The usa, with details, robert franz. The more actively the conflict flares up in the middle east, the hotter it is in the united states, and on television they are shocked by so many public sympathizers in palestine. Student organizations hold marches in support of the palestinians, in geopolitics, now the lives movement is meta, the police are using force. Bush jr. s press secretary, ari fleischer, even proposed deporting everyone from uncomfortable position. These protesters who support hamas, the department of Homeland Security needs to figure out who these people are, do they have visas, need to deport them tomorrow. This radicalization of sentiment is linked to the failure of bidens migration policy. And in the future , things may not be limited to protests alone. Launched. Deep processes with much more powerful destructive potential. By the end of the year , biden will allow more than 8 Million People into this country. I guarantee you, people who intend to carry out terrorist attacks right now creating cells in america due to joes open border policy. Meanwhile, biden calls the hamas attack on israel the darkest day for jews since the holocaust. At a meeting with representatives of jewish communities , biden said that he asked the israeli prime minister. Netanyahu, abide by the rules of war, despite all the anger and all the pain. A significant part of the american audience, which thirsts for much more Decisive Action and swift revenge, clearly did not count on such words from the leader of the nation, especially when we are talking about american hostages in gas; at the moment, the fate of about twenty us citizens is unknown. Now the journalists will start shouting at me, what are you doing to bring these people home, guys, they are directly calling it an attack on the united states. While explosions are heard in the gas, there are calls in washington to act even tougher. Israel needs to do the same as we did with japan, nazi germany after pearl harbor, if we do not support israel, it will indicate the weakness of the united states. To aggravate with tehran, 6 billion iran were unfrozen as part of the Prisoner Exchange deal, the white house said they could freeze the funds again at any time. At the same time, they admit that the American Intelligence Services do not yet have information about the participation of Iranian Forces in preparing an attack on israel. But new data has emerged on the use of weapons made in the usa. Hamas used american weapons sent to ukraine in its attack on israel, the turkish publication dick newspaper writes about this. Weapons that came to ukraine from abroad and were supposed to be used on its territory, ended up in palestine and is now being used against israel, this is confirmed by american congressmen in the Hamas Movement. Well, trump remains trump in this situation; he called biden a laughingstock who occupied the white house and accused him of incompetence. Jobs crooks received chaos, blood, horror and death. Look whats happening, its all because the white. House has been occupied by a laughing stock, americas enemies around the world cant believe how lucky they are. Washington has already begun supplying ammunition to the israeli army, but the pentagon is worried a possible lack of resources to help both ukraine and israel at once. Supplies, including those of the allies, are at their limit. Pentagon chief lloyd osin announced the preparation of a package of military assistance worth 200 million. Including a batch of ammunition for new air Defense Systems will soon arrive in ukraine, so whats next . How much rope is nevitsa, and rope in the ukrainian context they suddenly started talking in the white house, they said that they would not be able to provide assistance to ukraine indefinitely, talking about the prospects for further funding. Regime, an american official used the idiom is the end of the rope, which can be translated as on the edge. Regarding funding for ukraine, we are nearing the end of the rope, today we announced a new aid package of 200 million, and we intend to continue providing aid for as long as we can. Now the american authorities are able to provide the necessary funding, but new support packages depend on congress, and it. Is still frozen. Republicans nominated majority whip Steve Scalise for speaker of the house of representatives, but ahead of a bipartisan vote in the house. Former Speaker Mccarthy was elected in january only after 15 rounds of voting, but the longest speaker election took place in 1855. Then it took 2 months. They had to revote 133 times. Now it is unlikely that it will come to this; too many questions have accumulated, it is reported that the administration. Combine into one request for additional funding, assistance to ukraine, israel, taiwan, and also for the protection of our own borders, where is the end of which rope in this tangle they may not figure it out. Robert frantsev, nikolai koskkin, evgeniy kononov, usa news, washington. Germany will consider tel avivs request for the supply of ammunition and ships, and is already cutting off Financial Support for the Palestinian Authority because its leader has not publicly condemned the actions of hamas. France is also evacuating its citizens, not all of them, since a single flight a day can only evacuate 380 people, and the french consulate is forced to refuse many, and the authorities of french cities refuse residents to hold propalestinian demonstrations, our european correspondent, mikhail antonov, will continue about the palestinian protests in lyon, the police suppressed them with batons and tear gas, tomorrow the same thing could happen in another french city, otherwise france allows protests in favor of israel, but prohibits protests in favor of palestine, citing this that they pose a security problem, in a sense they do represent muslim neighborhoods as not the most prosperous places in europe, but this is not entirely their own fault. The extent to which europeans are responsible for then how. Hamas, created with the active participation of western and Israeli Intelligence agencies, but now is not the time to talk about this, it is time to turn the tables, without the support of iran over the past few years, the Hamas Movement would not have been able to carry out this attack, the jubilant statements of the Iranian Regime are worthy of contempt, the leadership. Gerana shows her true colors. The german chancellor is filled with righteous anger, but it is not directed against the emir of qatar, who unexpectedly flew to berlin today for consultations. Boat, from what liquefied gas now depends on the german fuel balance is beyond criticism, even despite the fact that hamas is considered the main sponsor. The day before, information appeared that if the israeli bombardment of gases continues, kater will cut off lng supplies to europe. The media are waiting for confirmation or denial. Firsthand, at the same time it is known for sure that over the past 2 years germany has already sent newcomers and berbak to palestine, for very vague humanitarian purposes, 340 million euros. And where this money went, only knows the Autonomy Administration and probably the same hamas. The germans themselves, especially those who are stuck in israel, have many questions about the actions of the german authorities. Unfortunately , there is no information about what, we are practically the only ones in the hotel, all citizens of other nationalities have already been taken out, it is simply incomprehensible that we germans are again slower than others. What stands out in the media, of course, is the story of twentytwoyearold german citizen shanni luk, a girl with tattoos on her legs, who was captured by militants on the first day of a Music Festival near the border. Sector, it turned out that she was in serious condition, but alive, essentially being held hostage in one of the gas hospitals. Shani is alive, no, we demand quick action from the german government, there is no time for questions of jurisdiction, we must act to take shani out of gaza. What is happening between israel and the palestinian exclave is reshaping what was firmly stitched together under other circumstances. The head of the Turkish Company bayraktar, a direct participant in the western coalition of ukraine, is now catching the head of the european commission, vonderlein, for hypocrisy. But she is not the only one, the British Defense secretary is talking about the same thing, when israel, which rightly has the right to selfdefense, goes against hamas, it goes against terrorists, it does not attack civilians, and this is a very important critical difference that, as i think the whole world should understand. However, it cannot be said that the actions of the Israeli Government regarding the gas sector are completely supported in the west; journalists have questions another thing is that the answer to them comes down to the same thesis about israels right to selfdefense. Yesterday you said that israels response must be proportionate, today israel has stopped all supplies of fuel, electricity and water to gaza and its residents. If this is proportionate, then where is the limit, if not, what can nato do about it . Nato as an alliance is not directly involved in this, but it was important for us. Understand the situation. We were informed by the Israeli Defense minister and were shocked. This is also the reason why allies condemned terrorist attacks against israeli citizens. All western efforts are now directed to meet the military needs of the israeli army. Even germany, which is ashamed to say does not have its own drones , is returning two israeli reinforced concrete drones to israel. Those that were leased from her. In kiev, in connection with this, there is fear that they will forget, and jealousy of israel, which. Displaces the ukrainian agenda zelsky is eager to visit tel aviv on a solidarity visit. In fact, in attempts to somehow fit ukraine into the context of an impending fullscale war. Whether a real struggle for western help will begin depends primarily on the duration conflict in the middle east. Israel probably has everything it needs for a short war. More important will be Financial Support for the israeli economy. The israelis themselves will be able to take over the operation in the gas sector, but if it comes to the need for air defense and artillery to quickly increase, it may already be at the expense of kiev. This cannot be, but will be at the expense of kiev, since the west will not be able to cope with two conflicts, but the decline in interest in the ukrainian topic is not at all connected with the emergence of a new hot spot, which distracts attention and energy, its just that those who spoke and wrote day after day about the imminent victory over russia suddenly had nothing to tell. No one is interested in telling that the ukrainian formation for western propaganda, whether it is a conductor of politics or the media, is like flogging itself. In this regard, a small observation, for everyone in the west who faces difficult elections , who is under a barrage of criticism, the conflict in the middle east is a convenient force majeure, force Majeure Circumstances that simply force them to reduce their participation or completely abandon the antirussian project of ukraine. Mikhail antonoviya. Central european news bureau. And now the footage that we literally just received from the capital of kyrgyzstan. Vladimir putin, on the sidelines of the cis summit in bishke, answers questions from journalists, in particular, they asked the president about the situation around nagornokarabakh. Look, what the problem has always been, and they agreed that a referendum should be held, but. One side said that it could not name the date of this referendum, this azerbaijan, because if in the Current Conditions a referendum is held, and no matter when, tomorrow, or even in 20 years, the result of the referendum will be clear, therefore, it was proposed to simply attribute this to the decision of future generations, and the armenian side, on the contrary, insisted that to determine the date of the event. Referendum, at this referendum to determine the status of karabakh, because we also proceeded from the fact that the referendum will be held, even if after 20 years, then with the current composition of the population the result will be obvious, in this was the whole point, the problems, everything revolved around this, when in 1920 , in november, we agreed on the presence of our peacekeepers in this