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The able well continue with just 10 to 2 pm here in the russian capital. And this is on the international with the latest world news updates and dominating a headline. They saw the conflict between as well and announcement attends which continues to escalate and the middle east leaving thousands of innocent people bed injured is ready for this of attacks. The refund check point that the egyptian food at twice in the last 24 hours, locate the movements of people last according to the latest reports as verified. So it shows huge crowns at the border between the gaza strip on the egypt, which most people in on 3 agreed lists right now. The only way out of garza is through egypt, as well, has announced a complete blockades orthodontist trip, which lets us to exhausted, basically monetary and crisis in the territory. Almost 200000 people have reported the flood that homes in garza and they can get the highest number of people displaced in a decade. As the, as really, as was continues to launch strikes on the territory. Ramon neighborhood in gauze that has come under intense, filed by the way the forces, the district has been over destroyed, moving Severe Damage and level and its weight according to reports to palestinian journalists were killed. And as to like in the area, no information about the casualties thats being confirmed. At this stage. The the, the 2 paula simeon joining us to think killed and several of as wounded in the recent is really esl for talking to a residential building. And then were killed, well, assuming the names of all things 12, which is the civilian area, according to media receipts, local say that that may be more people trapped on to the landing this at night, the residence of these buildings to be fled their homes. And when east, because of reports the jews have gotten to bomb the job building. Soon after residents took shelter over there near the come off building, which is located on the opposite side of the suddenly these real bomb, the hell of building culture into peoples expectations. Therefore no, there are numerous martyrs among our relatives, and they say there are people trapped under the rubble. Thats what happened to me, but as well, has costs off supplies of food. Was that electricity and still to garza, was expected the deeply affects the 2000000 people in the region, while the city and president s abbas as cold as wells and bunco, a crime against humanity. We heard from a guy youd kotob a palestinian journalist spaced in gold, and he said the is where the siege of going to close the chips. A war crime that lives are rampaging through westbank villages as. Busy as a way to army uh, you know, bombing in unprovoked building to that, getting people to get out of it. And you saw the uh, people trying to it, you were a day to remove the web of are people are killed under the rubble of this is not a war because we. Busy or has also laws and the laws of war say you should keep the civilians out. And its a very difficult and frustrating situation. And no International Call for cease fire hasnt happened yet. Even those days, since the 1st of tax breaks in, the us is opposing any fees, fire call, and theyre trying to encourage you to give a green light to the is released to the attack palestinians to a stop at water and electricity from gaza. This is a war crime. We dont do that without any doubts, and the us is not stopping it or allowing the ceasefire to be discussed in the even though is what he wounded a targets as a gauze and hospital was hit by working fine or the nights. The Palestinian Health industry has reported his waiting for his targeting ambulances and costs targeting medical supplies of the 700. However, fortunately, being towed and move in 3000 wounded since the escalation started as well continues. It strikes on dollars that with the is ready, Defense Forces releasing footage of waves carries out on tuesday a video. So strikes causing significant damage to buildings according to the ideas most was harvested due to intelligence of weapons. And tomas composts being located inside specialties amounting on both sides of the violence escalates, as well as reports that these 900 dead and thousands injured. Thats just the idea we takes grounds most to him. Us, including a town around, was 8 kilometers from the gone to boulder, a warning some, all of the following images are disturbing. This video has been circulating on social media. It shows the trails of the building where the bodies of a 100 and 8th is wally is a said to of being phones are poor. Would say that it could be even more casualties. That since the community which housed about 1000 people was destroyed like comes as the is really plumbing us just at home loss has made a mistake of historic proportions and as well well, whats, how do you, how much will understand that by attacking us, theyve made a mistake of historic proportions. We will exact surprise that will be remembered by them. And israels other enemies for decades to come, come us is isis. And just as the forces of civilizations united to defeat ices, the forces of civilization must support is when in defeating come, us. One of the case slash points in the ongoing concepts was a mazda attack, which targeted and is really open at music festival. 260. 