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This rule that is forwarded by the e. U. A euro cried in brussels. And because they dont re, with the Foreign Policy that they have adopting every direction. I gotcha. So they demand often because they have supermarkets full of, uh, fruits and vegetables at the price match low. Well, then look, good production and all that comes in negatively in the 1st place from you pray because the European Union wants to help you frame and wants to end to ease the setting of its product. So it is creating a domestic process in all the nations. So form farmers of producing food that doesnt make that exhibit because the Free Trade Agreement is causing them at the addition that they know up to the process of below the. Busy and the comment i got your policy that resent them from using subsidizes is not compatible with the product that they all buy from ukraine. And they have such as i this with different of the, you know, so that is one of the actually, the 2nd aspect is the you is introducing kind of the rocker. See, for the farmers that they need to spend almost between 5 to 7 hours a day. On filling up documents and papers every single day, and that takes up almost a 3rd of the time when 2 sides of the time is invested in the fall. So they dont have any time to rest. So they again say you have to reduce the, the rocker, see that youre asking us. And then to the 2nd most important, bought either the stop the import from ukraine and you find them, theyve done that, the market for it. If you want to support you great or you, we allow it to raise the price, but raising the price is becoming really ridiculous. We go to market, we used to pay to sign it for 0. 80 for that we pay for 3 years, 10, it kito spanish. It reach said in euros when it was around 3 to 4 years. So all these practice of closing not only directions to reactions from the followers, but also the population is on the badge of exclusion because of the policy of the you one day, so much money to invest on Foreign Policy in particular, supporting your grant in this ridiculous war but not investing in more toward the european population. So theres some level of under cutting and thats causing inflation of prices. Then you get another sacrifice for a you farmers in the name of ukraine. Now lets not forget a or a slab under land has invited ukraine to join the you. Well, the old rule between the west and lead by the United States against ukraine, a resulting and destructive of the european ca. Com. And i would explain. First of all, the americans are very happy with the outcome because they saying that all duction and say is boomy. So there is a part of the american industry that is making a lot of money. Secondly, because the americans have decided that we should own in the west, those sanctions on russia. Then we find those say buying the or the guys treat times or full times more expensive then the price with that you, we used to pay to russia. So what we found out at the end of the day is the americans offering facilities to all the European Industry to come to america with 5 years without paying taxes and where the energy is very cheap in surprising to what they pay to they youre so we have again the migration of the European Industry to america because of this war. So what we have gain, we have gain inflection. We have gain the valuation of the euro. We have gain bills that we cannot afford to pay. I mean electricity, when the electricity has been for an individual, goes from 8 to yours a month that is more or less 90. 00 to 370. 00. And thats without counting how much restaurants up paying and talking about thousands of years. Nobody can afford these prices, but because youre a seasonal orientation to was Foreign Policy, which is not the reason why the european leaders have been lifted. They never did, according to that domestic agenda, but not to that for the policy was they can dry the entire country to missouri. Well, europeans today are looking towards of finding jobs and investing either the names. Yeah, absolutely. Because there is no uh, opportunity to invest. You oh, everything is very expensive. The taxes are increasing and you pay everything. They are a nice ending up on everything that is related to income. And there is no increase of income to compensate. The costs of flies because inevitably you raise the income, you raise the prices. So if the price of the transport is full times hire, someone needs to pay. And the one whos paying is the end user, which is the us. The people who are living on the european continent and paying the price of 2. 