territory, firstly, their mandate consisted of only one thing, to monitor the ceasefire. And secondly, after all, the status of karabakh was not finally determined, this is the crux of the problem, i repeat once again, and when armenia recognized that karabakh is part of azerbaijan, then it turned out that our peacekeepers are definitely, without any doubt, on the territory of azerbaijan republic. And of course, now, especially after these, frankly speaking, difficult events associated with the exodus of the armenian people. Now the situation, of course, has completely changed dramatically, but formally we are there, our peacekeepers are there until november 25, and we are of course in dialogue with the issue of what and how we will do in the near future. Our military repulsed five ukrainian attacks in the krasnoliman direction, killing 40 neonazis. An Ammunition Depot and several temporary deployment points in the Ukrainian Armed forces were our aircraft were destroyed in the kupinsky direction. From an advanced report by military correspondent alexei baranov. The Central Military district are working on the front line, this crew has just returned from the line of combat contact, they were working a kilometer from enemy positions, the main task is to support assault groups, here in the krasnolimansk direction, we help in the offensive, fire at the axe, giving the infantry the opportunity to enter without losses , one tank shoots the entire ammo, goes to. Charge, another tank arrives instead starts. Moving near the line of combat contact, tankers try to move through the forest all the time, only when necessary they go to such open areas of the terrain. And this, of course, is due to security reasons. Enemy strike drones operate behind russian lines. However, despite this, tanks operate in whole groups. A crew member with the call sign shoker tells us about the advantages of the t90 breakthrough tank over previous modifications, of course, a recoil mechanism was added, it became better, the defense is active, much stronger , the engine, chassis, t90m breakthrough is much better, they showed western armored vehicles, where to first hit the sides, under the turrets, in order to destroy the enemy. Tankers of the Central Military district continue combat work on the front line. Alexey baranov, andrey yurchuk, khaled tankiev, lead the line of combat contact in the lugansk peoples republic, krasnolimansk direction. In the kherson region, Russian Artillery strikes destroyed an Electronic Warfare station and Ammunition Depot near the city of berislava. And in zaporozhye the battles for rabotino began with renewed vigor, two attacks were repulsed. Mode, our units are on duty around the Zaporozhye Nuclear power plant, the seizure and destruction of which kiev has designated as perhaps its main goal, report by military correspondent anton stepanenko. Marines of the 810th brigade of the black sea fleet are shooting at highspeed boats carrying ukrainian troops in the energodar area on the dnieper. Against the backdrop of the activation of the avdeevsky section of the orekhovsky direction or the kupyansky direction, the situation here is noticeable more stable. However, the largest in europe zaporozhye. The Nuclear Power plant still remains a target of the Main Intelligence Directorate of ukraine. Its head, budanov, admitted that at least three attempts at landing troops to capture the station, all three failed. We were talking about the most noticeable ones, but no one considers the smaller ones. Boats with saboteurs on the dnieper have become commonplace here. Even the improvement of the kokhovskoe reservoir does not interfere. This is what the kakhovka reservoir looks like now in the vicinity of the city of energodary back in the spring may june water. It was just the sea, and now these are the shallows, in fact, these shallows are precisely what make it difficult for the ukrainian side to land troops, lieutenant alexander leads us to the coastal positions and his units, from where a view of the dnieper and the reservoir opens up. The positions here are in direct visibility of each other, so observation posts are on duty day and night with binoculars, thermal imagers and night vision devices, and there are also such antidrone radars, aerial. Reconnaissance the enemy is constantly trying to conduct, now at the moment everything is calm, and when we see something, something happens on the screen , of course, the scale changes, the frequency range in which the drone or just some reconnaissance copter operates is immediately shown, from this we determine its distance , altitude and choose a weapon, mostly drones are trying to break through there, nothing works, we quickly jam it, quickly respond, the plant works perfectly, at the same time, such observation posts also perform the task of detecting and warning about a possible attack on the Zaporozhye Nuclear power plant and the energy dar from the air, but this danger remains. The fact that the ukrainian regime stopped shelling, Energy Donations to the Zaporozhye Nuclear power plant, heavy artillery does not mean anything, but they were quite methodical, today literally, but there was another attack by unmanned. Forces of unmanned aerial vehicles, once again they hit for civil infrastructure facilities, in particular for substations that supply water utilities, here. The goal is very simple to leave the city without water, as shallow as it gets reservoir, best seen from the air, reconnaissance, drone, marines raised into the air to search for targets and adjust artillery fire , hanging in the air literally above enemy positions, and during the day, the kiev troops have not allowed this to happen here for a long time, they work exclusively at night, on in these frames , the dugout is hit by fire, the projectile hits the target, in this video our artillery is methodically processing it and they dont let you feel it. Anton stepanenko, valery vinokurov, lead the zaporozhye front of military specialization. By the end of this year , 300 km of roads will be restored and relaid in the kherson region. Another sign of a peaceful life. Most of the intercity highways in ukraine have not seen repairs for 30 years. While kiev was looking to the west, the road industry became one of the most. About how things are now, a report by elena erofeeva, who traveled the roads of the kherson region, buses that survived ukraine after each trip stand up for repairs, the saddest directions are from genichesko to the resort town of skodovsk, 200 km, of which only the first 100 can be called a road, people need to travel somehow, grandmothers, women drive, yesterday my grandfather went from here, he went there with crutches, i also thought how he. Of course, he keeps such a road, i see there are a lot of spare parts lying around on it, there seems to be a lot of spare parts, an Ambulance Service to the area often results in injuries for the car itself, broken wheels, exhausted chassis, instead of 20 minutes according to the standard, it takes twice as long to respond to a call, the driver is forced to slow down, driving around lacy holes, the largest, well, on the floor of the car, that big hole that is impossible go around, comes. Rolling from bump to bump along the broken roads of the kherson region, you can see in detail how ukraine walked into the European Union , brushed the pedestal from which lenin showed the way, the abandoned building of a rural Recreation Center with crumbling soviet frescoes, looking reproachfully at the leaders back with deadened eyes. Paving the way to europe, the kiev authorities completely neglected internal roads. In some areas. The sony region has not seen road equipment for more than 30 years, not only were they not built here, they were not even patched, the asphalt burst faster than the patience of the ukrainians, local residents have gotten used to driving along the side of the road through fields when the road turns into a holey drain. Milk and school buses travel here, and heavy trucks transport grain to the grain market. According to documents, the road to ivanovka was completely repaired back in the twenty first. Almost 350 million hryvnia ended up in the pockets of the heads of two Large Construction Companies build groups and megald, the residents were left only holes from the road, to be honest, i got the impression that roads were not made here in principle, that is, a priori, there were essentially no roads , were directions, often driving across the field was much more comfortable than driving along the road. There really were no roads built here; even progovernment ukrainian tv channels aired investigations like ukrainian officials. Every current government says that it does not steal, but builds, the same thing happened with zelskys government, they came and launched a large construction of roads. The arrest of the head of ukravtodor became the most highprofile criminal case in the road industry. Even where roads were built, after a year they became filled with potholes. Corruption extorting pennies. Corruption, money laundering, participation in an organized criminal group. Russia entered the kherson region, roads began to be built for real , they were worn to dust to the ground, they are in need of major repairs, in a shift that lasts 9 hours, 1 km of new road surface is laid, the rollers are spinning in a road waltz, compacting the still smoking asphalt, a lot of people live here, and not every settlement has a school, this is a school bus that takes children to school, this is an ambulance, this is regular buses and roads are essential. They leave regional highways, build intersettlement roads, repair streets, road workers promise to lay 300 km of new asphalt by the end of the year, the kherson region has never seen such a scale , changes are for the better, firstly, good roads are starting to be built, its already much simpler. They also began to revive the damaged skadovsk road; next year it will be possible to get from the coast of the azov sea to the black sea coast in 2. 5 hours instead of four. Elena erofeeva viteleovich, ekaterina vabkova, lead. A squally wind with rain and hail hit st. Petersburg, dozens of trees were knocked down, cars were damaged, while calls were made to prevent flooding, the water from the gulf of finland was completely stopped by gates. Report by dmitry pishchukhin. The storm cyclone came to st. Petersburg from the gulf of finland at half past midnight, the dam was blocked. The gates of the protective structure complex are completely closed. Navigation through both crossings has been suspended. Ox height up to 2. 5 m to prevent powerful surge wave into the city, the water area of ​​the neva bay is temporarily isolated from the gulf of finland, heavy rainfall and cold baltic winds of up to 23 m per second, under such extreme conditions, st. Petersburg was threatened with a powerful flood, but the elements were pacified, this is already the thirtyfourth failed flood in modern history, which was prevented thanks to a complex of protective structures, however, the cyclone still managed to rule in st. Petersburg, broken power lines, flooded sidewalks, fallen trees, such an autumn in st. Petersburg it wasnt long ago that the roof rails became shaved, in the baltic sea cold air currents collide with warm ones, thereby forming a cyclone, as a result the water level rises, a powerful multikilometer wave appears, in this case approximately 200 km of the city area may be under water, all vasil. The island, the petrograd side, the primorsky, moscow and kirovsky districts, the hermitage, issakivsky cathedral and the summer garden will be flooded. The nevsky hydropos is the most accurate measuring device for st. Petersburg floods since 1898. If the water in neva bay will rise above 160 cm, a state of emergency is declared. Now the elements have calmed down, but they continue to persist in st. Petersburg. Orange natural hazard mode. Dmitry pishukhin, sergey ishchenko, dmitry lukashevich, alexandra kolkova, galina arlova and maria slyaguzova. Lead the northwestern bureau. In the primorye territory , on the coast of bufta trinity , an fsb special operation was launched. Border control officers seized more than 10,000 live tripang from the poacher, which was already packaged in bags and barrels. Documents for there was no suspect in the delicacy, and after examination, an ichthyologist was referred to specialists. Sea cucumbers have returned to their natural habitat. About how, without problems with the law , you can not