Drake powers, which also proceeded. If showing us from the need of to balance continued the different forces exist, something are being confidence which you will still need from you. And then finding out them that way to major attempts to establish the unipolar world, much of a gemini, some of the 1st of the podium tried thats to use Little Something early 19th century to gather all of your apologies by was. And then that was fits on the 20th century. So that was also captured in the beginning, encountering, directed that power against russia. To see what i think is going to building and have the goal of dominating your headline for painful will dominate. But i will be old and thats a better event. But i see yes. And so yes. So the russian people takes the frightful, tried to send a deposit, have to play. And defeating it was germany. And that failure, failure to establish a gemini combination of ones race, lead to the creation of the united nations, which was founded on the concept of multiple laboratory from the outset. Some of the Security Council at is 5 coming into members with a guarantors of that to winning power has agreed that if one of them had to send you issues with a certain topic and that topic would not be decided on by the united nations. And it worked very well and i think this concept is still a viable smell and its a checklist. It is viable if the obligations are fulfilled in good faith shift. But as casual said, public lane is full and speech. And the 2nd type of 1946, we spoke about the iron curtain. What is a bad sort of noise, though, from the welding divided it into different colors. And the british and the americans discussed terrible plants to home us a saw thousands and hundreds of cities would be attacked. So the question of how sincere the leaders of great powers, when they discussed the future world order was questions. And it was especially quickly made a parent that they were not actually sincere at the western world, had it not resario course, and then it led to decrease in later no, thats roles. So youve asked whether the wind is still relevant. For instance, the, i believe that the un charter and all is principles are to us still relevant on us in the modern world. The video to the fullest extent is the re, initially to say it includes the principles of the solver and the quality of the states. Its most of the young lady studies, and if you recall for the year as opposed to history slips was not a single case. Thats where the west, whatever is a go where the west respect of the principal, someone the quality of the states, it always pushed for its own times of interest in violation for you in charge of this stuff. It also includes the principle of the interfered symbols into the Domestic Affairs of countries which will and violated multiple times by the allies committee. You are holding onto the states on the starting with the us is preserving the least reckless of fans and those rallies nice. You really select the american virginia region. There was a threat to raping american trend. This hasnt been a Website Builder who was a pretext. Ill tell you the way to spell it to send the troops to the country that built them locally. So that was their slogan. The year, so you have it, so you never leave. Was that so their citizens behind or you store it is now and were seeing us open the russian people being simply to press the music and being prohibited from honoring the history and culture. The Russian Media russian language are bound to collaborate as such, has been down to have it just celebrated. And the people who came to power, new crane after the 2 of the 2014 believe that the credit the they said out loud. But she has a buddhist, as opposed to dense people in the cities of cock coles. And nikolai should forget, pretty much about the existence of the russians actually. So they set that off the cry. Mia is go back to your brain. Everyone would have to filter it and let us check for loyalty and why they even remained in the peninsula to rush. It came there was, they make no secret of their intentions. They sang dishes russians of should be eliminated both legally, from legislation and physically, honestly. So you have a little bit of course that you and child, so it contains lots of principals. So probably most of them cook the whole problem is, will stuff one of us know how to observe you and child to the oldest way or the scoundrels of waste them is not on the go and try me for the loss of international observers. Houses referendum, but the issue which is gonna go up and spoke the majority in favor of jewels of joining was returning to the rest of the veneration. So that was widely televised and forecasted on social media. Youve seen the joy like thats impossible to imitate. And everybody realize thats absolutely everybody even viewed it back, then the jump carried to the secretary of state. It was mostly so then we were discussing this and youve done both further. Well, nipples joined the simple steps on the dont pass. You trying to pull up what you told me, its all clearly defined me and that was april of 2014 the legends they sent me about. But also fact then we wanted to know the sort out the issue of self regulated stillness, kind of a little bit on the list on the stomach, a flu budgets, 0 back then the west, the city of them. You to get seen the following stuff. They said the referendum wasnt