, and this little boy says goodbye to his mother, please,

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