00 of wrong european policy, one at the beginning of the war shepherd, europeans either said this is not our war and we will not be engaged. Thats why decision and then we find, oh says, or default in the war to the point, do we have president and defense president amendment my whole say that i would need at the end of the day to send some folks to and some people in sizes to ukraine to continue the war because you can just do a very bad. So the details that guns so out of their way, and completely disconnected from whats happening in europe, to the point that they think they can be part of this war. That is not our role to increase the negative consequences on your b and population. Yeah, very scary escalation indeed. So the dutch farmers protest that was the 1st one that began in europe that sparked off in 2019, that movement has since spread across the continent over the past year. First, can you begin by explaining to us what sparks that initial pro test and what the situation of that protest looks like today in 2024 over in the netherlands. Yes, i remember when in october 2009 over 2000 tractors at close defined way and thats and then a 1000 kilometers. I know that because i was stuck in by some new study in the netherlands. So that was a long time way. And they even. Busy as the way on the no c beaches, there is no just on that. If you want to escape and find a way for the city. So the problem and then that that then comes rebates from the got. So the government add one today, drastic measures to reduce the mission of nitrogen. This is exactly the same as you also in france and in brussels in the bedroom. But the french have found another way to spend um it to be at this point this uh plan, but for the, for the internet and then they, the government consider buying for the largest share its nitrogen. That was it on the bench then comes from a boot. Gotcha. So these measures that are taken by the government are supporting as the Climate Change and the support of the track. However, the full the off, its essentially the governments policy was encouraging all the time the farm is to expand, to buy more land, to have more items and that to borrow more money into wordpress. It facilities, banks, facilities for farm is to have access to those. Like nobody has been, theyve discovered that a good that you was responsible for. 80 percent of the emission of one said, well its nitrogen pollution. And because the farming and the diary comp 50 just one percent of g g, g, d, p, then the government said was it this is the if we come back on the production and thats not really affect the cost. Oh is a for the farm as well as expensive that business they found themselves step. Of course there is an issue that the 9th or just in the midst of yeah, is harmless because weve read 78 point something else, nitrogen and as 21 on something of oxygen. Where that the reaction comes with other names. And because the name is like ammonia and the natural bite sites that we find we, we find in the is set to sizes, then this combination is becoming a wary for the government to try can reduce so for, for the last of 85 years at the farm is as being stuck in there uh uh there animals and the production and indulging the properties. And the gods as it has be again at the same time skyrocket. So the band need the feud, and the emission of maxim backside creates much for pollution. I love the technical side of the lines is that the ukrainian or using another pins all not allowed to use, but effect why the, the production of the vegetables is something that the farmers, again, all standing against. So they say, if we cannot have enough fields for the most to eat the gross and we need to keep them in, then they is a production of whole then 13 to 90 percent of the sites are good. The government, the say, okay, what i can buy the land that you dont want because you have bought a new expended. And i can give you bought the land o. I cant buy all of your. But then this is not the solution because then again the farm, as i said. So what do we do . This is the only business we have nothing to do. And this is this paint that we be doing be doing since decades from generation to generation. And we havent done another job or to do some other uh business. So this is the, the bank that continue on going between the farms and the governments where the farmers are saying, well, we dont want you to buy outlets because we dont know how to invest money. And there is no guarantee today for any investment because of the the bottom ration of the. Ready because the instability in the market, the increase of the price of the go, the increase of the price of the be going and the increase of the price of the at or what, why, but then is this, do i think its never stable . So where do they go . They dont know that this, this is the name of that. All right, coming up next. What happens when those who are traditionally outside of the game of politics decide they want a seat at the table . Thats exactly what happened in the netherlands. Were going to discuss it when we return with elijah maga is to type them all will be right back the the other way, not. Right . It says the brother printer was up at the moment this was sent over there. So basically of course we need, the last name was needed, read it 1st and when we used to live, imagine we have some more for someone moses, we would show new people to the, the, the parts of our executive. And im here to plan with you whatever you do. Do not watch my new show. Seriously. Why watch something thats so different opinions that he wont get anywhere else with please do the have the state department c i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. Choose your fax for you, go ahead, change and whatever you do. Dont want my show stay main street because im probably going to make you uncomfortable. My show is called stretching time, but again, its not. We dont wanna watch it because it might just change the way you the welcome back to them. Oh i manila chance. Traditionally in the world of politics we see a certain type who enters that field, right . They usually come from high society, attend elite universities and mix and mingle amongst themselves, sometimes referred