before the judge and that was because it was a violation of territorial integrity and principle, which in school to those with an insightful us and that you, im child. So i have to be so prior to that without any referendum in 2008 and its for them with most of the western countries, usually less really proclaims the independence of the cost of all be a circular one. The 9 years x are without any un Security Council mandates and bones sort of you, former yugoslavia seems stupid. I deceptively says and cops of the serbian region without any referendum. So some of us know when we will process the issue this deal. Its just me quite justified. The question is, how did you do that . This was not, was answered. So thats Something Different and not someone put it in here. Whats, what matters is the right some of nations for self definitional, and thats in school stuff on the news. Im observing the principles you believe in child ser, uh lets see if it doesnt help like reading a menu, but its all but in all their entire say or split the as it has been through those, most of the fact that its new quite possible. It will only be fair to reward is the very lengthy conversation. Im still wasnt that the human had on the subject of what is more important self definition of nation easily is that i need to study was much where stands on the 1st page of the child left of the territorial integrity. The principal source, which on the surface is 2 pages, lights are used on them and there is no connection between them whatsoever, but the image process. So special process, but even simple, you can its true, but not for use to describe the principles of the child to the uh, what does it show . So supposed to be different when use that suit against the cell, people that so thats what i started looking at the muscle and ended after as a 1960 stink alone as ation. So again, most of the process that remember i said she feels good, most valued so necessary for my colonies, and now about a dozen of them. I still see, but it still remains as colonial powers, electronics, and really in some other countries, a few other and assembly and the General Assembly of the c. H, demanding, the fulfillment of its decision was due to the silver semester. You sum up, but it depends on the correlation between territorial integrity of the right of a soft definition for the following text was accepted. So, so some response of a vague declaration that was the top level declaration. Think consensus is that im not, doesnt that it says that every countries with us, the bills on the every stage i can sell this list lube oil. This was the most rest, extraterritorial integrity, any states what was a 3. And so those governments didnt, you know, to respect to the principle of south definition of nation as low. So im gonna send you a new preservation and therefore represent the entire population living in this area. So. So what are the schools that, thats in the bloody, as a temporary, expensive faulty or the 30th suddenly a, you know, they also reaction this and they are not saying a good, im sure horses that came to power. So could i even go to the board by no means representing the tried me or the south east of the price . Yes, nobodys going to doubts or hard to add you listed as of a multi polarities, including the simple is quite possible on todays principles of the you in charge of fair principles for 30 to see it would go through budgets provided that everybody that just didnt theres no, nobody is willing to risk less than what we have so know for the should these as International Law. Here ive done some violations on this International Law that most begin yesterday. So you provided states use this in the long been enforcing their own money rules such as systems that with you losing us with this metal should assume the need to the motion up. And the rules are like this, where they need to condense something, then this is a violation of solvent and where they support something, then this is the right of, of nation still supplement. Initially, it was necessary for you to get back to the un charter companion to know with in your house. I have to wait on you to get the new bill or something. Im also i have whole world are doing now. Utilize these complaints and these are these many regional structures, such as the European Economic council, the shy Corporation Organization to face the process and was with the chinese one build one road initiative. And i was fellows and or so. So its like its up there with me just a lot of skills. This is in duration. Theres also the gulf countries around the organization. You go to school this with the golf council, and there are many countries thats homeless. Remember, some of the legal fire of states law, theyre all interested in harmonizing the plans and programs and the programs and no use. And you call these International Unions to maybe there are many of which ive already established working contacts. So you among themselves. Yeah, they coordinate their agendas, so that was the phone. Yeah, it was a full my goal is be good. Say again to make sure that this thing with the u. S. Mutuality helps avoid 40 bucks, overlapping ends, up location of functions, and this, and corporation. This process of interaction, these bodies in you, as opposed to me, but sure were you, but i didnt mind, but formulate changes initiative for the duration partnership with