I was staying at my brothers house, all of a sudden i heard loud explosions of the window shattered. The whole neighborhood was targeted with several strides. Im still looking for my wife, children, and siblings. Heres the crazy little letter, 250. How much song is in the past 24 hours alone i had owed expect to the ground up, and the good time to accompany today. Pull the lights. This global news on the 5, most of all of this is on the international a representative dissolve is amik sites have called for an end to the violence in gaza. And that might have the Un General Assembly session convened over the conflicts representatives and jordan. Im the wrong, are also advocating for a 64. 00. So i bet on it. So it is of the have mazda palestine liberation movement. Have declared their readiness to release the hostages for non military and these levels. Republic over on is ready to place role in this important you minutes area to Work Together with guitar and tortillas. The release of 6000 philistine prisoners is also in the subsidy and the responsibility of the global community, they call it police, see me on the variation. Move a man thats headquarters, which has the right to say its the fans and said, you tell them nation. Theres really representative. Did look say a word about the city and live shots. And in this war depended cindy and one before him. And i do, and i say we care about or lies about the old civilians. Muslims, christian fellow simeon fuels is right. Is all like we couldnt been vic getting on civilians, norma to a better race, their identity, their nationality or better religion. Because these are our human values, and this is our morality is right. Must oppose oppose these values to many amongst believe that the thing is right by simple within good score, they are not instead of sending with and so as read, send delegations to open and immediate and viable back to peace. We are hearing country after country from the islamic and arab world can damage the actions of israel and putting them in the context of the ongoing occupation that the palestinian space there been moaning, the civilian casualties, the depths that have taken place of the attacks that have taken place and what they see is blatant violation of international law. Quite intense words that we are hearing at the Un General Assembly. Now this is the u. N. G a. Where every member state gets to speak. Thats a 193 countries. When israel to the floor of the Un General Assembly, they emphasize referring to him off as a terrorist organization, claiming that their actions were militarily necessary to defeat terrorism to route out moss, which they equated without kite. Uh uh they compared recent attacks to 911. 00. Of course the palestinians had a very, very different interpretation of events. Nothing can justify world crimes, crime against humanity. And genocide. Nothing can justify the killing of a single scene and joy. The tosses is red. Is it more with the genocidal jihad this come us stare organization . Only it is the law abiding democracy or is read it guest mother in de nazis. You are sitting us back a tea is by trying to justify what is the end is doing now. 20 days have gone by and is really still counting. Heard that it takes weeks to collect all of the bodies. Somebodys are burned like pieces of cold. It is almost impossible to identify them who can believe that those killed by is an odd for to 70 percent to the woman and that entire families were killed. What is it a it is trying to minimize civilian, did they kill all of us . They killed thousands of us and they say they are trying to minimize killing civilians. How would it look like if they were trying to maximize killing Palestinian Civilians . Its worth noting that israel and its allies around the world have been calling for the un secretary general to step down because they say his comments were offensive to israel. But that call doesnt seem to really be going anywhere. The major countries in the world seemed to have the back of antonio gutierrez, and hes not going to be stepping down for the comments that he made. However, israel certainly doesnt appreciate some of the way hes harshly criticized their activities. Political analysts, jackson angle believes is well statements are in direct contradiction to its actions in gaza. Well, i think its absolutely insane. That is real, is still publicly claiming. They have the audacity to say this, that the United Nations that theyre fighting against from us. They bombed every thing, but how mos inside of gaza, they bomb hospitals, schools, United Nations facilities, red preston facilities, moss churches, civilian homes, and back to we called voice there literally bombing every thing but home us inside of gaza. And thats because their real effort is to force the Palestinian People out of gaza and take over that land once and for all they dont want a palestinian state as many nations across the world have called on to create establishing the United Nations Security Council resolution to establish a palace, city, and state. Uh and the reason why theyre doing all of this is because they know they cant defeat tomas. Thats why they havent gone in to gods that they know that if they will, theyll probably havent response from many arid states and maybe iran as well. And they know that in a war of that magnitude, they wouldnt when at least 15 civilians have reportedly been killed. And schools wounded and is ready as like on Southern Gaza tags and people have been digging through the ruins of distorted homes, incom new. This is what s lights are also blue to have a densely populated refugee camp in the area. Leveling at least 8 buildings, as long as hes playing in the past, seen decimal has now paused 7000 in the last 3 weeks. Or both of compared to the slides to an upward. The. This is a 4 Story Building displays. People were taking shelter in were sleeping safely when suddenly an explosion happened. The building collapsed. At least 15 people were wounded. My sister in law and my niece were killed and the whole neighborhood was targeted with several strikes. Im still looking for my wife, children and siblings. It was more like enough wait for strikes, keep the area when im the guardian i was staying at my brothers house. All