20 to 40 , but i want to note that three patients were under 30 years old and almost the majority had plaques from 20, we say yes, the disease is getting younger, this is still nonsense, it hemodynamically insignificant, but before thirty changes have already begun, what will happen to you by 50, ok, lets be careful in our health, everything will be fine, the drug gripferon , recombinant alpha 2 interferon for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, even for expectant mothers and babies from the first days of life. Next , how effective are apples for increasing iron levels in the body, and who needs to take acetylselicylic acid to protect against blood clots . Questions from the doctor, Alexander Myasnikov asks, you answer. Well, here i need to think, probably, you see, youre learning, well done, with swelling i i take izkuzan, the effectiveness is comparable to compression hosiery, as i begin to remember, the premiere on the russia channel, you gave the wrong prescription to the boy from whom he died, i did not study this drug, how could i prescribe it, even by mistake, we have one way out, i ask you not to get involved in this matter, so, i dont understand anything at all, doctor krasnov, today at 21 20 on the russia channel, with age, changes in vision can change familiar things. Touphone is designed to nourish, restore and preserve for youthful eyes, it is recommended to use it daily for 3 months, three courses per year. Tuufon is now in new packaging, designed specifically for course use. This is ozonbank, a lot. There are already more than 25 million clients here. They also return cashback up to 100 to the lucky ones. Azonbank cashback up to 25 in rubles. 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To start a business, sberbusiness, millions of entrepreneurs trust us, many ask how i manage to be in such good shape , its simple, you need to replace bad habits with useful ones, outsiders, emelya, in his free time he wants to ride on the stove, but i ll spit it out, to pikes command, well done , parry, soon, its time for the section questions from the doctor, we ask questions to you, based on previous programs, you go out, answer, answer, good, get a prize, answer, not entirely accurate, jump on a trampoline or lift a gilyu, well, in general, how thats right, whoever is ready, raise your hands, come here, good morning, good, im anastasia. What is anastasia doing . I am now receiving a second Higher Education in psychology, organizing various citywide events, singing and writing songs. Play it, thank you, you also write songs, yes, ditties, or something, almost like that, the brain absorbs new knowledge only in youth, if this were, of course, so, but i think that you are in old age too, yes, well may be. Some complex information fields, but i think we are still learning some new information, lets hope that your answer the right one, and then time will tell, although of course, boz doesnt want to absorb anything anymore, he just wants to sit in peace, read a book, look at something beautiful and so that no one sticks anything into his brain, he doesnt want anything anymore, hes tired of life, of course, because as soon as you get involved in the atmosphere around, this starts , this, this, this poor brain, says, lord, close your skull back, eyes, ears, give, give a rest, so, apples, love apples, of course, of course, they can increase iron levels will help increase iron levels, well, i think at school they even tell us that apples are the main, one of the main sources of iron, so most likely the point is that apples and iron do not contain a lot, but whats the problem . The problem is that iron is absorbed from apples and any vegetables and fruits extremely poorly, and then in such a form of the compound that it is practically not absorbed, so fish, uh, meat, soup products, if you take the compound in tablets, you need to wash it down there orange juice, just apples as a dietary element, increasing iron does not work, dont rush, just think about it, such a simple question, well, would i say it, all hypertensive patients need to take acetylsulacylic acid, are we talking about aspirin to prevent blood clots . Well, here i need to think, probably take a break, you see, youre learning, well done, you can tell everyone, why not, but if half of the worlds population is hypertensive, well , probably, there will be three of them with whom its impossible, and not for everyone anymore, thats right, so i dont know the answer, reasoning logically, you can write an answer, now shell write to everyone , listen, please, shes writing all the time , i have a headache there, hypernicus, i need to take hemorrhagic, i need to take cutting , you will remember who is sitting in front of the tv, first about aspirin, if you do not have proven atharosclesis, that is, there is no stonocarvia, a narrowing of the carotid arteries, which we