00 goes to being concerned, killed and 100 small, are suspected to have been taken hostage. Ill tell you where we have the notion. I spoke with a young woman who fled to, to tell a beef to escape the violence. Danielle used to live in kind of mia and Jewish Community at the border with guys a. She had to escape on saturday morning, have to have massive surprise offensive against israel. It was her own decision to leave for hours, they were no instructions from the local authorities or the army, as apparently they would not ready. A person whos leaving right next to the border. I received a s. M. S. Messages from our keyboard from last november, sending us to dont be afraid of the bonds that youre hearing because theyve come us practicing. And that its so really if they knew that they were practicing, why didnt that and the idea and our government practice to as well for this. And now where were the defense, i mean we have uh like us to be clear of the shake in a sense, who are we supposed to, to protect us from those kind of bruises by said they, they managed to penetrate this a couple of hours later than ill had to return to our village to pick up her boyfriends. Parents military forces were there at that time, not entering, but keeping others from going inside because of they have mass militants. Danielle, dared to enter in my friend us only look, there is a body over here, there is a body over there and he actually saw near the bodies and i took photos of them. So we can show our own forces because they didnt have any information. Danielle went back and forth and learned a lot about the situation on the grounds from her trip, but still didnt hear any official explanation from the authorities. It was finally 6 hours after the 1st attack, the Prime Minister in, antonia who 1st appeared in the recorded video. And i do know that my friends will slaughter. Thats why he wasnt responding. My friends were king that they were bruised, their children were taking on their horses. I dont know why its happened and why its taking so long to see solves. Danielle is far from the only one to feeling frustrated while we were filming a local man brought a banner in memory of those dead injured, missing, and held hostage. Hundreds of them asking how did israel allow this to happen . Nobody knows. After 5 hours the, the on the week of wall. Meanwhile, getting 5 on 1000 the and most of english goes we met danielle intel of eve. He or she fled and now stays in a hotel. Again, her own decision. The authorities didnt contact her all for a temporary shelter, also awards. There will be some very soft questions that benjamin is anyhow in all of the people who are sitting in those 120 chairs would have to answer. But for now, we dont. Uh think about that, we just think about what is the fastest way to and come us something danielle believes will happen. A rare thing, these railways seem to be on the same page with the authorities about while these really leadership repeatedly vows to when the war days come us, it seems they are losing the fight over its own citizens. Has many questions. People now have the main one being how all these happened, remain on, on certain raven ocean to all. So youre reporting from tennessee of outside these really military headquarters. We hired to us from miss have a june of the sister of korean juno. He went missing the, you know, the festival after the her knox attack, she said with this, what her and i finally currently going through, you know, and you dont have any news, any updates, nothing. Just watching the tv all day for like 4 days and waiting for something to happen for an to, to someone to knock on the door for someone who called us the last time we spoke to our it was in started 8 in the 8 42 am she fixed us a, something happened to me so many i love you. And then she called us for like 2 minutes. She cried, she yelled, there was shooting everywhere. They were laying on the ground and she and their friends. And they were crying and yelling. And you will up to the, to the actually are they the shooting everywhere . The military and the government . No one is spoken to as no one even made our lead us phone call. I need to knock on the door or something. No one is talking to ours. So we just keep waiting and watching the news like 4 days on the sofa wait and then. Busy i just wanna know whats happened to her issues. Kid not if shes dead something theres. Theres no explanation that no one is talking to us. No one. I know we spoke to raphael call k Spokes Person for the united hansel and is ready volunteer based Emergency Medical Service organization. Hes told us like christy and muslim and jewish folding chairs all working together to save lives and as well. Were working together with security teams with the idea of uh, medical units uh, trying to do protecting us while were trying to do our work the same time were treating a lot of military people were injured as well civilians, um providing service to everyone and anyone. Um, you know, jewish Muslim Christian volunteers all working together to try and save lives here in israel. And its sort of the arrows that we, we follow is everyone believes in the idea of saving lives. And its something which is a creed for entire organization, regardless of uh, you know, religion or, or national domination. We have volunteers where is there any error, jewish or palestinian all coming together to, to try and save lives in the wake of this devastating human tragedy. People have been asking from all over the globe how they can help, how people can support whats going on uh to, to the effort to save lives. Effort to you know, diminish the