of a sudden i heard loud explosions under the window shattered. I dont know what happened to my brothers and my mother. These images are being so thing on social media. They report the show. The last of this faith of god being bombed by is that the 4th is a residential building is we do have been destroyed in the attack. Garza based in java is how does the child has more on the latest developments on the, on k, as in, in the keep the continuing target targeting residential houses in many places. Voting, roads and gaza. Many of them are around the hospitals and like the next to the agent hospital next to the chicken hospital in the center of the city name of south everywhere um uh with the the, the ministry of health of health. And it just allows that the numbers of missing people on the drop of increases to 1950 missing report on to know of the number of casualties and increasing 7000 casualties. This are the weakness and i see on my own eyes is really air craft throw in 50 rockets, one time on one neighborhood. The schools deliver ship hospitals more than 100. 00 casualties. Eye witness. Theres a lot of casualties listed under the russell over the area. It was a huge, a massive explosion. We never witnessed. The palestinian seas says, this explosion is huge. They never seen some see Something Like that. The hundreds of thousands of on why is it because of in the air strikes this further shows a says, you know, go who pulled from the rubble of a collapse building office. Im 75 hours a father. When told the moment of dislike, im, its often off to the man. As soon as my son arrived at the house, it was targeted by rock at him. My sons bedroom, directly in less than 10 seconds, a fighter jet targeted, the building, which has shops 2 on the 1st day my son osmond was murdered and buried afterwards. After that, people heard my daughter shouting, daddy, they tried to reach her and ask her what happens. She said, im all alone. Then my brother came and talked to her. I tried to talk to her too, but i didnt hear her. So i thought i was merely dreaming, and this is just out of love and wishful thinking. Rafa royce is located right at the boulder with egypt, was it supposedly hit again, the line is really asked like, the number of casualties is still on. But i see it seems a searching for survive is buried under the deputy, a member of the different kinds of Foreign Affairs went home and it shows he says, egypt close as photos of stop. The false evacuation of pasting is from the home then the egypt solution is it is very clear. We all are condemning the massacre that are going on in gaza for over 2 weeks now. With the more monuments of the civilian targets. As of yesterday that was over 6000 civilians. Skilled off of them children, the egypt has closed its water. Thats against the false evacuation of the palestinians. A problem, the whole black we have seen when we have learned the lesson in 1948. When over a 1000000 palestinians were falsely driven from the homeless and what we call the luck. And unfortunately, it is not recognized. The total cost is at it comprised pulling over the western world, whereas in fact about which is no less what in the, on the holocaust is not recognized. Supply is of food on what he said to be politically low in gaza. But now a major basically, and a refugee camp, but many of the either on the, for the day, the but has been destroyed and asked like a civil long. It was also the by the families with more details. His most affordable to, i mean i would measure to day for the whole population of the now guys, the refugee can as their own sold. Zachary has now being found it to the ground after and is right around is, is really a re strike head this location that was before. This is dry, the location of the battery. If my guys have a gun, which is home to save the 5 thousands palestinians adding to around 6070000, others of those who have been displaced at from knows been, and gaza. City. A great deal of both destruction and losses have been inflected to the supermarket to the supermarket. That one of the, one of the most famous and few civil marcus likes to buy markets in the refugee camp of new say, was a lot of them or moved a lot more was heat with 3 me science 5 by is really were planes the rate cause the back part of the mall to collapse and clean the lives of 9 members of the buddha law family for staff workers and more than 10 customers, or as the people they are owners of the market. I will try to collect or to recollect what they can, where theyve gotten it from the but the, but there is, does the by 3rd goods and comment it is that have been, is got to because of that is ready to address. Dr. Does have a situation and the whole guys, a thread, particularly in the middle area i back of a was hacked and my guys a completely preventing or depriving the population of from the grades for some time to come. No one can know when this will take time. Im also here in the sy ross. People have been deprived of their ability to pick a need, supplies, the essential supplies, essential supplies, and that is from the supermarket. As you see here, and then the se rides repeat, you can run me out of it. I read to you that middle jobs us. Is there any way and see periods . It has strong, more than 250. 00. How my father is in the past. When people out including commodity scientists, tunnels and rocket launches, it comes as israels prime is a come phone, februarys a still annoy for a band offensive as he pulled a gauze a residence, evacuate south towards egypt. Now while these why didnt need to say he Wont Disclose the timing of the gland operation, the mid z a has released for the light rays and then most of gaza time symbol. This rolls through the boat offense is what appears to be a dozen vehicles in a convoy is ready already said its drunk, what it calls, terrorist infrastructure and active tank. Miss laurence points into lives. People gathered outside and they is reading defense headquarters Holding Photos of those have kept to blind have us in gaza. I am calling for that release. More than 200 people still believe we have 5 minutes and the forces to maintain has read. Hows that today between is way the officials on to the family members of these officers all to the middle east, middle, if you really, if the motion as the details while they war against 10 miles intensifies and these really air strikes continue every day while these really leadership pays basic convincing the International Community that have mass poses and Global Threats and therefore shouldnt be confronted globally with Prime Minister. Benjamin netanyahu meeting one for leader after another from washington. Wrong for lean harris. It seems that 222. 