only make money from selling and processing fish, but also enter new markets from the island of sshikotan. Ksenia kolchina. The incredibly beautiful and wild island of shikatan, but now people come here not only to enjoy the views, but to earn money. The largest one in russia has been operating in the island village of krybozavodsky for several years. Processing complex, one at a time one here comes to the pier, hand over the catch, just from the sea directly to the conveyor, this mentai from the holds ship, which moored this morning to the shores of the shokotan and immediately began unloading, the twoday fishery was successful, 750 tons of mentai and all of it were caught will be processed within a day. The plant is designed for daily processing of 1000 tons of fish, mentai, ivasi, cod, kambola, minced suremi for crab sticks from shikotan distributed throughout the russian region. We have no downtime, all year round, not a day or an hour, we can say that this summer we have occupied a new niche in the global fish market, the once leader in the production of fishmeal and oil, peru, has lost ground, anchovy fishing has been banned there , ivasia has gone to shikotani, from which it produces the same top class products, fish oil and meal are needed throughout the world for the production of agricultural feed and fertilizers, now there is no end to applications from russia. Among those who have applied for our products there is the worldfamous company nestle, with which negotiations are currently underway to verify our product for their recipes. Large product volumes require competent logistics. This problem was also successfully solved here by creating a transport hub on shakotan. These days he received a refrigerator with a carrying capacity of 5,000 tons. For the first time in the history of the development of the shikatan fishing industry , such a large vessel enters this bay. This became possible thanks to this pier where we are standing, it is deepsea and longer than other piers on the island, only such a pier can this giant ship moor. A new link in the transport scheme will allow the plant to establish a nonstop supply schedule. The capacity of our refrigerator is 5,000 tons plus the capacity of the green tundra is another 5,000 tons , given that the ivasya fishery is now at its peak, the volume of products produced will be fantastic, but it is not possible to store it all in chambers, blocks and export it with ordinary refoods, the population of the fish factory is 900 people , the Fish Processing complex provides 500 jobs, residents now have jobs and an island, so many that all sections and clubs are full, friends from novosibirsk came, they, too, have not been there for a certain number of years, they came to visit, but their eyes are literally widened at everything that is being built here schools, kindergartens, houses, a hospital, a sports complex, and the question of whose shikotan is no longer raised , delegations from japan have not been accepted here for 2 years, and the ancient japanese cemetery, meanwhile, is in perfect order, local residents take care of the graves completely free of charge. Ksyaniya kolochina, sergey svestilnikov, oleg chusov, far eastern news bureau, shikatan island, sakhalin region. Flares up in britain hysteria over bed bugs. The mayor of london declared the pests a real scourge, and local buildings immediately came out with headlines about the insect infestation. And on the internet, educational videos for tourists on how not to bring parasites from neighboring france are gaining popularity. Report by alexander khabarov. London sun pancras station, where eurostar trains arrive and bring passengers from france. If you believe the english press, then it is from paris that one should expect trouble, an invasion of bedbugs, which, as they write, have infested france, but there are no additional, strict sanitary measures, at least at this station, yet. Although there are already warning signs. This video, filmed on the london underground, caused a lot of noise. One of the passengers found a buglike creature crawling on his leg. The mayor of london, sadiq khan, immediately rushed to assure everyone that he had already taken the necessary measures. This is a serious cause for concern, but i want to point out that we are taking every precaution to prevent this from happening. We are in touch with our friends in paris and are ready to learn from their experience. At the peak of public interest, british pest exterminators are becoming tv heroes. Experts talk about the peculiarities of leashes of dangerous parasites. A bedbug is an insect that has parasitized the human body since time immemorial. These insects are hematophagous, which means they feed only on human blood, including human blood. They do not bite animals, they are nocturnal insects, that is, they become active and bite at night, when we sleep in beds. During the day, bedbugs hide, so we cannot see them. The firms say calls have increased by 17 in britain over the past month. It is possible that some of the insects could indeed have been brought by tourists returning home, but even without imported supplies , there are more than enough bedbugs in england. In paris, this became a political issue, there was a media frenzy, and i think this creates the wrong impression that paris has become the worst place on earth in terms of the number of harmful people. But there is no evidence that paris is in in this sense, london is worse, so traveling from london to paris, you can equally well transport cops back and forth, so you need to be careful on both sides of the channel, especially in rented apartments or hotels, advises an experienced british flight attendant. The first thing you can see here is the carpet and the floor, and my bags never cross the boundaries of the floor, and i definitely never put them on. Thats what i do, check every corner to see, heres another layer, be careful and i check these folds, swipe this procedure with the lights off, using my flashlight on the phone and checking the cracks, then i lift the mattress and look from below, yet the english newspapers prefer to whip up passions around france , the Rugby World Cup is nearing the final there, the next england game will be played in marseille , and this city is considered one of the epicenters of the spread of bedbugs. In london they want their racketeers to win, but they are afraid of the fans returning. It is unknown what gifts will be found in their luggage. Alexander khabarov, ilya murdyukov and evgenia korneeva. News uk. Participate in the common cause and support our fighters in the svo zone. More and more caring russians are joining the volunteer movement , we are together. People of completely different ages and professions collect everything they need for the participants. This room is called the headquarters of the we are together movement, but in essence, today it is a real workshop for the production and preparation of humanitarian cargo for sending to the svo zone, less than ten people rarely gather here, sometimes there is simply no crowding and everyone limit, our youngest. A participant has been weaving for 8 years and somewhere up to 70, from 70 years old we are already an elegant age, so they make these barrels, barrels strips of fabric that are woven into a camouflage net. Here we dont know how to come to the nets, because we have senile artlits and arthrists, thats it, they cant take it for long, their hands become numb, but they gladly come and make kegs, now silver volunteers are involved in the production of dry showers, they found the Manufacturing Technology on the internet, bought the material, started making it, but they sent the first batch, and the military personnel, as if they told us that this is exactly what they need, in one work shift, if i may say so, up to 250 such packages of dry shower are produced here; in total , the dambarovites have already sent more than this product for the ribbon 4,000 units. The range of products produced in the workshop is impressive, it s not only traditional camouflage nets and dugout candles, but also freezedried borscht, simply by adding water, and recently they learned how to weave socalled survival bracelets. Easy to fit on fighters wrists, they turn out to be indispensable, take 5 m of paracord, its very durable, unravels in one movement , look, you have 5 m in your hands, you need ropes, next in line is a new addition to the product line, antidrone blankets designed to make our fighters invisible to thermal imagers, its just a fabric, measuring a meter by one and a half, on one side it is a protective color, and on the other side it is lined with foil fabric. We are the headquarters of the movement together, and in fact the club has united dozens of concerned residents of dambarovsky. Among other things, master classes for schoolchildren and meetings with participants of a special military operation are regularly held here. When you run out, what will you do . Lets think about it. Will the club remain . Of course, of course it will remain. Leopold efimenko, sergey abramov, news of the orenburg region, dombarovsky. In kazan , traffic was launched along the first section of the voznesensk highway. For the capital of tatarstan, this is the most important transport project, one of the five so called outbound highways of the city of milionnika. She will relieve congestion on the roads throughout the capital, iya kislitsina will tell you more. The column of kamaz trucks proudly declares that the route is built almost 4 km from gvardeyskaya to pobeda avenue, ringing. The townspeople are also taking up the idea from the pioneers. Driving along the first section of the vosnessensky highway, some motorists even honk their horns, expressing their joy. There are six lanes in total, storm drains, bicycle paths and sidewalks for highspeed traffic on the highway have also been laid, and two tunnels have been built. For example, behind me there is one of them at the intersection of the voznesensky tract and pobeda avenue. Im shocked, im shocked, honestly, where are we coming from . What kind of road is our city in general . Transformed to such an extent, im so glad, its a good road, i hope it will relieve congestion, help relieve congestion in the city, uhhuh, i just happened upon it by accident, just for the first time, uhhuh , well, probably such a surprise, yes, surprise, yes, and i was talking on the phone, i say, as a surprise, they opened the road, finally, the longawaited one, very convenient, good junction, well done guys, happy, happy, its very convenient for us along the way , were going like clockwork, hurray, they paved the road to Movement Without traffic jams for 2 years, on the way. There were many obstacles, for example, it was necessary to rebuild utility networks, as well as plant landscaping in the area. The difficulty here was that these lands were not developed , they were not ready to be worked, there was an Industrial Zone here, we cut through the main direction here, at any time of the year we worked day and night, work went in two shifts, thanks to wellcoordinated work we managed to overcome all difficulties, major starts, also in the varkhanel and svertlovsk regions, all roads opened in video conference, rustam spoke about the victories of tatarstan. This project has been implemented, this is the most difficult section, it costs 13. 