human tragedy is going on. As reaction from the International Community comes in, china is making it support for a 2 state solution clear while rejecting close to condense palestine fully her mouth, the tax stressing washington will not be able to pressure badging into towing its line. We spoke with nelson, long vice chairman of based on cost center for room, pat kinds, international studies, who said hes surprised by washingtons seemingly conflicting stone sounds. Policy towards taiwan. China has a defense industry. Whereas perhaps the us has a will industry. And so this is the major difference between the countries. So thats why whenever there is a conflict outside, you know, china around the world, what china calls for is always peace talks fast. Lets dont fight. Lets talk solve the problems through peaceful negotiations, which is always the approach an attribute to this a lot to do with the way uh, the United States operate as a country and how they look at the world. I mean, as a chinese, im quite surprised to see that the tie one issue has been played up on cope top a getting and again by the Us Government because of troll what is going on. Its part of china, every country that is sign up for a magic relations with china. Oh, recognize the one china policy and even today the Us Government, the white house, few recognize that a, this strategic and be good to what is this. I mean, you recognize that there is only one china and taiwan is bought of china. Well, on the other hand, us to send the weapons selling weapons to pie one, which is quite ridiculous to me. A conflicting position. So imagine within your a permit the middle east crisis, you officials hop invoicing that a support is well, well, hundreds of people have taken to the streets to protest the i d. F response. Waves of protests against is waiting volumes of spread all over the beach. All over your account be owned as hundreds of people in athens, london on which may take to the streets. Demonstrations have been seen waving palestinian flanks and banners charging slogan some 25th pace. Protest is also according to an end to as well as of the patient, is palestinian territory . Pro palestinian on pro is where do you suppose the facing off on the streets of manhattan protest is gathered in front of b as radia embassy to express outrage about the conflict in the middle east demonstrates. This one says signs wave costs and confront of each other, separated by a line of police. Hundreds of pro is ready demonstrations motion, munich in solidarity with the Jewish Community, crowns with protest, as was seen waiving his rating slots and holding secans with its anti ha slogans. Demonstration was organized by the Left Alliance against anti semitism, along with local jewish activist groups. Meanwhile, just hall for columbus were away pro palestinian demonstrations that took place as the middle east, violence intensifies questions kind of ways and about the origins of how a mazda is munitions. When we us, maureen, poor Intelligence Officers scored with a claims that that housing, many scientists and my sponsors using us alms meant for kids as a, its not uncommon to say American West means in the hands of militants around the world. Because its not websites all taped, all calm to get more on the story. The well, thats f kennedy has announced that he will run as an independent and the 2020 for us president ial election and has dropped his bids for the democratic primaries. And it is comp to the attention from republicans and democrats, and like with the elections expected. So thought to be a bind, and a trump re much less get more details on this. Those costs live to our studio. Yes. Now tara, we many, thanks for coming in today, tara, always lovely to see you in the studio. So r s. K, hes dropped his democratic primary bid and because hes now running as an independent, what are your thoughts . Well, you know, its historic moment to bring attention to the fact that we need a 3rd party. Mm hm. So theres that, of course, theres his name, hes, you know, one of the most famous political families in the world. And he has been saying the right things that people want to hear that are feeling politically homeless right now. He wants to end all the a going to pray. He wants the a big farmer to be called out. He wants you know, a lot. So his platform is, is really appealing to those on the right in the left that feel like theyve been abandoned by their party. So hes calling using buzz words like the unit Party Getting away from the unit party, calling out corruption. And also dealing with free speech and calling out the intelligence community. And, you know, hes been very outspoken about the assassination of his uncle, john kennedy and wanting to release the final release of those papers of the, by the ministration refuses to release, you know, so its been an interesting thing. However, you know, his positions on some things have kind of ruffled the feathers of samantha were folks to. Hm. Yeah, he has a lot of controversial stuff to say about code of age and rest. Yeah. And somebodys touching peoples attention. Hes saying some of the lights and usually where a few things people are bit unsure about. But is it a unique move for him to, to drop his democratic bit and move to an independent . Well, there you have it. This is why its unique dentist has sent it just as Campaign Manager and dentist because finished as a hard core democrat establishment person. And you know, and r f