see inside. There is no proven change in blood vessels, you should take aspirin, well, only after agreement with your doctor, because that your risk of bleeding may be very high, but there is. There is already a disease , but aspirin is needed, simply in itself, hypertension in itself is not a reason to take aspirin, but there are stronger bloodblowing agents, so they should be prescribed only in very narrow cases uh cases, after consultation with a specialist, this wide prescription of bloodbearing drugs today leads to fatal bleeding, increasing their risks, so here we go, so you and i have. Two keys and one exercise, come on, the first one doesnt work, apparently, the second one too, so, okay, alexander, what awaits me today . Im just not very good at sports, but i organized a beauty contest and held it for girls. According to the fashion show, i could show this for the girls sitting here , this, a beautiful walk along the catwalk, show me, what kind of passage is this, a gift from me personally, choose a book, the best gift, it will do. Hedgehogs, you want to reconsider us, look at the platform application or website smotrim. Ru, and we move on, e. Coli was found in minced chicken from wellknown manufacturers, e. Coli was found in rolls, popular milk is contaminated with e. Coli. Appear in the news regularly e. Coli here, e. Coli there, but what does this threaten us with, and does it threaten us at all . After all, we dont hear about highprofile mass poisonings with e. Coli, so maybe its not dangerous. Lets figure out which foods are most often contaminated with e. Coli, what this may be connected with, how e. Coli can harm health, why it is especially dangerous for. Those who take medicine for heartburn, we are waiting for answers from dr. Myasnikov. Actually the spectrum the impact of e. Coli on the body is very large. Well, first of all, its part of our normal intestinal flora. E. Coli begins to populate our body, either in the first days of life, or even in the womb. And its part of the normal intestinal flora. But there are so many types of e. Coli, e. Coli causes poisoning, its just watery diarrhea, well, we know , well, lets say we changed it, we went, i dont know, to turkey, somewhere else, so we changed the diarrhea , arrived what is called diarrhea travelers diarrhea, its not because the water is like that, its e. Coli, on the other hand there are varieties of e. Coli, the socalled 0. 157, it belongs to class a bacteriological. It causes Severe Damage to the kidneys, the blood is destroyed, it produces such a powerful toxin, that usually in order to get diarrhea, well, standard diarrhea is a disease, a person must swallow no less than 10 to the tenth power of bacteria, how much is that . 10th degree, well, what a terrible thing, but then, when this e. Coli ku 157, it only takes a few bacteria to cause. The disease death is actually a few bacteria, i once encountered it personally, my son went to a boarding school in france when he was still small, and nearby on the corner they fried chicken, sold it, he ran there with his friends, bought some turkey, ate a small one, then once it was on the news, he became seriously ill , and his friend died, poisoned like that, i thought, it must be like everyone else in our country the world is unstable, yes, that is, they are completely different, but the diseases are also different, not only diarrhea, we all know well that cystitis in women, infectious cystitis is e. Coli, of course, but mostly, of course, diarrhea, well , its not only e. Coli, infectious diarrhea, its viruses and so on, but just so you understand, last year , when everyone was crying that covid , how are they dying, i say, you understand, 2 million children die every year from infectious diarrhea, its not covid that came and went and its not clear what they wrote down for him, what deaths he died from, right . And so on, there is also a question here, we need to fight this, what is this . In principle, i dont take these difficult cases that i talked about about this cash stick on knives. 67, for those who are interested, lets go back to it, in fact, it should just be ordinary hygiene , because it is transmitted by the fecaloral route, i always imagine when we are taught about the fecaloral route, this does not mean that you are using your finger or not this is transmitted, the fly flew , landed, flew over, they didnt wash their hand, the glass, you see, theres meat lying there, yes, what about us, did we eat salad there . We didnt remove it immediately refrigerator, no product can lie on the table ready for more than 2 hours, so it must be put in the refrigerator or thrown out , its sitting quietly here, its new year soon , well, tomorrow is literally new year, but time flies so, count tomorrow, we well make salads again, again theyll stay with us until the morning, on the first of the month well finish eating, and