00 is relays. Most of whom i on the age of 30 menu, home children who are still held in head masses could see the inside. The gaz us 3 remains the topics that overshadows all political and military achievements, the families of those inc of tv right now inside this powered, skinning and slave on them of the terrain. And im not happy and disappointed with how these really, governments is dealing with the flights of the hostages protests when people take to the streets to express their anger and frustration. I held here every day in tel aviv, in jerusalem, and in other towns and communities across israel. We are now in tel aviv, at the square in front of to leave our museum. That the organizers behind this Massive Campaign to put pressure on these ran the government to secure the release of those into the tv called hostage square or kidnapped, and mrs. Square in the middle of it. I hope you can see now my camera will show it. They said a symbolic table with 200. 00 empty foods. H chair is for the hostage that is now held in captivity in the gases treat by him as by this installation. They ones to cry out. These rarely government, thats the one say the loved ones back home as soon as possible. A safe and sound a how to do that. I have to tell you that the families are divided here. Some of them want to put pressure on the is really government to reject the idea of boots on the ground, not to carry out the ground operation in the gases shreeve and focus on the negotiations. Weve come up instead. Officially, Israel Considers him as a terrorist organization as you know, and they declared many times including since the beginning of the military operation in gaza that they did not communicate with terrorists. But the experts say that talks all held any way. Of course, through said part is like age, its costs are jo menu for example, and this is whats the familys want. They want israel to talk to have miles to negotiate, to convince them to return the hostages. All others and other family members. Uh, and they are in the minority right now. They believe on the opposite that the ground operation is the last chance to see their beloved ones back home. And theyre putting pressure on the authorities to act fast and furious. They not only on the authorities, but on the on a tooth, meanwhile, is really Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu keeps vowing that all the goals of the military operation in guys that gains from us will be achieved. Lets take a listen. Cool. And so from what stands before us is only one thing, saving the country in achieving victory. Were raining hell fire on him us. We have already eliminated thousands of terrace, and this is just the beginning. At the same time, were preparing for a ground operation. I called once it in to the civilian population in gaza, evacuate to the south of because of strep. Well, i have to tell you that officially, these really arm is ground operation in the gas. This tree has not been announced yet, but weve seen is rarely troops on the round already. Thats according to the idea of statement that said that overnight, these really army carried out at targeted raid using tags in the territory of the northern guys as trip as part of the preparation of the area for an next stage of the combat. These really troops located and attacked, anomie fighter is destroyed militants infrastructure and, and 2 tanks positions. And after the mission was over the statements that they left gals. In addition to that, the idea of war planes attacked over 250 targets. But just in the last 24 hours of come us, including operational headquarters, tunnel sheds, and rocket launchers that is row claims were positioned in a civilian environment, including the mosques and teams. The gardens in the gaza strip joint statement by the idea of and israels Security Service that is, continues eliminating him as commanders, including the one responsible for attacks from hon. Eunice, which is the central cause of the gaza strip. It has been killed in the last day. The idea of also intensified its raids over the west bank in search of those who could have relations with her mazda and we hear that massive arrests have been carried out. So israel is trying to confront him as before, even going inside the gaz, treyvon all prawns here from the side of the border is why the m p was very smooth. Said that is the word to solve and to how much is completely destroyed on settings. The miniature sections we have started, of course a bi, youre fighting back, but its only the beginning. Uh, we told you the beginning were as far as now against homeless and wish i looked stuff. I didnt, somebody will be destroyed. I mean, we are tending screenings over there, please move because were going to affect, i mean, is there any want to they can give us less. And so for us, how would any country, any southern country, any normal country, any civilized country will respond to such an action . But as i said before, my target is not civilians. This is a difference. You talking to someone over here in this room besides a defending children . No, i am so i can get someone for you in the state of mind. Children ill be sending besides, this is a difference. But, but this is important also on once we have stuff that we did and we wont be more not a kids or wipe and we meant we more in the morning state right now. But also if i do state, were going to win this will. But well do once we have supplement then to study as a seat. Still we respect to respect the law for the international and death for my dogs because come us, not their children, not their civilians know the women. And this is why also i look at the National Committee did i tell you, would you accept even forget these are right now . Because by the students, you one by the see and see billions to live under how much