k. Obviously, historically, has been democrats for him to abandon the party, means that they all sign an oath when they run as a democratic candidate, but whoever then would be the nominee, they would endorse. Obviously this is a signal that hes not going to endorse joe biden. So thats a big message and you know, as a secondary issue, he asked for the secret Service Protection and he was denied it by the, by the ministration. And hes one of the 1st candidates to ever have that, you know, be denied to him. Um, so you know, right now hes, hes busy raising money and, and trying to make his way. And its very difficult as a 3rd party candidate. Historically they usually in a federal race get less than 10 percent of that. Even if that. Right . So like you said, he has been talking about you quite insane, a few things that people and, you know, want to want to talk about these topics of funding to ukraine and do his idea is resonate with a majority of americans right now though, you know, i believe so, and this is why the polling shows the one and 7 people. One is support. Robert f. Kennedy, thats a significant hit. But this is the thing. He says hes for peace. He says hes anti war and around ukraine. But yet his son fought for ukraine. Right . So theres that. His daughter in law, c, i a, theres that, he says he wants to reform c i a and f b. I kind of be reformed or should it just simply be removed . But, but going back to ukraine, he has been very of spoken about wanting to end the funds to go there. However, he just made a viral tweet, the talked about the Israeli Palestinian conflict and stood up for israel and gave almost a talking points of a zionist. And so that alienated many people that were going to support him and you sort of saw social media flood with that, how this will impact his actual running. I dont know me, democrats say republicans. So attacking the candidates since the form of democrats to take votes away from donald trump and how much truth is that to that . Well, you know, i, i kind of disagree with that a bit. I think it will take away votes from both, but mostly from by and because this is the thing, people that are hard core democrats are that are feeling, you know, just some franchise from bite and seeing his corruption, seeing all those billions of dollars go to ukraine. And are fed up with it, right . Theyre looking for a political home. Theyre going to turn to kennedy. Its the kennedy name, its the hero. Theyre looking for. On the republican side, the mag voters, theyre pretty loyal to trump. I mean, he has 91 indictments and theyre standing by him and theyre still going to vote for him. Right. So the, the dumb or so the republicans on that side would be more the rhino or the traditional republicans that are feeling that their party isnt listening to them. But, but again, they dont see Robert Kennedy as, as aligned with very few points. And you know, frankly, you know, i, i kind of re, initially thought he was being a sheepherder sort of see putting votes from the democrats to get everybody on board. Now im looking at it and, and seeing what hes doing is probably taking away both votes from both candidates and it is going to be a close race. So well have an impact. Is he going to be another Bernie Sanders . Very because if you remember all the high pull the, how if we had around Bernie Sanders and the things that he was saying and, and kennedy is the same source of the type of, of kinds of is the saying, unusual things that people want to hear. But then you know, when it came to it. Yeah. Well, there you go. I mean, Bernie Sanders and has been asking for more money to go to ukraine and more weapons to go to ukraine. Yeah. Wheres his anti worse . You know, he, he let down a lot of people that really believed in his candidacy. So yes i, i believe there are up to saying some things they want the people want to hear the end of the day. Hes going to go with the establishment may, i mean, he is, hes looked at as an outside or because his views you brought up about co that right. Hes taking on big pharma. Hes taking on corruption. But is he really, you know, frankly, no, hes not. Hes an elite, hes part of an elite family and he tends to side with the hawks lookout. He just sighted with israel on this conflict without giving any thought to the civilian casualties in the palestinian side and are just calling for peace and general me. Um, so that hes sort of a candidate image has gone out the window with his recent words. So there you go. I think early on youre already seeing his true colors, which is hes part of the machine. So i, i believe its called an illusion of choice, but i think that the voters are seen as an illusion of choice between candidates. But theyre not really much of a choice at all. Theyre all kind of kind of working for the same machine, unfortunately. And um, you know, so there you have it, but you have 63 percent of americans. According to a gallup poll that wants an independent candidate. They want a 3rd party candidate. So one thing that will happen from this is theres a battle to get 3rd Party Candidates on the ballot with the democrats and republicans. Mostly democrats usually do is stop the, the prospective candidate from getting even on the ballot. And so that could um, that could show to be a real battle to see how he can run his campaign and fighting that and getting his name actually seen. But its time to vote. It definitely makes the race a bit more colorful than whats the red color for