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Announce, as it is starting us withdrawal of forces from needs at this week. It is a move welcomed by locals who simply site powers cons. Get out quickly enough that were familiar, waiting to withdraw. The deadline is short. We are really in a hurry for them to leave and leave us our National Territory the. All right, so im up to talk about invest hours by pro, across from odyssey, including by the way, the 1st time ever that a washington has shut down the aircraft of a nato ally. That story is coming up. But for right now, letting me put in has not mocked the initial delivery of a russian fuel to banquet that she has 1st about Nuclear Power plant at the enormous complex is being built with the help of moscow. A new dentist, a see buses that age. I would like to congratulate everyone here on the new important step of the construction of the 1st Nuclear Power plant in the republic of bangladesh. It contributes to a further deepening of mutually beneficial cooperation and of course, makes a real significant contribution to developing the economy and strengthening the Energy Security of the republic. Bond. This has long been plead would doubtless subbing from crippling fall gods that have recently been exacerbated by the worse here. Weve even decades leave. It gets population or 170000000 hanging in if with gary state. But a solution be very well be insight as well. Shell states, one nuclear company, youre all set to him, is set to open a new Nuclear Power plant. Its construction began 5 years ago. It spread across a 1000 acres of land. 150 kilometers from the capital city, cost a project of for 20000000000. 00. This Nuclear Power plant built by russia is expected to change the face of all of these. The, for uranium fuel comes less than a month off to the wizard. 5 off shells for minnesota. So the loud rolled to talk off level guns. Weve agreed to deepen by laughter dies. Now the do for Nuclear Power plant gets fused bongo. These are set to become the, the 3rd Nuclear Power using countries in the world. Up until now, long the dish has largely been defended to natural gas and cold to produce. It said it would cheat the prospect to complete the production withdrawal shells. Assistance was met with open arms by the bundle of the she prime minister. She casino, especially i personally think the Russian Federation president Vladimir Putin for this project. Today, we are stepping into the new, clear rage, our trusted and tested brand, the russian for the race. And the president putin has honored bundle a dash and all of us by addressing us here today. Aside from meeting the country is growing electric, the lead, the view for Nuclear Power plant has a thought jobs to both of these audits, vba, india, which is given both nations and economy boost. Okay. And then on the above, ive come here to work for means in many others have come to work like me this project, which is essentially a project that in my last year and see the site and is not just last year. And model of this is a participation of india also informal part of pulling dogs. So and these food structures has become an almost an emblem of reporting to get about blood west and sanction the north even sped the route for Nuclear Power plants project. Remember last december, our russian ship carrying confidence for the plant was stopped from being unloaded. We square to the said bought for the long wait a project, then you have companies will split the more. Of course, theres direct pressure sometimes turning into intimidation of both the administrative and business lead of our partner countries. This is happening in bangladesh as well as for the project in bangladesh. We took on large logistics work plus we carry out important substitution of supplies from 3rd countries. Therefore we combine our efforts both at home and in partner countries, especially in terms of electrical products, metallurgy and construction works. And in this sense, it has a serious anti sanction effect. So the project becomes combined international and it becomes more difficult to put pressure on projects because of the insurance system that today with the delivery of the 1st batch of fuel. The country was soon joined the elite club of countries using active for peaceful purposes. Goods and sharma all teeth fall in love dish. Well, it certainly a really big headache for paris, a friends house, and ill confirm that it will begin with drawing his troops from the chair or the announcement has certainly been welcomed by locals. That who say the french simply con, get out soon enough. Thank you. So im very pleased to continue to listen to came to fight against terrorism. Terrorism continue to flare. Um, we are firmly awaiting the withdrawal. The deadline is short. We are really in a hurry for them to leave and leave us our National Territory level as the input one venue. First of all is very good to use when we know that since july, the 26th, with being in the fight against french imperialism. And in particular, for the departure on the French Occupation troops from these, yet the announcement of the control means that part of the fight is done, but no, the less the fide will continue. Maybe theyre not 5 years young. The new share does not need the presence of french troops on the status because their presence has not brought any change to new jersey because french troops never intervene. India attacks perpetrated in the share and by the bandits and jihad is still their presence has no advantage from this country. Is that that assigns to it. So finally, begin withdrawn from new j. This will other statements earlier today they found on forces. Little jack forces southward country. Again, this engage michael braces this week were going to like show this isnt a jury. I dont think well do a probably to frankie into im going to so how region community, john . So its to go home on july 26th. I demanded for French Forces to leave a country on demonstration. I have been taking place outside the mamma phase, this Development Times just as the president of france amount on the front. I do each of the demands or 5 of john to and then ill be with 1500. 