4 billion rubles, we are, of course, sincerely grateful to our president , vladimir vladimovich putin, the government, and of course, the ministry of transport, roads and federal agency, the construction of the second section of the voznesensky tract to the m7 highway is picking up speed, the total length of the highway will be a little more than 11 km. Such a road will lead to free traffic on the mamadysh highway at the exit from cities. And sour, albertalin, news, tatarstan. The first concert took place in the Seaside Branch of the Central Music school; New Buildings on russky island are filled with the sounds of Classical Music and foreign speech. Children from all over the far east study together with chinese peers. Report by oksana danilyuk. The asphalt is lined like a musical staff. Music has taken up residence in the New Buildings on russky island. The best musical children of the far east study here. I graduated from the first music school in khabarovsk, in eighth grade and entered here again for eighth grade, and it just so happened that i passed with 100 points. Examination in the specialty and entered. Masha belova is a little worried, this is her first concert in the Seaside Branch of the Central Music school, this is actually the first concert in this hall, the amphitheater, like in ancient greece, allows you to hear every sound from the stage even in the last row. Matvey pavlenkos performance with double bass is a special spectacle. He has been studying at the Central Music school for the third year and this is all he can do. What kind of strength does this tool require . I dream that after school i will go to work marinsky theater, i now have a teacher working there, i am trying to reach his level in order to be a worthy successor, the teacher of the Chinese Student joanna senzhong also serves on the seaside stage of the marinsky theater. Elizaveta sushchenko teaches a talented young man, with what pleasure does he play the music of ancient europe in modern russian schools . I really like it, yes, its a very good school, but you need to study a lot, everything is class, everything, well , everything, everything, everything is excellent, violin, flute, xellophone, here they teach everyone to play instruments of a symphony orchestra, the baton of excellence is passed from hand to hand by moscow and primorye teachers, the Children Play with inspiration, in general it is very interesting to work with them, thats how important the conditions in which we are working now are, the conditions are truly fantastic, the kind you can only dream of, a branch of the Central Music school on the island in russky is open to young virtuosos from all over the far east and from abroad, a comfortable boarding house with classrooms overlooking the sea. Everything for Classical Music continued. Oksana danilyuk, platon volkov, vesti primorye. At the oktyabr cinema on arbat there were special screenings of guidos exercises and dances version of the play. It was filmed by the culture tv channel in the twentyfirst year. The production opens the theater in kino project. He will allow the audience time. Filming, you can examine the costumes, scenery in detail and watch the actors play, even closer than from a chair in the stalls. What made me incredibly happy is that in this project, in collaboration with the channel, there is culture, depth and seriousness of the approach, because for many days we when we filmed this performance, we filmed it in different audiences, from different angles, with different acoustics, in order to achieve the full feeling of a live performance. Viewers will see the works of the main theaters on large screens in more than 50 cities of the country. And then we will conduct regional ones. The capital authorities are striving to ensure that the majority of cars on the streets of moscow become electric in the near future, this will further reduce harmful emissions into the atmosphere, which have more than halved over the past 10 years. The mayor talks about this moscow Sergei Sobyanin informed the participants of the Russian Energy week. About how the Moscow Energy system is becoming more economical and environmentally friendly, anna bala. Look at the screen, you are experiencing Mutual Energy exchange with moscow, the capitals pavilion at the Russian Energy week in manege is undoubtedly one of the most technologically advanced and brightest, just like moscow, which, by the way, is one of the five most illuminated cities on the planet, and its fuel and Energy Complex is one one of the largest in the world, the capitals heat supply system has increased by 1000, and if exact at 17,000 km, this is the distance from moscow to the south pole, while the approach to Energy Consumption has become more rational. Despite a 40 increase in moscows gross product, Energy Consumption has not increased by a single percentage. Here you can take an express survey what is important for happiness in the city . So, well, i think that warmth in homes is important, clean water is important, a favorable environment is also important. So, 20 vote for a favorable environment. Most. The environment in the city has changed. For the better, only in the last 10 years Carbon Dioxide emissions in moscow have halved, its not surprising, fuelfuelled vehicles are being replaced on the streets, now electric buses and electric cars are driving , and electric ships have begun to ply, very proudly, for the city, for making such convenience, today 80 of public transport passengers transported by electric transport, what is it, this is the moscow central diameters, commuter train, this is the largest fleet of electric buses, the largest fleet in europe, conversion to electric. Traction, this is the number one priority for cities, and how we solved the issue related to electric buses, set ourselves the task of completely switching to electric buses, we also set ourselves the task that in some reasonable future, the majority of cars on the streets of moscow should become electric, there are already two large factories for the production of electric vehicles, and after in 2 years , moscow will have its own. Due to this , moscow plans to become the Largest Center of electric vehicle manufacturing in russia. This once again confirms that the capital has successfully adapted to sanctions and more retained, but increased the volume of its own production. Sergey recently switched to an electric car. You are driving an environmentally friendly car. There are no car taxes, parking is free. Yes, you need to refuel with it less often and its several times cheaper. By the way, by the end of this year the number of charging stations in moscow will increase. Its unusual that there is no smell of gasoline, and the hose has changed, now to an electric one, and this is a truck with an electric traction, yes, now there are those too, if they asked me, what kind of smart city, city of the future, 40 years ago, i would i think, in my opinion, flying cars, the future is already the present of our city, what will happen in another 40 years, maybe electric flying cars. Anna balan, anastasi roif, valery kupre, alexander fillatov, artyom kuznetsov, vesti. The new largest livestock complex in the Moscow Region will be able to produce more than 30,000 tons of milk annually. It was opened in stupino. A modern enterprise capable of providing a market for highquality Natural Products appeared on former agricultural lands. Report by maxim oparin. This polyphony is always here distributed, as if on schedule, during morning and evening drinking. Milk, the calves are looking forward to the afternoon snack, but first veterinarians must check the temperature of the drink. We must have milk at a certain temperature for calves, otherwise they will have problems with digestion. We have a certain temperature from 38 to 40, but the most ideal is 39. In addition to milk, calves eat dry food and drink water every day. This is a kind of cow nursery, here the calves are kept until the 75th day, you can see that they each have a separate house, you can to make out the date. For example, this one was born on august 23, hello, are you going to eat, come on, come on, come on, good, well, wellfed, in total there are more than 700 of them here, each is kept in a separate small enclosure, this is done so that more the strong did not eat the weak, besides this, its simply more convenient to feed them, it will be very difficult to give them milk if there are more than ten heads in one cage, everyone will be stuck in one bucket and it will be unclear who drank and who did not drink, there is an individual approach here , poured, drank, removed. When the young cows grow up, they will be transferred to the older group , where they will be kept 10 in one stall, but they are prepared for this process the milking carousel can receive milk from 72 cows at once, after the circle the animals change, riding relaxes and calms the cow, she gives more milk, the speed of which the carousel should rotate was calculated by livestock specialists for optimal milking, such a system does not require a large room and an increase in the number of employees, we milk 72 heads at a time, data from the carousel serves six, that is, six people provide 3,200 animals three times a day. The bortnikovo livestock complex, which opened today near stupina, is designed for almost 9,000 cows, in the future it will produce 34 tons of milk per year, four cowsheds, three young cattle sites, a silo site, warehouses, a total of 65 g. From here the milk will go to processing plants in moscow and neighboring regions. Investments in the project amounted to more than 4 billion rubles. The investor received a loan on preferential terms, in addition, subsidies in the amount of 550 million rubles were allocated from the regional budget. Here in this place since the eighteenth year there was once an abandoned state farm, a collective farm, but thanks to technology, thanks to the team , thanks to the federal program, and today we have the opportunity to open a new milk production facility, large with the prospect of expansion, in the near future the Moscow Region, thanks to similar enterprises, is counting reach. The production of 1 million tons of milk, and the approach farm will be open to visitors, anyone can watch process of obtaining milk. Maxim oparin, igor kuznetsov, andrey nikolaev, lead. The russian government has supported a bill allowing doctors to prescribe Dietary Supplements to patients and write prescriptions for them. Now many people use Dietary Supplements at their own peril and risk, trusting advertising or the advice of nonprofessionals, and meanwhile, almost half of the food supplement market is counterfeit, often containing substances harmful to health, including prohibited ones. The topic will continue with maria temnikova. Overall, i lost weight, of course, but in the end it led to frustration. Eating behavior. Alexandra alexandrova now remembers with horror how she starved herself in an attempt to lose weight. Strict diets killed kilograms, and at the same time health. I understand that my stomach hurts, i understand why it hurts, because my body doesnt get food, in fact, i didnt even google it, i just think in general, well, this will suit me. After consulting with a doctor, she easily prescribed treatment with Dietary Supplements. Ito anorexia and the hospital. Svetlana did not lose weight with the help of Dietary Supplements. For several months, i became very nervous, that is, everything irritated me, i lost attention and concentration, in the end the girl ended up in the hospital, and an examination showed that the dietary supplement contained sugars mixed with amphetamine, in the practice of gastroenterologist abdulla hamidov there are many similar stories, people im trying to treat arterial hypertension with Dietary Supplements, even managing to treat the heart, uncontrolled use of Dietary Supplements is a dangerous problem, you can buy bright packages with strange names freely online or in a store, while an ordinary seller with ease. Gives you a diagnosis, im tired, i cant wake up in the morning, theres Something Like there are 49 herbs, each herb is looking for its place, just like this is its place, it can pull out something you dont even know , what do you have, its scary to imagine what exactly one of the herbs will pull out of your body, maybe an allergy, maybe gastritis, or maybe something worse, we send the jar to the laboratory, immediately unexpected news, legally we have in front of us and not a baht at all, we have a food product in front of us , which is declared as a food additive, it must be said that in the Russian Federation there are two groups of food products, these are Food Additives and food biologically active Food Additives. In essence, it is a counterfeit. Here is a set of plants. And by and large, of course, this product should have been registered as a dietary supplement. Perhaps this is one of the ways to avoid the necessary registration of Dietary Supplements. From october 1 , mandatory labeling was introduced as a control measure for Dietary Supplements. All Dietary Supplements those produced after this date should have the following code. There is a gray button here to scan the product. Press it, candy caramel. According to experts from the Research Institute of Higher School of economics, in 2022 in russia the number of counterfeit Dietary Supplements amounted to 46 million packages, which is about 45 of the entire market. Now the situation must change. The socalled importer who brings a counterfeit will not be able to obtain the codes. Accordingly, these products will not be delivered