some of you will go to the potty or to the hospital, so some standard things, refrigerators, various boards, dishes and so on, this is so necessary be important, it should just become a habit, you remember, i mentioned the trip, we go south, and we encounter different water, we know safe water, no, we drink there, take ice, put it in drinks, but its unclear what kind of water this ice is made of, take sparkling water , not because it is already completely clean, but because our pit means that it was at least somehow processed, and not just from the nearest one. Puddles have collected, always look , wash vegetables, fruits, you know, what is a very big source of food toxic infections, e. Coli, even in fivestar hotels, these are sauces on the tables, so they stand there for years, in my opinion, no one touches them, they put everything in the refrigerator, and these sauces sit there, you take something tasty and with e. Coli you just pour it all over it and eat it, and then how will it go . Then it will go away, those people mentioned it there. Then the acidic contents of the stomach decrease and it also protects, here it will dissolve, and if it is reduced under the constant action of pills, it will act like that, also a conditional model, we say, that addiction is not like taking medicine, here you are you will get sick, but you have a greater tendency, well, just like if you constantly drink imiprozole, you have a tendency to impair the absorption of magnesium, the same vitamin b12. So this is not an absolute, were just mentioning it. Further, in what cases, when infected with e. Coli, do you need to urgently take an antibiotic, and for whom is e. Coli especially dangerous . You can very quickly end up in a local hospital, and young people simply die in their arms. The drug gripferon is a recombinant alpha2b interferon. Prevention and treatment of acute respiratory infections viral infections and influenza, even for expectant mothers and babies from the first days of life. Come on, all together, i see right through you all, on friday at 21 30, and if you want to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the show, meet the new voices of russia in your city. Sbermarket takes care of your profitable purchases, pay up to 99 of your order with sberspasibo bonuses in any stores and restaurants. Vbermarket, order profitably. Buy any goods in installments for 24 months with kholva. I like that you can control tipleco from your phone. Tipleko has high efficiency, does not burn oxygen and is absolutely fire safe. 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A gift that will definitely come in handy. Hurry up, the number of gifts is limited. The incredibly complicated story of russian american alison duranzo is back in the spotlight. 5 years ago alison in our studio i met my biological mother. Today she came again to find out the truth about her biological father. Three sisters decided to take a dna test, who will rejoice and who will cry in this studio . The likelihood that nikolai yuryevich is alisons biological father is malakhov. Today at 16 30 the program about the most important thing continues, we talk about e. Coli. Of course, this e. Coli, others that cause severe toxins, we try to avoid, give antibiotics, why, well, because this dangerous e. Coli, it has a toxin inside, well, relatively speaking, we somehow kill the bacteria, it dies and the toxin comes out, it is not always released, its just like. You tear it apart, in people who have severe infections, we give an antibiotic for e. Coli, they often have this hemolyticuric syndrome , its called that, you dont understand, its a syndrome in which the mortality rate is about 50 , every second person dies, to make it clear, kidneys fail, platelets drop, severe neurological symptoms , very heavy, very heavy the disease can cause, it says there, the Central Nervous system, yes, but in newborns, meningitis, in children in general, meningitis is not caused by meningococcus, it is caused by other bacteria, such as h flu bacterium, e. Coli, pneumococcus, a fairly wide range, of course, the immune status of a person is very important; if he has immunodeficiency syndrome, then the closest, so to speak, closest harmless bacteria can cause Serious Problems for her, so for them it is all especially important to know what we usually do when we have diarrhea, so were sick, what . I already said that you shouldnt drink antibiotics, with one exception, when you are somewhere , when i talk about travelers diarrhea, we advise you to take a small amount of antibiotic with you not for treatment, but you find yourself, well, now everything is not so, well, lets say you went to india and it started, but you may experience very rapid dehydration , you may. Forget to take fluids, you can very quickly end up in a local hospital, where, in addition to your own problems, so to speak, you you will