00 troops. F 150 cd francis decided to bring back in some bassett, or in the next few hours. Our in baset are and several other diplomats will return to france. Were ending our military cooperation and coping on the front. St. Louis. I really miss yates of successful countries. All 5 are these you have is the region need. As you all said, president mama doesnt say that so not one story says on the saw and they can manage. What are the challenges comes the way imperialist and neil colonialist forces are no longer welcome on our National Territory. A new era of cooperation based on Mutual Respect and sovereignty is already underway. So its really low rochard from just up to limited turn to other the station about francis and bar. So that to me jack pulled up late september. I filled out a print print ignored, you know, the request, and the District Attorney page says, print print, or the embassy with thousands running across the top is all to the mazda, whichever Little French had stripped. So given is of a surprise, you have the president of france amount on my phone and now that about 1500. 00 districts for nearly j by the end of the year, beginning with 4 once extra this week. Now the pre process, which there was no longer a fonts are free cuz we do not intervene when there was a crew in africa like president mccord has also said french troops across africa will remain. But we to reduce the print on the country for next into a frame, and he finds the costs of the african continent. We were speaking with a former president ial official from naija, and he says of francis losing its grip on africa because of what he calls and he puts it very problematic play. He blames the irresponsible behavior by the french leadership for disease. First, they said they would not leave me here. Now they have announced that they are losing, its perfect. They have to leave francis losing africa because of its irresponsible behavior of its course. Leaders could take applicants for service, i would take them for their slaves. This is what creates tension between them in africa. I dont think there was any immediate possibility of where unification with france. Africans have decided to take their common destiny into their own hands. They are fighting for the monetary sovereignty and economic sovereignty of africa. This is the difference between france and the growing Political Class in africa. Francis losing its influence in the sahara regions because of its arrogance. Frances not take into account the social and cultural realities of african countries. France wants to impose its vision on africans. It lives off african wealth and is arrogant towards them. The citizens of each year know that the sanctions imposed by equal was the in fargo for formulas. Borders. It was france that dictated them to some heads of states of equal was it is the 1st time ever that washington has shot down the cross of a neat tow ally of the us has confirmed that American Forces in syria has shut down a total cation drone approaching what washington goals, its operational zone. However, anchor river police said that you a v was not even being operated by its forces while the us and to our allies of course and then a type. Busy of best stones on the conflict in syria has seen a, a broad rift developed between them as a shed some light on this right now without corresponding to yes. In x, a defensive go on, issued a statement on thursday and letting us more information about the balances that took place on thursday with intel and other charges your own. The drawing all the it was what the noise did not necessarily target us truth. And this is for the statement, but moving on and this also coincides with military operations, which on so read, declared with targets future candidates affiliated goods within the region. Thats the wrong kind of syria and more so the y p g and its a fee rates all for a out of the northeast. So lets take a closer listen to whats the pencil going to have to say at approximately 1130. 00 local time, a truck issue a be a re entered the rosie on the heading toward where us forces were located. Us commanders assess that the u. A b, which was now less than a half of kilometers from us forces to be a potential threat. And us up 16 fighters subsequently shut down the u. A. B in self defense at approximately 1140 local time. As much as that provides information about the evidence, theres also a statement from hunker, which really emphasizes the importance of the military operation and was conducting in the northeast of syria. These statements specifically refers to 3rd parties, encouraging them to lead serial. Recently, specific operational zones within the countries or things, the 3rd party in which bunker was referred to obey and did not name that United States does refer to the america and American Forces on the well. So as we looked at statements coming out of the events on the ground, its clear to say that these 2 nato allies are budding pets when we were talking with a symbol based of political analysts. Oh, fulton edge at tasha. You know, he says the washingtons aggressive reaction to the incident might actually point on to, well, as he says, somebody was hiding someone a n f l i for the sake of terrys link through the gate kaylee group select just like way targeting and other mental life for the 1st time in the history. So its out there kind of the i the stage where the relations. Ready reach turkeys for a minute. So how confident just informed everybody including they to allies publicly press conference, saying that turkey will be targeting l y, p g. And the tickets are groups in learned in syria and he what he wants. So he once every single and thats a l, a. And forces on the ground to say away from it. So it was really clear color, we have very serious attacking anchor. So turkey thirtys may, may decrease including nothing to be targeted. So theres another question, i must a wondering that why United States was such aggressive was the United States troops hiding somewhere . So its another question. I think it is a massive store. The main stream is really trying to avoid the us. National debt is spiraling out of control. Get this growing by 275000000000. 