to the store. In fairness, it is worth noting that the doctors themselves are divided into two camps, some are categorically against Dietary Supplements, others, on the contrary, are for. Lawmakers propose allowing doctors to prescribe Dietary Supplements. If we cannot prohibit a doctor from prescribing a baht, lets, relatively speaking, take the lead and give the doctor the opportunity to prescribe Dietary Supplements, separating medicines and Dietary Supplements under his personal responsibility. A simple principle do no harm should become the main thing in this area, if. If the benefits of Dietary Supplements for evidencebased medicine are not obvious, then from such supplements at least there wont be any harm. Maria temnikov, rasul fitkulin, alexander sanzhiev, lead. The police are looking for telephone scammers who defrauded gites teachers of almost 7 million rubles. Under severe pressure from the scammers, elena amerbekyan not only transferred her savings to them, but took out huge loans. And now, on top of the unsustainable debts, there are fears that she may lose her apartment. Started. Solved by its students and graduates, with details by alexander karpov. The whole horror is that when you regain consciousness, you you are somehow so stupefied, its some kind of suggestion that you believe in some kind of nonsense, its very scary that a normal healthy person can be driven crazy over the phone in general. Elena amerbekyan, actress and teacher of gitis, is still in shock from the terrible role that telephone scammers forced her into. It all started with a message supposedly from the rector that the special services needed her. A man called and said that he was the curator there, the fsb, Something Like that, do i have someone in ukraine that everyone is under suspicion, the rector, accounting, then a supposedly Central Bank Specialist called and said that a loan of 200 had been taken out for me, the curator ordered me to withdraw all my savings and send them to safe fsb accounts, severe psychological pressure, they kept her on the phone even in the bedroom and toilet, they sent her to banks as a secret agent to expose criminals. First, we took money from gazprombank, thats all. It turned out that i took about 4. 5 million, and now i owe 6. 5, what moment did you come to your senses, and when my friend came to me, she said, listen, well like a scheme, and i you know, when she said, i, in front of her eyes, she said directly came to consciousness, on this fact, the investigator of the investigative department, the intermunicipal department of russia , matishchinskaya, opened a criminal case, currently Police Officers are conducting operational investigations investigative activities aimed at establishing and apprehending the perpetrators. But elena karyunovna, in a hopeless situation, says that even if she gives the teachers entire salary to the banks, she will not repay the loans and until the end of life. She led us like our mother by the hand, we learned the parts with her, we practiced with her for a very long time, she is a very close and dear person to us, and we will do anything to save her. The students to whom amerikyan gave 20 years of her life came to the defense of their beloved teacher. We have already collected about 500,000 rubles. Plus on october 29 we organized a Charity Performance in the space inside, the proceeds from which will also go to janik. According to the same scheme, the scammers deprived all savings and housing, former teacher at a boarding school from novodinsk, anatoly volkov. The fsb called, and i believed the fsb, the fsb, that we needed to help, only the next day it dawned on me that i was a fool, that everyone had deceived me, thats it, nothing would happen, nothing would come back. We came to him. That is, that he was like a zombie, all confused, with a headset in his ear, that is, with a phone, we tried to take away the phone, he didnt give it to us, hundreds of former students from Different Countries responded to volkovs misfortune, he raised them all to be decent people, thanks to them, the pensioners apartment was bought back, the apartment was returned to anatoly vasilyevich, we are incredibly happy. The story of elena amerbekyan, a habit from hied, banks are charging fines for nonpayment, elenas doors are already being broken down by collectors. Threatening to take away the apartment. I would really like the measures that have now been taken, and the loans that the scammers pinned on our teacher elena koryunovna, i would really like that, of course, the state would also get involved somehow, this is not an affordable amount for students and even too much for artists the amount is 6. 5 million. Alexander karpov, tsavichev village, mikhail utkin, oleg dobin, anna zhukova, vesti. More than 500 people took advantage of the opportunity to go to court through the center. And my documents. This option appeared in the mfc 3 months ago. You can submit documents through all 137 moscow branches. Moreover , even those who do not use the internet through a computer or telephone can access the service. Mmf will help you create an account for public services, and then electronically apply to any of the thirty District Courts or the moscow city court. Hello, police, there is a body here, death was caused by a penetrating alternating brain injury, from a blow with a blunt object to the occipital region, well , most likely on this stone lining, but slipped unsuccessfully. Although maybe someone helped, and you intend to wait for a long time for your dad, i think he wont come at all, why . Well, because, as usual, he got drunk somewhere and forgot that you agreed with him, he couldnt, couldnt get drunk, he couldnt forget the anniversary of his mothers death. Yes, he drinks sometimes, but this is only because he is very its hard to cope with your loneliness, but you always justify it. Its just that alcoholism hasnt brought anyone any good, hes not an alcoholic, yes, he has shortcomings, but hes not as terrible as you say about him, hes a drunkard sleeping on a bench, maybe he saw what he needs to ask for, lets go check it out. Good afternoon, well, was i right . Call, dont call, he wont even. He doesnt take it, and you also claim that he loved your mother very much, of course i dont know what he was like, husband, but judging by how much he doesnt care about you, hes not a good father, but youll be an excellent father, when we have a baby, if he is born, and i really hope that he will be born. I wanted to tell you what . No, nothing, then, no, well, wait, what . Im going to be a dad soon. You knew the murdered woman, this is the first time in my life ive seen her, but how can i know her . How can you explain this . And what exactly is there a trace of the chain that you pulled off the neck of the murdered woman, i pulled it off , do you think that i killed, how did you get this chain, i also think, but how would you bother, please, do not ask your questions, but answer on mine, some water. Thank you, yes, if i knew what to tell you, i would say, but i dont know, i was a little drunk, fell asleep a little, and remembered my wife. But i didnt kill, or rather, you dont remember, yes, i dont remember, wadi, well continue tomorrow, i should, i should make one call, like a boss, on the phone, my daughter is worried, i allow it, but only one call, maybe you at least will you say something, just dont bother, that you dont care . So, that means you love me, yes, but the fact that we lived together for 3 years, no, nothing, you cant say anything like that, dear. Kids, this is great, great happiness, i couldnt give birth to a child for you, i hope that someone else can , and the fact that we lived for 3 years, you know, you can live for 33 and still not know each other, so its good that we managed it in three. Be good, dad yes, my dear daughter, i still bothered to call, heres the thing, i, i, in the morning, i wanted to take a walk in the park, well , to clear my head, who would doubt it, dad, you dont have to explain anything more to me, im already tired from your eternal excuses, third park house 7. Thank you, yeah, yes, come on, yes, hello, dad. Hi, please forgive me, its just that today is such a day, wait, who are you calling . Im calling Nikolai Petrovich valov, who are you . Captain didenko. Valov, yes, he was detained at our Police Station for drunkenness, on suspicion of murder, who are you . For murder, what do you mean, im his daughter. Okay, then contact the Duty Department in the prescribed manner. All the best. Wait, dont hang up, which department . Pervomaiskaya, pervomaiskaya, according to the version of the inquiry, suspect valov, being intoxicated, attacked the victim for the purpose of robbery, you know, hes pushing me out, of course, yes, well , so that he would never attack a woman, the victim probably resisted, in the ensuing fight, he pushed her or hit her, after which the victim fell and hit her head on the edge cast iron bench, having received an injury is incompatible. Life, what actually was the cause of death, the horror, what, after, your father took off the gold jewelry from the dead, took away an expensive smartphone, but being very drunk, he did not go far, fell asleep nearby, you understand, this is not maybe all the evidence is against him, this is an obvious fact, but maybe someone framed him, who . Well, i dont know, dad, daughter, dad, is that the case with you . 5 minutes, my working day is already over, you see how it happened, you forgive me, you fool, what are you apologizing for, you are not to blame for anything, its good that you believe me, thank you, of course, i believe you, i think that im here for a long time, just dont forget to water moms flowers, dad, ill get you out of here, honestly, honest , honest, like in childhood, well then i i believe. What did i expect. Yes, mommy, who would have thought that your flowers would like living with dad so much, look how they have grown, see, the decembrist, what a handsome man, he replanted it, or did he really buy him a new pot . Did you ever want to throw it in the trash . What else did he have left besides flowers . Nothing else . At least i had dimka, but he was alone with his grief. I didnt call him, i almost hated his drunken voice. Stupid, im stupid, i have no one but him, a faggot, in previous episodes, doctors they will simply tear you apart here, mr. President , the russians know how to survive, they will come up with something, russian myologists continue to fight against the one that is raging in africa, no, the brigades, we need discipline, if we dont have it, we will lose this battle, me and my russian colleagues are doing Everything Possible and even more, their colleagues in moscow, without sparing themselves, are creating a new vaccine , i will worry and call, please pick up the corpse , its a step before creating a vaccine, well, there are limits in the end, i alone will be responsible for everything, but the real difficulties are yet to come , to someone we are very strong. Nikolai ivanovich, it means the stakes are high, it looks like war has been declared on us, but we will win, fever, continuation, we look at rtr on monday, if you come to my house, the first thing you will see is the door scratched by dogs, he could become. Zaolo or an athlete, we took the gto standards for 30 34 years old, we can pull up as a taster, i always like to eat a lot, or a lifeguard. But he is a doctor that everyone needs, treatment should not be selfmedication, you need to contact a specialist. Doctor myasnyakov, every saturday on rtr. And you you know that my friends at university think that you are my fiance. Tell them the truth, i really love you like a brother. I have a fiancee abroad for the first time, i want her to have a pleasant impression, this is a gift for you, why, what, i wont take it, i gave you a ring, yes, and you swam, you look like arthur gray from the tattered sails, well then you are salt than hot. Sorry, i shouldnt have done that, why . The brighter the hatred flares up, lisa, do you want my favorite premiere, thank you, on saturday on rtr. Well, not a single witness, all the evidence is against your father, well, this is some kind of nonsense, well, think for yourself, well, why does he need these jewelry, sell to buy booze, its hard for you to believe this, in my practice, this is a common thing, i know my father, its not his fault, who then, well, how do i know who, or anyone, here is the husband who was killed, well, lets say the husband was killed only on