get a dozen more serious serious illnesses. Therefore, in order to level out contacts with medicine in countries where you are not confident in the hygiene and state of medical care, we still advise that for travelers diarrhea, you take drugs such as secquinolone antibiotics in order to stop the symptoms and although this is not. Necessary from the point of view view of the disease, and maybe even in some cases, and so to speak, increase the tendency to carrier, that is , there will be no symptoms, and you yourself will be carriers, and in general the most important thing is to replenish liquid, remember, 2 million children die from this a year, they do not die from diarrhea , they die from yes, from dehydration, this is where lapyramide comes in, but you see, you can give lapyramide, if you just have watery diarrhea, to both yourself and your child , but we dont give it if you have a fever, bloody diarrhea, blood in the stool, we dont give it if you have a fever, we dont give it if you have blood in the stool, then remember, if regarding children, what could be the reason why we dont give it to them, they have here it locks, but. Water continues to leave the body and accumulate there is up to 3 liters of water in the large intestine, it may not be in the nose, it has lost 3 liters of water, has moved, then it will burst and you will see, but symptoms may occur before it all bursts, so the most important thing is to replenish fluid, constantly, if it is a small child, cup after cup, cup after cup, spoon after spoon, of course, you have to buy it at the pharmacy, you can go something, but in africa we always did for a liter of water, a boiled tablespoon of sugar, a teaspoon salt, and half a teaspoon of soda, mix it all, and give drink, drink, drink, there are no restrictions, the more the better, then it is full, then there are no these problems, because this disease is still self limited, stopping on its own, you just have to wait, and accordingly, antibiotics, i already said, we dont give it on a regular basis, they can only make it worse, activated carbon. In this situation it wont help either, it just wont help, theres a little bit, another one, it works there, well, like a pump that removes electrolytes and water through the intestinal wall, and what difference does it make whether it comes out or will accumulate in the intestines of your absorbents, the meaning is the same, well, in the sense of the meaning of the uh application point for this, no, in fact, you must understand that these are the Food Poisoning that are around us. Look, well, youre cooking, lets say the same cutlets or the same soup, well, just go ahead and eat them, but you keep the refrigerators on the third, fourth, fifth day, well, i sometimes see this in people, when you come to visit and look, why, but its a pity to throw it away, why do i always say, prepare today for today, made a piece of meat, ate it, yes, whats the point, you fry these cutlets, fry the meat, it is clear that in a few hours they will be infected, even if they. Are stored in the refrigerator, these are unnecessary, unnecessary risks, again , water , the most important thing is water, you must understand what you are drinking, i dont know how effective the filters are, how effective this Water Purification system that we buy in bottles is, i guess, i hope weve all gotten used to it, i hope its effective, but i keep remembering how i spent my whole life, okay childhood, my whole life i drank water from the tap, well, we drank water from the tap, we didnt bother at all, we didnt bother at all, but then there was a system like that, yes, it was chlorination of water and so on everything, here in moscow, you know, in rublevo it was, and so on and so forth, these were very strict standards , you remember what it was, a waterprotected zone, i used all sorts of connections to try to get in there, catch pike, thats it in general, it was police guarded just like now, like a Nuclear Power plant a sensitive facility, of course, all this is not only here, i remember how it was in class hygiene we were told that in france they silver the water, and thus it. I think it needs ozonation, and if its not the silver that they ozone with ozone , i say, here in paris the water is blue , it turns out its not blue, its worse than ours, ours, but beyond that you have to keep an eye on everything, i also why, i worked a lot in africa , i saw a lot of these deaths, when, really , you cant imagine, more water flows out of a person than can be poured in, so i put two central veins in him, well, literally i fill the bucket with 10 liters, 10 liters there already, whatever it is heating must be heated there, not heated, you direct the jets, but for a person, it lies in a puddle, in liquid , it pours in here, pours in from there, its simple and you feel powerless, because you cant shut it up, you dont have time to pour