00 in a single day. Thats according to the countries treasury department. Give you a bit of context here. This figure exceeds the total russian debt and is nearly as big as russias yearly spending budget. Lets try and get our heads around this without it contributed chris adams. Hes now joining us a live in the studio. You know, chris, its stories like this. When somebody says to me, rory, you know, how big is the universe . I dont know. I, i think you know, how big is us that i cant get my head around this either the, the numbers with talking the nearly inconceivable. Yeah. Youre, youre obviously right. Roy, that extortionate, that actually im following the boat and using a big lead that you know, the, if you look at the actual figures, the us that is, oh, thats 33. 00 trillion dollars. Now, i need the numbers the each you just couldnt or imagine how a country could ever get to a point where essentially, in my opinion, monies was this right. I mean, you know, as, as we have just at the beginning of that kit that we looked at comparing this to other countries. So comparing it to russia, if we look us that settings, we trillion 275000000000 in one day being added to that Balance Sheet and compare that again to the russian budget, right . This is the entire annual budget of the Russian Federation is 290000000000. 00. This one. Yeah. Even less or if we take that say a country which is etc, i think its such a rep as be china, right . We was talking about china now and the grades of china, the us that right, the piece of that month is a trillion dollars. If we look at it and look at this, like, i always say that again. Chris, what did you just say . I was like jack one more time please. I guess the debt pays to the entire us economy per month. Now is one that trillion Dollars Companies just yeah. Really. Yeah. Right. The entire budget for the entire chinese economy, the entire country. I the money that china actually spends on its economy every year is full trillion dollars. So the us, i mean, how do they keep up the questions or really, how is the, whats going to keep up in this as a trade in doing multi point of wells where they just think the printing money is the way to get out of it. Yeah, i mean, i, i know, but, but also one of the issues is you go to one to how much of their Interest Payments as well, you know, i guess, chris what, how, how did, inc, and how did us debt snow bowl to such an avalon . Yeah, so really great question. Maurice visit a few different things. I think the 1st thing is this on funded spending that happened during the coven 19 pandemic. Now the us tried to this thing called the cataract, but it wasnt, it felt very tiring now to the People Living on the bread live. But at the time they said, lets print a lot of money that borrow lots of money. And just give this away to people without funding. Exactly what would happen. Okay. Okay, stimulus is a good thing. Probably of it was an awful thing for so many people in effect and suddenly like were just giving away essentially free money. Most of that money ready went into the, the us Public Market into us Corporate Company to also then borrowed on top of box. So its just a sliding scale of cost that its like if you and i went out with all the credit cards right now, decided were just going to run them off but had no idea how we could ever pay them back. And just not think about it. Thats essentially what b u. S. Government did with the entire economy on the way that us businesses just like in 2008 with the financial crash, the hif, they just sold the policy of this free money. So kit and now that weve seen the consequent savings. Yeah, just kicking the can down the road, chris, i mean, i know youve always put your finger on the pulse of oval. The Global Finance is know the pianos and this that and the other, but it looks, i mean, legitimately, it looks really concerning what the future of the us dollar is going to be. Because you know, if the dollar has a crash, none of us are going to, were skype and skate, you know, its a global reserve currency. And what do you think the future holds for the dont whatever. Its really, its really hard to see. I mean, if we look, you know, you mentioned crypts, i just this, they, they just added basically the entire market cap of bit pointing to that desks and one day, right. And the market. So we got into this and youve seen that youve been this morning looking at this, and i think were going to continue to do the shifts away from the us dollar being this was the labor was as currency, because here we just put up china. We bought up russia, we india, one of these bricks, nations who with betsy already looking at other markets to invest in. Does that to be honest, you dont want to buy monopoly money. You wants to buy something. This wes, something on an economy which you see is being fiscally prudent and a great place to pump the money and invest and we arent seeing that right now. Were just seeing a, a, quite frankly, a surface go on, on, on and on all the us markets. But, you know, its interesting, you say that because at the end of the day, the bricks countries they now own and operate 80 percent of the worlds oil. And what is the world oil priced in his pride in the petro donna so that theres not gonna last much longer. I just briefly christmas, very, very briefly that people keep talking about the dollar ice age and all this kind of stuff. You know, excuse me, over the past 10 years, the euro has accounted for about 40 percent of glue will trade. Now its down to about 12. 