paper, hes been living for six months, hes renting an apartment alone, that is, he was going to get a divorce, but the man, hes not the poor owner of a transport company, well, not wanted to share with his wife, wanted, everyone divorces their wives, no one doesnt like to share with them, but they dont kill wives, and he has albie, well, he claims that on that day he was with his daughter, since she is small, he cannot give it to the officer. So hes trying to hide behind being a child, that you like crime series . Im an editor, i edit detective stories, its clear that it means that katya, i, i strongly recommend that you convince your father to sign a sincere confession, in which case we can achieve a sentence below the minimum, there was no premeditated state of effect involved, hes not to blame , but i want to look at this husband, what if its still not clean . This is me, you are not a council, you will turn people against you with your obsession, the court will not understand this, and in general they say people are preparing for a funeral. Well, this is your room, we havent had time to prepare everything yet, but you can already live, we bought you a whole collection of dolls, well, then youll look, there are also soft toys here, in the cabinet. There are coloring books, colored pencils , whatever you want, this doll house, ill put it together for you tomorrow, and then we ll take it somewhere, and where do you want to put it . My things, well, well take them somewhere, then, ill take all your things this week, okay, but give me your dirty dog, ill wash it, then ill return it to you, while you play with the doll, okay, lets get comfortable, mashul. After her mothers death, she doesnt talk to anyone at all, not even to you . What about me, i was a happygolucky dad for six months. Please a dog and a gift, okay . Yes, sure. Thank you very much, you care so much about masha, i understand perfectly well that the poor girl suffered, only her mother died, and here next to her dad is a stranger aunt, okay, this is not a stranger at all, no, of course, well, i just think that it would be more correct if specialists were involved in its adaptation. I agree, i need a nanny. You know, i think that i wont be enough, ive already advertised, everything will be fine, and you know what, come on, move in with me, no, no, when a woman comes to a man, he imagines that she belongs to him and stops appreciating her, oh well, theres already a lot of your things here, ill only move in with my husband, i know the eyes were staring at her, the eyes of a killer, esnogogorsky brought another masterpiece. In the detective genre, its only you who can cope with it, go ahead, yes, come on, im impatient for you to take a vacation, just at a time when work is a mess, well, in any way i can, ill help, im not going anywhere, well, i understand , i would make peace with my husband, i would arrange a second honeymoon for myself, wow, its strange, i dont remember about the dema at all, you know, thats how i cut it off, strange, people got married, lived for 3 years. I loved him, or maybe it seemed so to me, well, yes, you loved the father of your future in him children, yes, it seems to me that this is what kept us together, i realized a long time ago that we were completely different people, strangers, he never had a hearttoheart talk with me, he was never interested in how i was doing, just once i would ask, katya, what are you thinking about . Katya, what are you thinking about . So it doesnt matter, so im talking to you, im thinking about my investigation, i need to get my father out of prison, how, i need to prove his innocence, its easy to say, hard to do, i have to find the real killer, thats all, that you will look for evidence, set up ambushes, track down how this our inspector pushkaev will not get along, but everything is simpler, i suspect who, the murdered husband, i saw him at the funeral in the cemetery, he was also with some woman, and could it be his sister . No, i looked on social networks, he doesnt have any sister , he has a mistress, so i think thats exactly it, his wife didnt give him a divorce and he killed her, the version is of course working. How will you prove this . He s looking for a nanny for his daughter, so i show up to him with this legend, youre crazy, arent you . Ive never worked as a nanny, you wont succeed, no one will believe you, especially since you have no experience or recommendations, but i really love children, get up for school. Its time, we agreed, i have to go to work, i cant leave you alone, masha, go get dressed , ill talk to her myself, mashenka, you dont want your dad to feel bad, you dont want him to i was angry with you, so get up, you have to go to school, dad has to go to work, in life dad has more than just. You, i understand, youre a holist, no way, well, that means im staying, shabrovsky will meet us today, you cant help but go, listen, well, in any case , shes an adult girl, she can sit at home alone for a couple of hours, can we reschedule the meeting, no, we cant, we agreed on 2 months. Hello, hello, im katya, i called you, according to an advertisement, do you still need a nanny . And the nanny, of course, come through, you are just in time , hello, hello, you know, we have a difficult situation, i urgently need to go to work, waving to school in response to refusal. Lets get off, lets take it, thanks, its really hard right now period, and where is she, in her room, lets go, ill show you, lets go, here, knockknock, hello, im katya, and you, masha, very nice, mash, arent you out the window today look, you know that winter is ending, spring is just around the corner, soon the rooks will arrive, you need to carefully watch the windows all day, otherwise you will miss everything , look, theres already one flying, you see, flying, flying, flying, flying, that means followed by others, so you ll miss everything in bed, are you still in your pajamas, didnt you get up . And didnt wash your face, but you brushed your tooth, no, you know, i have there is one boy i know, he hasnt had teeth for a whole six months. They all fell off from him, yes, yes, yes, first they turned black, one after another , then he, you keep lying, no, im not lying, i always tell the truth, well, lets see, show me, open your mouths, so, so, everything is in order here, that distant one, its already turning black, really, yes, we need to save him quickly, we need to brush his teeth, lets save him, save his teeth, otherwise they will all fall out. Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, like that, of course you are accepted, right away, yes, you did the impossible, what . Started talking, have you tried talking to her . Well, of course, we tried, not only me, everything was to no avail, yes, we have another problem , she doesnt eat at all and is lethargic, although the doctors say that she is healthy, i have one idea, but for this i need your help, im in at your disposal, then dont plan anything for the weekend, get ready for a hike. Well, how do you like the nanny, the main thing is how she is masha, masha, i like her, its amazing how quickly she managed to find an approach to her, literally three days have passed, and i cant get enough of them, well you checked her recommendations, why . Vova, you entrust your child to a stranger, maybe this is a nanny for you and will replace me, what are you saying, no one can replace you, here we are. Invited me to your birthday, i cant, masha, well, she has a nanny, but she also has a dad, and i, i already feel out of place with you, i wont dare to offend mashenka or katya, you understand me everything , youre not like that, i understand too much, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, i wouldnt have fallen if the boys hadnt been driven a long time ago, well, you yourself threw yourself at them snowballs, well, because they called me names, just like they called you, orphan, it hurt, it hurt me too when my mother died, she was sick for a long time, do you think adults dont cry . How else do they cry . Do you know where she is now . She is always next to me, i feel it. And your mother will always be there, she will never leave you, i am not an orphan, i have a dad. And you, oh, do you remember that you are going on a hike tomorrow . What do you mean, youre coming, and you . Well, i had other plans for the weekend, come with us, please, i beg you, if i i can do something good for masha, only in your presence, yes, okay , i understand you, lets go together, again we will see and show more than others, hello, hello, moscow, the kremlin, putin, every sunday on rtr, we know each other , zhenya, we studied. I was once betrayed by a man whom i loved very much, i dont understand what youre talking about, he went to moscow with vera, they wont get married there, olga arndgolts, why cant we bring back the past, alexey fatiev, but we have real ones , your husband is cheating on you. Youre pregnant, you cant do it twice to enter the same water, i dont like it, but a child must have a father and a mother. The ninth wave. Jack, ive decided everything. I dont want to stop without you anymore. On sunday on rtr, you should meet the morning with a surbech and problems for nothing. To know a country and how beautiful it is, you just have to taste it. And well add kiwi there. Enthusiasm, its just a madness of taste, whats next, honey in norinsk, tireless gourmets in search of Healthy Products , unique recipes, and you know why people count proteins as living carbohydrates to have fun jumping through life, unusual answer, i make a wish that all our tv viewers have good health, food formula every saturday on rtr. Lets look earlier. Everyone, your majesty, we must love you forever, you alone, ekaterina, favorites, now im waiting for you, lets sign up and watch. Oh, look where he is, over there, i havent seen him for a long time, and this is the second time this winter ive seen a bullfinch, really, yes, in general, people have become very rarely looking around, and you know, they say that the snow is with its red chest shows the way to a person, yes, i wouldnt like it got in the way, but i look, you know well and feel nature, yes, in my childhood i often went hiking in the summer. I went hiking, yes, then i was involved in tourism, i even climbed the mountains, i was probably often in the forest with my wife and daughter, no, anya didnt really like the forest, thats how she ended up in this park in the first place, you know, she was found in the park by the drummers, you probably know this park well, no, oh, why did you stop, and we lured you. Thats enough, im already hungry, do you want to eat, dad, vova, come on, lets get some provisions, a thermos, now well have a stop, right here, you know, i know who you are, you are a sorceress, its nice that on such a day well raise our voices. But i couldnt. 