the of the state. Given us, your ration Partnership Means the entire duration continentals, are familiar with subject to, you know, this partnership thats led to originates of whether the objective reasons originates from light. Its open for full countries of duration, the old countries of the continent without exclusions and will celebrate me and in his wrist and address to the federal Assembly President for the person who sort of the to the confirmed interest in, in the developmental this economic corporation. Concepts as suggested is formulating a new concept for your duration security and speed this up with euro, Atlantic Security costs, and the way it has the existence of the thing is that simply because the person says this tablet spends a thought uh oh. I see i, for the years that we choose to rebuild, which they give it a certain hopes, considering the areas of instruments. What else for business meals for expenditure, transparency, a world of trust on the key, the limitation of Florida Minutes . Are you able to Fund Features that i think it didnt give some hope for most of that. So this architectural has been, its a guarantee architectural how joint efforts for the weather was. It will ensure stability while it fails, protect your labels and you with this material. So its been sent me as soon as you submit it sounds not only over the last 2 years of the special notion of ration the several years before that. So, so im so, so what is a desire to grocery violates the consensus principal of always the mind invested in some new practice to Member States was worthwhile, a savings the principle of neutrality with you to the executive. As davids secretary most general secretaries as of the structural unit. So we give you a pro se and, and somebody mean seriously. What youll do is were in charge of other issues such as national minorities, i would say it has no discredit at itself completely. Is due to due to what we see the concepts just like the concept of change. Developmental choose to describe it at itself economically because of the concepts of developmental to parts of europe, western and eastern. When you tell me the name of proclaiming and the common economic instrument is higher in space, from the classic, and thats whats up to about blood versus you who are too. So to have all the way to the pacific, from ocean to police. And theres lots of them all this, lots of all the useful things developed back then went down to drain the door to the postilion. And the west indian says that they are only going to lead by their own rules, which is going to let you just do what you and a may be at the moment technological, military rise of new sensors. More. She really needs me, new sensors of the power become in the world. We power and its less than the world to solve this that the west has never go into the domination the world again. And we need to look for shapes and forms and that will even later to reflect the weights. And it has every states in International Affairs and with the police due to the licenses for them that they be, they do realize they spend, they are too keen. So prevents this process of forming and multiple roles. Border avoided or slow it down as most of the milton i think would, might be a manifestation of agony. Sports to quote you to realization of the fact that they take him on the easiest deadlines. Langley g as going away. So the new, hence the many abrupt aggressive actions of the west east to new to the new discovery. Oh, even investment time was praying to theres little depression and black mailing and violated single international. The see, this lady took a regulations as well as the case and your best loved in europe in libya and syria to be moved. Lets do this. Lets do it. As it happens, as the outcome of their trends, a year stays in the kind of time to to blessings. Just supposed to have a good news. The deal is, i think the general is the gist of it is the outcome of that spends a year stay and ive kind of so that was sort of, they measured several times and both of those that match the nation in the wrong about the vision and later said, well above we were kind of mistaken. There was no excuse. There was no reason of the night. But with the age of about that happens, autumn is up to their inpatient invasion in the wrong when they sketch roads and other states army, which has to consider that the manage consisted mostly of a suddenly muslims, most of the officers that are basically with this, with us 3 or 4 and the backbone was only islamic states for the middle of all as you have said, air and vision in syria to, to the zip code to another terrorist. As for the structure for which i have under, which is something that the blood, the, the, these are the troops to do. So with the 1st of enlightenment, neza, civilized west, these girls to other nations with lots and use the model, the countries i list instead of just learning better. Now, libya is now the eps inside of the stage. Iraq is on the bridge, was a disaster. Who would have been syria, the americans are raising. There was a staging of the curves, but that was the thought, the basically stealing they boylen food, you need to produced on the occupied territories, some of the most, some territories occupied by them, like, you know. So theres also blair of statements through food or yeah, im familiar with the zip code. It should rely on integration