00. I mean, how much of it is purchasing power has to you or last, how it thats absolutely dont gotten to in the way you look at that one movie. And i think that is to do with just the way in which the European Union has know that as adults to the us and havent really fed some business spots when they used to be the largest trading partner with china. It still is to some respects, but losing that relationship that theyve lost with china, like following us foreign policy. We like, as i said, like nothing dogs, theres just really damage to the european economy and i think may be reversed simply. Yeah its, its the g 7 countries are really talking about now chris, and its always so good to have you on it, but its also reading, reading while reading every time you come in. Thank you very much. See you soon. The same to well that china says its keep in contact with the us on potential meetings and consultations of a statement coming immediate reports on possible bilateral pokes between the 2 countries, leaders of the Asia Pacific Economic cooperation for them that is kicking off in november. But the meeting may be offended by reason accusations from washington, which claims that beijing has been spending billions of dollars to spread lies in this information to shape the opinions of the world community. Washington claims are those efforts could create a global bias in favor of china. Ok, no. Well, patient has responded calling the us a quote. Empire of lies the yes they did find the report is in itself this it as a nation as it misrepresents facts and truth. In fact, it is the us that invented the weaponized in of the Global Information space from authoration. Welcome to which bribes and money today and use media for propaganda purposes. And they called what you right to have lots of wide poles a and a stage to video of the what, how much cited as evidence to wage was of aggression in iraq and syria. Earlier they century and then to the know most law and made up to smith china seen john policy effects have proven time. And again that the us is an in pile of lice. Through and through listening to a professor of the power school of technology and business that mr. Benjamin chow. Hes got a strong opinion. He says that washington is losing control of the narrative. With an association of, of Global Information space is a, is the cost of saving method for you as to the insights conflicts in other countries, especially a fortress is about to brooklyn. From the thing of the us. Its very skillful in insight and conflicts among ethnic groups in any countries part the us right now and it is risking losing what they seem to think itself to have a screws have control over the Global Information space. But it really has never control the Global Information space exclusively, although it has a some huge success in many putting openings in neighbors, incidents such as using fake, massive, destructive weapons to invade a box such as a seller, expensive us editors to europe, and divert attention as to who has for them to, you know, stream to a at the same time through us as opposed to getting a quite a bit of challenges from the rise of the thought of the countries such as china and india. As well as the rise of social media. Well, the situation i think is getting to a Tipping Point because the information is the information reality is reality quote, no one has the right to rule the world for others. Thats just one of the very direct stipends by Vladimir Putin during the vile di Discussion Club on thursday and enormous annual think tank, attended by experts and john list. So now the high profile vegas with the participants are trying to produce an image of the new world, a poly centric, multi potent world, and rush as president was indeed the one who set the tone for the discussion to you. So delete the 2 United States and its satellites have firmly set a course for headphones, military, political, economic, cultural, and even regarding morals and values. It was clear to us from the very beginning that attempts to establish a monopoly were doomed to failure. Western influence in the world is a huge military financial pyramid. It needs new fuel all the time to sustain itself, natural, technological, and even human resources. The west simply cannot stop and was never going to do that. A lot of my pollutant has delivered yet another of his keynote speech is talking for over 3 hours. It seems he left no topic untouched, no stone unturned. And of course, he was adamant that the existing world or did that weve known for decades is over. It is crumbling, and this dismantling of it cannot be and done no matter how the us and allies might be trying to try and preserve as hes been even saying that one of the pillars of the existing world or the un itself has to be reformed. And re forged, so to be the furthest you want doesnt to be the United Nations Security Council should be comprised of countries that will significant influence in international affairs. What nations are these . India is in question. And then there are currently over 1500000000 people in its population with more than 7 percent economic growth. It is a global giant, and formidable nation for brazil whose population is enormous and whose influence is expanding rapidly and south africa. How could you not consider its global impact, but the countries following the existing, the old world order, they are opposed