3 00. Meanwhile, a replacement in the russian team, i see that Dmitry Torbinsky has left the field, and Sergei Gurenko has appeared in the game. Sergei gurenko head coach of the belarusian club, scored a goal. Why are you such a fan and slept through the goal . Yes, im not a real fan, my dad is just a big fan of the locomotive. Yes, hes probably sitting now. How can you still lose to vadim evseevs team in such a game . Meeting . Where are you going to watch the match . Its not over yet . On the cake, without this signature dish, without this dessert, a beautiful goal 4 0. Tikhonov is the author of two assists, i somehow offended you, no, its just too late, im unprofessional. Thank you, goodbye, everything is serious, everyone is ready, why are you leaving . Will we miss you . Hello from nastya, you shouldnt have been there, uhhuh, oh, some devils almost took me to the sauna. I say, friends, and i say, no, i need to go home, to the volodya, the churluka makes a pass with his head, drive him away, absolutely right and drive him, semin takes out a cigarette and starts smoking nervously, the ball flies to the very left. The top corner of the goal is a sure goal, yeah, mikhalych, dont interfere, but lobantsev once again saves his team, peterzhelo nervously walks along the side, he hasnt sat down even once since the start of the match, well done, daughter, it feels like hes on i visited the stadium, but there was one more goal, it was scored by loko, at what minute, i dont know, to be honest, i overslept, what the heck, at such a moment . Look, you wont sleep through the finale, well , i hope youll watch the finale yourself at home, english is ready, can i draw now, of course, and ill cook something tasty for us in the meantime. This is a prenuptial agreement, but in black and white, after a divorce, the husband gets everything and the wife has no right to claim. This means that he had no reason to kill, well, at least the motive was not money, but the marriage contract is not albi, in order to exclude the husband from the list of suspects, more successful arguments are needed, i understand, i will look further, obva no need to be too afraid, so what . Well, why are you scared, im next to you, you will always be next to me, you wont leave me, but ill try, i really will, honestly, let s ride a little more and go home. I have to do my homework, english tomorrow, uhhuh, come on, oops, oops, hello, hello, good evening, wait, theyre hard, masha, why arent you saying hello, well still have to start socializing her more seriously. Give her a little time, her world has turned upside down, yeah, if you constantly fight back on your hind legs in front of her, then she will understand how profitable it is to be poor and unhappy girl, lets go, give me a massage , please, otherwise my head is pounding, i dont have the strength, now ill wash my hands, masha, and i thought you were a wellmannered girl, im hands. Yes, well, youre great, why dont you say hello to lezo, because i hate her, wow, this is a statement, if it werent for her, dad would be with us, and mom wouldnt die, mash, its not lisas fault , oh wow, what do we have here . Look, do you like coconut . I havent tried it, didnt your dad ever treat you to coconut . Now i ll show you a super mega trick. Caucus, im i cut a coconut perfectly, i can teach you, in three strokes, look, and one, two, and three, oops, here it is, heres the milk, just like that, now ill give you a straw. Well, here you go, come on, well, its very tasty, and i like it, you know, dad once came and brought a coconut, so he tried to cut it, it would jump out, he hit it with a hammer, drilled it with a drill, scratched the table in the kitchen , never broke it, dad was afraid that mom would scold him at the table, and mom, mom. Didnt go through anymore, well, well, well, well, dont, dont, just dont cry, okay, you tell me, you tell me, so, that day dad was with you, or something , didnt you go to school, i was sick, mom went on business in the morning, and dad stayed with me to stay with me, and brought a coconut, me and he watched cartoons all day, and then the doorbell rang, we thought it was mom who had passed. And this is a policeman, dont cry, okay, its ready, come on, i just need the neck and shoulders. Wait, wait, masha is there , well, shes in the kitchen, busy, and it never bothered you, katya is outside the door, what do you care about the servants, youre not building a bloody barn for yourself, its not for you coming, please, okay, thats it, calm down, show your nose, well done, thats it, that s it, stop crying, hello, hello, friend, yes, hello i understand that you are having a blast there on your vacation, having fun, but i remind you that you promised to help, if anything happens, but what if something has already happened, how . Yasnogorsky is released in a pocket format, so we need to work with the text, okay, lets meet tomorrow , okay, agreed, kiss, bye, oh, cookie, hello, hello, listen, i m sewing up with this pocket series, just watch, yasnogorsky, as always, is in his repertoire, maybe you can somehow send it to his computer, i very much doubt that he will change his typewriters, in short, cut the text three times, yeah, you can do it on the fifteenth, well, i dont know, ill try, just for me i need to go home to get my laptop, how is your investigation . Vladimir turned out to be not guilty , i looked at his marriage contract, showed it to the lawyer and found out that the death of his wife was generally. Unprofitable for him, moreover, at the time of the murder he was with his daughter, so why are you happy, im not i understand, but no, im not happy, on the contrary, i dont know how to help my father now, but dont frame an innocent, very good man, well, since hes not guilty, we need to look for the real killer, im not a real detective, why i should start, well, pretending to be a nanny still, in my opinion, doesnt make any sense, but now i cant leave masha, and i cant leave my father, in general, i dont know what to do. Hi, how are you, good, everything is fine, great, listen, do you mind if we quickly stop by my house, of course not. How many books do you have, and have you read them all, well, for the most part, yes , you havent seen how many books we have at the dacha, a whole library, my father collected them, but so did i, so he read them all, but where is he . Hes far away. Why do not you answer . I just know, i dont really want to talk to one person right now, so shall we go . Like this. Oh, inna, hi, oh, my god. Where is katya . Why do you need katya . Shes on vacation. How are you on vacation . She didnt say she was going on vacation . She doesnt have to report to you. Did you leave her . That the father went to prison, dont you know either . Lord, no, what did this alcoholic do, he seems harmless. Well, if you dont know, then you dont need to know. I was at home, there was no one, i called, but he didnt answer the phone. Inna, i made a terrible mistake, that i left for my pregnant mistress, but not from me, she is pregnant, as it turned out. And now i can lose katya forever, inna, i only need forgiveness from her, im ready to beg on my knees, right on my knees, i cant live without her, i had an address somewhere, i ll transfer you now, what is he doing there, i dont i got a job to conduct my own investigation and get my father out of prison, but this is a secret. And dont ask me what and how, whats going on, youre moving out, why, where, the premiere on rtr, i missed you, i love you, wait, wait, a second, mouse, finally, ive decided everything, well be give birth in germany, vidya, fever, on monday, on rtr, tea, manenka, manenka , yes, yes, yes, yes, how do you need to love a person in order to take and come to him, what is a Strong Family built on, certainly an interesting question , on love, what beautiful girls, i thought, he knows how to do everything, for the sake of. This is a person who lives, he should have a continuation, on what a good conversation is built, on trust, i am so contradictory, i have wisdom and cunning, my eye is burning, that is, well, if you noticed when everyone is at home on sunday on rtr. Congratulations on our wedding anniversary, look at the weekend, fate has given her a chance to live another life. 24 people were hospitalized with comparisons of varying severity, one woman died, but this is. Someone elses life, forgive me, please, this seems to be my place, im sorry, i got confused, i changed my seat, stop it, ill sit here, whats the difference , i was killed in a car accident, and i come home every evening, waiting for the door to open, shell come in, do you like this young man, i dont know, probably yes , well, whats the matter, i have to confess to you, lyudmila and i were traveling on the same bus, i accidentally took her place, and she sat in mine, that is , if you, then luda would be alive, my someone elses life, in saturday on rtr, yes, it would be very great if you could arrive early, we are waiting for you, okay, thank you, the problem is that the izhek master will be free only in 2 hours, what will i tell your dad, but i told him everything, and sent the address, he will save us, but how did you find out the address, here is the receipt, it s written here. Third park street, house 7, apartment 21. Wow, it turns out that you are a real detective, where are we in such a hurry, we need to go to one place, save masha, tell her what kind of nanny she is, with whom it is impossible to leave the child, around whom everything i believe she is the best nanny, i think you will do great without me. Yes, vladimir, how do you like it . I managed to open the front door so quickly, i didnt even know that you were a professional burglar, you know, when theres a hungry daughter outside the door, any father will become a burglar, in general im not hungry, i fed katya, and youre reading this to me at night, im already ive read a lot, of course i will. Do you like detective stories . You know, i prefer books about travel, traveling and being a sailor as a child, but my father had other plans for me, he weaned me from dreaming, taught me to plan, but my father, on the contrary, taught me to dream, though until i still havent figured out whether its better to be an enthusiastic idealist or you know why i have a logistics company, no, because i still love. Ships, trains and travel, however, i only dream in my office, but i didnt think that you were a romantic, but what did you think of me . You know, you and i have a lot of similarities, even your address, third park 7, is very familiar to me, it wasnt you who ordered the cores for hydraulic turbines from australia, vladimir, you know, i wanted to tell you something. I dont know where masha is, but she was just there, treesticks, mash, masha, mash, well, thats where you ran away, and dad, theres a kitten , he cant get down, please, save him, little one, ill get there, im not batman, well, dad, hold it, please, yes, yes, of course, no need to help you. Wow, oh, hes so good, well take him home, yes, well, where will we take him, maybe hes got dirt, an infection, well, love him. Hell be more than dirt, and if youre worried , theres a 24hour Veterinary Clinic around the corner, you can check him out, you know, it seems to me that watson is a very strange name for maybe after all, lets call it a pirate, its even stranger, its a name for a dog, and where have you been for so long, i cooked dinner, look what i have, why did you bring this dirt home, there is an opinion that he has more love than dirt, and specialists said that there are no contraindications, keep him at home, dad, but can i pour some milk here for him, come on, it will be just his bowl, and if im allergic to cats, but you dont have any allergies, dad, i need a box , vatsina needs a home, dont interfere when adults are talking, so dont yell at her, please, ill find it now, i have a feeling that im the odd one out. Family, thats true, yes, dont wash it, please, come on, ill shoot now, come on. Ill pick up my things tomorrow. Katya, hello, hello, what are you doing here, i want to talk, i cant find you at home, you dont answer the phone. I miss you so much, what about your pregnant lover, she deceived me, and its so hard for me, its especially hard to realize that i hurt you, in general, somehow everything turned out stupid, you know that i realized that you are a complete egoist , katya, if you would forgive me, i i forgave you, but nothing will change, you hear yourself, i, i, i, you all the time. Youre only talking about yourself, have you at least once taken an interest in how i live, what i think about, what i do, what im doing here, i know what youre doing here, go away, kat, kat, well, you cant do that on your own , katya, katya, we need to at least talk, why are you breaking the door, and you are the owners friend, what do you need . And it doesnt matter what i need, but i think that you, and especially the owner of this apartment, will be very interested to know who katya is and what she does it in your apartment, really . Yes, its really very interesting, there was a trail of blood on the planked floor between the scattered fragments of the chest, detective, read it no, its too early to read you, kitsch, play a little, dad has come , good evening, good evening, uh, oh, we have a mess, now ill clean everything up, excuse me, dad, but im building a castle for you. Wow, you know, watson was still a traveler , it seems that a ship would suit him, do you remember where our garland for the Christmas Tree is, yeah, bring it, katya, and ill ask you, please bring it from this bath, lord, curtain, yes, we will have a sail. So, who will be the captain of our ship, you, me, great, then masha, you will be our cabin boy, and katya will be the boatswain, who . Boatswain. Yes, we agreed, this is the cabin boy, in places, loafers, boatswain, give up the ends, raise the bark, cabin boy, eat, sediments look forward, eat, well, where are the corsairs going, to madagascar, there are funny penguins and palm trees, and you in when i was a child, they also built such wonderful ships, of course, i climbed under the idea, and now where do you dream of being . Now yes i dont even know what could be better than