it, and young people die just in their arms, well, in general, not everything is really so scary , im just telling you things, difficult things, and such and such banal infections, like ordinary banal diarrhea, banal cystitis, well, it happens, we this is what we live and hope we live in good mood, because just what passes quickly , lets be attentive to our health, everything will be fine, time in the section questions from the doctor, we ask you questions based on previous programs, raise your hands, whoever is ready or willing, he there the girl was the first to immediately raise her two hands, in general she and you. Hello, alexander leonidovich, hello, what is your name . Fatima, how is fatima, fatima, fatima, and what are you doing . I am also a doctor, your colleague, and also tall. In general its not fair, its not fair, well, cool, what i mean is that the doctor should know most of the questions here , well, im a specialist, you know all sorts of things, maybe theres also a factor of excitement, so well, our questions are simple; for noncalorie sweeteners, do they reduce the risk of developing sugar type 2 diabetes . At least ill look at it this way. Are you writing in warehouses . Right, yes, the answer is no , well, yes, well done, the doctor should know this , on the contrary, they increase the risks, it would seem a paradoxical situation, there are practically zero calories, but they act like that, interaction with our microbiome, the microbiome categorically does not like them, that it begins to undermine communications and harm the body, well, then they are accused not only of the growth of onological diseases, they are directly accused of causing heart disease, so much so that this year the World Health Organization issued a warning about, advises doctors should not advertise these sweeteners, and the problem is that they are not just what you think, you dont take them, we all take them, chewing gum, yoghurts, candies, sweeteners in so many products, why they started sounding the alarm, its not just diabetics, but just a lot of people who take it without thinking about it, you ate yogurt today, not fresh, but the one you bought, which is 3 months old. It means you already ate a sweetener, you grabbed a candy there, you also grabbed a sweetener, this is all very unhelpful, also onological alertness, also oncological alertness, and about oncology i said, yes, of course, and some of them were isolated for a very long time, so to speak, they were accused of this, but now more and more there are more arguments that many of them have an onological, headache and migraine are they the same thing, headache, now . The question is so, everything is ambiguous, its correct, but how is it correct, in the sense, how is it correct, just a headache is not a disease, yes, a headache is the name of a symptom, i have a headache, what do i have, i have a headache, but it cant be a migraine, it could be a tension headache, it could be a tension headache, it could be, im really not lying, there are hundreds of types of headaches, because a headache is therefore, from this point of view, migraine is simply one of the types of headaches, but these are not synonyms, because they often say that i have a migraine, i mean that i have a headache, you dont have a migraine, more than 80 percent, a headache is a tension headache, a migraine is several times smaller, that s why in this case its not the same thing, an allergy, can it develop in adulthood . Yes, it can develop, right . In adulthood, we wont take the reaction of the poor here, because whats wrong with them, whats wrong with them . Talk to them, its just to spend prizes, well, go, choose, we also enjoy playing, yes, fatima, you have three keys , choose all three, take it, fatima or fatima, well fatima, fatima, okay, choose, you can have a book , because daddy adores you too, very, very well, hes watching, ill have to share, come on, he even wanted to be a surgeon, but he became completely different, can you tell me . Lets read about normal products in books, its good for dad and dad will like it dad how much does dad weigh skinny i have he skinny, well, especially there is teacher at the University Teacher at the university, yes, can i have a mug too . Well, ill need a mug for my face, take it for yourself, at least this is one thing dad understands, cheers, im writing from the author, whats his name, hanafi ha . Were watching all the programs, well, hello, enjoy your seat, please, i wish you all good health, next in the program womens health, is it possible to detect Breast Cancer at an early stage, i love the moscow coffee shop on the waist, and ill tell you why, the moscow coffee shop on the waist. Combination of traditions and advanced technologies of the highest class, taste pleasure. Moscow coffee shop on the waist, i love it, i recommend it, ill have to fire you, i understand, dr. Krasnov, today at 21 20, we have different noses, and we tolerate a runny nose differently, cant breathe, there are different renostops for different requests, renostop helps fight runny nose at an affordable price, and rinnost double help, promotes careful restoration of the mucous membrane, for everyone there is a rennostop, this is ozonbank, and you have a lot of clients here, already more than 25 million, they also return cashback up to 100 to the lucky one. 