to as the ruling class. But in the netherlands, dodge farmers have ditched the fields and are now disrupting business as usual in parliament by creating their own Political Party. A political analyst and veteran war correspondent elijah maga, is back with us to discuss the turning of the tides of a new politics. So elijah, in the last couple of years, dutch farmers began their own Political Party called the b, b, b. In english. It translates to a farmer, citizens movement. So in 2023, the b, b, b, one, several seats in the parliament disrupting the plans for the pm mark, route, as cabinet who would no longer have the majority. By the summer of 2023. The entire dutch cabinet collapsed. Do you think we will soon see other countries in the follow the dutch lead and launch their own parties and, and how might this disrupt business as usual, politics and the you . What do we have soon . The european parliament, the election. We have 710 year. Ready being members of the european arguments, philosophy in europe and deciding what to do and what role they can forward to the leaders of the 27 european nations. And we see a movement in different countries. And you people imagine weve seen that in the u. K with your data weights, winning the election and driving the hard establishment of the battle because its something completely thinkable. And that we see also a breach in the as in different your parliaments members in different european countries. When there is a change phase to ship of the tradition, not only because the new people are all fed, because people have got and they did just as it had enough of the, the usual of these who dominate the establishment and the concrete in order to be your and so we dont need to have always the same people. These are the, the conservative or the day before the they rocketing or the left wing, the social theres all the green at the end of the day that could be more fascist. And the right we walk these so there is a need for change. And this need to change is not very happy, very fast and very quickly because any change and each time is exactly like the what a jimmy today, we stood up the americans as well as germany. However, most countries around the world agree that these church to, because of the way the americans are read, what the w stand it and the pharmacy, particularly with the war on gas and the war and you, great and the compassion of the stand of the what between both rules, so all that is giving you all the full support for the european people to think about the necessity to introduce changes and remove fetus if youre to, for example, today at the, the, the shipping from us. Youll have a leader and then went back home with 23 percent of voters who voted for so he is really over less than a quarter of the population where people voted for him because they didnt want to try the far right. We mounting the bank, which is after a year and a half to 2 years, its no longer the case if there were elections today. Mounting the bank, we went tomorrow by 70 to 80 percent will than any other time to because people have enough of the old faces and, and well talk if they dont want to try something new. I dont think the changes. Ill going to say youre so dramatically everywhere, but the all the to be increased. There is going to be an increase of changes as what youre, because there is a new narrative that is coming in, which is the benefit of the population. The interest of the population and barry this, that of looking up the, the interest of the people, but not the interest of another country. We cannot in your function with leaders law say america. First, your allow the american to say america 1st in america, but not the, your, europe, you should go back to europe. But again, designs, if we lose designs, this is a big problem. And because we are using our basses, the new faces that imagine indifferent on events, but they need time to form a logical industry. Now say in the world of politics, ive seen much of the main stream media refer to them the b, b, b as an extreme and right wing populist right. Even White Nationalist over their concerns of migration. Same for the f b in germany. Is this a fair or accurate description of these parties . And does this even speak to the rising populism across europe . Thats a very good question. So we see today across europe, poplars, especially those on id be lucky to, right. So they have been willing law shares the votes in recent pages. Elections. So for example, if it 8 the right wing porpoise brother, excuse me, a secure the highest vote. Giving one single box the, the support of the judge and they dont need add a who became a prime minister. In sweden for example, the Sweden Democrats emerge was the 2nd most popular, the in the country and then in the recent election. So they have their Strong Performance is the result of a steady growth in the last, i think 5 or 6 fundamental elections and why they have double that vote since 2014. Again, as you rock you said in spain, the shell, the votes going to pop of the spot. These they have again the between 20152090. 2021. At the, the rising is gone from 20 to 30 percent to 25 percent in hungary, for example, it was at the store or ben reelected edit. That is where the roughly popular is gain and the election and in the last election, in the end, the so button has been polishing 0. 