now. And you, we can switch to you, where would you like to be . I dont know, i think the best thing is when. Loved ones are nearby, valova. Well, yes, and Nikolai Valov is suspected of murder, how interesting it all turns out. Neatly hot rings. Yes, thank you, this is the courier, he has arrived, i asked him to take my things, hi, hi, can you take everything at once . Yes, of course, well, look at the address, asinovaya 34, apartment 63, yeah, thats it, thank you, listen, but osinovaya street, this is very close to the park where your wife was killed. Yes, i didnt even think about it, what a coincidence, ill go change clothes, otherwise masha will wake up soon. Hi, hi, listen, i just got your things, and im not after things, i want to share something with you, you know who she is, a scammer, shes not who she says she is, so calm down, please, you are now bursting in here, starting to insult my nanny, my daughter, why, nanny, and are you sure that she is a nanny, you actually know her last name, i dont need her last name, ilyana, its from her husband, you married, i didnt know, what do you care . I wonder whether shes married or not, it doesnt matter at all now, but what didnt you tell me, her surname is important, valova, Nikolai Valov, her father is suspected of murdering your wife, mashas mother, but where i was from, i know your address, he was in on the case, and quite by chance, the killers daughter becomes a nanny and is in this house, why . And whats incomprehensible here, she wants to get her father out of prison, and he made you. To plant evidence on you to blame, or who knows whats in his head for this swindler, its all not true, i i tried to tell you, i was just afraid, and my father is not to blame for anything , he is only to blame for the fact that he likes to drink, and how long ago did you switch to you, and yes, at first i suspected it was you, me, but now i i know that this is not so, and i am terribly ashamed that i could think about you like that, what are you doing here, but i cant anymore. I wave, how sweet it is, and do you believe her . No, tell me, do you believe her, or me , weve known each other for a long time, weve been together for a long time, or this murderers daughter, whom you ve only known for a few weeks, just stay please with masha in the room, lets go, mashenka, youve already heard so much, poor girl, katya. Of course, i can understand everything, forgive me for deceiving me, you got into mashas trust, go away, please, go away, dont come back here again, go away, well , daddy, dont worry, everything will be fine, i love you very much, but i hate you. Valery karpin with the ball, playing at the wall, interacts here, alichok. Yes, i prepared a career especially for you, played professionally in different positions, the team he defended, but now here on dreamling, yegor titov held up the ball, under whose command vadim evseev played last year, how she calmed down in her presence, but whats surprising here . 4 00, there is no doubt about the seriousness of the intentions of the goalkeepers actions, because he has already reflected more than one shot from the jeweler today, but this shot from the distance was perfect, you know that girls cant fight, it hurts, kuznetsov wasnt hurt when you killed, thats what he needs, theres no need to say that because i dont have a mother, so, you cant beat a person, even if he doesnt right, wrong, wrong, wrong, it took so long, she called the teacher, she beat up a classmate, the first one has already started, dont you think that this is too much, that its too much, she needs professional help, my girl, its not that simple, as you think, it was also very difficult for me to fire your katya. But she was the wrong person, she wasnt a nanny, she deceived, its bad to deceive, you know its bad that she loved me, why not, because you cant play with peoples feelings like that, you just had to come and tell everything honestly, i even myself i thought that she was volodya, if you cant lie and pretend, why did you kick katya out and not lisa . Volodya, this stupid cat broke a vase , its okay, you didnt cut yourself, you cant keep this little creature at home, and where did this come from . Its unlikely you made it, watson, but this . This is what im preparing for you, im trying, by the way, and this is this girl , it turns out shes throwing away all my food, it turns out she hasnt eaten anything since yesterday, katya, are you going home or are you going to spend the night here, look, heres the park , this is where annas body was found. This is osinovaya street, this is here in this house lives vladimirs mistress, very close by, you see, well, i see so what , but the fact that anna and masha actually lived on the other side of the city, now the question is, what was she doing early in the morning in this park, despite the fact that she asked vladimir to be with the child, because supposedly she had very important business , that is, you want to say that anna and lisa went to sort things out, and she. I dont know, but she had a motive, she wanted to remove anna , because she didnt give divorces, this is one, she lives nearby, this is two, she is very quickly got rid of me before i had time to figure it all out, thats three, its really unclear how she found out the truth about me, i m not an investigator, im just a detective editor, so you, as an editor, can tell me, convincing. Tion arch, well, with a slight stretch, well, yes, yes, all that remains is to come up with a denouement, and you need key evidence, but where to look for it . Tell me, asinovaya 34, this is the only building, is that right , beauty, apartment 63 . This is the second entrance, you dont know, eat an orange, and you re treating everyone here to oranges, what are you doing . Ill go broke, this is only for the most beautiful girls, and there are a lot of them. Beautiful, but not that much, so business doesnt suffer, here lives a blonde, so young , pretty, slender, i saw, yes, yes, in the mornings, when i put out my fruits and vegetables, she goes for a run, so in a tight pink suit, with curves, and what time do you open, 80 am, beauty, that means you run every day at 8 am, but not everyone, its disappeared lately, maybe you got married, maybe, thank you, thats it, why . Only beautiful girls ask about beautiful girls, but what was anyone else interested in . Were you interested . Blandine is so pretty, shell be older than you, with short hair, short stature, blue eyes, yes, as i say , beautiful, yeah, thank you for the treat, but whats your name, and phone number, maybe we can talk more . As always, these women are strange, mash, well, you will remain silent, what should we do with you . Are you sick or what . Vector logician, hello, vladimir alekseevich, he is meeting, please call in the afternoon. Victor. Hello, no, hes not there, hes coming towards you, call me back later, vova, where are you, something terrible is happening here, and masha is sick, i understand, dont worry, i can handle everything here myself, thank you very much, i always knew that i had you. I kiss you, thats it, until the evening, bye, what are you doing, and what are you doing, kiss, darling, ugh, fool, what did you call me, well, repeat, are you feeling bad . No, everything is fine, thank you, i just havent trained for a long time, i somehow didnt calculate my strength. No, first tell me whats new with you, my suspicions were confirmed, killer, lisa, her husbands mistress, thats for sure, and the proof, annas murder coincides in place with the time of lisas morning jog, this time. Shortly before this, anna walked around her house and asked about lisa, thats two its possible that she herself was looking for this meeting with her, thats three, she wanted to take revenge on the homewrecker, well, apparently she just ran into her, aliza is a good girl, thats all this is very interesting, but where are the streets . Not a single decent investigator will accept your version without evidence, thats the whole point. today we have a wonderful occasion, you and i agreed with ogorodnikov. Yes, but if it were possible to solve all the problems with masha so easily, ive already offered you so many options, but you dont agree , well, boarding is not an option, what does boarding mean, its a closed, expensive elite school, european teaching methods, a bunch specialists, you can still try to get there, but i have a friend there, boarding schools are in europe , no, there the atmosphere is close to home, to home, you couldnt cope with your own daughter, so for her sake you have to cope, you need to think about everything. Girl, girl, why are you alone so late on the street where you live, what are you, im not alone, theres my dad, were playing catchup, i won, how rarely is there silence in this house, yes, how i dreamed about family happiness with you. Me too, look, dont make me worse, i wont make it worse, and someday, well, you ll agree to be mine, if only i could get rid of him, still get rid of him. Hello, what do you want . Can you please let me go to third park street, house 7. Girl, who are you with . My mother allows me to take a taxi alone, if i go from my father, she knows driver. Uncle, whats your name . Andrey, whats your last name . Potap, thats it, i sent this language, lets go, you know what, get out of here. Take another taxi, it wont work, why . I already took a photo of your car number and sent it to your mom, lets go, otherwise hell worry , whats your name . Masha nikiforova, come on, sit down, over there, masha nikiforova. Come on, come on, if you accept this ring, i will be the happiest man in the world, i repeat to you again, we dont accept rings, either pay the bill with money, or i will im calling the administrator, what is the reason for this strange behavior of this male, well, lets make changes to your passport, is this some kind of mistake . Im talking about remodeling, a little more, just a little bit, oh, what are you doing, what kind of belly festival have you arranged for yourself, waste your wealth, youre some kind of crazy person, but they said that theres no need for a free table, thats it, thats it, well done, timofeeva, knowledge is power, great stories. Today on rtr. Lets watch it before everyone else, i cant believe it, im so guilty, nelya, dean, what do you have to do with it . The killer will be found, youll see, mirrors of lies, all series, only on the platform, look, in applications or on the website, ivan, you are engaged. With caches, no, i address students at the institute of contemporary art, where i teach, with caches we have an exclusively loving relationship, what will a hare do if it ends up in an apartment, jump 2 m from a place, and the speed of the hare is 70 km h , this is a very active dog, we need to direct this Research Energy of his in a different direction, but gathering, nose work, among friends, a program for the whole family on saturday on rtr. Good evening, good evening, welcome your daughter safe and sound, masha, hello, mom, i did everything as you said, and uncle andrei brought me in his taxi, and how much from me, 350, yeah, she told me so she told me a lot of interesting things while we were driving, about bullfinches and spitting men. And about you, but what about me . Well, youre a detective writer, and well, yes, heres 350, great, nice to you girl, okay, bye mash, bye, thank you very much, goodbye, happy child, thats what it all means, leave me with. Please, what happened, and dont tell dad, hes a traitor, my god, oh, im so sick of a nerd, i havent had a drink for a long time, and on an empty stomach, sometimes, i probably said nonsense, why . Nonsense, well, well, listen, im probably not ready yet, how can i say, change my status, whats that all about . Yes, yes, volodya, its me, forgive me for calling, i just want to say that i have masha, so you dont worry, how is masha with you, i ll die of hunger without you, i know its your father , no, dont open it, you cant do that either, its your dear dad, well, in fact, i tell you. Man, you cant stay here , youre a traitor, just like him, because of you theyll send me to a boarding school, what nonsense, who will send you, dad . Masha, there, so, get ready, lets go home, youll send me to a boarding school, what kind of boarding school, what did you take , you said it yourself, i heard, my, you just misunderstood everything, why the hell are you meddling in our family affairs, maybe she came to me herself, volodya, do you even understand how

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