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But sometimes development stops, with support it doesnt stop, we expand further, National Project for small and mediumsized businesses, our business is to support yours. When difficult trials come into our lives, it is very important to unite, each of them has their own story, i am probably like a mother to them, a story that everyone should hear, the first arrival is well remembered, when we were sitting in basements for 7 months, crazy you literally escape from all these shellings, i knew that i had a protector who protected my mother and me very much. Ours, from monday to thursday, at 15 00, only on the russia channel. From pain in the legs, i take a proven remedy , aescusan drops, aescusan a good price. Good morning. Hello. October is a month of struggle all over the world. With Breast Cancer. Breast cancer is a type of cancer that, if diagnosed at an early stage, has a high probability of achieving longterm remission and complete cure. Today we will talk about how you can suspect Breast Cancer at an early stage, and also what to do if you suspect any cancer . I would like immediately ask a question to our audience today in the hall, who knows what methods of preventing Breast Cancer are there . So, good morning, what is your name . Svetlana, i believe that you need to regularly undergo such procedures as mammography, ultrasound examination, yes, good morning, good morning, i conduct a monthly selfexamination , thank you very much, hello, what is your name, hello, valentina, six months ago during a selfexamination i discovered that i have a lump in my left breast, i havent gone to the doctor yet, im very afraid, valentina, then come to us, please, and i want to invite an oncologist to the studio, igorevich khotkov, chief freelance specialist. Of moscow, director of the gbd moscow clinical scientific and Practical Center named after anatoly sergevich loginov, dzm, doctor of medical sciences , professor, academician of the Russian Academy of sciences. Igor evgenievich, good morning, good morning, good morning, six months ago, valentina felt a tumor in her mammary gland, is the timing in this situation decisive . Of course, we are involved in antenatal clinics everywhere there is. Breast selfexamination posters, this is such a simple procedure that needs to be done on certain days of the cycle, monthly, if there is any lump there, of course, you should immediately consult a doctor, because in the early stages any cancer is treated radically better, much better , certainly. Igor evgenievich, how to carry out selfdiagnosis, what rules exist, well, the rules are very simple, up to 40 years old, an annual examination, you need to divide the mammary gland into quadrants palpate one by one. Conduct an examination of each of these zones, that is, selfexamination, and if something bothers you, you need to go for an ultrasound or a mammogram, and after 40 years, regardless of the results of the selfexamination and regardless of whether it bothers you or not, you need to do it once every 2 years of simply undergoing mammography to see what is happening in the mammary gland, when every woman should be wary, we stand in front of the mirror and visually examine the mammary gland, a rather alarming symptom when the nipple is convex. Becomes retracted, any deformations that exist need to be paid attention to, but an inverted nipple is such a fairly typical sign of a breast tumor, then we begin palpation, and if we detect some kind of compaction, this should also alert us if we see asymmetry , that is, if something is already bulging in us, thats also a reason to quickly enough, and see a doctor, discharge from the nipple, at some mature age, of course, if discharge appears. And the nipple, then need to consult your doctor. Increased venous pattern in the breast area, or some kind of nonhealing ulceration. Here you dont need to be afraid to go to the doctor, you need to be afraid of missing the best time to treat some disease that will not necessarily be onological. Today we have made enormous progress, in particular in the treatment of Breast Cancer. Indeed, now, within the framework of the National Health care project, more and more temporary hightech approaches to the treatment of oncological diseases are being introduced a variety of localizations. From january 1 , 2022, a new standard for Early Detection and treatment of cancer was