race, but everything is going on with trump and find him right now. How do you see things playing out . So let me can find to if, if it does get re elected, can even make it through another time, you know, you know, im saying recently the, i believe that binding is going to be stepping down for Health Reasons because they have given you some waiting in the wings, i think hes the placeholder. Hes been raising a lot of money now. R s k has res, 17000000 dollars, according to a super pack. And he has another 10000000 thats coming his way. Right . So about 27000000. But you know, you have significant money coming from galvin, newsome, which is even more so again, it comes down to the money and who has more, really, when he comes down to it. However, kennedy does have name recognition built in and he has that for him. So even though hes kind of fighting this machine, he has some things that will work for him. But the one thing for sure is he has big pharma really fighting his candidacy and putting a lot of money into opposition and trying to call him a conspiracy theorist and things like that. Yeah, but im interesting one to watch the power many things becoming its always great to talk to you tar rate and thank you. And also west africa where between of also has also experienced tensions and internal divisions. Recently, National Security forces have killed a fugitive army officer who resisted arrest. According to the prosecution, had been summoned always. The legend both mentioned the reasoning to attempt to gain the current military governments. The military Prosecutors Office was informed of an incident leading to the depths of come on the toe hook, about a smile, an officer of the national on forces following interest, which allegedly went wrong. The suspect was the subject of an arrest warrant in relation to an attempt to the attack on state security while resisting arrest the officer allegedly use these weapons injuring a member of the arrest team, who was admitted to a Health Center for appropriate care to the killed officer was among those accused of taking pauses, and a foiled to attend to. Earlier in september, military officials came slaughters with foreign backing plants. He plunged the country into chaos, but came to be president that abraham trial re, has that stabilization of the Country Security is a top priority. Weve had the chance to speak with locals here just by having different views over the latest incidents share a Common Objective to secure the homeland radio. There was a summons which was given to the come on to the come on to didnt respond to the summons. According to all information, she was the one to open for you. So i think it was self defense. When there was a someones address to you, you just have to go in response. There are people in this country with a sold out of the country a long time ago, and were trying to get the country back. And they see that the population that determine impacts obtain abraham charter. The 1st of all, let me correct that hes not dead. He was murdered. Its in this as a nation. He was murdered in cold blood. If we have opted for democracy, we must also respect his principles from belief that an individual is at odds with a law that i think they are competent courts that can deal with it. Im violently against kidnappings, but the Common Objective is there a concourse of the national territory. Well have to bring everyone together around this. He must send about. I will 1st stick to what the prosecution gave his information that is an official voice. We also waiting to see if another voice will the most to say the opposite. People should not forget the way and not a democracy. We are sent me democracy since we are in the military regime, which ill meet together, we will fight effectively against terrorism. Many things its want to say all. Tate international is always a place that will get back to the top of the i was more relate to steven the probably higher my little sister store because the model girl to i got you. No problem seem to them out of the know nothing 30 minutes us out in the drive i showed my brother through. He was sudden to help people for a lo so now i never looked at searches as being the same. Well, i guess i lost my list. Thats the outcome of chicago police. Itd be gang chicago is like, you get for the police, you lose your life as another crap thing. Another one could have been a doctor. A nurse could have been the next president. We cant keep losing people out here the among local medical stuff when you were tied, nurses remain in front line areas. Sometimes a Ukrainian Military time, some ethics, the territory they control by force or medical care here is provided by military doctors and volunteer medics. The new is just the way weve just been on whats the most current week we are in union square instructional co cards. When we are in union was this conditional issue, a new or Something Like that. Also to ask in a secure site here though, but i just want you to know which function when you use the cumulative interest people to know something, i wouldnt do it financially connect to between such some new misconceptions and dont quite the functional give me a good phone number, so im on so they just sent me a couple of names when you cuz i was using a reducing their signature on your slides. Its not going in simple question already. Imagine us the size of the receipts of a share, some of the most of the

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