and structures to come talk to you service a and then we have contacts from the original organizations in other regions to what you know the african union, excuse us, with the seal of the sort of meetings here. Latin american and Caribbean Group in the face, they always say no but its w a shed. You can get that if you just get a youngster to it. Obviously, be blogs, each representing its own the geographical region. So what im going to be able to get in to take more and more agents and more and more responsibility, which is i think, the 3 l. C on the trends, but its on the, at the box from it. It says original integration of processes on here, but theyre also global. Its a blue cross as you go to as old, the brakes levels, which are the nice known as has been shaping for many years already on sale. So, so consensus look up exclusively on the base of consensus. It is without them. But once the interior such as the results of the balance of interest that seeks it to period because of the, this is what breaks does shows the suspect itd be to split up. Those are pretty, we still put together the placements and now as to what they need for the price of 5. 00 countries. Us up is its all ready to exceed smooth the so the did you need to your list of moves. And now with the exception of new sites, this guy has growing up, im Bigger Companies and the interests are joining products are this allows before you split up, thats been shown express line for a while, sometimes able countries. Its a more global talk about the union of phone you a bye. So this truly global slope is a resolution im pretty young, quite suited to all for various regional organizations. I use to then use continuum button. Im establishing a certain form of corporation on inter continental level of social skills. Maybe its just a philosophical vision, but i think its quite receivables to do and you cuz of the year, but also and is a strong little bush. And id like to say that the both its no country of the world majority has ever tried to work against anyones providence is in this case against the world minority, but its not old that says the west. So when the, for example, we are most, i guess, countries of the west and im really upset when know thats in europe and north america. Yeah. They have their absolutely low interests. They have the history that they love, which its and the full laser, it leads with us know what some of that you learn to pursue an agenda based on mutual respect, knocked on supremacy slowly, slowly but not on the supremacy of the nation over other nations. These of the media of based on arrogance is yes or too much, even though we still publishes your face. So pushing ultimate with ultimate drive in surface to the west. It says democracy is that the, do you mind the moment use talking any talking about democracy in the west, on the international arrangement, most seo to the, to bring up. So they immediately stopped the conversation. But uh, this be on this session, their roles on the international arena, basically based on that to establish the worlds border. If youre such a democrats, then you should probably slew gum. What does that mean . Whats the, what could i use that it should probably recognize, it makes it extra. Im of different opinions on theres natural suitcases. Lets take your brain. Spent a decade just explaining whats going to happen if someone for the rest of you put them on the continuous littlest, because making photos sitting in your brain against russia. School appreciate, it continues to eradicate all things russian there and putting but this freedom to sort of november the zillow. Im guessing you probably didnt have a good use of, of time, a constraint as opposed to the west basically to kind of outside management. The g 7 plants or their own officials, wherever you need it, but the manage all aspects of the countrys lives. The boy we explained in great detail, what else did it say this by way of sizing for and what other reasons so, so im a special notes for operation georgia. My gosh, long uh as far as the, the west jews you can use. Theres a lot of words to retail suddenly condemn elation since, but thats happening so much. Okay, but lets to the countries in asia and africa and left america to decide for themselves, lose these developing countries to talk to themselves what they think about the arguments one side. And the accusations coming from the other side. You have to respect all the nations, read them as adults as an equal source of the, of the ocean of the, you know, know, supposedly, after all, thats our investigators had been working quite actively throughout the world, explaining to everyone the reasons for the complex and they austin, our counterparts to take into account our assessment. As easement polluting was within the un on the west debit clarified their positions. The news that some passages to issue ultimatums you, they travel around the world, say you have to condemn russia. You have to join design. Sions, and you have to, you have to subtract the field. Well no, it doesnt have a lot of acquaintances or those, but im, im, or when one of them representing, i will do much it. Next we country receive to uh, this statement from the us and i asked him, what would they do . What did they promise to do for you . Do agree to follow the meetings . Well, did they agree to vote for you in the u. N or something . Because i have no, they never promised. I did things. They said that if you dont listen to us, were going to use a pretty good sanctions against you. With a bonus you were going to uh, with us the re broadview of the money you was that you were supposed to receive from the i math or something. But if you do what, what you want told, you are not going to they put on issues for those to. So thats the exchange that they were proposing. Doesnt basically blackmail what forget over here. So, you know, we could talk about democracys solution. You need 3 of them, but were in conclusion and use the i believe so 3 of them that we dont need to change the new in charge, i suppose, to make sure that this new world order. So theres a form associate. What has to happen is that the un Security Council has to be in accordance with the historical reality that has also for a loan officer, the colonization process. And the nations that have emerged since then, the new centers of growth and theres plenty in africa and latin america in asia. They deserve to have representation with the un Security Council with the study screenings for the reviews. And this is a little bit stark and equality, its a needs to be removed. So who is on the bus barry . So not so literally no reason youre supposed to post. This is up a gave new to us seats to west of nations within the un Security Council house of 15 of them right now. 6 good things are wisdom by words in your book. Well, in terms of the population, in terms of the percentage rate, in terms of just some ways of, thats not the right way to divide up things to allocate seats. So i wouldnt change the way that the shots are itself, but i would say how to make sure that everyone would benefit from the following menu instructor. Thank you. Which is the process of level. Thank you. Im not going to ask any more of my questions, let us go to the audiences or so for us. Uh uh, could we have somebody, do you have a questions on this to talk to . No, so no, we practice our laws and had all of them gmail university. You know, so, and i know that and as your into the city, you have the students from the dozens of countries throughout the world, nor does yours university itself is a, an example of multiple that are 2 of the world has a look. So im looking for that as me because i see you as a scientist and school for them. Uh, yeah. You say thats what russia was in half the forefront. All they seem to molten. Lets roll the agenda. Let me see. I remember that you were russia in china and the plus sign a document on the creation of a multi polar world. Some of them, it was a what the switched lights are discussed within the un office to it. So aside, just as a new, as an academic, good movies, what would you say the world of the future looks like . What you let me just to the i believe, but we havent heard the response to that. What were just going to nancy events taking place the the will to use festival on the Russian Black Sea coast, where the Russian Foreign minister said gave a laptop has been addressing the crowd as he talked about a wide range of issues, including the big scandal of the moment this is uh, the linked messages from german intelligence at showing that they were talking about supplying towards massage to crimea, what possible targets they could take. And he said, what was interesting is the reaction to that, the politicians in germany much more concerned about how the meeks took place, rather than the fact that jimmy could become more in boiled, in the who in ukraine. He also talked a lot about the un saying the charter is still a concept that could work well. Thats only um, it would be viable if you open cations a filled in good faith by the west. And he suggested that wasnt necessarily the case pin pointing. How would the quite mean referendum back in a 2014 was seen as being illegitimate by the international community, particularly the west, where all of the a welcomed the independence folks in cost of o r u. So talked about western interference in countries and how that had a detrimental impact to those countries saying when we looked at countries like afghanistan, iraq and syria, what we saw as a result of the west of intervention was the royce of group such as ill call you the of the backbone of his law, mac state, and he said none of the countries of the west as intervened in all factual and they were previously. And you just heard him talking about the situation again in ukraine saying that russia had spent 10 years trying to explain why move west and interference in ukraine. How the problems relating to finding the russian language and culture media. Were going to lead to a worse event. And he said russia has spent a long time trying to explain the reasons behind it. So called special military operation in ukraine, going to countries around the world, giving its points of view. He said, while the west, uh, particularly the us just sent me going in and tried to bully other nations saying that if they failed to join the west and the sanctions against russia, so that you could also find themselves sanctioned those that some of the comments made by the Russian Foreign minister, such a lawful whos been talking at the wounds used festival on the Russian Black Sea coast. Well thats it from us. Well be back with news in around 30 minutes for the moment. So

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