room. So this is why i see that this was that were handling right now easily the leisure more is or if everyone and i do, i would also say that right now to negotiate thoughts or we come us see something that puzzles me because would you even imagine to negotiate with terrorists would come and threaten all killed your students. Will you negotiate with them . A must be something that has to be destroyed. Masses of this is why im feeling the world again. I am not finding good civilians. I think its from us, and hopefully i mean in a few i dont know exactly when, but come us will be over on the mid hyphened tension and exchange of gunfire. And the board only thing is though i level has a strong scrooge while 5, the now spread several kilometers. Do and peacekeeping mission is said to be working along with the local authorities to bring the situation under control. Odds, easy, awesome. I can move on from the frontier. For the most part we have observed an increase and a display of sporadic intensification and clashes between his beloved forces and the self and idea of forces in northern israel just along that borderline. And over the past couple of weeks, israel has fortified its defensive lines. In a potential attack that is below would carry out. Different one is real moves the head with its plans, the to launch its Ground Invasion it against the how must read, targeting home us territories. But this is a matter of great concern, not just for the People Living along the border for the most part. Thousands of people have evacuated just yesterday. My team and i visited the city of theater west of the read, the Lebanese Red Cross and other angles as well as politicians are doing their best to essentially provide shelter and safety to those leading those areas. And we spoke to them. We spoke to those people that have been displaced here in bales as well, or at least have relocated tomatoes. And although there is a divide, when it comes to what happens if and 111 on gets dragged into where the one thing that they all agree on is that little bit on can not afford this war. Speaking to anyone and everybody up until this point, they all essentially reiterates what happened in 2006 when israel and his beloved went toward the end of the sentiments and the remnants of the are still alive today. So based on the developments we cant say for the most part that the clashes are contained, its coming. The statements coming from has will lock statements coming from israel, as well as iran and neighboring regions may suggest that nobody is interested in opening a 2nd front. However, the potential and the possibility that that could happen is still there. For the most part, civilians are located within bay roads and the cities that are surrounding the border. Many people also have a fear that they dont really have much of a choice in when his beloved decides to launch war against israel. Then the country will be dragged into a state of what they say that they have no choice. They have no say. And although there was a divide, some of the people do support his will last dance on the matter. Not particularly because of his rhetoric, so its sent him instead of shares or even its ideology, but more so because of the stance that it takes against israel. Medi suggests that israel has entered lebanese territories, it has taken over parts of the land, and many people suggest. And essentially we reiterate the fact that they just want their line back. So if things do escalate, we can see an escalation just beyond the israel. How much conflict we can see an escalation beyond israel and has the law. This could essentially become a war with israel and the lebanese people. And they say that they dont want to pay this prize whatsoever. Several of us republican sentences having to do is to stand the bill demonte that aid to israel isnt tied to ukraine. Any package that uses a to israel is leverage to send billions of dollars to ukraine. Would result in funds being delayed in these rails time of need and not to mention the way in the house. Oh, stand alone is ro billed, must be considered immediately in the senate. I have a say, is that a homicide source as a, as a 3 weeks ago, speculation hasnt been rife about how the good was so what long video. Ready have surface online and it shows movies as brian, the thing you estimate of the hardware. Now thats led to series by doing from the arms of leaky out from ukraine, the title of bonds, involvement, and even the hand of the russian, the secret service. Now some of us will make us have sent the lessons to the part to him demanding clarification. The committee has sent a report that to us manufactured weapons being redistributed as a result in secondary markets to terrorist organizations, including from us for you guys into finance set. As kind of that, diane says, says lodge about as a weapons said to claim all being sold on the bottom often. And the button, the administration is not concerned about the consequences. Well, i think that weve been shipping enormous amounts of weapons to ukraine, which is known as being the most corrupt government in, in europe. I believe its a well deserved reputation. Uh and i, im sure that an enormous amount of these weapons are being sold on the black market. My understanding is that some of these weapons have ended up in the hands of mexican drug cartels as well. So that wouldnt really be surprising. And i think that we have a serious problem in the leadership of the united states. Namely, the biden administration, which has a kind of delusional quality and lower level people who are interested in lining their own pockets, who have interest in the so called military industrial corporations. And really arent at all interested in the results of their decisions or their policies. Well, so for this news, as always, it states, i have your company here on, on the, im on the a hi, im acceptance and im here to plan with you whatever you do. Do not watch my new show. Seriously. Why watch something thats so different. Whitelisted opinions that he wont get anywhere else. What could i please or do you have the state department, the c i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. Choose your fax for you

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