20. So that gives him a starting place in the society where people wants him to continue implied. Again, the readings below or injustice bobby as a full time to increase the vote to share between the 200120192020. So in these countries, we see the rise population in measure, for example, in for us also the same. Imagine weve seen the fall in the far right. The flemish poppy is one around more or less 12 percent of the versions of in 2019. But then thats we also work at the office of badging at the increase a so say when not, not doing as good as a farm. Right. So going from 9 to 10 percent, but its not doing very bad. But in phones, thats the Biggest Surprise when people did not want the pen. And then suddenly they discovered that she is the one estate is standing face to face with an ebony. Why my heart and the connection. And then not one because people didnt want to read it to try marine defense, but now they are very keen to allow her to become the new president if faced, continue, or isaac this today. However, weve seen in other countries that way of populous at all, no, really like germany and in greece. In these countries, weve seen a decrease all the, the support for properties. So we can say the gross, the more do yes, properties, right . The because they is in need of try different people and tried different people who are speaking to the people, the speaking to the population, talking that language, addressing the concerns, always going to abide by what they say during the election or before the election. Once they are elected it, if we take the example of george, i mean literally she did not part of the same agenda. She was advertising for any before the election. When she became prime minister, she changed the policy in particular to address that in the ukraine. And so its, we need to wait, but there is a strong appetite amount of the european population to see new faces and to change people under any type of representatives. All right, unfortunately i got to make that the last word, elijah, thank you so much for that. And insight and be sure to follow elijah on twitter at e j mall. Right. And check out his work at olaja mega dot com. Thank you so much, elijah, is my 3rd at any time. All right, that is going to do it for todays episode of modus operandi the show that theyve deep into Foreign Policy and current affairs. Im your host manila chance. Thank you so much for tuning in. Well see you again next time to figure out the m. O. The of the every spring and summer, the melting optics move reveals a band of machinery, millions of rusty barrels, and the detritus left by human expansion into this most inaccessible of territories. Yes, i used to move search a customer both of us for some of the doors at the bus to be joining us. An issue calling to us from clean optic travels the highest island home to the biggest opponent station on the front of joseph land occupied a go. Yeah, they asked me what i was my bush or more you have to do should. So it means if you have, when you feel when we see thats one way and then put some of the, some will stay on the old stuff last time i feel like you are a mess almost a little bit. See me membership when you to ive got to read on serial. No boys, the middle of please join me instead of the optic plan is Main Objective was to explore and comcast these harsh lance they had no time to think about Waste Management now and. And then i can see kids remain for centuries. Thats my of my choice of so who even needed somebody at the course you system is the most upon your scope of the team about this deal to issue the what is a part of the employee would post to isnt the defense you of us and that in the word or is it something deeper, more complex . Might the present good . Lets stop without cases. Lets go public or hello and welcome to cross the full doors. Here we discuss them real in the new video of alleged to abuse by an officer. Today, the sheriffs deputy and columbia, south carolina, forcibly removed his student from a classroom at Spring Valley high school. I saw him just talking to her and her and initially, you know, i didnt think it was a problem because i knew that she was just, is quite a student in the class. Someone likes the Police Officer and says, here was Law Enforcement that is worse. Clearly attacking, abusing power and other than others besides, this is whats wrong with those probably be on discipline. Black church. He was there, enforcing a lot to meet the crime, to quote, disturb schools in any way. That means any disturbance that any kids causes and school is huge and forces never predict but necessary. A tops people were never gonna change them out. So people will never change their minds about video. They think i was wrong. And thats it. The, the web stories this, our ukranian troops continue that retreats. Well the reality behind washington suppression a package to k of is far from what the billions of dollars imply safe. It has no major issues off to considering the as well as most recent proposal for a loan, good way to pay still, and hostage release agreement. And does that include pathetic ation arrives in egypt also has the hotel. It has been delayed by a number of weeks at this point, and they are hoping to ensure that these ships leave as quickly as possible processes into kia raleigh, to support and international the a. So tell that theyve gone that on the safe spot for the unplugged the

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