introduced. And we have a socalled patient path or diagram of how this standard should actually be implemented in practice. Referral to an oncologist is the first stage within the first 3 days after identifying a suspicion of cancer, well, more often it is either a momologist or an obstetriciangynecologist, who confirms that there is an education and says that some kind of specialized examination is necessary, in within 3 days, if there is suspicion, the patient must be seen by an oncologist, the next stage is a referral for examination within seven working days, within 24 hours a diagnosis must be carried out, which includes ultrasound, mammography and, if necessary, a biopsy. Of the breast formation that exists, a histological examination is then performed, when we can establish the type of this disease and , accordingly, develop the entire treatment strategy for this patient. Now, thanks to the National Health care project, more than 480 outpatient Oncology Care Centers have been opened in the Russian Federation. These are Specialized Centers that are fully equipped with all diagnostic equipment for diagnosing and identifying the oncopathology of oncological diseases. And all this can be done on an outpatient basis; hospitalization in an inpatient facility is not required. I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that the first, second and subsequent stages are possible. At the expense of Compulsory Health insurance completely free of charge according to the policy compulsory medical insurance in the region in which you are located, the third stage is an extended consultation seven working days after diagnosis. Well , what we mean here is that every outpatient Oncology Care Center has an oncology consultation. Doctors of at least three specialties a surgical oncologist, drug treatment specialists, a chemotherapy and a radiation therapist. It is very important here that all three specialists. In discussing and deciding on treatment strategy for each patient. The fourth stage is treatment under the ms policy. Very clear defined standards, treatment protocols, they have been introduced and continue to be introduced into widespread clinical practice, and in fact in every region of the Russian Federation today, every patient has the opportunity to receive hightech, modern treatment for any oncological disease. If you live in a remote region, there is no possibility of obtaining advice from any specialist, or you still need to draw some conclusions in order to determine treatment tactics, then there are telemedicine consultations, now they are also very active are being implemented, in every Federal Center that deals with the treatment of oncological diseases, there is an entire department that regulates these telemedicine consultations and the patient receives these consultations within 3 days after applying from any region, igorevich, speaking about treatment and early diagnosis of oncopathology, i do not i cant tell you what active development Genetic Research has now received, that s what they are needed for, here we can probably distinguish two parts, there are molecular genetic studies that are carried out with detection of a tumor, they allow you to select a medicine that will affect exactly the tumor that a person has, this is one part, the second part is the presence of a predisposition to the occurrence of a particular cancer. And as for Breast Cancer, if there is a family history, or this disease occurs repeatedly in one person, yes , of course, it makes sense to look at the genes that have been proven to be more likely to determine the possibility of developing this disease, our main the task is to find early, if we find early, we treat very effectively and very inexpensively from all points of view. So, what to do if you find yourself. Some incomprehensible symptoms that alarm you , you dont need to panic, fears may be in vain, today we have, well, simply amazing opportunities to ensure a long, highquality life patients who have even been diagnosed with cancer. Valentina, thank you very much for coming to us, i hope that you will take advantage of such valuable advice and not lose precious time. Thank you very much, igor evgenyevich, thank you very much for being with us today, my friends, we told you. You about what you need to do if suddenly you yourself or the doctor suspects cancer , do not panic, do not be afraid, but move along the wellknown experimental path, and we wish you a good day and a great mood, be healthy, there was a program with you about the most important thing. On the russia tv channel, in the studio of evgeniy roshkov. Hello, the main thing is for this hour. Explosions thunder at the southern station of kharkov, where the train arrived with additional weapons. Fighting under the flint. Our guys are storming ukrainian oporniks. And in zaporozhye

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