to such additions and according to Vladimir Putin, thats because of the status quote. They never have a problem with nations when they are beaten when theyre small, when theyre weak. But as soon as they gain power, as soon as they become more powerful, they inevitably start seeking independence. They start to see doing their own national interest. Like lot of my food has said these china is doing, and that is exactly the reason, according to the russian leader as to why the us has a problem with beijing. But also a lot of my putting that was asked about the latest incident in the Canadian Parliament when a nazi veteran a not a washer and assess veteran was greeted and applauded to and basically the whole parliament was standing and clapping. You quin solution you could shoot, i dont want to hurt the feelings of canadian people in any way as in spite of everything we treat canada and its citizens with respect. If he, the speaker of the Canadian Parliament doesnt know that hitler and his henchmen fought against russia during the war, hes an idiot of the list. It looked absolutely disgusting that everyone was applauding and nazi, especially the president of ukraine, who has jewish blood in his veins. A jew by nationality stands and applauds and nazi now also the russian president , tools to about ukraine as a country and where it finds itself. Now, just over. Yeah. Well, more closer to almost 2 years after the beginning of russias military operations that essentially a, shes tube tease. She stopped just short of cooling ukraine, a vassal of a europe of the west. She was born soon. At the 1st glance, everything is balance there. The budget is balanced in ukraine, about 4 or 5000000000. 00 monthly through various channels. Those are loans grants and so on going to frame. If you stop it, its all over in a week, everything will collapse. I have already said that the United States produced is 14000, a 155 millimeter caliber shells and ukrainian troops use up about 5000 a day. And in europe, the situation is about the same. They say it themselves, we have delivered everything all armored vehicles, ammunition. We have done everything for ukraine. Now one of the people who had the opportunity to ask the question to the russian leader was the grandson of shaw the goal of the shot, the goal and literally moments after the event ended, i had a chance to record an exclusive interview with him. And his a small bit baptist choose a 3rd my your your president hired my as vision, but he has such a broad, a picture and i will go on new jersey, new drugs the same. And to i was the same. I would say transcendental value to some of those periods because ive cant really feels that hes inspired by something superior. I mean, sure he does. Is that world wise 5, like im, feels that and so its so hard now for me to be here and. And so, so on, or i need you to, to fight and try to restore to friendship as a partnership. So my grandfather built was russia and 2 ways to hold for 4 people in my own country and, and in europe was shut up of flies. Well, fed up off, treason. Well, a new one to, to uh, to get boxes from the mountains. I use the other questions or do arise about the continuation of funding for ukraine started me across the western political establishment of western officials are being ramping up public rhetoric about why sponsoring kias minute treat is a top priority. Despite the severe economic downtowns at home. Now the Dutch Defense ministers have presented the argument that get this. Its apparently cheaper to have Ukrainian Forces fight against russia then for the west to do it. Its so so it is very much in our interest to support ukraine because they are fighting this war. Were not fighting. And so i think we have to engage also in the dialogue with our american colleagues and, and friends because they have the same interest in way. Of course, the 14th brain is very cheap way to, to make sure that russia, with this regime is not the threats to the nature lines. Here we go again, yet another western official spewing the latest hockey point, implying that tax stairs should not balk it pain. Ukraine to fight russians because its such a great deal. Wonder i agree and feel about the cost of their lives being reduced to a line item expense on western government spreadsheets. Theres also the implication here that the costs could be worse. It could involve wives of western troops, except that it wouldnt because the political cost of said the western troops to fight against russia and ukraine would be far too high. So even more serious consideration. But hey, as long as you crazy is are willing to do it instead of opting for a peaceful resolution. Then the west is only too happy to let them do all the dirty work while managing and manipulating the expectations and perceptions of western citizens. With this new spin line thats on the lips of so many western leaders like us senator lindsey graham, who call it the quote, best money weve ever set for earlier this year, pointing out that russians were, di as a few cranium. Sports, minor detail, i guess, or former secretary of state and 1st lady, hillary clinton, who said last december, that us a to you great is a quote, really good investment for the United States. They are not asking us to be there to fight their war. Theyre fighting it themselves, or polish president , andre, due to who said back in august, quote, right now russian imperialism can be stopped cheaply, because american soldiers are not dying. So now the Dutch Defense minister has added her voice to this tongue, dest sociopathic chorus. But the same minister was sitting a much different tune about values of freedom, democracy and territorial integrity last year and in front of you. Crazy and officials just back in march

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